Sisters of Sodom


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The punk pythoness's mind lingered briefly on something else, too, but then buried the depraved thought deep inside. She shook her head—it was not the time to show any weakness, neither mental or physical. It was the time of reckoning, and that required icy calculation above all else.

With careful steps, Eudora approached the left corridor and proceeded until she laid eyes on the girl. The brat was busy deciphering some ancient runes carved in the walls and seemed to have no idea someone else was close by.

"I might be looking at another damned illusion," Eudora whispered to herself, deciding on what to do. Then her left hand caressed a vine crawling through the near wall, and she knew. She weaved a spell, telegraphing malevolent intent through its vessels.

For a brief moment, the corridor fell completely silent. Then, a scream resonated through the fortress's corrupted belly. Hailey was staring at her right hand, which has been run through by a thorny vine and was gushing ruby-red blood. It was clear the girl was legitimately frightened, momentarily unable to overcome the shock.

"Well, well, well..." Eudora emerged from the darkness, taking a few steps toward her wounded rival. "Looks like your trick only works once..." she started, her posture easing. Hailey frantically tried to pull her hand free, but vine had already curled itself around her forearm and was busy dragging her down to her knees. Very rapidly, other vines began to slither towards their new victim.

"No vanishing acts this time, Hailey? No gloating, or annoying speeches about discounts?" Eudora went on, moving closer. She was already savoring the moment to the point where she was starting to feel aroused.

Hailey weakly turned toward her assailant, her body quickly beginning to disappear behind the thorny vines. "Y-you! How, How could you.."

Eudora simply scoffed. "How could I, Hailey? Really. You don't know me very well, do you."

"Y-you will pay for this!" Hailey squeaked. Just as Eudora was about to issue another sadistic edict, Hailey suddenly vanished from deep from within the thickening ball of tentacular foliage, reappearing a few feet away where she stumbled to her feet.

Eudora saw the girl make a klutzy attempt to run towards the doorway, tripping over her own sneakers and falling back to her knees.

The punk pythoness knew her trap for this elusive weasel would only work if she stayed on the offensive. With a daring smile, Eudora commanded another vine to assault her rival, its hooklike thorns claiming more of her blood as it pierced Hailey's arms, then legs, dragging her back to the scene.

As the plant curled itself around Hailey again, it then swung her against the wall, knocking the wind out of her. It then paused, as if reverently waiting for Eudora to order the death knell she would savor so much.

Eudora looked at the girl's subdued little body and noticed, to her delight, that Hailey had pissed her designer jeans. Seeing that dark stain form around the girl's crotch, Eudora laughed to herself.

The raw portrait of fright in the hipster's eyes now revealed her true nature—she was nothing but a coward who'd pulled a few lucky cards in life. But this hand would not be so fortunate, Eudora swore.

"You're mine, slut!" Eudora proclaimed menacingly as she gathered all her remaining power and used it to order all her thorny servants to entangle and disfigure Hailey. Save only her face, she added. I want everyone who sees her corpse to know for sure it's her.

Rip, slice, crunch, snap. A pure symphony to Eudora's ears.

It only took a few moments, and the result was even more satisfying than Eudora would ever imagine. Hailey's fancy clothes had been mostly torn off, her naked body littered with lacerations. The once smart-mouthed girl kept shrieking in pain, hoisted from the ground as a sacrificial lamb for the superior pythoness.

Finally, Eudora took a deep breath and moved closer. Blood was oozing from Hailey's numerous wounds, and she looked barely conscious. "Why... Why you did not... Mistress...."

"Huh?" Eudora mumbled. She could only grasp a word or two, but they were not making much sense. Must be the blood loss, she figured. With twisted pleasure, the punk pythoness caressed the hipster's cheek and saw her eyelids finally fall.

"And now to do to you what I did to your Mistress..." Eudora said as her hand trailed lower and lower. "My signature..." Her mind started to go to even worse places.

It was then that Eudora felt something cold and sticky wrapping around her own arms and legs. Completely off-guard, the witch looked down only to realize that the nearest vines had suddenly and inexplicably begun to turn against her. What was worse, she couldn't regain control of them as her powers were now running dangerously low.

Panting heavily, Eudora struggled to free herself of the entangling whips, but her freakish betrayers could not be stopped.

And then a creaky, familiar voice resonated from deep within the corridor.

"Dear Eudora, it seems like your trick only works once, as well."

The punk pythoness could not believe her senses—the voice was Ayaka's, and the woman's essence could be felt all around her. "You disgraced me, Eudora, and caused me great pain. I will return the favor tenfold to you, now."

"You again? Give me a break, you washed-up old hag!" Eudora screamed, grunting from the vines holding her down. "Show yourself! This time I'll turn you into a human shish kebab for good!"

Ayaka kept going, as she did not care about those loud, vulgar remarks. "I suppose you derived some catharsis from torturing that poor girl..." she said, pointing to Hailey's comatose, shredded body. The vines had already discarded the broken hipster, leaving her rumpled up on the stone floor in a pool of her own blood.

"I had a god damned blast," Eudora said, glancing over at the deliciously gruesome sight.

"I thought you would. What a shame that you were just wasting your energies..." Ayaka said, almost in a whisper.

"Oh it was worth it," Eudora retorted, her hateful eyes flying back to Hailey's defeated corporeal frame.

"If you knew the truth, I doubt you'd say that. But you're too dim to understand," Ayaka said.

"Save your gnostic bullshit for someone who cares. Bottom line is that bitch had it coming to her, and she got it. And I already broke your sorry ass, So we're all settled up," Eudora said. "Now piss off."

A cold wind blew through the caverns, lifting Hailey's body off the floor, and then blowing it away like a cloud of dust. Not a droplet of blood or single thread of clothing was left behind. Eudora blinked, squirming a bit in her green cage.

"Nice parlor trick, bitch. What the hell was she, anyway?" Eudora asked, trying to hide her subtle awe at Ayaka's apparently very sophisticated powers.

"You already admitted that you care not for deeper knowledge," Ayaka countered, "So I won't waste much breath explaining Hailey to you. But I notice that you speak of her in the past tense..."

"Yeah, because she's fuckin' dead!" Eudora said.

A heavy sigh filled the halls. "This is just another sign of your ignorance," Ayaka began. "Do you really think I'd sacrifice such a loyal and useful servant so wantonly? She is alive and well. And the bottom line for you, Eudora, is that you've squandered your divine powers like the fool you are. And now you will face the consequences."

Eudora struggled to lift her head, but found that issuing another volley of invective required too much energy for the moment, and energy was not something she had to spare. Ayaka's raspy voice continued, echoing through the vast cavernous womb of the fortress.

"In any case, there is no need for you to struggle so. The fact is that I already have attained the artifact you've been searching for here. Your notebook was quite helpful in leading me to it."

"What?! No!" The punk pythoness finally bellowed, writhing in futile protest and cursing herself for not conserving her energies more responsibly.

"Yes," Ayaka responded quietly from the shadows. "Do not worry, my foul-mouthed little pest. Soon it will all be over for you..."

Eudora felt a network of green creepers wrap around her, branching out and twisting rapidly around her ankles and thighs. More of them curled under her bust to constrict her ribcage, and formed a collar around her neck.

Within seconds, the green arms of death had nearly mummified Eudora's floundering body, leaving only her head and torso visible. She refused to show any fear, as she knew Ayaka would savor any display of it. Still, a tremendous feeling of vexation and regret overcame Eudora.

How could she, who regarded herself as the obvious heir to the throne of High Pythoness, and who was so close to attaining that distinction, have allowed herself to fall prey to such a lame trap? The mere thought that some wiser witch could still detect her flaws, and exploit them, wracked her with incredible grief.

But mere grief would not be the worst of her worries, and she became acutely aware of this when the floral appendages flexed tighter. She dazedly glanced around the cavern, noticing that the bloated sacks littering the walls were no longer stationary, but in fact were expanding and contracting noisily. Were these sacs like "hearts" of some kind, and these vines their arteries? She could not tell, but the sight unnerved her.

With this, Ayaka finally crept forth from the darkness, cradling a shoebox-sized wooden chest in her arm. Eudora's eyes landed right on the box she believed was rightfully hers, and she felt a surge of defiance. Yet the greenery squeezed her ever faster, compressing her ribs to the point of near suffocation, and she could not yet do anything but groan in pain.

Now that Ayaka was certain Eudora was no threat to her, she lay the treasure box on the floor by her feet, then felt for the large studded club strapped to her back.

The "kanabo." Eudora remembered that strange weapon well. Seeing the gothic witch so solemnly pull it from its sheath caused her to laugh.

"Heheh, I was w-wondering where that thing went. Looks like you f-found a good surgeon after all," Eudora coughed. "I'm guessing you found diapers to go with that crappy Halloween outfit..." Her voice trailed off into a strained gasp as the vines ruefully clutched her tighter.

Eudora knew she was far too weak now to intimidate Ayaka, but in the very least she could try and get under her skin. Ayaka's eyes merely narrowed in silent reaction, her bitterness solidifying. Then, suddenly, she focused her hatred into a single command.

"Eytra Sa-Efao!" She yelled, swashing her kanabo high into the air. The weapon's peak emitted a violet light, and in return this same light quickly flashed from within the vines themselves. It was then that Eudora felt these appendages angle sharply forward in unison, forcing her to bend the waist.

She grunted as her body was posed like a rag doll, face forward, with her round ass arched up. Ayaka took a step closer, caressing the spiky steel rows lining her kanabo. "You will suffer many deaths before I finally smash your head open, you swine," Ayaka whispered. "First I will crush your arrogance. Then I will crush your spirit. And finally I will crush your skull."

Ayaka then walked over to one of the throbbing purple sacs hanging nearby and ran her fingers down its scaly surface.

"But first...hmm, yes, I can feel them in here. They are just mature enough. I suppose you didn't read up on the wildlife here on Signekjerringøyathe. There wasn't any mention of it in your notebook, at least. Some of it is quite fascinating, you know. Are you familiar with the Vermis Perforo?"

Eudora struggled to breathe, let alone speak. If she could, she would have have nothing worth saying besides a few crude words. Instead, all she did was croak raggedly. Ayaka went on.

"I guess that is a no. Well, Vermis Perforo is a special creature native to this island. Long thought extinct, in fact, but the energy of this place tells me otherwise. Perhaps you, too, could feel their presence if you were able..."

"Big friggin' deal," was all Eudora could weakly manage.

"Mm hm. In any case, I predict you will feel them quite literally very soon. All you have to know is where to look..." Ayaka said, abruptly swing her kanabo at the pulsing sac. It burst open, spilling a pile of hissing, squealing black worms.

Eudora could only barely see them from her position, but they were immediately unlike any creature she'd seen before, and even her iron will buckled at the sight. Aside from their sinewy black hides, their features were mysterious, with no obvious "head," or any visible external organs.

From this single sac burst a dozen of them. They were quite large—easily comparable to boa constrictors in size, and covered in a copious amount of transparent slime. Their hiccupy screeches were particularly horrific, being shrill and almost deafeningly loud.

They writhed aimlessly around on the floor for a moment, then began to take shape in a curious spiral formation. Ayaka, sensing their unpredictability, took several steps back and picked up her treasure chest again. Then she addressed Eudora once more, this time with a louder voice so that she could be heard over the cacophony of hellish squeals.

"Some of these worms can grow to twice this size in adulthood," she informed Eudora over the frantic din. "However, I do not need to wait that long. These 'adolescents' will do the job nicely, whether they survive or not. The important thing is that species feeds off of only one thing, and it's something you're clearly full of."

"The fuck are you talking about, cunt—" Eudora managed to weakly bark, though it was almost inaudible over the bestial screeching.

"I suppose that was a question? You see, my little rebellious punk, these worms feed off of nothing but feces. Of course a few animals on this island provide them with their sustenance, but I understand they by far prefer that particularly noxious brand that humans produce."


"Oh yes, Eudora. Even Viking lore attests to this; their fiercest warriors feared the appetite of these beasts. You may think yourself above a regular human, Eudora, but not so far above as to escape the reality of your anatomy."

The punk witch kicked and screamed helplessly as she saw Ayaka cast a final spell over the pile of flailing worms which sent them into a singular frenzy. The circular arrangement became a straight line, and they all immediately slithered towards Eudora at an alarming speed, trailing slippery goo behind them as they advanced.

"And they have an excellent sense of smell, you know," Ayaka continued as she confidently sheathed her weapon. "And I'm sure they haven't dined from their favorite source in ages, so they must be overjoyed. Again, there is no need to struggle. Accept your fate."

Eudora felt the worms rush up the vines around her until they reached her ankles, slicking her purple socks with their rancid scum. They first struggled to squeeze under her jeans at the leg-holes, and then, when that proved too difficult, they scaled higher to find her wriggling waistline.

There they labored frantically and noisily to breach the heavy belt blocking access to the object of their desire. She shouted unintelligibly from within this tangled green web, feeling now utterly helpless.

Finally, the first worm managed to bypass the tight hem, contorting itself downward towards the moist crack between her tensing buttocks. Soon others followed, their volume such that it tore the belt buckle free from her waist.

With this obstacle removed, the others followed, their excited squeals rattling Eudora's eardrums. The first worm slid down between her ass cheeks, and, spotting the darkest, smelliest spot right at the center, dove inward, piercing her sphincter.

She cried out in agony as she felt her anal ring collapse. It flexed prohibitively, but this was useless—the muscular worm simply forced itself through, aided by the slime oozing from its pores. It traveled swiftly up Eudora's humid, twitching rectum to find her colon, the site of the "feast" it so desired.

There it began to raid the filthy contents of her bowels, and it was followed by a second worm of equal size, then a third, until her anus was stretched nearly to its breaking point. As these three worms fought for their meal, the others crowded around the entrance, jabbing away maniacally.

All the punk pythoness could produce now were throat-grinding bleats. As a fourth worm somehow managed to cram itself partially into her enflamed rectal cavity, she nearly blacked out from the pain. How could she let this happen to her perfect body? She was furious with herself.

She could feel the other three burrow deeply into her intestines, their muffled, sickening screeches audible from within her stomach. Those which, having made several failed attempts, simply could not fit inside of her, eventually fell by the wayside, perishing quickly of starvation around her legs.

The worms that had managed to colonize her viscera continued to mindlessly punish her for several more minutes, their vigorous movements battering her distended intestinal walls.

Eudora could no longer scream, for the slime coming off of these beasts had begun to slowly absorb into her blood stream, and its contents proved neurotoxic, inducing a unique form of nausea that caused Eudora to jerk as if being repeatedly shocked by electricity.

The slime eventually oozed back out of Eudora's damaged anus, mixing with the residue of her violation, and deeply staining her underwear a bloody brown.

"Now we're even, swine. I suppose I should put you out of your misery now..." Ayaka finally concluded, stepping towards Eudora's broken, bent-over form. She raised her kanabo high, targeting the back of Eudora's head.

Just as she was ready to deal the death blow, a tremendous rumble knocked Ayaka off balance, sending her falling back. She landed on her side, dropping her box. It slid a few feet away across the cold stone floor, and she immediately scrambled to reach for it.

By the time she managed to retrieve it, some new entity was fast upon her, approaching from behind. Before she could even turn around, a powerful force struck the floor a second time, the heavy vibration sending her flying several feet into the air.

When she landed, she flipped over on her back and laid eyes on a stout young girl who, with her wild silver eyes, mud-streaked face and skull helmet, looked positively feral.

"Hvem? Hvem er du?" The girl shouted at Ayaka, pointing the head of a massive axe at the back of her neck. She quickly glanced at the box in the goth witch's possession and raised her voice: "Huh? Fortell meg! Hvem er du?!"

"I don't have time for this...I already have what I came here for," Ayaka muttered to herself, clutching the box tightly to her bosom. She felt a strong aura coming from this new girl, and figured that getting past her in order to finish off Eudora would be too much trouble.

She shot one last hateful glance at Eudora and then chanted, "Aüjin Fai-Ēquoi!"

In a blinding flash, she was gone. The young girl blanched and jumped back in wide-eyed surprise, muttering, "Dæven steike!"

The appendages that had nearly murdered the punk pythoness suddenly fell limp, dropping her violated body to the floor. The strange young girl ran to her with a look of concern on her face.

"Er du skadet?" the girl said in her husky voice. Eudora had no power left to translate the girl's words. All she could do was stare up at her, glassy-eyed.

"Er du skadet?" the young girl repeated, reaching out with her stubby, dirty fingers to shake Eudora's shoulders. Still, the punk pythoness was unable to respond. The toxins had begun to grow in her body to the point where she could barely form a coherent thought.
