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Ji-Ha, a runaway trans girl, is ensared by a succubus.
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She wouldn't cry again, Ji-Ha told herself, as she walked hurriedly down the dark, deserted, snow-covered street. Huddled in her oversized coat, she was hurrying to keep warm, not because she was going somewhere. She had nowhere to go. Nowhere at all.

But she wouldn't cry. She had shed enough tears tonight. Enough for a lifetime. She wasn't going to shed any more over her so-called family. She wasn't part of their family now. They had thrown that in Ji-Ha's face, right before they had kicked her out the door. She'd been shocked, to say they least. How could they be so cruel? Ji-Ha had known they wouldn't take the news well, of course. They were all devout, traditionalist Christians and so obviously they were never going to be happy to hear that their child was trans. But if there was anything they believed in as much as the Bible, it was family. Family is everything. Those were the words her father had raised her on. Ji-Ha had hoped blood ties would be enough to get them to accept her, or at least tolerate her. But no. You're living in sin, her mother had said to her tearfully as she kicked Ji-Ha out of her home forever. You're a sinful creature. I won't have such sin in my house. Those words had hurt Ji-Ha more deeply than she could have imagined.

And what if they were true?

That was the thought Ji-Ha couldn't quite get out of her head. What if her mother was right? What if she was sinful? That was what she had believed about herself for the longest time. Only recently had she started to listen to other, more affirming voices. They'd persuaded her that her feelings of discomfort with the male gender were part of who she was, and she could find happiness if she accepted that and transitioned. As scary as that idea was to Ji-Ha at first, it made sense. For as long as she could remember, she'd had a little voice in the back of her mind telling her that she was really a girl. The voice of the devil. She could imagine Pastor Moon saying that. Maybe her family was right. Being transgender wasn't natural, was it? Good Christians didn't live their lives in defiance of God's plan that way. Perhaps she could be saved, if she would only run back to her home and beg her parent's forgiveness. At least then she would have a warm place to sleep. Ji-Ha wanted that so badly. She didn't know where she was going to go, or where she was going to stay. She was alone, homeless and scared. But she didn't want to go home.

Ji-Ha kept trudging through the snow, wrapped up in her own difficult thoughts, when she noticed movement on the other side of the street. She looked up, and saw a women walked in the opposite direction to her. That was strange. It was the middle of the night, and Ji-Ha had hardly seen a soul in this sleepy, frozen part of the city. She did her best to keep her eyes on the ground, tucking her chin into her scarf. She didn't want to be noticed. She wanted to be invisible. She was blessed with a fairly feminine face and long, luscious eyelashes, but she was tall and moved awkwardly and her half-long hair was fraying at the ends because she didn't know how to care for it. Her cheeks were still stained with drying tears. She didn't want to meet strangers.

But she found it increasingly difficult to take her eyes off the woman on the other side of the street. There was just something about her. Something about the way she moved. As she put one foot in front of the other, she sashayed her hips from side to side in an exaggerated, sexual motion that was impossible for Ji-Ha not to stare at. But more than that, Ji-Ha couldn't stop looking at her eyes. She could actually see them, see their colour, even from a reasonably long distance away. It was almost like they were glowing in the dark. What was even stranger was that they seemed to be purple. It was like the woman had two orbs of purple fire shining out of her skull. It was inexplicable, and utterly captivating. Ji-Ha looked round momentarily, to see if the light in her eyes was being reflected off something, but it didn't seem to be. So Ji-Ha returned to just staring into the women's mysterious eyes from across the street.

A chill ran through Ji-Ha, though, when she realised the strange woman was looking at her too. She had caught the women's eye! Ji-Ha determinedly looked back at the ground. She just wanted to be alone. But when she risked a glance up after a few seconds, she saw that the women had started to step into the road and was heading straight towards her. Ji-Ha's hairs stood on end. Oh god. This stranger was going to talk to her. Maybe harass her. Maybe attack her. Ji-Ha didn't know. All sorts of horrible scenarios ran through her head. She wanted to run, but she couldn't bring herself to. She decided she would just look straight ahead and try and hurry on down the street, making it as clear as possible she didn't want to interact with anyone. She could pretend she had earbuds in. But when she looked back at the woman, who was rapidly drawing closer and closer, she found she couldn't do that either. She was transfixed by the strange woman's burning purple eyes, and actually slowed almost to a halt as the woman came within a few paces of her.

"Hello, dear," the woman called out. Her voice was deliciously low and sensual, like dark chocolate melting in Ji-Ha's ears.

"Hey," Ji-Ha replied uncomfortably, doing her best to adopt a feminine-sounding voice.

"Mmm," the woman purred. "What's a cute little thing like you doing out at night, when it's so cold?"

That set off all sorts of alarm bells in Ji-Ha's head. "Just out for a walk. Ummm... I should get going, I need to get home soon."

"Wait." Ji-Ha had been preparing herself to dash off, but the woman's voice halted her in her tracks. It had... changed. It was still low and soft and sensual, but there was something underneath too. Power. It was like there was a second voice echoing hers, one that was utterly commanding and could not be disobeyed. Ji-Ha found that she could not take a single step. It was like her feet were rooted in concrete.

"Let me get a good look at you." The power and raw, supernatural dominance vanished, but the compulsion remained. Ji-Ha couldn't pull away as the woman stepped very close to her and reached up with one hand, and used it to turn Ji-Ha's face up towards hers. The strange woman's long, vicious nails dug into her skin, and Ji-Ha became uncomfortably aware that the woman towered a full head above her due to the high-heeled leather boots she was wearing. An intense rush of fear came over Ji-Ha, but there was something else too. Where the woman's skin touched hers, something electric spread across Ji-Ha's face. She could almost see sparks flying. Her body started to grow incredibly hot, and her mind started to cloud over. What was happening to her?

And then the woman pulled away, and those feelings disappeared as quickly as they had appeared.

"Hmmm." The woman appeared to ponder something. Ji-Ha hoped the woman wouldn't realise she was trans. When the woman spoke again, it was in her voice of command. "What's your name, sweet thing?"

"I... Ji-Ha." As reluctant as she was to disclose anything about herself, Ji-Ha found she couldn't resist answering. Another name came into her mind at first, but she rejected it and clung to 'Ji-Ha' like a precious treasure.

"Good." The woman smiled, and Ji-Ha saw teeth. "My name is Zaryssia." Ji-Ha had never heard any name quite like that before. She wondered briefly where the woman was from. Her features made her ethnicity impossible to determine, especially in the dark. "Let me ask you again, Ji-Ha. What are doing out here tonight? Tell the truth, now."

"I was kicked out by my family." Ji-Ha tried hard, but she couldn't stop the words as they forced their way from her throat. She blushed fiercely, terrified she was about to reveal that she was trans. But apparently, what she'd said was truth enough.

"How awful!" Zaryssia exclaimed. She sounded genuinely concerned, but Ji-Ha couldn't shake the feeling that the strange woman was savoring her vulnerability. "A poor young thing like you, all alone on the streets! Why, anything could happen! Anything at all."

"Yeah." Ji-Ha swallowed awkwardly. Hoping Zaryssia's command, somehow impossible to disobey, would have expired, she grappled for a lie that might get her out of the situation. "I'm going over to a friend's house, actually. I called them up to make sure it's OK, so they're expecting me, and-"

"The truth, Ji-Ha." Zaryssia whispered. Ji-Ha blanched at the way compulsion and power was laced into every word.

"I don't have anywhere to go," she admitted, Zaryssia's command drawing the truth out of her. "I'm homeless."

"I thought so," Zaryssia replied. She seemed not to acknowledge the way she was, somehow, forcing Ji-Ha to do and say what she wanted. She stepped towards Ji-Ha, standing very close to the shivering trans girl's body. "Fortunately for you, I am a kind soul. You can stay with me tonight, all tucked up and warm in my bed. Doesn't that sound nice?"

"I..." It sounded anything but nice. It sounded terrifying. Ji-Ha didn't know what to say. She wanted to run, but she was rooted in place. She wanted to scream, but there was no-one else around. She wanted to refuse, but she knew it wouldn't matter.

"Follow," Zaryssia instructed, before turning on her heels and starting to strut down the street away from Ji-Ha. Entirely against her wishes, Ji-Ha's legs started to move, and she found herself trotting to keep up with the tall, dark woman, keeping just behind her. Zaryssia didn't even look back to make sure Ji-Ha was following. She exuded complete and utter confidence and control.

As they walked, Ji-Ha wracked her mind for ideas that might help get her out of this situation. She thought about all the different ways Zaryssia might be controlling her, and all the ways she might resist. But it was all for naught. Zaryssia's commands were ironclad, and Ji-Ha could do nothing but follow her like an obedient little puppy. Once she resigned herself to that, she instead turned her attention to the strange, compelling woman herself. Ji-Ha could see little of her from behind, shrouded as she was in the night and in her dark, bilious coat, but she nonetheless cut an impressive figure. She was probably already one of the tallest women Ji-Ha had ever seen, even without the glossy high-heeled boots adding at least six inches to her height. Her face was almost inhumanly sleek and elegant, and when they passed beneath a lampost Ji-Ha could see that her hair, worn in a very long, braided ponytail, was streaked with purple, the same colour as her eyes. All of those things, and especially her burning eyes, made Ji-Ha wonder if Zaryssia was even human.

Eventually, Zaryssia led Ji-Ha into a wealthier and more opulent part of the city, still deserted due to the inhospitably cold weather. She led Ji-Ha over to an apartment building, and withdrew a keycard from a pocket of her coat that she used to let herself in the front door. The lobby inside was just as deserted as the rest of the city, but to Ji-Ha it seemed very lavish and upper-class. Without saying a word, Zaryssia made Ji-Ha follow her into the elevator and pressed the button marked 'P' - for penthouse. Ji-Ha's anxiousness only grew as they rode the elevator up to the top floor. Who was this woman, who had enchanted her? Was she rich? Powerful? Ji-Ha could only guess. Once the elevator doors opened, Zaryssia led Ji-Ha out. The strange, tall woman used a key to open the only door in sight. She held it open for Ji-Ha, beckoning her inside. Ji-Ha meekly complied. She hadn't been compelled to enter, but she knew nothing could be more pointless than trying to run away.

The room beyond the door took Ji-Ha's breath away. It looked like something from a movie. There was silver and gold everywhere, along with paintings, ornaments, statues, and all kinds of other objects that spoke of staggering wealth. The carpet was a rich, velvet red, and the furniture looked like it belonged in a royal palace. Ji-Ha tentatively explored her new surroundings, wandering over to a massive, comfy-looking armchair and stroking the armrest carefully. It felt like the most comfortable thing in the world.

"Sit," Zaryssia commanded, in that magical irresistible voice of hers.

Ji-Ha sat straight down in the armchair.

"Wonderful." Zaryssia, still wrapped up in her coat, walked over and stood above Ji-Ha, looking down at her with a predatory smile. Ji-Ha felt very small, like she was sinking into the chair. "Questions?"

"What... what is this place?" Ji-Ha squeaked. "Do you live here?"

Zaryssia laughed. "Yes, I suppose I do, now. I recently... acquired this humble little place from a very, very wealthy man. He gave it to me, as a gift."

Ji-Ha couldn't imagine anyone, however rich, giving a penthouse apartment like this as a gift. "Why?"

"Because I told him to," Zaryssia said simply.

"Because..." Ji-Ha's mouth went dry. She hadn't considered just how much power and wealth Zaryssia could wield, if her strange power was as potent as it seemed. "Why can't I disobey you when your voice goes... like that?"

"Like this?" Zaryssia demonstrated. She hadn't issued a command, but nonetheless her voice made Ji-Ha shiver. "Why, it's very simple. You see, I'm a succubus."

"What?" The directness and strangeness of her response floored Ji-Ha.

"A succubus," Zaryssia repeated. "A demon, to put it in terms you might better understand."

Despite her fear, despite everything, Ji-Ha barked a manic laugh. "Bullshit."

Zaryssia threw back her head and cackled. "Oh really? Perhaps you'd like to see for yourself."

Without saying another word, Zaryssia threw off her long coat to reveal that underneath, she was completely and totally naked. At first, stunned as she was by Zaryssia's incredible tits, luscious hips and round, taut ass, Ji-Ha couldn't see anything besides her eyes to suggest the woman might be some kind of demon. But then, before her very eyes, Zaryssia started to change. Her skin darkened to an unnatural grey, with patches of pale white remaining on her breasts and abdomen. Her high-heeled boots morphed into scales, grew long talons and seemed to fuse to her body. Vicious talons grew from her pointed fingertips. And most strikingly of all, twin spikes of twisted bone grew from her forehead as two long, demonic horns emerged out of the skin of her temples. Zaryssia did not seem pained or discomforted in any way by her transformation. Quite the opposite; she stretched out all of her limbs like a sleepy cat, clearly reveling the ability to cast off her disguise. Ji-Ha could only watch, awed and terrified.

Zaryssia was a demon.

"What do you think," the succubus purred, "of my true form?"

Ji-Ha screamed.

She screamed as the reality of her situation washed over her. As bad as the situation had seemed before, this was a thousand times worse. She was being held captive by an actual demon! Zaryssia's inhuman yet darkly beautiful body left her true nature beyond doubt. Ji-Ha started scrambled madly at the armrests of the chair she was sitting in, desperate to run no matter the danger. But it was no use. The command to 'sit' was still binding her, and she could not force her body to lift her from where she was sitting. All she could do was scream, and think about what Zaryssia would do to her. Ji-Ha knew what a succubus was, or at least she knew the legend. She needed to get out of here. Maybe she could alert someone on the floor below? But her scream slowly died in her throat when she saw the way Zaryssia was looking at her - with calm, predatory joy. She realised there was no way the succubus would be allowing her to scream if there was any possibility that anyone would hear. A sense of hopelessness washed over her. She was trapped.

"Get that out of your system?" Zaryssia taunted, once Ji-Ha had fallen silent. She grinned, showing teeth. "Now we can have some fun. Oh, don't look so terrified. I promise, you're going to enjoy it."

The way the succubus let each word roll around in her mouth sent shivers all down Ji-Ha's spine. She didn't want to enjoy it. She feared for her soul. She was staring at damnation, but she couldn't stop her body responding to the succubus's words. Zaryssia seemed to exert an aura that was affecting Ji-Ha like a physical force. All the hairs on her skin were standing on end, her breathing was coming fast and her cheeks for flushed - and she could tell not all of that was from fear. And her eyes kept straying down to stare at Zaryssia's enticing, overwhelmingly sexual body, however hard she tried not to look. Ji-Ha whimpered. What was going to happen to her? What was going to happen to her soul? She tried to pray silently for deliverance, but it was becoming so hard to concentrate.

"Stand up," Zaryssia commanded. Ji-Ha instantly obeyed. She made ready to run, but the succubus's next words robbed her of that chance. "Don't move. Hands at your sides."

Ji-Ha's body locked itself in place, unable to move even one inch without the succubus's permission. Zaryssia advanced on her hungrily, and with every step closer that she took, the heat within Ji-Ha's body grew more and more intense. By the time Zaryssia was right in front of her, Ji-Ha felt like she was burning up. Zaryssia's compulsions wouldn't let her actually move, but muscles all over her body were twitching wildly, and she was sweating from all of her pores. And then Zaryssia reached up and ran one of her talons gently down Ji-Ha's face, and she gasped. To her body, burning with need, Zaryssia's touch was pleasantly, perfectly cool. Ji-Ha was struck with the idea that only Zaryssia could soothe the feelings of intense arousal building inside her. Only Zaryssia. She found herself leaning slightly into the succubus's hand. She needed the demon to touch her more. In spite of everything, she needed it.

Then Zaryssia's hand snaked around to the back of Ji-Ha's head, her fingers threading through her hair and forming a loose fist. It didn't hurt much, but the pressure was enough to make Ji-Ha whimper. Zaryssia pulled, forcing Ji-Ha to tilt her head up. She darted in with her mouth, latching onto Ji-Ha's neck. The poor, shivering girl wasn't sure if Zaryssia was kissing her or biting her. In the end, it didn't really matter. The sensation was electric. Ji-Ha moaned as she felt Zaryssia's teeth teasing her skin as the succubus's lips parted slightly, kissing her fiercely. The young trans girl was unable to move, unable to resist, unable to do anything at all except drink in the feeling of what the succubus was doing to her. Zaryssia backed off for an instant, only to attack again at a different spot. Ji-Ha had the thought that if she made it through the night her skin would be covered in red marks. And then Zaryssia kissed her again and that thought vanished, just like all her other thoughts.

"You taste good," Zaryssia purred. "Now, I want to see all of you. Take off your clothes."

Ji-Ha's first impulse was to obey, of course. But her second thought was panic. If she took her clothes off, Zaryssia would see what she was. She would see that she was trans. Ji-Ha couldn't stand that thought. As absurd as it seemed given her situation, she couldn't shake the feeling that if she could only hide herself, hide her body, it was better somehow. In her daily life that need was all-consuming, and even now it went to war with Zaryssia's demonic power, leaving Ji-Ha still frozen in place, twitching awkwardly. As much as part of her needed to rip off everything she was wearing in order to obey her captor, another part of her found that idea so repulsive, so terrifying, it froze her in place. Zaryssia took a step back, and cocked an eyebrow.

"Curious," she commented. "Forget that." The compulsion to strip vanished, and Ji-Ha sighed with relief. Zaryssia looked at her with fresh eyes. "What's going on in your head, cute thing?"