Sigma Iota Omicron


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"OK, white girl with red ass, you done. Get up."

Annie said we had only a minute to get back down stairs. We pulled on our robes and headed to the door. Sister Annie smiled at us and said we did just fine.

"I'm supposed to inspect you, but we don't have time. But, Julie will, so just go with the flow." She opened the door and headed out.

I turned to them and thanked them for taking care of me. "I think this roommate thing may just work out." Letetia lit up the room with a 1,000 watt smile and Kathleen turned a new shade of red and nodded. I led us down to something none of us could ever have expected.

The Rules

Julie was again standing in front of the rest of the sorority. She motioned us to our chairs and told us to sit. I eased my sore butt down, but immediately started squirming. Annie whispered something to Julie, and she nodded.

"Recruit Andy, you may stand if you wish."

I thanked her and stood. Annie pulled the chair away so I was in line with the other recruits.

Julie pulled a chair in front of us and began talking as she sat and crossed her long legs.

"Recruits, you may be confused by what you have experienced so far and thinking you might want to leave. Let me explain the purpose of our orientation and then the simple rules you will follow. If, after listening, you wish to leave, you can do so and we will not say a word about your time with us. We will not blackball you if you pledge another sorority. I can tell you, however, that you will come to regret that decision. Because, if you stay, you will be on the path to becoming a powerful, successful and respected woman."

Julie looked each of us in the eye. "Our goal is to make you fabulous women. The secret is simple; it can be summed up in one word—Control. If you can master control, you can master yourselves and everyone you will meet in life. Everything we do in this orientation is geared to showing you one facet of control or another. Trust in me and the other sisters, and you will find a power in your life you never imagined."

Julie paused and let her words sink in. She then smiled and said that the rules will help us learn control. She asked me about the First Rule.

"Always obey a sister," I quickly replied as I reimagined the painful strokes on my butt.

"Excellent! Now, Recruits, remove your robes, we need to inspect your work."

Julie ordered the other girls to stand. Slowly we all dropped our robes. She looked at our newly shaved crotches, lingering on each one. She told us to take a moment and look at each other. We each moved so we could view the other naked girls. Again, the differences were striking. I never gave much thought to girl's pussies, but each one was different in its now shaved state.

"Sister Annie and Sister Kaitlin were there any problems?" Both girls shook their heads.

Julie walked to the end of the line where the Hispanic girl stood. She was short, about 5' 2", with dark hair, light brown skin, pointed boobs, a thick waist and short, but shapely legs. With her dark eyes and strong facial features, she demanded attention. Her pussy was smooth, and her lips were thick and full. Julie slipped her hand onto her mound and rubbed up and down. She then ordered the girl to sit and had Annie and Kaitlin raise and pull apart her legs. She was now completely exposed. Julie felt along her lips and slid her hand under her groping up to her anus. Julie nodded and the other girls released her legs. They assisted the recruit to stand again.

Julie repeated the process with a blond recruit with huge boobs and long legs, followed by an examination of a brunette with sagging boobs, a narrow waist, and short, stocky legs. Her face, however, was absolutely beautiful. I thought she would be one girl who looked much better dressed than naked.

Next was the Asian girl. I noticed her as soon as we had come into the sorority earlier that day. She had long, straight black hair that hung half-way down her back. Her skin was as smooth as beige silk. She was taller than I would have expected, probably around 5'6". She had perfectly shaped breasts sitting at a great angle on her chest. The nipples were dark and her areolas small and brown. The nipples pointed up and looked erect. Her waist was narrow and her hips hardly flared at all. What made her even more exotic and sexy was her Mons. It was quite pronounced and now that it was bare, showed a mound that called immediate attention to itself. With her flat stomach and naked raised Mons, she commanded voyeuristic stares from the rest of us. Julie called her forward and I could now see her small, tight buns, with a dimple on either side.

Julie must have also felt the erotic vibes coming from the Asian girl, since she not only felt her crotch, but ran her hands over the perky breasts standing so smartly on her golden chest.

As the other girls separated the Asian's legs, Julie took her time examining every square inch of the dramatically exposed young woman. Finally, she gave a nod and the two Sisters released the Recruit. I felt my heart beating faster and my insides heating up.

Julie now began examining Kathleen, and as we suspected, Kathleen began reacting to the touch near to her sensitive clit. Julie picked up on this right away, and played with it sending crimson from the tops of Kathleen's milky breasts up to the top of her head accompanied by labored breathing. When the Sisters spread her, Julie fondled her unmercifully. Suddenly, she stopped. She reached between Kathleen's legs and then asked Annie to do the same. After feeling the totally embarrassed Irish girl, Annie nodded sheepishly to Julie.

"Recruit, who shaved you?" demanded Julie.

In a soft voice, Kathleen said, "Letetia."

Julie then turned to Annie. "Sister, did you check this Recruit?"

Annie looked uncomfortable, and said "No, Big Sister, we were a little rushed, and I..."

Julie cut her off. "I am not interested in excuses. I am quite upset to find this Recruit is not a real shave-tail. Do you see the red hair there?"

Annie agreed with her.

Julie then ordered both Kathleen and Letetia to step forward. Guessing what was probably waiting, they tentatively moved out of line. Julie instructed them to turn, spread their legs and grasp their calves.

She then handed the paddle to Annie and told her to administer the punishment. "Sister, remember to be strong, or the number will be doubled."

Annie stepped behind Kathleen. Her smooth rear pushed toward the ceiling. Annie sighed and let go with a solid smack on one cheek, followed by an equally strong one on the other.

Kathleen cried out and tried to stifle her sobs. The first two were swiftly followed by four more until the white of the fair-skinned lass was now scarlet.

Julie stepped to Letetia and without hesitation administered six whacks that sounded like wood hitting a stone wall. Letetia did not even flinch, and winked at me.

Julie told the girls to retake their place. She then told Annie to face us. Annie, with a pained expression on her face, stood in front of us recruits. Julie told her to drop her pants.

Annie undid her belt, slid down the zipper and eased her jeans to the floor. She had on a red thong.

"The rest," commanded Julie.

Annie pulled the thong down, then stepped clear of her clothes. She had a thick blond strip with full lips poking through. She was beautiful standing in front of us half-naked.

"You know the rest, Sister," said Julie

Annie bent over and grabbed her calves. Julie administered ten whacks. Julie then felt between her legs, finally removing her hand and wiping the wetness on Annie's red butt. When Annie straightened up, we could see the tears pouring down her cheeks, but she had not uttered a sound.

"Pick up your clothes," ordered Julie.

Annie picked up her underwear and jeans and placed them on a chair, and then rejoined Kaitlin and Julie in the inspections. She looked strange standing there half-naked.

After Annie's punishment, Julie inspected me with her smooth, cool fingers and I felt the same jolt I experienced when she kissed me and touched my breast earlier.

Julie is one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. She is around six feet tall, with a smooth complexion and honey colored hair, pulled back to accent her high cheek bones. Her eyes are deep blue and her mouth a full bow of red. She appears to have a phenomenal figure under her cashmere sweater and tailored pants.

Finally, they finished with me and moved to Letetia. Julie spent a long time on the thick lips of the black girl's sex.

Finishing, she returned to sit in front of us with Annie, still bottomless, and Kaitlin standing on either side.

"Recruits, I will now share Rule Two, it has two parts. First, while you are recruits you will not wear any undergarments. No bra, no panties, no panty hose—nothing. Second, you will wear a skirt at all times when you are out. In the house, you will wear nothing or your robe. Is that clear?"

We all feebly nodded yes.

"Rule Three—and this is to be carried out without exception. A failure to follow Rule Three means immediate discipline. Fail twice and the consequences are severe. Fail three times, and you are out."

Julie paused to be sure her admonitions had sunk in. By the frightened looks in our eyes, she had her answer.

"Rule Three, if anyone—male or female—asks if you are a shave-tailed SIO recruit, you must show that person that you are within one minute. That is why you will wear a skirt and no underwear. The only exceptions are that you do not have to respond if you are in class or any academic building. Please note, the library is not considered an academic building. Other than the times you are in class or an academic building, you will be accompanied by either Sister Kaitlin or Sister Annie. You are split into two sets and you will make arrangements to meet after classes so that you may always travel together and with your Sister. "

Julie looked at our shocked faces and smiled.

"Any questions, Recruits?"

I believe all of us were speechless and not a sound came in response. Julie then dismissed us back to our rooms.

The meaning of rules

None of us even bothered to put on our robes and just grabbed them and ran up the stairs. Kathleen immediately broke into loud sobs and crumpled on a bottom bunk, lying on her tummy. Her delicate rear was three shades redder than mine and looked like it was about to burst.

Letetia picked up the ointment and tossed it to me.

Letetia bent over and I carefully applied a liberal coating, marveling at how taut and firm her buttocks were. She really was like a statue carved from marble. I next bent down next to Kathleen and softly asked her if I could put on the soothing ointment. She nodded, and I squirted a blob on each cheek. I could feel the heat in my palms as I carefully worked in the liquid.

Just as I was finishing the door opened and Annie came in. She was still bottomless and looked pissed, and I figured Julie probably reamed her a new one. She told Kathleen to get up and ordered me to get the razor and shaving cream.

With a hand from Letetia, Kathleen stood and crossed to where Annie knelt in front of a desk. She motioned for another desk chair to be brought over and indicated that Kathleen should put a leg up. Annie then rubbed a mound of cream into the area between the Irish girl's legs and quickly, but gently took care of any stubble. Wiping her clean with a towel, Annie slowly moved her hand over every inch to be sure there were no stragglers.

She then turned to me and said, "Shave me clean."

We stared in wonder and she said, "Yeah, I fucked up so I have to keep it shaved as long as you girls do and I have to let you guys do it. Julie said to be sure that Andy does it first."

She plopped on the bed and spread her legs, winced at the pain emanating from her paddled butt, but did not get up. I used the cream and razor and in a minute she was as bald as we were. Hers was the second woman's sex I had touched in less than an hour. Annie's lips were pronounced and folded over her clit and I saw some drops of excitement slowly oozing out. There was also a strong but pleasant womanly scent reaching my nose.

She then told us to lie in our beds because she wanted to talk with us.

Kathleen and I shared one lower bunk while the big, black beauty took another bottom bed. Annie pulled up a chair between the bunks. She had to grab a pillow from a top bunk to slide under her naked and sore butt. Her shaved pussy glistened, reflecting the light in the room as she sat with her legs apart.

"Girls, I'm sorry you were punished. I should have checked. I feel responsible, but it is also a valuable lesson learned. There will be inspections all throughout your orientation, so I urge you to tend to your grooming every day. Remember you cannot do yourself. This is sort of an honor code, and I wager every girl who was ever here did do it herself, but if you get caught the punishment is not pleasant.

"I will bring up some lotion with aloe that will help guard against razor burn."

Kathleen lay in front of me, both of us on our sides. Her rear was softly pressed against me and I could feel the heat from the reddened cheeks. I stroked her magnificent curls with one hand as her head rested on my arm. My breasts poked into her back and the contact felt both good and erotic.

Annie explained about what Julie meant when she talked about control.

"If you can control yourself, no matter what, you will be successful. You will learn how to control others and make them do what you want. Now, I know you are wondering how you can be in control when you have to show your private parts to anyone who says the right words. Think of it this way. The person asking to see you thinks he or she is in control. But, they really want something that only you can give. So, you have the control. Once they see your pretty, shaved sex, they will be filled with desire. Again, you can control that desire by flirting, denying, or many other tactics. You now control them."

I could feel Kathleen relax as Annie spoke and I stroked her hair. After a few minutes, she reached for my hand and brought it to her mouth. With tiny kisses, she covered my palm.

"The other thing you have to control is your sex drive. We have deliberately made you more provocative and contrived to put you in sensual situations. You cannot give in to just anyone, you must exercise self-control. If you can make these situations work for you, then you will have conquered one of the most dangerous situations for women. By taking control of your sexuality, you will take control of most of the men, and the women, you will meet. Believe me, even if a man is not trying to get into bed with you, he is thinking about it, or thinking about what you look like naked. Control that, and you control him.

"So, how do you—attractive women with an abundance of hormones—keep your own libidos in control? Well, that's what sisters are for."

Kathleen laughed and turned back to look me directly in the eye and winked. As she did, she pushed her butt harder into my crotch.

"Girls, we are not advocating that you become gay, or even bi. You are free to refrain from sex with your sisters. No one is every going to pressure you. If they do, come to me immediately. I'm serious, we will not tolerate that.

"We are saying that sex is something sisters can share just as we share secrets, clothes, and other special things. I know that just about every SIO has gone on to marry or, if not, to remain outwardly hetero. I also know that intimacy between sisters is a powerful bond that will last a lifetime.

"Before I came here and became a SIO, I never had any sexual experience with another girl. I mean it, nothing. But, just like you I was suddenly in such an unknown world that I couldn't tell up from down. My roommate and I both discovered that we were almost constantly turned on. It didn't take long before we discovered a safe and fun way to get rid of our horniness. After that, it became fun and a little romantic, but mostly fun.

"I've had boyfriends and experience with other sisters in the last two years. Right now, well, let's say I am not in a committed relationship. I'm telling you this because I want you to feel comfortable with each other. If you want to experiment with sex, you can do it here in a total judgment free zone."

Annie shifted her weight on the chair, obviously trying to deal with the soreness in her rear. In doing so, she exposed more of her smooth pussy. I thought it was an erotic vision.

Annie picked up her conversation, telling us about the bond between sisters in this sorority.

"SIOs keep contact with their sisters. Andy, you're a legacy, right?"

I nodded.

"So," continued Annie, "does your mother still have her "girls only" weekends and vacations with her sorority sisters?"

I thought about it and then nodded that she did. I never gave it a minute's thought, but now I recall that two or three times a year she would say she was getting together with her old college buddies.

"Exactly. Now don't think that these weekends are orgies of lesbian sex. That's not the point. They are a time when these beautiful, successful and complex women can come together and allow themselves to be out of control. They can have sex, get a little drunk, let off steam, bitch about their husbands, complain about their kids, and, yes, have a little more sex. It's safe, it's healthy, and it is with people they trust more than anyone else in the world. When they leave, they are back in control and ready to take on life's shit."

Annie asked it there were any questions.

I said, "What about the spanking?"

She smiled and said, "Good question. Actually, the spankings are an important part of your education.

"First, it gives you experience in controlling pain. As women, we may experience a lot of pain. We all have heard about the pain of childbirth. I am not saying a paddling compares to that pain, but you can begin to control how you react to pain. The more control you have with pain, the more control you will have with your lives.

"Second, we want you to experience the connection between pain and pleasure. Did any of you feel anything besides pain when you were paddles?"

Emboldened by a feeling of trust and shared humiliation with my roommates, I said softly, "I did."

"What did you feel, Andy?"

"I felt a strong tingle in my pussy and clit. I mean the paddle hurt like hell, but there was something behind that pain that made me a bit excited."

"And...?" prompted Annie.

"And, when Julie..."

"Big Sister Julie," said Annie, "get used to calling her that."

"When Big Sister Julie pinched my ass, I, sort of, got wet."

Annie smiled and nodded.

"Yep, there is a connection between pain and excitement. You need to understand it and then learn how to control it. It can bring pleasure and confidence to you."

"Finally," Annie said, "some women who master control and use it throughout their lives to become successful, need to release that control once in a while. That is why many of SIOs enjoy bondage and domination. They can let loose of their control in a very safe environment with those they love and trust. It is a liberating experience for them. It is a cleansing."

"Do you do that, Annie?" asked Kathleen.

"Kathleen, please remember to call me Sister Annie. I don't mind here in the room, but if Big Sister Julie heard you, we both would be punished.

"Yes, I do enjoy it. There are a couple senior sisters who sponsor B&D weekends. I have gone to a couple and come back both satisfied and energized."

Annie wrapped up her little talk and said she wanted to take a hot tub. Asking if anyone wanted to join her, she stood and pulled off her top and bra. She had a great body and we all admired her standing naked in front of us. She and Letetia pulled on robes and grabbed towels, and soon Kathleen and I were alone in the room.