Slaves of the Desert Compound 16

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Two bed slaves are trained and tormented.
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Part 15 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/25/2013
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The young slave had spent the day at his tasks in the compound kitchen. It was still less than a week since he had been snatched from his quiet fishing village by a pirate vessel and sold to his new owners; who spoke in a tongue unfamiliar to him, though he was beginning to understand some basic phrases. His world had been turned upside down from the moment he was taken on the beach outside his stepfather's cottage by two heavily armed strangers, and pushed into a rowboat which conveyed him swiftly to the pirate bireme.

Behind him smoke and flames began to rise from the village. He could not feel a great deal of sorrow; there were few there who had treated him kindly, the poorest of poor relations, orphaned at an early age. Though of late he had noticed an increase in sidelong glances from the villagers; without really grasping why, in his innocence, he nonetheless sensed admiration and desire. Did he but know it, the last year had seen him blossom into a highly attractive young man, willowy in form and blessed with soft skin, a sweet visage, and slender, well formed limbs. The pirate captain – a hard bitten, swarthy rover of middle age – had immediately summoned him to his bed, in a cabin scented with the expensive spices plundered during what had evidently been a profitable season of raiding.

Innocent as well as inexperienced, Metrobius was confused about what was expected of him until the captain, becoming exasperated, gripped the young man's soft ash blond hair firmly and delivered a series of powerful open handed slaps to his soft cheeks. The captain's hands were large and calloused; Metrobius was stunned by the sudden violence. His cheeks burning and head shaken, he at last understood his new role. As the captain lay back in his bunk, Metrobius lowered his head and gingerly addressed his open mouth to the older man's thickening tool.

Gripping it with his slender fingers, he fondled it steadily so that it stood up, flushed with blood and seeming to throb; when the captain impatiently pushed down his head, he obediently opened his mouth and began, clumsily then with increasing skill, to first kiss, then lick and suck, the stiff flesh. Instinctively he took care not to scrape it with his small white teeth; indeed, despite the captain's weather-beaten, scarred body, his skin of his member was extraordinarily smooth and satiny. This delicate surface, contrasting with its iron stiffness, somehow excited the young man; as he used his lips and tongue to service the erect rod, a glow permeated his own groin and his fingers stole down to grip his own cock.

For the next several nights he served the captain's needs; the older man became more agreeable as Metrobius submitted, indicating with signs the actions that pleased him most. The lad had panicked when the flesh filling his mouth began to swell, then spurt hot fluid; feeling as though he were drowning, he attempted to pull away. But the captain coolly grasped the young man's soft ears and pressed his cock even deeper into his soft oral cavity; Metrobius was obliged to swallow every drop of come, though he realized gratefully that the taste, if not the consistency, had little about it that was unpleasant.

The forced consumption of the older man's essence caused Metrobius some embarrassment; this baptism being such a demonstration of his powerless status, a stripping away of his privacy and defenses; indeed, his self respect. Yet it also brought with it a certain glow; he was obliged to submit to the other's desires, true, but submission and obedience resulted in leniency and even kindness from the older man. Called to the cabin, he experienced a growing pleasure as he stood in the narrow space and stripped; the captain's approving stare caused his heart to beat faster, so that he turned his body to bare both his softly haired, small but perfectly shaped cock and balls as well as his pale, shapely bottom to his captor's eagle gaze, his own eyes kept modestly lowered.

Now he eagerly engaged in their sex play, spending as much as an hour fellating his master; alternating slow, languorous, deep caresses with titillating flicks of his tongue to the tip of the cock; occasionally taking the captain's ball sac into his mouth and laving it gently. He began to sense when his master wanted to extend the pleasure, and when he was ready to climax; the final eruption of seed was exciting to both of them and his whole body seemed to soften and become boneless as the seed from the flesh filling his throat washed over him. He gladly responded to instructions both spoken and implied; often, having completed his service, he was obliged to commence again, tenderly servicing the cock which had been so rigid but was now softened and slick. It generally was not long before his mouth and slender fingers had restored it to throbbing life.

Occasionally the captain would stroke and squeeze Metrobius' pale rounded buttocks, creating a warm glow beneath his strong fingers. His stubby forefinger pushed between the curved flesh and pressed gently against the slave's secret opening, causing a flush of consternation at this unexpected intrusion. However, the captain contented himself with massaging the muscular ring that guarded the narrow passage; wetting his finger, he circled the rim with it so that Metrobius squirmed and a warm sensation filled his back area. He felt this tightly sealed doorway begin to relax its vigilance; he pressed his groin into the mattress as the touching became strangely arousing. Clearly the older man also found this exciting; his cock had stiffened and he indicated that the young man should attend to it with his mouth, which resulted in a quick and intense climaxing.

A young woman was among the captives on the ship; the same age as Metrobius, she also was extremely appealing, with similar pale skin, but with dark eyes and black curling hair. Her figure was neat and well proportioned; she spoke a little of the young man's language. Slaves together, it was not difficult for them to share their experiences. The young woman, it transpired, performed similar services with her mouth to others of the ship's officers. Her other orifices, however, were apparently off limits, this, she explained as they sat together in the boat's stern, watching the gulls following in the ship's wake, was to secure the greatly added value of virginity.

"They can use our mouths as much as they like, and we'll still bring a good price. But my other places " - here she blushed charmingly - " will be for whoever buys me. A pretty girl who is untouched in front and behind will bring a high price. It would be the same for you, no doubt; or has the captain already taken you in your bottom? It's so nicely shaped, he must be very tempted!"

Metrobius, somewhat shocked, allowed that while the captain had explored that area a little, he remained untouched. "But I'm so narrow back there; how would it fit in? Do you think it would hurt a lot?"

The young lady, displaying a considerably greater knowledge of the world, laughed. "I've heard that it does hurt a little the first time, but gets easier. I think it would feel good to have a hard cock inside me. It makes me wet to think about it. I like having them in my mouth, feeling them get more and more excited as I suck them, till they suddenly come. I like to swallow it too. I touch myself while I serve them, and sometimes it's as much fun for me as for them. Do you often play with yourself?"

Metrobius had to acknowledge that he wasn't sure what was involved there. When the captain's cock swelled and throbbed, and the younger man felt his master's climax was impending, it was curiously stimulating and Metrobius eagerly applied himself to the consummation of his oral activities. Yet, extraordinary to relate, the young man had not realized that he could bring himself an equivalent pleasure with his fingers. He admitted as much to his young companion.

"How curious! But I've heard that the mountain villages keep the old customs, and even a handsome boy like you learns little of pleasure before he is allowed to marry."

She leaned her soft body towards him and he was conscious of the pressure of her shapely thigh. She looked up at him strangely; the light was fading and her dark eyes glowed, while a subtle scent emanated from her lush body. Her small fingers crept across his lap and burrowed beneath his tunic. With a shock he felt her hand grip his penis; something he had never experienced.

She began to gently manipulate him as she whispered in his ear. "Does that feel nice? Really, you've never done this before? You have a lovely cock; I wish I could take it inside me." A delightful sensation followed the skilled touch of her slender fingers. She raised her face to his, and he saw her parted lips. She moved towards him and they kissed; her tongue sought out his and sucked on it.

Her soft yet assertive mouth sought out his sensitive places; at the same time she cupped her unengaged hand beneath his scrotum, gently cupping his testes – which felt fuller and heavier than was the norm - in her smooth palm. She squeezed them very gently and slowly, as she fondled his now-rigid shaft, skillfully controlling the waves of sensation that pulsed through Metrobius' groin and swept him away. Never before had he experienced such wonderful sensations, conveying transports of delight as they overwhelmed him.

"You are a sweet boy. I'm sure the captain is very happy when you come to his bed. Let me show you something; he'll like it when you do it to him." She had extracted his rigid cock from his disordered clothing; her touch was extraordinarily delicate and stimulating. Her head bent, and Metrobius felt a wonderful sensation as she licked his stiff member from head to base. "Does that feel nice? I'm going to show you how you make the captain feel when you kiss him there." She opened her mouth; he was engulfed in a warm wetness, and a succession of delightful shocks flooded his groin as she performed an extraordinary sequence of butterfly- like flicks to his most sensitive areas.

Her tongue and lips were unbelievably soft; she took him deep into her, so that her lips pressed against the very base of his cock. Frozen in ecstasy, he felt her move her mouth up to the tip; then plunge down again, so that he seemed to be gripped in her throat. She cupped his balls again and squeezed them delicately, then slipped a finger under him to gently caress his anal bud. Blushing, he felt a wonderful sensation, almost painful in its intensity, begin at his secret entrance and moved forward up through his cock. He was hardly able to move; her mouth dominated his being.

Her sucking and licking increased its tempo; together they began to gasp and cry out as his first orgasm swept through him, carrying all before it, as the girl now massaged him inside his rectum, teasing it to create a parallel sensation of almost equal strength. He writhed beneath her touches, transported on a magic cloud of warmth and sweetness.. Greedily she drank his essence as it poured from him; her hand was busy at her opened legs. A moment later she came with a long squeal; together they slumped back, exhausted for the nonce.

The girl was first to rouse herself, gazing with approval at her companion's cleanly sculpted, but almost feminine in their refinement, features. "I think I know where we will be sold." Metrobius leaned forward attentively. He had worried about this from time to time, reviewing all he had heard about cruel masters, backbreaking toil, floggings and brandings. "It's a place in the country – practically desert – outside Xiccarph. The mate told me while I was sucking him last night. He says we won't be working in the fields; that we will be bed slaves, for both the masters and the mistresses. He told me they should like to have me! But there are some frightening things too; one of the mistresses – he said she's a tall, red-haired lady, beautiful but everybody fears her – who punishes the slaves. And they like to watch the slaves sometimes, during banquets; they're brought in naked, tied up in the middle of the banquet room, and whipped. The masters and mistresses are pleasured by seeing the slaves punished. Then we must serve the guards, lots of them at a time."

She colored slightly. "That sounds rather exciting, in a way, being naked and helpless in front of everybody with cocks in my mouth, pussy and behind, all fucking me at the same time, and my behind tingling.. I suppose I would have to hold them in my hands, too! It will be the same for you, though you don't have as many places to put them!" She smiled wickedly. "Though the mate told me he's seen a young man take two cocks at the same time in his bottom."

Metrobius was aghast. "How could he do that? It's so...narrow, there."

"It gets wider with practice. I think you will soon find that out. Somebody will buy you; and then they will use you!"

A week later, the ship had docked in a bustling city, and Metrobius and his shipmate had stood in the slave market under the hot sun, stripped completely naked and surrounded by a mob of foreigners, their wrists tied in a parallel arrangement so that the two pairs of youthful, shapely buttocks were open to the rude probing and occasional caresses of prospective buyers. A dozen times Metrobius had felt a blunt finger pushing between his cheeks and pressing at his anal entrance, forcing a partial entrance into his narrow passage to assess its receptivity. Squirming in discomfort and embarrassment as he was impaled, he attempted to twist away without overtly offending the shopper, lest he anger the slave-master and provoke a series of lashes to his more tender parts.

His writhings had already earned him a number of stinging stripes to his calves, which burned like fire; the more so since his hands were restrained, rendering him unable to soothe the afflicted parts. His cock and balls were also fondled, cupped and tugged with regularity. His female companion fared even worse; Metrobius observed her out of the corner of his eye as shoppers pushed their fingers into her ass and pussy simultaneously, causing her to rise on tiptoe in a vain attempt to escape these rude penetrations, just as another thrust his fingers into her soft mouth to grip her cringing pink tongue. The soft white globes of her bottom soon showed a pattern of thin red stripes; apparently it was acceptable to display for sale a female slave, though not a male, so bedizened with welts.

Twice he was taken into the shrouded tent at the rear of the slave stand and – after some silver coins changed hands – obliged to kneel, suck and swallow. However, it was not long before the two young slaves - more comely than most of the other wares in the market - were acquired; pushed into a covered wooden cart by their purchasers, a pair of silent, heavily armed desert riders, and conveyed over a day and night through rugged, hill strewn country deep into the distant interior. Arriving at a walled compound that extended across several acres of land, walled in stone and set in a lush landscape, the two had been washed, fed, and thoroughly inspected.

His new masters spoke a different language; but after a few weeks Metrobius had mastered the basics of the new tongue, and could express himself rather better than an eight year old child. Though strict discipline permeated the compound, his duties were light; he helped the cooks in the kitchen, performed some light physical task. The food was plentiful and good; the slaves bathed daily, slept in dormitories on beds; a more comfortable life than he had known in his fishing village.

Occasionally he would catch a glimpse of one or other of the rulers of this small kingdom; a tall, well built, hawk-nosed man in his middle age, and various females, in a range of ages, clad in silk. Metrobius had learned from his immediate master, the under-steward, that slaves were forbidden to approach the masters unasked. Being a self-effacing young man, it was easy for him to slip into the household's routine; modest and slightly shy, he was instinctively obedient and ready to serve.

Most of the slaves' days were passed in obligatory silence; even in the slaves' dining room, loud conversation or any form of horseplay was discouraged by the steward, a stern, older man with deep creases in his face and a distracted, serious air. Metrobius observed that the slaves were, without exception, extremely circumspect in their relations with their superiors; there was never any disrespect, either open or covert.

He had however formed an initial acquaintanceship with Philip, a slave a year or two older, a very attractive young man with the same slender build as Metrobius, with similar ash blond hair and grey eyes. His bed was next to Metrobius'; he was quiet and rather subdued. Once or twice Metrobius had observed that when Philip stripped for sleep, he kept his back to the wall. One night, however, he took fewer pains to preserve his privacy, and Metrobius saw with slightly horrified fascination that the other slave's sweet rounded buttocks bore a quantity of red stripes. The two exchanged glances; next day in the dining hall, Metrobius ventured to address his handsome fellow slave.

"I don't mean to offend you,,,but I could not help noticing your behind. I was whipped too, in the slave market. It hurt. Did you do...something they didn't like? What do they whip you for, here?"

Philip smiled a little at his companion's delicate approach. "I didn't break any rules. My master likes to whip me. Even though I'm always ready to suck him and be fucked by him, he says he likes it much more after he's whipped me till I'm weeping. No matter how much I beg him to stop – though I can't really talk, since he always puts a gag in my mouth; doesn't want to hear me scream - he keeps whipping me until I can't stop crying. Then he fucks me in my behind, or has me suck him, or both. By that time, I'm ready to do anything."

"Does this happen to you a lot?"

"No, not too often. He likes the skin on my bottom to be clear, not striped, when he begins; he says it's exciting to see the red lines appear on my pale skin. When I'm being whipped, I'll do anything to stop it, but he decides when to stop, not me. I'm so grateful then that I'm completely relaxed, and welcome him into my bottom. Then he can go really deep; I'm just completely open to him. When I'm being whipped, I hate it more than anything. But when he's finally done, and slides inside me, all I want to do is please him. And I get really excited, which he likes. He says he didn't know how deep he could be in an ass; when he comes in me, I feel like I'm being swept away on a river. The drink helps."

Metrobius had learned about coming. "But what is the drink?"

"We have to take it when we're called to a bed chamber. We must be as prepared as possible to serve. It's some kind of medicine; it doesn't taste bad. It makes you feel excited and sensitive; your cock starts to stand up all on its own. They like that. It helps a little with the whipping, too; it still stings like mad, it's just easier to...well, accept it as if you deserve it, and you'll have the chance to show you want to obey, you're sorry for anything you've done to offend, when it stops."

The younger slave was appalled, yet fascinated, by these confidences. "Do you think that might happen to me too?"

Philip looked appraisingly at his youthful companion. He said kindly:" You're a beautiful young man. Why else do you think you were bought and brought here? Most of the lord's retainers have been out in the desert hunting; they'll be back tomorrow night. When they return, that's always an important occasion. Probably you're being saved for that. You'll need to look your best, act your best.. You haven't been fucked yet, have you?"

Metrobius confessed that this was, indeed, the case.