Space - The Final FUCKtier Pt. 02

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Where our hero picks up an attractive young woman...
4.7k words

Part 2 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/19/2020
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I got an anon email asking why I don't focus on the male character appearances too much, simple answer is I like to give only small details on the main male characters appearance because I feel that most people imagine themselves as the characters. I dunno if thats true but if people want me to focus on other aspects then feel free to let me know. Always enjoy reading feedback!

"And in other news. The Tier 3 graduate shortlist has been released by our very own Captain Rays, those who have been waiting for the chance to see if you have what it takes. Go to the application page and see if your names on the list! Good luck and remember, ill be rooting for you." The rather pretty anchor woman for VNN (Valentine News Network) gave a playful wink and a smooth electric music rose from the hologram screen. The faint blue glow powered down for a few seconds before another voice spoke over the music.

"Thank you for watching the VNN. Up next, are you sick of constant rifle maintenance? Melee weaponry may be just for you! a re-run of Combat Today will be on in just a moment, with special guest Mckayla Petrova and her Valkyrie Squad giving us a step by step guide for what weapon is best for you!" Willingham flicked his wrist to dismiss the screen which was produced by the Telecaller. Instantly the blue glow evaporated into thin air. He laid back on his bed, still sore from the day before last. It was his first mission.

Alarms rang loud through the ship when everyone was asleep. The Code Yellow signal letting everyone know that Earth was under attack. While dangerous, it was nothing as bad as some invasions which he grew up with. Large insect like animals came from the sea and swarmed over the calm islands of Japan. Willingham was given the duty of evacuation via a long, exposed bridge which was an easy target for any of the vile creatures who wanted a quick snack on human flesh. He had been knocked around a few times from the opposing force who tried to swoop down and pick someone off the long escape route; but he was ok, only a few cuts and bruises to nurse back to heath.

Will had spent the last two days in his room, ordered by the cute elf nurse who paid him a house visit to take a few days before returning to active duty and training. So he did just that, he spent his time watching re-runs of old Combat Today shows, learning tricks and personal experience skills which scheduled training could not tell you. He had watched the most recent one which featured the stunning Mckayla Petrova at least five times; only paying attention to her soothing voice and how good she looked in her white skintight bodysuit.

He looked around his small and rather empty room, much like most of the others on Tier 2. It had been two weeks since his arrival on the Valentine, and while he enjoyed every second, the only two things he disliked was the cramped space he called a bedroom, and the fact that everything he accomplished by himself resulted in a comparison to his wonderful sister Wendy. It got so bad he even asked her what to do about it. All she could say was sorry for casting a shadow. He stood from the bed and massaged his lower back by rubbing his fingers softly in a circular motion for a handful of rotations. He sighed calmly and adjusted his black t-shirt he wore. Just then a beeping noise came from his immediate vicinity.

The noise was emanating from the Telecaller. A small light glowed bright which stood out in the dimly lit room. He approached the Telecaller and flicked his wrist up. The blue hologram appeared in front of him. On the screen was Lucy, one of his closest friends from the Tier 1 boot camp.

"Hey." She said in a friendly tone.

"Hey, you good?" Will responded simply.

"Been given the all clear, I'm back on duty tomorrow. What about you? I was going to call yesterday but I heard you got pretty banged up." He noticed Lucy was beaten up too, light scratches healing well across her cheek and forehead. Like always her dark ginger hair was tied back into a tight ponytail, makeup lightly dusted across her face. He deduced quickly that she wasn't at home.

"Yeah, I'm feeling better. Maybe a little sore but comes with the job."

"Good." She snapped and smiled, showing her cute dimples.

"Come to the rec room across from our accommodation building. Troy asked a bunch of us to drinks to celebrate our first mission."

"Was I invited?" He asked crossing his arms firmly. Lucy frowned and shrugged.

"No...but he won't care."

"He would care. He probably only invited girls to this little gathering." To Willingham, Troy was nothing more than a guy who joined to pick up girls. Even though he was a good hand in a fight he still seemed only interested in looking impressive for the closest girl to him. He remembered back on Earth during the attack while a small group of people were defending a small family from the giant insects Troy was more bothered about how nice a girls ass looked in battle armor.

"That's very possible. But who cares, if he just wants to hook up with someone we can just go together, are you embarrassed to be around me or something?" She pouted playfully, grinning to him. He smirked and nodded in defeat.

"I guess I can come, not like I have other things to do." He quickly looked at himself to see what he was wearing would be appropriate for the outside, quickly deciding that a plain black t shirt and jeans was presentable enough.

"I'll be down in a second. Meet you there." Lucy nodded and bi him farewell for the moment, signing off as the Telecaller's blue hologram faded. He pivoted on his foot to turn a full one eighty towards the exit.

"So I said 'Hey Johnson, wheres the rife!" The small group of people around the table laughed, excluding Lucy and Willingham. They were cut off from most of the rec room, in the bar section of the wide spread of relaxing activities which took place inside the building. There were two floors, the top floor consisting of a long line of rooms labelled VIP. Often Will would look up above to see people enter and exit the rooms with empty glasses in hand. He had wondered what was up there. Troy was still reeling from the joke which he told to the group. Other than Willingham, Lucy and himself, the rest of the group consisted of Johnson; a smaller gentleman who was known around town as Troy's sidekick, and four girls of human decent, all seemingly infatuated with Troy and his dashing good looks.

"He's a bit of a douche isn't he?" Lucy muttered to Willingham, lingering her gaze on his aqua eyes. He looked from the second floor to her noticing her cute appearance from the effort she put in for the evening.

"A bit?" Johnson leaned over and looked at the duo. Lucy turned and looked surprise.

"You think so too?" Willingham leaned back on the comfortable booth seats and raised an eyebrow.

"Think so? I know so..." He replied scoffing loudly. He knew full well that the arrogant and narcissistic Troy would be too focused on which of these four girls he would try (and more than often fail) to take back to his place.

"Let me tell you. I've seen this guy do so much shit you would not believe!"

"Like? Come on if you dish the dirt ill buy you a drink." Lucy leaned forward and rested her elbow on the table, eager to hear what the one person closest to Troy had to say about him.

"Last week he was meant to send a report to S.I Bishop. Something about her catching him exchanging numbers with a Tier 1 girl on their visit up here. It could have got him relieved of know how it is here. So he filed the report, but wrote it all in computer code. It was..." Willingham listened with great intrigue; but from behind Johnson, sitting by herself on the bar counter with a tall thing glass of bright green liquid in hand was a woman whom he seemed drawn to. From the distance between them he could tell how attractive she was. Her deep bronze skin smooth and faultless with her long frizzy dark hair hanging loose over her head. Her lips were pouty and coated with a shiny gloss which seemed to glint in the light. She say with one leg over the other, clearly she worked on her lower body, as her toned legs were visible from this distance away. She wore a pair of cream coloured leggings which ended just above her knees, with training shoes on her feet. Covering her upper body was a jumper which exposed one of her shoulders, showing one black bra strap which rested on her shoulder. He seemed to forget that he was meant to listen to what Johnson was saying while looking at her. She looked over at him and stared directly into his eyes. She smiled like any stranger would, before taking a sip of her drink. She looked back at him for a second time, nibbling lightly on her bottom lip.

"Hey Willingham." Troy seemed to have noticed what was happening as Willingham shook his head to get out to the staring contest with the pretty stranger. He realised that everyone in the group was looking right at him.

"W-what?" He said scanning everyone around him. Troy hunched over and spotted the biracial beauty. He scoffed hard, snoring out of his big nose.

"In your dreams." He said simply. The girls giggled before seeing the stranger also. Once they saw her they scowled and gave a bitchy expression, clearly jealous of her being the focus of two of the three men at the table.

"Shes way too hot for a guy like you. You should just settle with a girl who pretends to like you only so they can meet your sister."

"Fuck you Troy." Lucy and Willingham spat angrily in tandem. Johnson smiled and leaned back on his chair.

"Ok then." He shrugged and flicked his arm up in front of the girls and activated his wrist device. A timer formed in the air in a bright blue colour.

"Five minutes. Get her ID number and maybe i'll think you got what it takes."

"He doesn't need to prove himself. Besides as if he wants to pick up some bimbo at the bar. Look at her its so obvious shes only here for one thing." Lucy shook her head and blushed, evading the gaze of her friend who darted his eyes to the attractive stranger then to the timer. After a moment of debating within himself he took a look sip of his drink and nodded to Troy.

"Five minutes? Be right back." He stood and shuffled across the booth and out onto the rest of the bar. He looked back at Lucy who gave a disapproving look at him, while Troy was his same arrogant self; the girls all looked interested as well as Johnson, who was sitting closer to one of the four girls. Willingham approached the woman at the bar, passing by loud patrons who spent their time playing virtual darts or addictive virtual reality games (The most popular was a endless horde game featuring any weapon of choice and a points system which scored you on how well you killed the enemy invaders. The top five scores were all filled with the same initials M. Petrova.) As he got closer he noticed just how sexy this stranger was. She had a constant smirk on her face, oozing confidence to the point where it wouldn't sound crazy to say she owned the room, she was almost intimidating. From the corner of her eye she spied Willingham approach her. She toyed with her hair while she turned toward him, raising her eyebrow.

"I was hoping you would come up to me...I almost considered coming to you." Her voice was smooth and almost familiar. He felt a warmth inside him as she laced her words together. She smiled and extended her hand to shake.

"Jessica. I know who you are." She said simply as Willingham took her small smooth hand to shake firmly.

"Yep, Wendy Willinghams little brother."

"Yeah but I heard about you from the other day. Word is you're quite the knight in shining armor."

" heard about that?" He stood beside her and leaned on the counter. She swiveled herself to face him, staring into his eyes. She nodded slowly before taking a sip of her drink.

"I think you're very brave...and quite handsome too." She raised an eyebrow and played with her long hair more. It was here when Willingham was close enough to smell her perfume. It invaded his nose and engulfed his senses. He could already feel himself get excited over this woman in front of him.

"Well it comes with the job...I've been known to-" Jessica pressed her finger onto his lips, sending a light shhh noise in his direction. He stopped talking and an expression of confusion washed over him.

"I know why you've come up to me, its not for a friendly chat. Something tells me your friends over there who are staring at us have bet you to get my number, I can see the timer." She smiled and lowered her hand, quickly going back to playing with her long frizzy hair. He chuckled and nodded slowly.

"Yeah thats pretty much it. Does this happen often?"

"Almost every time I come here. In fact I recognize the guy with the timer. I think hes tried to get in my pants every time i've come here in the past two weeks." She raised an eyebrow and looked over at him. Quickly her view went back to Willingham, scanning him up and down.

"How about this. I give you my ID, just to show him up. I'll even give you a kiss if you want to?" She rose up from her seat and looked up at him, she was roughly his height, only a few inches shorter.

"I can't say no to that offer." He felt her hand take his wrist and gently pulled it up to her. A hologram lit up and numbers appeared in a bright blue colour. She swiped on the numbers to form a ten digit code. Biting her lip she leaned forward and planted her plump glossed lips on his, she moaned lightly as they kissed slowly, her toes secretly curling inside her footwear. Willingham kissed her back, slithering his fingers between hers as they lingered for longer than any pretend affection would. Slowly but reluctantly he backed off, feeling that any longer and people would notice. She licked her lips lightly and raised an eyebrow.

"You are a very good kisser honey." She winked and squeezed his hand before sliding her fingers out of their grip and to her wide hips.

"I'm full of surprises Jessica." He muttered while discreetly adjusting his jeans. Jessica instantly noticed and raised an eyebrow.

"I bet you do...listen. If you're interested to...get familiar with each other...go to the bouncer on the stairs to the second floor. Ask for Jessica's room and tell him I sent you." He blushed and cleared his throat, wondering what the group behind him were reacting.

"I will defiantly do that. Be there in ten minutes?"

"Make it five baby." She bit her lip and quickly pivoted on the spot and walked away; she made sure to sway her hips as she walked for him. He stood there admiring her rather large bubble butt bounce in her tight clothing. His heart beat quickly, his fingers trembled slightly. He suddenly felt a firm hand slap on his shoulder.

"Well put me in a dress and call me Sally. I'm impressed! You even kissed her." Troy looked at her ass as she stepped up the staircase at a leisurely pace.

"She's got a damn nice ass, imagine tapping that!" He laughed and turned around to retreat back to the booth. Willingham did the same quickly spotting Lucy who looked annoyed at him, her face lightly brushed with a shade of red. She smirked and rolled her eyes, seemingly knowing what was going to happen; she stood and approached him, passing Troy who paid no attention to her. Lucy, now in front of her friend slid her hands into her pockets.

"I was thinking of going anyway." She spoke loud, trying to be heard over the bustle of the crowd around them.

"Have fun tiger." She reached around to hug him tight, he embraced her also wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Did you get a look at her? I think it would be impossible to not have fun." She giggled and slid off him slowly playfully rolling her eyes at him.

"Men." She said simply while backing off from him. Slowly disappearing into the sea of people.

Will took a deep breath as he followed the bouncer across the deep purple carpet of the second floor. He stepped past sliding doors with the word LOCKED branded across the center. He had almost immediately approached the bouncer as soon as Lucy left; he did as Jessica instructed. Ask for her and tell him she was expecting him, at that point he nodded without saying a word and motioned him to follow. Now only a few feet behind the bouncer he saw just how huge he was. Almost double his size and rather fat. His suit fit him well as did the large stun stick her holstered around his waist. Willingham could tell that this man was formidable in a fight, and was very glad he was on their side rather than an invader. Suddenly he stopped in front of a room between two locked ones. He turned to him and pointed at it.

"In there, girl named Jessica reserved it last week." He powerfully stepped past him with a serious face. As soon as the bouncer was far enough away the door slid open on its own. Confidently he strode inside. The VIP room was dimly lit, only a soft red mood light from the ceiling showed the square room to him. Across from him was a large circular booth of seats which encased a black marble table. To his left was a personal bar which held various alcoholic beverages. He quickly saw a figure sitting on the middle seat of the booth, facing dead straight in front him.

"Well hello mister." The familiar voice called out, in that same allure as before. She flicked her wrist slowly as the red light slowly turned to a white light, showing her in all her splendor. Willingham instantly noticed her change in wardrobe. Now she wore a long wispy robe which was thin enough to show her thick brown body underneath. Covering her private areas was a tight black bra and underwear the same. She held a drink in one hand and the other on one of her exposed legs. She smiled and stared at him as she took a sip.

"Wow..." He muttered as he approached the bronze beauty.

"You're cute when you're caught off guard you know that?" She brushed her fingers down her leg and onto the table as she stood. The table instantly lowered into the floor which slid open for the furniture to lower and eventually disappear from view which left enough space for them to stand face to face.

"I don't think I need to ask if you like what you see baby." She slowly twirled on the spot causing the robe to sway, it was very loose over her, she didn't care what she was showing. She tugged lightly on his shirt once she spun a full 360 degrees, biting her lip which stifled an erotic moan. They stared at each other before she leaned into him, planting her plump velvety lips onto his. He extended his arms and slipped them under her robe, caressing her smooth skin while she unbuckled the belt on his jeans. His heart beat quickly, the need to push her onto the seat and take her grew inside him, her smell sweet and alluring.

She was good with her hands, skillfully taking his belt off and tugging at the waist of his jeans, when she felt the opportunity she dove one hand into his trousers, smiling as they continued to kiss. Jessica slowly caressed his body as she grasped the thing between his legs. Her eyes shot open, pulling away from him in the blink of an eye, one hand still down his jeans. What she held in her hand was huge. She rubbed it softly; hands trembling as she looked at him with shock on her face. He looked back with a devilish smirk, one which made her blush and swoon.

"No fucking way." She muttered as she plunged a second hand down his jeans and grasped the long pipe down this mans pants. Her breathing escalated, firmly she pulled her hands up like a fisherman catching a heavy fish. The bronze beauty curled a grin on her lips without thinking. Willingham felt the cool air from the ships ventilators brush upon his now exposed penis. He was certainly gifted, a powerful 10 inches of uncut cock, it was smooth, not a vein to be found. His balls were large and hung close to his thick shaft. Jessica licked her lips and sank to her knees without a moment to spare.