Slaves of the Desert Compound 13

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Two female slaves are subjected to painful correction.
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Part 12 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/25/2013
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The compound where the slaves lived was only one of a collection of buildings and open areas, similar in size to a small town. The community was a hive of activity, as the Master – a wealthy and powerful member of the upper nobility – administered his many enterprises, including spice growing and trading, the manufacturing of certain luxury goods, a fleet of seagoing vessels, and the buying and selling of slaves. The settlement was surrounded by moderate desert country (which effectively discouraged the slaves from fleeing), but the immediate area supported a number of crops.

Discipline for the large slave population was a serious affair, frequently and severely imposed. For the field slaves, whipping posts and stocks abounded, often with their victims left still bound and bleeding. Philip, Aspasia, Naivia and the other house slaves, whose principal responsibility was the delivery of sophisticated satisfaction, were admonished in a more subtle fashion. They were too valuable, and their good looks too delicate, to risk being disfigured by the savage beatings imposed on the field slaves, who were regarded as little different from beasts of burden. However, this was not to say that they escaped corporal punishment; it was a common sight in the house slaves' dining quarters to see one or other young slave standing as they ate; the wooden benches were hard on buttocks and thighs tender from a recent whipping. But the exquisite penalties that were inflicted on the house slaves were more carefully calculated, and often combined with the slaves' prime function: the giving of pleasure. They were not, however, regarded with anything other than fear by the slaves, who knew only too well the exquisite agony they brought.

Young slaves like Philip and Kyla were of simple country origins, brought up in strict village communities in the mountains or by the sea and sold into slavery by greedy relatives or successful military captains. But the lands around the compound were sometimes the scene of violent encounters, of raids and pillage, captured caravans and plundered estates. The latter occurrences brought a very different kind of captive to the compound; often individuals who had been accustomed to wealth and power, but now found themselves in bondage forever when a slave trader offered their bodies to the Master or his agents, who were almost always in the market for promising human material. It was these slaves, fallen from relatively lofty heights, who had the most difficulty adapting to their new state of servility. The chastisements administered by Astarte, her twin Amazon servants Kyla and Shura, and the other administrators of discipline, fell most heavily on them, remorselessly compelling them to abandon all resistance. The punishments proceeded inexorably, ending only after the will to resist was completely broken, and the slaves – by then usually striped from top to bottom, since instruction generally continued for quite a while after the unwise individuals had discovered the error of their ways - were ready to obey any instruction, perform any sex act with enthusiasm and abandon, even protrude their buttocks invitingly to receive additional cuts of the cane.

Two female slaves who had been recently captured in a raid were fated to be splendid examples of the skill of the Mistress and her acolytes in eliminating resistance and replacing it with utter submission and grateful obedience. One was a handsome dark-haired woman of about forty, with a patrician face, lush figure, and arrogant air, the other her stepdaughter, a slender, petite blonde, with a spoiled expression, beautiful fair skin, small well shaped breasts and narrow, attractive buttocks. This misguided pair did not abandon their supercilious attitudes once placed in the slave quarters, remaining sulky and complaining when shown their new responsibilities and tossing their heads rudely when reprimanded. The other slaves watched with interest to see from which direction the lightning bolt would fall. Sure enough, the pair was seated together at the evening meal in the slaves' dining room, where they held themselves at a distance from their fellows. The door opened and two of the household's guards marched in. One whisked the young blonde girl from her seat, easily holding her with one arm. Her stepmother rose in indignation, but was quickly pushed down into place by the other guard. She stared open-mouthed as her precious pet was removed from the room, squealing and struggling without making the least impression on her abductor's composure.

The petite young slave was brought into another room, her dress pulled off, and tossed naked onto a bed, her fine hair disordered and falling on her pretty, sulky face. She tried to raise herself up, while also endeavoring to cover her private parts with her hands. The guard simply pushed her back face down, and straddled her slender body, gripping her slender wrists together behind her back in one powerful hand while he knelt on the backs of her knees. The young slave was held completely helpless in spite of her struggles; her soft narrow buttocks and white thighs were turned invitingly upwards, entirely unprotected. Leaning back, the guard easily maintained his control of the girl as Shura, who had been waiting in a corner of the room, moved forward, a flat wooden paddle gripped in her delicate hand. Without delay she aimed and struck the helpless girl as hard as she could across her twin cheeks; a mighty crack was heard followed immediately by the girl's muffled shriek. Shura commenced a steady punishment of the soft surfaces exposed to her mercy. She struck again and again, sometimes shifting from rounded buttock to tender inner thigh, then delivering a succession of blows on the same spot. The girl screamed and sobbed wildly, but her face remained pressed into the bed; Shura gleefully guided her tormenting attentions back and forth, up and down, again and again. The girl's soft flesh was bright pink from the marks of the paddle, and Shura wore a delighted expression as she selected one target after another, aimed and struck, then moved immediately to the next place of punishment. The cracks of the paddle on flesh were a staccato counterpart to the girl's howls; she shrieked with pain, begging for mercy, without having the smallest effect on Shura's remorseless chastisement. Though the pain of the paddle was intense, it did not cut or shed blood; nevertheless the slave's buttocks glowed pink, then red as the spanking continued for minute after minute. Clearly the blonde had never experienced pain like this in her prior pampered existence; her screams became howls, then gradually died down as she commenced to sob hopelessly, like a baby. Shura was panting hard; her arm grew tired and she switched the paddle to her other hand, enabling a new flood of strokes. Finally she paused; delivered one more resounding swat on the brightest part of her victim's bottom, and sat back, while the girl sobbed more quietly and the guard, still easily holding her in place, now demonstrated a considerable tumescence under his robe.

Shura moved back and motioned to the guard, who raised his hand to his mouth to wet his fingers. Still holding the slave's wrists together, he moved his knees to rest between the slave's legs, which he pushed apart. He seized her bottom – she cried out anew as he pressed the tender flesh - and thrust two fingers into her exposed anus, where he moved them in a circle so as to widen the muscles of the young woman's back passage. She cried and struggled desperately, but her small frame made little impact on his trained strength. Now drawing her wrists above her head, he lowered himself down and guided the head of his swollen cock against her sphincter, which his manipulations had caused to gape open. He slid forward and impaled her, pinning her to the bed as he began to fuck her little ass, oblivious to her cries and pleadings to spare her. His cock moved deeply in and out of her bottom, making a liquid squelching sound and forcing a squeal from her lungs each time he plunged it in to the hilt. Soon enough though, he climaxed and fell back, leaving his partner slumped on her face, hair soaked in sweat, her anal entrance visible and gaping, a puddle of juices decorating it. Shura nodded in approval, then stepped forward with the paddle to deliver a new succession of agonizing smacks on the pink, uncovered flesh, creating more squeals, wriggles and cries as the slave continued to be taught the error of her ways.

In the slaves' dining room, the sudden abduction of her spoiled stepdaughter had considerably startled the handsome older woman. She appealed to her neighbors at the table for information, but they were not able to do much to enlighten her, responding only that it seemed likely that the younger slave was keeping an appointment with the Mistress. Several days passed, and there was still no sign of the younger woman; although when her stepmother swallowed her considerable pride enough to ask one of the steward's men what had befallen the younger, she was laconically informed that it was nothing fatal, and that all would be known before long. Greatly perturbed, she continued her importuning until the steward himself smacked her face hard in front of the other slaves and told her that matters would be clear soon enough. Meanwhile, she should not think that her own arrogant disobedience had gone ignored.

The stepmother's turn came at supper the next evening. Once again, two guards came into the room, this time plucking her off the bench, and marched her out. She was taken to another chamber and ordered to strip. Hesitating, she delayed removing her dress; then, as one of the guards moved purposefully in her direction, she removed her clothing and stood naked. She possessed a fine figure, with long lustrous dark hair, full breasts, a still-flat stomach, shapely hips and rounded buttocks. She quailed slightly before the intensity of their gaze; then glanced fearfully at a wooden post, about six feet tall, set in the floor, with a metal collar and wrist shackles attached near the top, at the end of short chains. The guards gripped her and brought her to the post; the collar, with only a few inches of chain, was placed around her neck, while her wrists were secured in front, raised up, with the remaining shackles. She was closely secured to the post, able to move only a few inches, with the full length of her back, behind, and long legs held open to the view of all. She cringed in embarrassment and tried to hide her face in her hair.

The door opened and she was surprised to see her stepdaughter walk gingerly through it. The girl was completely nude, and had new adornments in the form of fine gold rings piercing her nipples, belly button and, evidently, her exposed clitoris. She did not look at her stepmother, but instead went immediately to one of the guards and kneeled on the floor before him. Lifting his robe, she grasped his thickening member, and – to the astonishment of her stepmother – opened her mouth and began sucking it, while gazing upwards submissively. She intently fondled, licked and sucked the now rock hard cock, taking it deeply into her mouth, running her tongue the length of it, seeming to devote all her attention to supplying pleasure. The guard quickly reached his climax in her mouth, and she swallowed down his come without any resistance, continuing her submitting regard. The first task completed, she stood up and bending over, gripped her cheeks to part them and invitingly reveal her little asshole, which stood slightly open and shone with a greasy gleam. The other guard stepped forward; reaching behind, she guided his erection to her opening and with a push, took it into her rectum. Then she bent, grasped her ankles, and moved her hips and ass sinuously, moaning quietly as he fucked her ass. Again, the guard came relatively rapidly; gasping slightly, she squirmed so that his cock emerged, glistening with secretions. Still without acknowledging the older woman, she knelt to suck clean the cock that had just been in her ass. It was then that the stepmother saw the pink stripes that covered the length of the young slave's back, buttocks, and thighs.

The older slave sensed movement behind her, and strained against the shackles to look. There she saw – to her dismay – the smiling faces of Kyla and Shura. Each held a narrow bundle of bare twigs, bound together at one end.

"Your young one has undergone training, No longer will she resist authority; as you can see, we have made her eager to serve. Does she not make a charming picture as she pleasures our men? Now she does whatever she is told; usually we must only show her the cane to have her quite fall over herself in trying to please. We may take her into our bed tonight; she has become skilled at serving us. But she should stay here for the moment; now it's time for your own correction, and she should watch and listen as you are taught. I expect your lesson will take quite a while; one thing is certain, you are not going to like it. By the end, though, you will coo like a dove."

The slave opened her mouth to protest, but her expostulations were cut off as Kyla thrust a leather ball gag into her mouth, tying it behind her head. Now her hands were unable to protect her flesh, while the shackle around her neck further confined her movements. Her entire back and sides were naked and exposed,

"Shall we begin?"

The two Amazons stepped up to the post. Simultaneously they began to whip the unfortunate slave with their bundles of twigs. Immediately an agonizing stinging sensation developed in the areas they abused; together the two whipped the slave's buttocks, back, thighs, and calves. While she writhed and squirmed wildly in a vain attempt to evade the relentless sting of the twigs wielded by the one of her tormentors, the other addressed her breasts, nipples and belly, causing her to scream through the gag. Every inch of her naked body received the whip of the sharp twigs: her underarms, sides, the back of her neck, her pussy, even the soles of her feet were grasped, lifted and punished. She shrieked repeatedly through the leather gag; the blows did not cease for a moment, finding ever more sensitive skin to punish. The two Amazons then addressed her buttocks, each repeatedly beating one cheek, so that the poor slave thrust her hips from side to side in a hopeless, though somewhat comical, attempt to escape the pain; she was crying hysterically. Her skin was marked by hundreds of small red stripes; these aided the Amazons in identifying parts of her body that had so far escaped the twigs, which they at once addressed. Her legs were separated and the upper insides of her thighs and the crease of her behind switched, along with the sensitive areas at the top of the divide. Even her hands did not escape; Shura gripped her wrists, while Kyla flogged her soft palms, provoking more squeals of agony. Tiring slightly, the girls returned their attention to the woman's buttocks and thighs, she felt as though she was receiving a thousand bee stings. She hopped from foot to foot, turning her body frantically in the limited radius permitted by the shackles; yet each time she turned away from one implement of punishment, the other was waiting to inflict new torments on the exposed area. Tears poured down her cheeks, she gasped, cried out, howled; her body was in constant jerking motion as the twigs made contact. At times Kyla would whip her soft shoulders while Shura addressed her calves; the agony covered her entire naked form. Suddenly she urinated on herself, unable to control it; the yellow liquid splashed on the floor around her feet. At that, the Amazons gradually slackened the pace of the punishment; a few more strokes, and they stepped away from the slave, who slumped against the post, held up by the bonds around her neck and wrists, her skin striped like a beast's. She sobbed without cease, unable to move her hands to soothe the myriad stings covering her pale body.

Kyla selected a metal bowl; squatting and concentrating, with a small smile on her handsome face, she pissed a forceful stream into it. Bringing the brimming dish of yellow liquid forward, she removed the now soaked gag and pressed the bowl against the slave's slack mouth, insisting that she drink, When the latter turned her face away in revulsion, Shura delivered a rapid succession of strokes on her buttocks, choosing the most red and tender parts.. Again the dish was offered to her, and with extreme reluctance the woman took a small sip, immediately after being seized with explosive coughing and choking. This resulted in a further series of sharp strokes, causing the unfortunate woman to scream and writhe for a considerable time. Again the dish was placed to her lips; this time, gasping and protesting, weeping and begging, she drank till it was emptied.

Kyla and Shura conferred quietly. The woman was unshackled, and the young slave – who had watched her stepmother's chastisement with appalled fascination – was instructed to lie on her back with her mouth opened. She quickly complied. At the Amazons' order, the older woman was compelled to sit over her – she moved with great care, her whole body still suffering from the pain of the tormenting twigs - and urinate into her wide open, cupid's bow lips, which were parted in sensuous invitation. Gasping, without hesitation her stepdaughter quickly gulped down every drop of the flood of warm yellow fluid. At a word from Kyla, the two then began to lick and suck their partner's pussy, at first reluctantly, then with increasing fervor. Their faces glistening with secretions, they had abandoned all resistance, tonguing and licking the other until they came together, with a despairing cry. At that point their slave status was fully brought home to them. Now they understood that they were toys, mere possessions, to be posed, and disposed of, in any way their masters and mistresses wished. Their future was one of abject submission, a total abandonment of personal control, replaced with an obedient enthusiasm to perform at any depths required to please.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I like the Heather tales.

I thought the Heather tales were rather interesting. I hope she comes out of retirement sooner than later and I am not even a

redyellowgoredyellowgoalmost 11 years ago

classic piece. An honest look at the horror of nonconsent slave training. Bravo, bravo, bravo.

One can be appalled at this but should not deny the writing or portrayal of this well done chapter.

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