Slave Grading Mom

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A daughter takes her mom for a Free Slave Grading.
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They're having a free slave grading down at the slave market today and since mom got me a slave grading for my 20th bday and she's a total barginator I agreed to drive her down and get her graded since she's like my mom but lMS and BFF forever so I knew it would be totally funalicious to mom-her for a day.

When mom got me graded dad took our picture together by the truck with me butt naked and cuffed and mom standing next to me with this BEG on her face. She immediately FB'd it for all her mom-squad to see (blush!). So when I got mom naked and cuffed I immediately yelled out PICTURE TIME!! and handed my phone to dad, and he got a total shocksnap of her looking totally horrifocked with me looking smirkjerk at her with my arms folded and looking totally boss!

Mom was awesomely blushface but she agreed that I'd be the momager for today so we went outside and took the same picture only now she was naked and I was HER bossie and with mom looking totally pwned bitched I muploaded it to all my GF's:



It LOVED being the bosshole and I mom was totally getting into it too and giving me all sorts of teen-a-tude, going all bradocious about how she was going to get graded PRIME- like me or maybe even better when she got her "hot-thentification" down at the grading bens. Well, she was totally fine and I could tell Dad loved seeing her cuffed & naked and she's like totally my mom-a-ganger but like, I'm freaking Prime- so like, NOT!

Dad wanted to see her graded but I'm like "NO Way" because I wanted to be total boss bitch for the day and I could tell mom sort-of-kinda liked having me riding up top. I smiled when mom totally bossed him and told him he needed to chauffer little bro from soccer practice and take him and his dweeby friends to the latest action-doll film down at the cine-finity at the mall. Dad went all grumble bunny because little bro acts all kidster and plays video games with his friends and they don't drive or have girlfriends like puberty never ended. So he shot me a totally pissy-vengeful-look as he hesitation stepped to the car, looking back over his shoulder and eye-fucking bare-and-buff mom the whole time. I don't blame him because little bro and his friends are like totally nerdcore and spindly little runts and they totally creep on me and my friends.

I told Mom we needed to rock-and-roll because they were doing "official" gradings with pictures and all the bells-and-whistles and since it's free the place was probably going to be uber busy. I told her if the place was totally packed out I'd get Treyvon to give us the all clear and put us at the front of the line. Well, teen-mom rolled her eyes and started throwing all sorts of shade about how she doesn't want my "gangster" boyfriend seeing her birthday bare and being a total hater. So I TOTALLY daughtered her with, "#Whatever, EMO, I'm not bratsitting you all day so you'd better hope the place is chill."

She lost her tude fast when I put pet carrier in the back of the truck. She was like "No way!" and I was like "Way, #TBT!" and I totally refreshed her that cage was MY ride when she took ME for MY grading, with me on the truck bed and her driving and little bro riding shotgun. She gets all salty but I'm prepped and I zapped her in the butt with the little handheld cattle prod little bro used on me when mom let him come along to watch me do the squat-and-cough for the slave graders. Well tiger-mom jets into the cage so fast her bare feet leave tread marks on the gravel.

I slap a master padlock on the cage but don't chain it down because Dad's already gone and I figure a little sliding around will take some of the piss out of her.

When she sees her cage is locked she tries to undo the lock with her fingers like that's even a thing, so I LOL and say "Sorry 'bout it"" dangling the key in front of her face and making it very clear I'm not sorry at all. Mom looks totally hot in the cage pawing her lock and I'm totally power tripping so I tell doggie girl Treyvon thinks she's totally MILF and promised me he said he'd even talk to his boss about getting her a free branding which is totally swag money cuz' she had to pay like $20 for mine.

Mom said "Don't you dare, Tracy!" and I warned her to "loose-the-'tude" because Treyvon already helped me pick out this cute flower brand that would be totally fleek on her butt cheek, then I dropped trou and rememberized her the "adorable" heart brand she let little bro burn into my ass at the slave market in exchange for promising to clean his room which the little turd never did anyway. I don't mind the brand because Treyvon thinks it's hot and the other girls in school are totally jel I got a real slave brand not one of the fake temp tats the poser girls wear. Still it hurt like a MOFO when the little dweeb burned it on he pressed down so hard I almost bit through the stick, so I'm not really going to brand mommy dearest, but I figure I'll let her sweat it out. #Payback! #Score!

I took the scenic route and cranked some tunes and went totally bumping down the road with mom sliding around in back. It was a rough ride, then mom totally freaked when she saw how cray cray the livestock market was. Everyone who wanted to sell a slave or buy a slave or look at a slave or just get a grading like Mom was there because you say the word FREE and everyone bounces like you rang the dinner bell, plus the farmer's almanac crew were selling cows and pigs and goats and shit so the place was literally a zoo. We actually had to park on the grass which was good because she didn't hit the ground so hard when I kicked her cage out of the truck. Wheels down, handle out, and soon I was dragging her cage down Aisle 1.

It was like, totally basic, and I swear every neighbor we ever had was there, and they all wanted to squat down and get a look at mom naked in her cage, with all the most pervy old geezers asking which dealer I was taking her to and fingering her and flicking her bean through the bars. I finally brushed past the nebs and ran into Brittany and Veronica and Tiffany who made a big show of kneeling down and telling mom how cute she was with HUGE evil grins on their mugs, which was totally winning. Mom WAS cute, and really hot, and I wondered if she might be Prime after all.

We're not even in the shed and Treyvon spots me and runs over. Mom starts bitching when he sees him so like a boss he just kneels down and sprays something in her pie hole to shut her up. With mom not yacking I turned to my posse and said, "Ladies, do I hear an AMEN?" and everyone laughed. Treyvon is so BAE!

The place is packed but Treyvon says he'll HTFU mom into the graders but he'll have to shave her lady garden down into a nice landing strip like mine because she's got total 70's bush and I LOL at the look on Mom's face, since she KNOWS Treyvon's going to get some stinky finger in when he's mowing her lawn!

Then Treyvon's boss shows up and goes all Michael Scott and tells Treyvon he had better get the bitch in the cage graded because there were at least 200 more waiting and the pens were filling up even though they were pedding pussy like they were selling cronuts. There were separate auction blocks all long the sides, and the auctioneers were chanting like mad and selling a new girl about every 90 seconds. Then he looked at me and said I couldn't come into the shed because I wasn't wearing shoes and mom glares at me because she always yells at me for going barefoot.

Brittany offers to drive me to the mall to get shoes because she wants to find a new dress, and Tiffany says she wants lunch, and Veronica says she wants to see some lame movie cuz some hot star-boy in it. And mom totally starts shaking her cage bars like a little monkey because she's like, TOTALLY helpless and can't even talk and she knows with Brittany driving me I'll be 20 miles away with no car and suddenly I'm totally task rabbit with Brittany talking about getting a pedicure and Veronica talking about chilling at the mall in case Steve shows up. So I kneel down in front of her cage and I tell her it won't be long since I'm just getting sandals, and Tiffany promises to tell the waitress to hurry and Veronica says it's a short movie and Brittany says she doesn't like to be rushed when she shops, #IDFC.

Mom is totally sweating bullets and I shoot her my best #TBT smile because when I got graded she left me at the market overnight and I was literally squatting in front of the stairs leading up to the auction block and peeing into a grate so I wouldn't mess myself during my sale and watching the auctioneer play show-and-tell with the girl in front of me alreadly on the auction block when Dad and little bro with his zapper breezed in with my claim ticket. So while dad's haggling with the clerk my little monster-brat-brother takes a picture of me peeing and snapchats it to all his pervy friends, so of course now all his twerpy little friends always tease me about "pissing like a fire hose" and asking if I need a walkie. I HATE little bro!

Mom's totally EMO so I give the poor little dear a piece of candy to suck on and Treyvon tells me when he's done grading her he'll put her in the exam pens (which will give my pervy old neighbors a chance for the old peek and poke) and says he'll try to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't get sold. I'm like, "Yasss!" and I toss my man the cage key because that will allow her to get her grading while I do some serious chillaxing with my squad.

Treyvon's boss drops back in and looks me up-and-down and then asks Treyvon if he wanted to grade me too, since mother/daughter combos are hot and we'll get a better grade if we're bookends they can auction together. Treyvon and my squad thought it was totally rad, and wanted me to strip off my gear right there to join my mom, but I know it's NAGI because the manager is way to thirsty and already has the cuffs out for me and it's clear he wants to SELL us, not grade us, and make some bank on our sweet blond pussy.

I say no thanks but #blessed because Brittany is already trying to take off my shirt and laughing about how hot mom & I will be together but I pull away and Teyvon stops her in that Samuel L Jackson way he has. Since Brittany doesn't want to end up graded she totally chills.

When bossie saw the no-sale sign he left & we got back to biz. "Is that a real slave whip?" I said, totally cicing when I saw the bad ass bling on Treyvon's belt.

"Totally!" Treyvon said. "I still got the goad, but I'm good enough with the whip that the boss made a level 3!"

Treyvon's been trying to get the gig for months, so when I heard this I had a total squealgasm and totally macked on him, giving him a big wet snog and even a little tongue. Well Treyvon always goes commando and I could totally feel his joy-stick through his pants. Trey-boy may not have liked my mom in boss-bitch mode, but tent-pants sure did like her in her slave cage.

I ran my hands across his tent pants and fingered the whip. "Demo?" I said, biting my lip and totally Taylor-Swiftboating him.

"My mom's eyes went wide and she tried to say, "NO WAY!!" but of course nothing came out cuz she was like TOTALY slave voiced.

"Way," I said, in a voice that made it clear how stupiddicious she was being. "Hello? REAL grading? Slave flicks are like, totally requiry."

"Not really," Treyvon said.

I leaned in close and used my tongue to give him a little ear exam. "Demmmmooooo" I whispered, before breaking into my best bimbo giggle, the one the guys can never resist.

Mom went like, total crap-face as he took the whip off his belt. He snapped it in the air, just for show, and mom like jumped so hard she cracked her head against the top of her cage. I went totally smilateous as I beamed down at her.

Going TOTALLY Mommyious I put my hands on my hips and told her, "Remember, sweetie, if we punish you it's for your own good", loving the look on her face as I made her eat her own dog food.

As I was leaving I gave mom a quick mirror check. She was crawling out of the pet carrier like a good little doggie. Treyvon was totally checking out her ass, and already had the hedge trimmer he was going to use on her in his left hand, but the only thing that mom was looking at was the whip, dangling in his other hand and anxious-for-action.

So later we're at the mall and Veronica's ratchet little brother shows up cuz he wants a ride to meet up with my little pro which is perfect cuz they're two-dweebs-in-a-pod only we're not Uber. So while we're waiting for Brittany to try on her 97th dress I remembered I didn't tell Treyvon not to brand Mom and we did pick out the cute little flower and all. I tried to call him on his phone but WTF he can't have it on at work. I wanted to go back because they were selling pussy fast-and-furious I'm wondering if pushing mom to the front was a blonde moment because Brittany was still shopping and we still had lunch and then my shoes and then the movie plus I ran out in such a hurry Treyvon didn't even give me a claim ticket for Mom and no tickee-no-washee.

So Brittany says she'll drive us back but only if I get graded together with Mom. Veronica says "YAASSS! and Tiffany thinks its awesome sauce and the Veronica's little dweeb brother is staring at me with this WEG like I'm the Thanksgiving turkey.

I'm like "Yeah, whatever", because I got a PRIME- grade but I know together Mom & I would be all-that-plus-a-bag-of-chips plus I was a little jel of the way Treyvon was crushing on my mom. I'm really curious if I can make PRIME or maybe even PRIME+ although they don't give those out unless you get sold for a certain price which would be awesome but not and makes me totally nervouscited.

So Brittany pulls out the Mastercard and gets a pair of handcuffs and Tiffany buys some devoicer spray. Everyone stops for a biobreak but Brittany and Veronica say I can't go because we're all of a sudden it's hurry-rush and I can go when we get there, and Veronica's little bro is grinning evil because the only thing better than seeing me squat and piss in the grate is seeing me and my mom squat and piss together. :-(

In J5M I'm mute and Adventure Girl naked in Brittany's backseat with my hands cuffed behind me and the little twerp eyeballing me like it's #WCW and all my shit's trunked in Brittany's car.

Since we can't get ahold of Treyvon Veronica calls Shirley who calls Jimmy & Pete who are at the market wheeling-and-dealing. Since they both know my mom and think she's babealicious they go over to scope her out. They get Treyvon's boss on the line, who has a thrillgasm when he hears I'm naked and OMW and he immediately checks me in under my mom's number so we can get regraded together. He's totally greeded out at the thought of selling us together but also annoygravated because Mom's already branded (ouch!) and we won't get as much since if our brands don't match.

Well Brittany has an ideasaurous and points out Mom's flower is smaller than my heart and they'd look great together. So with the twerp totally ogling my goodies I kneel on the seat while Veronica draws the little flower inside my heart. Veronica says it looks bodacious and Brittany says it's fly and Tiffany says it's totally off-the-chain and Veronica's little cretin brother's excited because he's totally crushing on me and Veronica tells him he can brand me and I don't say anything because I can't speak so even though I know it's going to hurt like a MOFO it's certainteed that both me and mom are going to be biting the stick again!

Veronica rememberizes that we don't have a claim ticket for mom, or now, me. So she calls the boss man back and he's all excited to sell "a mo and a ho" together. Veronica laughs and taps the little flower on my bottom when she tells him about her "genius idea" of matching our brands and even over the phone I could hear him shouting out how he loved it. Then she asks about the ticket so I TOTALLY tune in. Boss man says he doesn't know how to generate one after the booking but he'll put in a rush call to the tech support cuz' the computers already scheduled our auction and he's under a time attack and the auctioneers are total Schedule-Nazis.

So Brittany calls dad but he's still in the movie with little bro and the other snotsders and his phone is in total zombie mode. When we get to the slave market the place is totally Times Square and I swear we ran into every perv I know who all want to stop and give me a good eyefucking while they ask my squad what's up with me being naked and cuffed and being led around a slave market. Veronica's little brother sacrifices his belt for the cause and Brittany turns it into a choke chain, which is totally not cool because I'm getting yanked around like Fido but at least the leash lets me get past the guys trying to feel me up and finger fumbling my pussyage.

We find Treyvon & Mom & boss-man and zippy-speed-speed we're both locked in the branding racks with our asses pointed at the sky and our legs spread and every perv I know giving my pussy and mom's pussy the play-by-play comparison. But all I can think about is the branding iron in the brazier and how the coals are turning it from purple to blue to red. Brittany thinks the colors are pretty but of course it's not her ass that's about to get smoked, and it's not even like Mom or I can go all whine-o cuz they already got the rubber bit between our teeth and airhead Tiffany thinks we're smiling and want to get our asses burnt because the bit has pulled our gums back over our chompers so we're totally horse-smiling and were bucked down so tight the only thing we can do is wiggle our toes and clench our buttholes, much to the dee-light of the pervs behind us.

Tiffany wants ice cream but Brittany says it's only going to be about two minutes until the irons are white, so she goes totally whine-hole about how unfair life is to poor HER. To-the-rescue-Dad finally checks in and he promises to come over hard and fast and skip the bus route with little bros friends. Not like I have any say but that sounds like everybody's grouptarded because there's no way he'll have enough cash to buy us and unfortz for me and mom slave markets don't take no for an answer and they don't take American Express.

The sensor on the branding irons pings bing! and Brittany shouts out, "Soups Ready!" She's hilariousating the whole the thing and starts clapping as they take the irons out and now the whole crowd's clapping along, except me and mom who are straining like crazy to get out of the branding stocks but just winking our brownies and biting our bits.

Treyvon branded Mom & they let Veronica's sado little brother burn me, with the boss guy guiding him to make sure he got it JUST right. Just right it was, and I swear I almost bit through the rubber as he sizzled my ass with that stick and the crowd behind us cheered. No worries about peeing on the grate because both mom & I lost our water and let it go like racehorses while the crowd behind us clapped us home and slow counted to t-e-n.

It burned like a MOFO but all I can think about is me & mom on the block doing our slave squats and bending over and spreading our cheeks in front of all our neighbors and little bro and the perv-pack and every guy I've ever known, with the blowhole guys catcalling and trying to get us all flustercated so we miss a command and the auctioneer gets an excuse to cracks our asses with the whip, which they love to do since the crowd loves it and an excited crowd = more scratch.

I hope I get a good grade, #Prime+, #spendy #YOLA!

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This feels like reading an Influencer-Blog in a weird legal-slavery-world.

But I totally like it.

The slang is really well used. It raises the tension, which the the whole situation grants. It makes the whole (hopefully never to get real) scenario feel more unique and real and sucks me as reader deep into it, even if I understand only half of the terms.

Great written.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I liked the idea of the story but found it rather boring. PLAIN english would have been better., not the lingo that was used.

StoryTeller07StoryTeller07almost 2 years ago

Brilliant! Like reading Shakespeare I got into the rhythm and the language. The idea worked so well, I'm going to use it but in another English type. Real English? No such thing, listen to a Glaswegian and he'll tell you he's speaking English but you won't understand a word, or is that woyd, in New York?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

not too bad a story the teen talk was a little dated and hard to follow, but that being say pretty good story. been 6 years since submitted time to complete the story.

lookbob66lookbob66almost 3 years ago

I thought I had already commented on this story, but not so. I did have to read it twice to settle into the slang, but I think that it’s one of the most technically accomplished pieces on Literotica. I understand some might find the slang off putting. I stopped a Mark Twain book because I found the dialect hard to deal with. But I feel that I’m seeing the mind of a teenager here.


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