Smile, You're on TV

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Wife's trip to an adult store provides more than toys.
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We only have one local adult store in town, appropriately named "Love Shack," it's located in a small shopping center in front of the K-mart. We have always wanted to check it out, but our timing was never right, either it was closed or we didn't have the time to stop in. One night our timing was right, it was open and we were bored and wanted something to spice up our love life.

The clerk was a nice looking young girl with a knockout body, maybe in her twenties, but somewhat strange looking by our standards. She had blue stripes in her long blond hair and several piercings and wearing a very tight, light green tank top that revealed she had large perky nipples. She asked if we needed any help to find anything, we declined, saying we're just browsing.

My wife Kathy, perused the store trying to look at everything without showing that she had never been in an adult shop before. The wall full of rubber dicks of every size and color caught her eye; she just had to touch one to quell her curiosity. She exclaimed as she wrapped her fingers around the shaft of a gel model, "Wow, It feels very real."

There were about five guys in the store so focused on Kathy, that I thought were about to offer to take out their dicks so she could feel "real". The guys just kept staring at her and so creeped her out, she wanted to leave.

After leaving, we talked about buying some sexy lingerie, but Kathy said she would like to go back earlier in the day when it was less busy. A few days later Kathy went to the store and it was just her and the girl clerk in the store.

She looked at some less revealing satin chemise's that caught her attention, but wasn't sure how they would fit.

"Do you have a changing room?"

"Not in here, you could take them home, try them, and return if they don't fit."

Kathy didn't want the hassle and put down the outfit. The clerk, sensing she is going to lose a sale, said, "You can go in the back room and change; it has a curtain for a door."

The back room was full of triple X tapes, DVDs, and some strange toys. Kathy went in and tried the outfit, but she couldn't see how it looks because there weren't any mirrors in the back room. She peeked out of the curtain and not seeing other customers, came out and asked, "Do you have a full-length mirror?"

"No, but I'll critique the outfit for you if you like. My name is Amber."

"I'm Kathy," Kathy relaxed and modeled the first outfit for Amber.

"That doesn't do your figure justice, but try this one," as she handed Kathy a sheer wrap to try.

Kathy tried it on, stood in front of Amber and twirled around trying to act sexy. The sheer top opened, exposing her breasts to Amber, and she didn't try to cover up. For some reason, Kathy was beginning to like showing off her body to Amber, she didn't turn away from her while she changed into sheer baby doll outfit Amber had selected.

Just as Kathy was getting into it, several customers came into the store and Amber excused herself to attend to them. Kathy panicked and put her street clothes back, not wanting to be caught by some stranger while wearing revealing lingerie. Kathy lingered around the back room until the "coast was clear" and she could leave without drawing any attention.

Kathy sat in her car a few moments to calm down while her heart raced, it was an exhilarating experience, almost being caught partially clothed in an adult store.

Later that night Kathy told me about the Love Shack experience and how she was so embarrassed that she "chickened out" so to speak. She still hadn't bought anything at the store because she panicked like a little girl.

"I'm going back and next time I am going to get some sexy lingerie and maybe a few toys."

After a few days and a preemptive Valium, Kathy went back to the Love Shack determined to go through with it. Kathy was all giddy that night wanting to tell me every detail of her adventure at the Adult store.

"Bob, you would have been proud of me, I really did it all on my own."

"I drove over and the store parking lot was empty so I figured it would be easy because no one was there except for Amber."

Once inside, Amber said, "I see you are back again, are you ready to try on some sexy lingerie?"

"Yes, I'm sorry I ran out on you before, I... sort of... um... panicked."

"You're not the first to do that. I have an idea of what you should try today, OK?"

"OK, let's do it, I'm ready today"

Amber lead Kathy to the back room where she could change outfits. As Kathy changed, Amber asked if she was up to trying a few new things.

Kathy answered, "Yes," not wanting to let Amber think she was going to waste her time again.

After trying on a few baby doll outfits, Kathy selected a thin white silk robe that just revealed every contour of her breasts. She's conflicted, she wanted sexy very revealing lingerie, however felt more confident in a robe that covered her up more.

As Kathy was standing out in the store modeling the robe for Amber, Amber grabbed her by the arm and pulled her over to a magazine rack and handcuffed one arm with fur covered handcuffs.

As Amber pulled the other arm behind the rack, Kathy asked, "What's going on Amber?"

"I want to give you some other options besides lingerie, which you and your husband might find sensual."

Now Kathy had her hands cuffed behind her in the back of an adult store. She tried not to panic like before, so she took a deep breath and forced herself to relax.

Amber asked, "Have you ever tried nipple clamps?"

"No, but, it sounds painful."

"You should try them, you may like it."

Amber selected a set of clamps from the wall that were basically alligator clamps with a rubber coating, she opened the robe, pulled one of Kathy's nipples out and attached the clamp.

"Ouch," Kathy said, "That's too much."

Amber removed the clamp and said, "Let's try these stainless steel nipple vises, they have adjustable pressure."

"She clamped one lightly on my nipple, the cold steel made my nipple hard. She attached another clamp to my other nipple and let the attached chain fall down. I wasn't sure if it was Amber's attention to my nipples or the clamps, but I was starting to get aroused. There was one more item connected to the chain, a harness that went over my head that held a ball in my mouth. In essence, I was gagged and all she could do is mumble as Amber asked if I was OK."

"I'm going to add one more item to your outfit." As she put a blindfold over Kathy's face.

"All I could say was, 'mfff ... aggg.' I was thinking this is not OK, I can't see anything and I am handcuffed to a magazine rack.

Suddenly, I was starting to panic again, I tried to free myself from the handcuffs to no avail. I could not make an intelligent sound with the gag in my mouth. "

Amber, sensing my panic said, "It's alright, I'm right here, just stay that way for a few minutes and relax."

"Just as I started to relax, I could hear the door open and someone came into the store."

Amber said," I'll be right back, I have to take care of this customer."

"I could hear her footsteps going to the front of the store, then muffled voices from the front. Next I heard footsteps coming back towards me, was it, Amber? No, her shoes had a different sound. Then the panic sets in again, I was partially exposed to whoever came back here. I decided to crouch down so I could not be seen. The footsteps went back towards the front. Whew, I thought, I avoided that embarrassing confrontation.

All was quiet again so I decided to stand up, as I did so I could feel the soft silk robe parting and slipping down my arms. As I rose, the chain holding the nipple clamps fell and pulled harder, producing what I could only describe as an electric shock from my nipples to my pussy. A searing feeling went through my body as I realized I was handcuffed in the back of an adult store with my tits fully exposed and my nipples clamped with some sort of device.

I could feel the cold chain laying against my stomach and it rose and fell as I breathed heavily, each time pulling ever so lightly on my nipples.

Just as I started to relax, I heard footsteps again coming towards me, was this Amber? No, I'm not sure, I tried to cry out, but only a muffled sound came out of my gag. Was this a customer coming back to look at what was making the noise?

Suddenly I had my answer as a hand touched my right tit, it just felt the nipple clamp as if examining the contraption in detail. Then a tug on the chain, more pain shot through my nipples down to my pussy.

My pussy was betraying me, it suddenly started to feel wet. Was I really enjoying having a stranger play with my tits and pull my nipples?

Mfff... Aggg... I cried out, trying to get them to stop, almost as an automatic response, the truth was I didn't want them to stop, it felt unusually pleasureful."

Kathy paused and pursed her lips like she wasn't sure if she should continue with her story.

"Well, go on, don't stop now."

After a long pause, she continued, "Next I felt something warm on my hands, what? Was someone playing with my hands, was that a finger? No, that's a warm cock sliding in between my cuffed hands. I could only make muffled objections. Soon I grasped the cock, feeling the girth and holding on to it. I started to play with it as I had done with you on occasion, I could feel it getting larger each time I grasped it and pulled.

Next, the stranger's hands reached around, feeling my tits as he pumped his cock in my hand. I was loving this, I wanted to stick my hand in my pussy and finger myself, right there.

The moment ended as a hot load of spunk shot over my hand, I could feel his cock pulsing each time it shot a load. Three or four shots, and it was all over. The stranger's deflating cock left my hands as well as his hand from my tits. I wanted to say, No wait, I haven't come yet, don't go.

I could hear his footsteps as he walked back towards the front of the store. Where was Amber? Does she know some guy just got off in the back of her store?

Someone else was near me, I could hear them breathing, but they never touched me. I started shaking as fear and embarrassment came over me. Here I was on full display, handcuffed in the back of the Love Shack for anyone to see and fondle me. What if someone recognized me? I would never live this down.

Finally, I heard Amber footsteps coming towards me."

"Sorry, I took too long. I had a few customers to deal with up front."

"Amber removed the blindfold, then the handcuffs and finally the nipple clamps. She seemed to linger over my tits longer than necessary, but it was OK after what I had been through."

As she removed the gag, I said, "Someone stuck their cock on me."

"She Looked at me in disbelief, until I showed her my cum covered hands. "

"I'm sorry, that should not have happened. Most of my customers are good guys, content to buy movies or look at stuff," then she handed me a tissue.

"Well this guy didn't just look, he touched."

Amber, looking down at my wet panties, commented, "It seems that you enjoyed yourself, though."

"I admitted that I did find the whole experience exhilarating and told her nothing like this ever happened to me before."

Chapter 2

I was in shock after listening to her story, this is not a story I would have expected from Kathy. I tried to look nonchalant about her experience in the adult store. At first, I thought she was just playing a joke on me or telling me a fantasy she concocted. She must have detected my doubt about the story because she said it was all true. I have to admit her story really turned me on, the thought of her handcuffed while some stranger fondled her tits was giving me a hard on. While we occasionally talked about involving a third person in our lovemaking, the possibility never became a reality and I had always expected to add a woman to our mix, not a strange guy.

Kathy modeled the new outfit and we tried recreating the store scene with handcuffs and blindfold. She didn't want the gag in her mouth so she removed it from the nipple clamps chains. The outfit worked as intended, I was aroused and ready for action. We experimented with the nipple clamps and wow, it really turned her on. That night she fucked like a horny teenager, the more I pulled the nipple clamps the more climaxes she had.

A few days later she said, "We have to go back together to Love Shack and pick up some more stuff."

"You sure you don't want to go back with Amber alone?"

"No, I would rather have us go together."

Hmm, I'm thinking she really didn't want to get into the situation she was with Amber again, but, I left that conversation drop until another time.

"Sure, we can go back whenever you want."

A few days later I got an e-mail from a friend of ours who does security systems, attached to the email was a picture of a guy standing by a rack of various products in plastic containers. The picture looked like a store I was familiar with but couldn't place it, nor did the guy didn't look familiar. Gary said one of his customers suspected this guy of shoplifting. Could I help identify him? I replied I had no idea of who it was or even what store it was.

Gary replied back, It's Love Shack, the Adult store.

Still, I had no information for him. Kathy got the same email from Gary, she immediately realized that it was the Adult store where she was shopping but didn't say anything. She just replied she didn't have any idea of who the person was in the picture, it wasn't very clear. Gary thanked us, but asked if he could come over and show us the video before he gave a copy to the police, saying, "Seeing the actual video may help you identify the guy." He persisted, so we agreed to have him come over the next night and show the video.

Gary, a heavyset mid-forties, nerdy guy, showed up at our house with his laptop. As he put in a DVD with the security video, Gary cautioned us that what we are going to see is the complete video from the date of the incident before he releases it to the police. The video started out with just normal customers, normal transactions, and then Kathy came into the store.

Kathy gasps and stammers out sheepishly, "I was there to get a few items." The video kept switching scenes, apparently it only recorded when there was movement; suddenly the video showed Kathy standing in the back room with just her panties and shoes on. The whole encounter, modeling for Amber, handcuffed, nipple clamps, tit fondling, it's all there. Whoever was behind her was always out of the camera view, all that was visible was his hands fondling her tits. There was someone standing close looking at her, but their face wasn't to the camera so they couldn't be identified. The video looked like a grade "b" porno flick.

"Now you know why I wanted you to see this before I release it to the police, I didn't think you wanted every cop in the town to see Kathy's escapades."

We both agreed that it would not be good to release the video to the police, Gary said, "I can edit this part out of the video before I give the police. However, I would have to falsify evidence, which is a crime." We both nod yes.

"I'll give you the original complete recording on a DVD and delete it from the stores recorder."

"Wow, thanks, Gary."

"Well, not so fast, I want something in return for this good deed."

I started thinking, is he is going to hit us up for money, how much am I willing to pay to delete this?

"What do you want for this good deed?"

Now a smile comes over Gary's face and says, "We can work something out if Kathy will agree." Kathy thought about her friends, seeing this video, harmless that it is nodded yes.

Gary says he wanted Kathy to put on the robe that she modeled in the store, come back out, and show him. Kathy said, "That is out of the question."

Gary popped out the DVD and said, "Are you sure."

Kathy decided that she would do it, how bad could it be to give Gary a show. Kathy came back to the living room in the thin silk robe, both tits almost showing through the material, stopped in front of Gary, and said, "Ok, here I am."

"Where are the nipple clamps, can't do it without the clamps, it's not official like in the video. "

Kathy left, I thought she was going to not come back or, at least, change into something less revealing, but, she came back and handed Gary the clamps, which took me totally by surprise. She left off the gag attachment, she didn't like that feeling and hoped Gary would not notice.

Gary opened her robe just like Amber did, then pulled one of Kathy's nipples and attached a clamp to it, almost fully clamping down. Her facial expression went from shock to pain as he then opened her robe further and grabbed the other nipple and attached the clamp. Her nipples were clamped and connected by a chain, which swayed every time she moved. It happened so fast, that Gary was done before Kathy or I could object.

Kathy didn't mind Amber looking at her body, but Gary was different. The way he leered at her almost made her ashamed of her partial nudity, she was feeling embarrassed and humiliated at the same time. She wanted to get this over and hoped Gary would stop now that he has seen her tits.

I could see Kathy was trying to hold back tears because she was partially nude in front of Gary with her tits chained together. She started to remove the nipple clamps, but Gary said, "No, my dear, you have to leave those on," as he pulled her over by the chain, stretching out her nipples. She had no choice except to move closer to Gary.

"You like showing off your pretty little tits don't you Kathy?"

Before she could answer, he pulled one nipple closer to him and tightened the clamp even more. She winced in pain, "No more Gary, it hurts."

He said, "You know you have to be punished for your dirty deeds, bend over my lap."

She just gave Gary a blank stare, as if she was in a trance. Then she started to comply but Gary said, "No, remove your panties first, I want to spank your bare bottom."

This took her completely by surprise, she was about to say no, tears are coming down her cheeks, but words failed as she reluctantly complied. She figured this humiliation would be brief and less than the world seeing her on the video. After all, she had already gone this far, so how much longer would a spanking take. The first smack was hard, then Gary stroked her bare bottom, pinched the cheek, her butt was turning red.

I was just staring in amazement as if I was watching a movie, completely detached from the reality of what was going on, until Gary said, "Bob, get me a beer, this is going to take a while."

Kathy started whimpering like a puppy that got whacked by a newspaper. I brought Gary a beer and one for myself. As we both were sipping beer, Gary landed another whack. Then he took the cold beer bottle and rubbed it across Kathy's butt, it must have provided some relief because she sighed. Then another whack!

I was really enjoying this; it was a front row seat to a porno featuring my wife. I would have never believed that Kathy would allow another man to play with her tits and smack her ass, let alone me allowing it to happen. There was such a perverted pleasure of watching Gary do it, more than I could have ever imagined.

His hand pulled on the nipple clamp's chain, Kathy let out a yelp. Then he let it go slack, then pull again. He stopped pulling and put the cold beer bottle on her nipples, then she let out another sigh.

Gary resumed whacking her butt, then he slid his hand up between her legs and said, "You must be enjoying this, your pussy is all wet." Kathy started to answer, but Gary pulled nipple chain again, then a butt whack. Now Kathy was moaning, face sweating, and she was panting like she just finished jogging.