Sister/Genie Ch. 01

Story Info
A museum worker plays with an artifact.
6.8k words

Part 1 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/25/2022
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


I'm not sure if this story is actually going to appeal to many people but the idea wouldn't get out of my head so I did quite a bit of writing on it. Hopefully it's in line with what people liked about my other writings.

I'll probably finish it off even if the ratings tank but it's always nice to get feedback either way.

Note that I flagged this as Sci-fi/Fantasy because of genie element but sister/sister incest is a heavy theme throughout. Also this is not a quick stroke story, in my opinion; buildup, plot, character development etc. etc. before the "real action" takes place.


Jaya Gazdar tried to both cough and sneeze at once as bits of straw and dust puffed up in her face when she set the wooden box down, trying not to wince at the sound of clay or ceramic objects rattling around inside.

"Ugh, so much garbage," Emelia Loyd's proper British tones sounded from a few rows back in the warehouse. Metal racks, wooden crates, and stacks of "artifacts" of all materials separated them.

"We might find something in here, ma'am," Lincoln called out from the left, his accent still British, but sounding rougher, or less refined. He'd told Jaya his accent was a prime example of North London diction; for one, it made his "ma'am" sound more like "mum".

Jaya straightened to look for him but she could only barely see his brown hair behind another stack of boxes. Her own 5'5" inch frame wasn't short, per se, but didn't help in finding her colleagues.

"So far I'm seeing a lot of stuff that was probably buried in World War bombings. If there's anything in here pre Mahmud I'll be very surprised," Emelia said, "Was that the last box?" she asked.

"Yes, doctor," Jaya replied.

"All right, let's dig into it then. Remember; gloves, masks, and pictures, pictures, pictures!"

Two hours later many of the boxes were empty of everything but straw and piled haphazardly in a corner of the warehouse, and the tables were covered with glassware, pottery, and metalworkings of all types. Unfortunately, while the work progressed, Dr. Loyd's mood had soured.

"What'd I tell you? We've cataloged three-eights of fuck all, in two hours. That's the kind of artifact quality we get nowadays."

"We did find that urn a little while ago," Jaya offered.

Dr. Lloyd dismissed the idea with a wave. "One pre-Seljuk artifact out of the whole group. This was supposed to be a trove of Byzantine artifacts. This is what we get with ignorant donors. They probably have thousand year old metalwork sitting in the entryway of some sheik's cousin's apartment because it 'looks nice' and they're just sending us the stuff that doesn't work as home décor."

"Still better than us robbing the country of its heritage," Lincoln griped.

"Don't start that shit with me right now; I'm not in the mood," Lloyd snapped.

God, I wish he had a clue when to pick his battles Jaya thought.

Dr. Lloyd's more traditional approach to artifacts and Lincoln's very new school idealism never meshed well, and when they started in it was best to keep her head down. Not only would one or the other try to drag her onto their side, but it also got Lincoln "worked up" a lot of the time, and she was tired of brushing off his advances.

Hoping to derail the argument before it became another shouting match, Jaya grabbed one of the brighter items from the box and brought it over.

"Dr. Lloyd, this one looks really out of place," she said.

Lloyd paused before firing back a counterpoint to whatever Lincoln had said and looked. Taking the large, long, blue and yellow glass bottle in her hand, Jaya knew she'd messed up when her boss's eyes almost rolled out of her head.

"Seriously Jaya!? What did that university have as requirements for your major, History 101 and whatever else you felt like? This is etched. Nobody etched glass until the bloody 19th century! Congratulations, you pushed me over the edge. I don't have time to waste on this, and neither does Lincoln. Image, catalogue, and tag all of this junk. Date it as best you can, assuming you can still tell the difference between something from 12th century Constantinople and 1850s France."

Jaya sighed as her colleagues left the room. Dr. Lloyd's report to the museum trustees was supposed to be Monday, and it was already late in the day Thursday. She'd be here late tonight, probably Friday night, and maybe even over the weekend cataloguing everything in here. It's possible Lloyd might take pity on her tomorrow after she'd calmed down, but she would have to show progress.

Three hours later Jaya's back was beginning to cramp and she was going nose-blind to the scent of lavender and aloe as she tried to keep her hands from splitting open handling all the dusty artifacts and straw. She wasn't aware of the time until Lincoln came back in with some coffee, which she took gratefully, even though her mind warned her to be cautious.

"Peace offering," Lincoln said, "I feel like you're stuck here because of me."

"I am," she said, "I wish you'd stop doing that. You know how easy it is to work her up when she's frustrated, but you went there anyway."

"Well she was off-base," Lincoln insisted, "Just because these artifacts don't live up to her standards doesn't mean it's because they weren't grabbed by some wankers nicking them from the natives too poor to-"

"Just save it, Lincoln. Your arguments got me into this mess, what makes you think they'd cheer me up?" Jaya said.

"Well, there are other ways I could cheer you up."

Jaya looked over with a raised eyebrow, hoping he was joking but she saw a cocksure smirk and a look in his eyes that said not.

"I've gotta finish this, Lincoln," she said.

"Come on, you know the doc's gonna let up tomorrow. What's a little time off?"

"Go hit up a bar if you're that desperate," Jaya said, "It's Thursday night, I'm sure you can track down some drunk co-eds looking for an excuse to skip their Friday morning class."

"I'm like Lloyd," Lincoln said, as he nearly trapped her between himself and a work table, "I prefer a more refined, aged specimen."

Jaya almost froze as Lincoln leaned forward, putting his arms on either side of her and forcing her to arch backward or press into his body. She saw the gleam in his eyes turn predatory.

"Lincoln, back off!" Jaya said. She twisted out from between his arms. He was leaning on them more than she thought because he nearly pitched forward into the table. At least one artifact fell to the floor, fortunately not one of the clay ones; the concrete would have scattered it and the powder from it to all corners of the room.

"Fine, have fun with your pottery," Lincoln said, sounding a bit snippy, as he would put it, as he made a beeline for the door.

Jaya cursed herself for successfully alienating both her boss and coworker in less than a day. With the way museums were losing funding all over the place, the fact that she had a permanent curator position was a near-miracle. It also meant she was likely stuck with Lincoln as a coworker, so maybe she should have been nicer to him. She still wouldn't sleep with him, but she guessed she didn't have to blow him off as hard as she did.

She kept working, knowing she wasn't going to receive any support from Lincoln now and he might even sabotage her standing with Dr. Lloyd even further, and completely lost track of time. So it nearly shocked her when her phone signaled her for a video call.

Jaya panicked. It was her sister. They video called every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. It was literally the highlight of her week and she had cancelled plans before simply to make it happen. She always made up some excuse because she couldn't admit the real reason she desperately wanted to take these calls, not even to herself.

Panicked and embarrassed because of her disheveled hair, dirty face, and obviously still being at work, she considered abandoning the call. I can't. I'll just...I couldn't live it down. I'll just...yeah, I won't turn on my video.

Just before the call would have rung through, Jaya clicked to answer, but left her video off. She panicked again at the state of cell reception in that part of the museum but when the video popped up she realized she was connected to the wifi. She just hoped it wouldn't be flagged somehow. Either way, she saw her sister's smiling face pop up on the screen, her black hair, typically wavy and long, framing her face, instead glistening and pulled back. Her sister's large brown eyes and full lips went from a smile to a frown.

"Jaya are you all right? I don't have video."

"Hi sis," Jaya said in a near whisper. Then regaining her composure a little she added louder, "Sorry; I'm still at work. I didn't want to risk broadcasting from in here. I mean, it's not like we've got secret vaults or anything but people get sensitive."

"Oh that's too bad. Well at least you can see me!" her sister replied.

"Yes," Jaya said, again in a near whisper. She'd sunk down into a nearby chair without realizing it.

"Sorry for calling you right out of the shower but these calls with my baby sister are important. I figured you wouldn't mind!"

Her sister had angled the camera to show that she was literally just out of the shower. She wore only a towel, held together thanks to a fold tucked into her sister's impressive cleavage.

Jaya's mother was from the Middle East. She never told her children where specifically, saying she had been a refugee. She met their father while he'd been stationed in Iraq and despite the numerous hurdles, had come back to the states and started a family. Her mother's genes had bred strong in her children, giving both jet black hair, dark smoky eyes, and olive skin tones that a lot of other girls tried to get through tanning beds and creams. Jaya had an average body, but could easily display some curves in her hips and chest with some effort; her 34C chest popped quite nicely in the right bras, and she'd turned a number of heads with her "booty" over time.

But her sister Jasmine had beat her to the punch in everything. She had a full, near-perfect hourglass shape, and her 34D chest seemed to ignore gravity even without support. Her ass had a perfect heart shape at the top of killer legs, all of which her sister kept toned through running, but even then she somehow didn't need to watch her weight. One year on a dare Jasmine had dressed up as the Disney princess for a Halloween party. She'd nearly caused a riot and had briefly gone viral, with people claiming she was the Jasmine people dreamed of. Left unsaid was what kind of dreams her Jasmine featured in.

In most other sisters' relationship, the situation would have caused rampant jealousy, but Jasmine often seemed oblivious to her own beauty, and was genuinely kind and loving unless someone really pushed her. That went double with her sister, whom she loved and supported unconditionally, especially when an accident had taken their parents from them when Jaya was mid-way through high school. Jaya often said all that forged a tight bond of love and friendship between the sisters, avoiding most of the pitfalls.

Jaya wouldn't or couldn't admit what else it had forged in her.

Jasmine kept the phone elevated as she walked through her apartment to her bedroom, the ends of her towel swishing as the motion of her chest caused it to bounce. The fold parted slightly near the bottom, giving a better view of her sister's smooth thighs. Jaya found her gaze riveted to the knot, wondering if it was coming loose.

"Don't you, um," Jaya stammered, "don't you usually shower in the morning?"

"Yeah, but there's a thing tonight with some of the clients," she said, "it's one of the quarterly 'we still appreciate you' events. Mostly BS but apparently it's good for us. Everyone wanted to make sure I was going. Hang on, I'm putting the phone down."

I bet they wanted to make sure you were going, Jaya thought as her view shifted to the ceiling of her sister's apartment. She heard swishing fabric and saw the edge of the towel fly past the camera frame, then heard a drawer open.

She's naked. I wish the phone would-No! No, stop, stop it! Jaya thought. Then she looked at herself and flushed. Without noticing, she'd undone her jeans and lowered the zipper. Her thighs were clenched together and she'd been rubbing them together. She felt flushed. Stop it! she repeated to herself.

"So why are you still at work? You don't work late usually, did your hours change?" Jasmine asked from off-screen.

"Just...we got a whole shipment of artifacts in and I'm cataloguing them. We need...well my boss needs to tell the trustee board about them on Monday," Jaya said.

"Jaya," Jasmine said, her tone scolding, "Come on, I know that voice. What happened?"

Jaya's breath caught as the view changed abruptly. Her sister had picked up the phone again and she was looking at her face, but also at her chest, now encased in a lacy strapless black bra that created a deep valley between the orbs of her breasts, both flowing into smooth skin that went up around her collarbones to her slender neck. She walked to her vanity and began applying makeup, darkening her lips and around her eyes, turning her from a playful, hot young girl to a sultry sex goddess as Jaya watched virtually.

"Um, well..." Jaya began, and haltingly told the story of her work this afternoon. She made it sound like she was embarrassed, forcing Jasmine to draw the story out of her, but in reality she just wanted to prolong the conversation. She felt flushed at the end and tried to tell herself it was embarrassing, but she'd also been gripping her own breasts through her shirt and bra, and her thighs almost ached from her squirming.

"Get ahold of yourself, Jaya! she scolded herself. Then her breath caught again as Jasmine stood and turned away from her phone, briefly displaying her glorious ass in V-cut panties that matched her bra.

Jaya began speaking from off screen, "I think you're right that you need to get the work done well for your boss, but don't kill yourself over it. Like you said, she was having a bad time because your jackass coworker got her riled up. And then he had the gall to come onto you? Just focus on Dr. Lloyd, Jaya, and make sure to keep this Lincoln guy at arm's length. Or farther away, even. What do you think?"

Jasmine stepped back into frame wearing a metallic blue strapless dress that hugged all of her curves. The sweetheart neckline wasn't tight or deep but with her sister's chest it still looked like a good jump would set her breasts free to the world. Then Jasmine twisted and showed off how the dress framed her back and ass.

"God Jas, you look like the sexiest wave ever," Jaya said, then nearly knocked a tooth out covering her mouth. Shit, I just said that out loud!

"Aww, you're so sweet sis. I'm sorry to run but I have to get my hair fixed and go. Don't work too much more. And remember; be nice to the doctor. I'll talk to you this weekend, okay? Maybe I'll have a good story to tell you about the party by then!"

The cell phone screen went dark. As if that gave her permission, Jaya closed her eyes and stopped restraining her hands. She slid one hand under her shirt and bra and practically clawed her own breast while her other hand nearly tore her panties getting under them to find the sopping wet slit they covered. She couldn't achieve much with her pants still on, but she dared not go further in case someone came in; while the "working" areas of the museum were mostly deserted at this hour, it was still open, and staff were still around.

Two fingers slid down and stroked her clit, already engorged and begging for attention as her other hand moved to focus on her nipple. She thought of Jasmine going to the party in that dress, meeting with other corporate sharks and marketing staff. She'd gone to one of Jasmine's work parties once; all of her coworkers looked like they'd walked out of a Nordstrom's catalogue, but Jasmine had walked out of Maxim. She imagined what would happen if Jasmine were as worked up as she was right now. She'd leave the party early with someone, whoever the hottest guy at the place was. Maybe even a stranger from a client's site so there was no risk of workplace drama.

Jaya pictured them bursting into Jasmine's bedroom, lost in lust and passion. Jaya had only seen fleeting glimpses of her sister's chest from accidents and mishaps between shower times while they still lived together, so her mental image was of them partially pulled out of her dress, being fondled and suckled by her partner while Jasmine's head was thrown back, her eyes closed as she reveled in the sensations. In fact it got her so worked up that she hiked her dress up to her waist, showing off her long, luscious legs and spreading them wide.

Her partner immediately dove between them and a moan came out of Jasmine's mouth, though in reality it came from Jaya as her fingers started frantically trying to penetrate her box and rub her clit with each motion. She stopped moaning, but inside her head Jasmine was still going. This time, though, Jaya's mental image switched. Instead of some random corporate flunkie between her legs, the figure was shorter, with long, straight, jet black hair.

In her mind, Jasmine looked at the figure between her legs, her face flushed with lust and passion, and said "You're so sweet sis."

Jaya almost snapped her bra as she got her fist into her mouth to stifle the moan as she came. She felt her own juices coat her hand and run down her ass to soak her panties. She wasn't a squirter, so she wouldn't soak her jeans, but her wet panties would be uncomfortable soon.

She slumped back in the chair, briefly cursing Dr. Lloyd for giving her this assignment. She should have been able to be at home, video chatting with her sister, and then entertaining herself at home in bed, where she could change her panties, if she even bothered to wear them. She hadn't been, lately, for her calls. But that's just because I usually shower afterward, Jaya told herself, That's just my routine now. And what better time to find some relief than right before you shower?

Thinking of the shower reminded her that she'd need to clean her hand off. She stood up and knocked over the coffee that had long since gone cold. She mentally cursed Lincoln then, reminded of him by the coffee. Now she needed something to soak up the coffee, and clean herself up. She started walking and saw the glass bottle that had begun all of this, lying on the floor. Still seething a bit, she reached out to grab it.

She wasn't sure what she would have done with it, but she never got to find out as some sort of dust seemed to erupt in her face and a searing pain spiked through her head, causing her to immediately black out.

* * * * *

Jaya regained consciousness on the floor of the room. She was on her stomach and felt the dust from the concrete floor on her cheek as she pushed herself up. She had no idea what had happened but she remembered the pain. She'd never suffered from migraines or anything like that and she certainly hadn't passed out before. She began to worry about seizures or maybe even an aneurysm. She'd have to go see her doctor.

She only remembered the bottle when she stood, and immediately panicked. She couldn't remember if she'd actually picked it up or not, but if she had she must have dropped it. Even if it was only a hundred years old or so, breaking or losing part of a donated collection was not a good look. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the bottle on the floor about a foot away. Picking it up, there seemed to be no cracks or chipped pieces. There didn't seem to be any damage at all, actually, which confused her. Though now she started to wonder if it was even old at all. Was it some sort of formulated resin thing someone had put in as a joke?