Some Changes in Cassidy

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The prudish Cassidy uncovers a different side of herself.
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All of my writing is fiction, and the stories and characters are products of my imagination. They were created for my fun and, hopefully, your enjoyment. Some of the events in the stories are not particularly condoned nor encouraged by the author but are there to create and enhance the story of the imaginary characters and their lives. Comments are always encouraged and carefully reviewed. All characters within the story that need to be are 18 years of age or older. I hope you enjoy! And please take a second to vote and comment.


"Where are the kids?" Newton asked as he came through the front door.

"Backyard. It's still light enough for them to play a little longer." Cassidy gave her husband a quick kiss.

"That all I get?" he asked, a disappointed look on his face.

"You're never satisfied unless ..."

"Unless what?"

She shook her head. "You know what."

"Yeah, but I want to hear you say it."

"You're weird. You know I don't like to talk about those things." Cassidy turned and headed for the kitchen.

"Daddyyy." Newt caught a leaping Anna, their six-year-old daughter.

"Where's your brother?"


Jason Ward stumbled through the back door, face-planting five feet from Newton, who stood the girl on her feet and scooped up the four-year-old who was debating whether or not to cry.

"Nice nose-dive, buddy. You made your sister laugh."

Frowning, the little guy looked over his dad's shoulder.

"Stop laughing, Anna," he insisted defiantly.

"It was funny, so I can laugh."

"What's going on?" Cassidy asked, returning from the kitchen.

"Kid action. Which one do you want?

"I'll give both of them a bath if you'll finish in the kitchen."

"Deal," Newt said, handing a squirming Jason to his mother.

Anna loved taking baths, so she grabbed her mother's hand and skipped all the way to the bathroom.

Cassidy had nearly completed the kitchen chores, so Newt's tasks were simple -- put a soap pod in the dishwasher, start it, and then wash the skillet. Back in the family room, he could hear the laughing and giggling along with Cassidy's cautioning reprimands. He checked his phone, logging into his email. The inbox was empty, which put a smile on his face.

"Jason wants you to tuck him in."

"On the way."

Newt tucked in the little guy, while Cassidy did the same for Anna. He followed her down the hall, giving her cute butt a little pinch.

She jumped and squealed, giving him a dark look.

"Pervert," she grumbled over her shoulder.

"I'm a pervert because I love your ass?"

"Don't use that word. You know I don't like it."

"Ass, ass, ass."

Cassidy snapped around, hands on hips but was quickly swept up and thrown onto the couch. As he reached for her, she recoiled against the pillows.

"Don't you dare; the blinds are all open, and the lights are on," she said, her eyes wide.

"Doesn't bother me." He slid his hand up her leg and into her shorts.

Cassidy recoiled even further.

"That's for the bedroom," she said sternly, hoping it would satisfy her "sex-crazed" husband.

"Is that defined somewhere?" he asked, a questioning look on his face.

"Everyone knows that," she answered smugly.

"You need to explain that to a couple of guys at work," he said, nodding.

"Disgusting men. Don't compare me to them."

"I'm comparing you to their wives."

"Do you believe everything they tell you?"

"Good point, but even if I only believe half of it ..."

Cassidy didn't reply to that. She did wonder if the half that Newt believed was true ... and what it was. She could ask, but that would only make him more annoying. Not that Newt or sex was annoying--far from it. In the bedroom--where it belonged--sex was, well, indescribable, actually. She completely lost herself in its grasp...every time. But outside of those confines, she was almost prudish, and any reference to sexual matters caused her to blush.

Despite the constant teasing of his wife, Newt treasured those special bedroom nights with the woman who was almost a stranger; her actions during the hour before sleep so far removed from the other twenty-three hours of the day. It was almost like scheduling an appointment with, well, the dentist was a poor analogy, but the idea was there. Newt was very organized, but he thought he would enjoy a little more spontaneity when it came to sexual things. He did wish and hope she might relent, at least a little, in that area. She was twenty-seven now, and he knew the longer she stayed like this, the less likely she was to change. He needed a plan.

Cassidy was wise enough to know that tonight should be one of those special nights ... which it certainly was.


Newt smiled at the very pretty brunette sitting across the table from him. The children were in bed, and they were enjoying a snack of apple pie a la mode. Most times, he could look at her and not feel his blood beginning to heat, but when they were alone, like now, it was inevitable. She didn't have an exceptional body -- she did have smaller breasts, was a bit "hippy," her description, but had a fantastic ass. Oh, and a very pretty face, too. He'd decided to try something.

"Good day, Cass?" he asked.

"Eh. Anna played nicely when she got home from school -- Jason was a terror all day. I wonder if he doesn't feel well."

"He sure fell asleep fast."


"Probably," he agreed. "Different subject, but have you ever watched a triple-X video?" He tried to sound as casual as possible.

"Newt -- no!" she exclaimed, a bit of ice cream dribbling down her chin. "Why on earth would you think that?" Her expression touched on fierceness.

"I didn't know for sure, and I was just curious."

"We've been married for seven years. Do I impress you as someone who watches pornography?"

"When Anna says she doesn't like sweet potatoes, you tell her to try them." It was a commonly heard phrase around the Ward home.

"So you're comparing watching porn to eating sweet potatoes?" Cass said, shaking her head.

Newt chuckled. "Don't twist things around, Cass. I just think you should take a look."

"Don't hold your breath," she suggested, knowing that in a couple of hours, they'd climb into bed together and have wonderful sex.

The pie and ice cream finished, they went to the family room, Newt to watch some TV, and Cass to read a couple more chapters of her book--a western. But, her brain had shifted into gear after the brief conversation over the apple pie. She wondered why she was so averse to even taking a peek at a porn video. Her parents hadn't been overly strict, but there certainly hadn't been any porn in the home. When she thought about it, the total lack of any mention of sex or sexual activities made her wonder how she and her brother had been conceived. The family had always been very prim and proper, even to the extent that photographs were never extemporaneous--they were carefully posed, with smiles, and even changes of clothing if necessary.

Pornography was an unknown commodity until she was in high school, and some of her more adventurous friends probed its depths, sometimes with their boyfriends. It was something she had avoided, and, possibly consequently, she knew little about sex when she got together with Newt, who was more than happy to teach her. Surprisingly, she found herself to be an apt and eager student.

But pornography; watching people do what they did...or more. She'd always been a curious learner. Did that apply to this too? She'd have no problem watching something when Newt was at work. But, he wanted her to do it so badly, she'd feel guilty cheating him of the pleasure of watching her watch it. Along the same line, how much would she enjoy seeing the look on his face if she suggested they watch some porn before bedtime?

Cass looked up from her Kindle, which she hadn't been reading, and looked at Newt, totally absorbed in an episode of Forty-Eight Hours. She wondered what he'd do if she suggested it right now. That wasn't going to happen, but it was fun to imagine. Pictures fluttered through her head, not of the pornography itself, but of Newt's reaction ... and what her reaction might be. That was something she hadn't considered -- how she'd react. Of course, not knowing exactly what she'd be seeing, she had no idea how she'd react.

They went to bed, and she quickly figured out that Newt had decided to make the next forty-five minutes all about her -- kissing, licking, caressing, probing, and finally centering on the swollen nub between her labia. Her orgasm was extraordinary, and she was so spent, she fell asleep almost as the last spasm left her body.

Breakfast was prepared and cleaned up, Anna was off to school, and Jason was down for a nap. Cass was thankful for that, as Anna had stopped her naps before she was four. She went out to the patio and plopped onto the chaise lounge. It was in the shade, but only for another twenty minutes. That's how she limited her breaks.

Last night's thoughts resurfaced, and the question was still there. As she seriously considered surrendering to Newt's request, she thought she felt her body trembling. She chastised herself ... it shouldn't be frightening, and if it got too bad, she could always just walk away. She wondered what too bad might be. With those thoughts, she realized she'd made her decision. She wondered if it would make her a different person.

The evening began.

"So, Anna, did you learn something important at school today?" Newt asked, sitting her on his knee.

"Yep," she replied.

"What is it?"

"Friday is the last day of school."

"Wow, that is important, right, Mom?"

Cass laughed. "I'll get used to it, and Anna has promised to be a big help."

"And what about Jason?"

"I'll help too."

"Life is good, Cass."

She raised her eyebrows at her husband. The neighborhood pool would help, but she knew summer would be a challenge. Speaking of challenges, the one hanging over her head had her itching to get it started. She hoped her patience wouldn't desert her.

When the kids were in bed and settled, and Newt was ready to watch a little TV, Cassidy decided the time was ripe.

"You know what we talked about the other night?" she said.

"We've talked about a lot of stuff."

A deep breath. "Porn," she said decisively.

"Oh, that," Newt replied, ready for another lecture.

"Like sweet potatoes, I guess I"m ready to try it."

"Cass, are you okay?"

"Well, maybe not, but I've decided I might as well see what it is. I need to keep you happy."

"Is that the reason you're doing it?"

"Partly. I'm curious, I guess. But don't question me too long. I may change my mind."

Newton was thinking. A total surprise, her answer had him pondering possibilities. They could watch on his computer, but he could also show it on the big TV. Much more impressive. But, there were the kids.

"I want to do this right," Newt said, "so let me make a suggestion." He knew he was taking a big chance, but if all went as he hoped, it would be worth it. "I want to put it up on the big TV, so you can, well, see all the details." He smiled at her.

Details? What details did she need to see? She was ready, but what was going on with Newt?

"So, are you backing out?" she questioned.

"Oh, no, far from it. Remember the first time we had sex?"

That would be hard to forget. Newt had fixed up his place with flowers, candles, special oils, black lights, and other things she was sure she'd forgotten. It was two days before the wedding, and he'd said he wanted everything to be super special for their "first time." The hotel where they'd be spending their honeymoon was nice but not "special," he'd told her. It was certainly something she'd never forget, nor forget the work he'd put into it to make it as perfect as possible.

"You know I'll never forget that."

"Well, this is another first, not nearly as big as the other one, but I want it to be good, for your sake."

The way Newt looked at her, the sound of his voice, the nearly pleading look on his face made it difficult to say no to him.

"What are your plans for this one?"

"Anna said that Friday is the last day of school, and my parents are intent on establishing the tradition they began last year -- having the kids spend two weeks with them right after school. You'd said before it was fine, so they're planning to be here Sunday to pick them up and give us two weeks alone."

Cass had forgotten that, but she could see where Matt was aiming.

"So, I have to wait?" she said.

"Just till Sunday night, or Monday if you'd rather."

Newt loved to tease her, and tickle her, and otherwise torment her at times. She hated it -- but she loved it. When the tickling ended, what followed was well worth the torment.

"Sunday night," she responded quickly and received a kiss ... and, of course, the usual accompanying "feel."

Cassidy was a patient person, especially with Anna and Jason. But, when she was waiting for something to happen, something she KNEW was going to happen, patience wasn't one of her virtues. And, after she had made the decision, now she was going to have to wait ... and she might be a wreck by Sunday night.

On Friday, as predicted, school ended, and Jason was happy that his sister would be home with him for the summer, whatever that was. Anna was excited to go to grandma and grandpa's house. Last year she'd gotten more ice cream, cookies, and cokes than she ever did at home. Plus, they got to go to fun places. She helped Cass pack both her bag and Jason's.

Sunday came, and so did the Wards, anxious to take the kids to their place - the new tradition for the family.

"Listen, if it's going really well, we may want an extra week," Larisa Ward proclaimed, drawing a wary look from Joelle, her now questioning mate.

"That's so nice of you, Mom, but I'm not sure we can be away from these two for that long. We might have to schedule a visit."

Everyone laughed, but Cass was echoing Newt's sentiment in her mind. Two weeks was a long time -- three was a very long time.

"If you need anything, just give us a call," Cass said. "It's only about forty-five minutes to your place.

"Will do," Larisa said, grabbing Anna's hand as Joelle did the same with Jason.

"Be good for gramma and grandpa," Newt added as they went out the door.

Cassidy glanced at the clock, the subject of her attention many times already this Sunday. It was ten past two, and she thought she might be trembling already. She had no idea what Newt had in store as they hadn't discussed it during the week. She wasn't going to bring it up, and she knew Newt's ignoring it was another way to tease her. She decided to just wait -- she knew he hadn't forgotten about it.

He looked at her and smiled ... just smiled, a kind of knowing smile, though. He'd been married to Cassidy long enough to know her pretty well and knew she was anxious and more than ready for what he had planned. And he had been planning.

"So, you ready?" he asked, knowing she knew what she should be ready for.

"It's only a little after two," she said, her brain always putting sex into the dark hours.

"So, the kids are gone, we're alone, and we can do whatever we choose."

That sounded simple; it had just never found its way into her brain. But, it was still mid-afternoon, light outside...and before dinner, when she was usually dealing with a nap-fighting Jason and waiting for Anna to bound in after school. Was she ready?

"I'm ready," she answered, not willing to take a chance on more teasing.

"Good." He went to his desk and returned with a laptop computer. "Let me attach this to the TV, and while I'm doing it, take off your clothes."


"You should be naked to watch this stuff."

"Newt, it's light outside, and the windows..."

"No one can see in unless they climb over the bushes. You're doing one daring thing. Why not make it two?"

Naked? Had he forgotten who he was talking to?

"I'll start it off," he said, and, in fifteen seconds, he was naked. To emphasize what he'd said, he walked to the double windows and stood, hands on hips, looking out.

Cass couldn't help herself. "Newt, get away from the window."

"Not until you're naked. In thirty seconds, I'm going to climb up on the window sill."

She knew he'd do it, too, so there was no sense delaying the inevitable. She was already nervous and might as well add terrified to the mix. Naked in the family room in the middle of a sunny afternoon was beyond...well, just beyond. Her blouse came off, followed by her shorts. She kicked off her sandals as she loosened her bra. She could barely pull it off her breasts ... but she did. The panties seemed much easier, and Cassidy was naked. She was already breathing hard.

Newt returned from the window and stared at his wife, his eyes moving from head to toe and back.

Cass knew her cheeks were turning rosy from his unusual attention, but she enjoyed watching his erection progress from limp to almost full.

The computer was on, as was the TV, and Cass was waiting.

"Let's look at some photos first."

The first pictures were from a nude-in-public series, the young and very pretty girl walking through city streets, some deserted, but some with people taking her picture and watching her.

Newt changed to a new set.

"Oh my gosh," Cass said, eyes wide.

"Big, aren't they?"

"Are they real?"

"Look real to me."

A couple more pictures.

"How can she do that?"

"Spread your legs, Cass."


"Just spread them."

If she was watching porn in the middle of the afternoon, it was silly to be bashful. She spread her legs. Newt acted like he was taking a photo.

"See, easy. You just did it."

Cassidy shook her head. "But there's her you-know-what --"

"-- Pussy," Newt interrupted.

She looked at him. "Pussy," she repeated.

"Sure is," he confirmed.

"It ... it's, um, different from mine."

"Which do you like best?"

"Which do you like best?" she echoed, surprising herself.

"Haven't tried that one."

"Newt!" she exclaimed to his loud laughter.

A few more pictures.

"Newt, this one's breasts are way smaller than mine."

"Tits," Newt said. A look from Cass.

"Her tits are smaller than mine ... but ... "

"Quite a pair of nipples, huh."

"I never imagined. So different."

"Check this out, then."

Cassidy's heart began to pound. It was a man and a woman, naked, and the woman looked hauntingly like her. The face was different, but the rest was Cass. The man was muscular with a shaved head and a few tattoos. But what she noticed most was...his cock. When she held Newt's cock with one hand, there was enough exposed to make a nice mouthful. The woman had both hands holding the cock, and about the same left over as she had with Newt. The cock she was watching was one hand longer than Newts.

"I told you, didn't I?"

"That they were different sizes? Yeah, but it never really registered."

A few more pictures from the set, and that huge instrument was at work. Cass was almost panting as she looked at pictures she'd never imagined.

"Let me do one more thing," he said, fiddling with the computer. In a few seconds, a video began on the TV screen. It was the man and woman from the photos, now with sound and motion.

Cass watched for several minutes, the couple clothed and chatting.

"Sit here beside me," Newt said.

They sat watching the video, Cass's hip pressed against Newt's.

Soon the couple were naked, the woman gagging on his huge cock several times. Then he was between her legs, spreading her labia, the camera zooming in to focus on her clit. It was a smooth and shiny nub, and Cass wondered.

"Spread your legs," Newt said.

She did without even thinking.

Newt paused the video, then aimed the computer between her legs. "Spread yourself."