Shy Boy Harem Pt. 01

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Nerd gets powers to cause pleasure and starts his harem.
4.1k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/01/2022
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A/N: This is a whole book that I'm posting here to get some followers and make a name for myself. That means that there is a plot that runs through this story and its not simply Jason collecting a new harem girl every episode. I think for the later episodes, I'm inclined to let people vote on what fetishes they want. Anyway, enjoy!

I was just your average guy. Well, okay, that might be stretching it. I'm not really anything special, just a poor college grad working at Kostko. No glamorous life for me. Hell, I bet you couldn't even pick me out in a line up. That's how average I am.

I've never had a girlfriend before, never even been on a date. I stutter when beautiful ladies talk to me and the closest I've been to kissing a girl is getting a small peck on the cheek by my cousin, which, it turned out, was a prank set up by my relatives.

The only thing going for me was that I lived in my own apartment. Rent was high but I was able to pay for it through my retail job. Every night was essentially spent alone watching TV or surfing YouTube. And yea, I got a healthy amount of dick stroking in there too. What else is there to do for a horny guy like me who doesn't even go out on Friday nights? Not that I could go out on Friday nights since I didn't really have any friends except Dave but he was more of a work acquaintance than anything.

So my life trajectory was not looking positive. I was bound for the fast track to being a shut in, a NEET who wouldn't even get his first kiss. A loser.

That was, until something really strange happened while I was walking home.

It was just a normal day. Work had been pretty tiring. Customers berated me right and left, my manager was unhappy with my performance, and I think the coed girls were shit talking me in the breakroom. That was just the usual though.

I walked home as normal since it was really only a fifteen minute walk. Good bit of exercise for someone who essentially doesn't get any.

There's this one park I always pass by. It was supposed to be our city's attempt at making a Central Park and it came out decent, like a little forest in the center of the busy city life.

As I was passing it, minding my business on the sidewalk, I noticed something odd. On one of the paths, underneath the dense foliage of the forest, there was something glowing purple. The sun had just been starting to set so that was probably the only thing that made it noticeable.

I was never particularly adventurous but I felt a strange pull to the glow and decided to take a second or two and check it out. Maybe it was a cool light set up or something.

I stepped off the sidewalk and walked through the grass until I reached the path. The forest trees stood before me like old guardians to the park. I continued walking, feeling a light but warm breeze wash over me.

The glowing got brighter as I followed the path. It wasn't super intense but it was enough that it was hard to avoid now being in the forest.

I think most people ditched the park at this time of day so it was relatively quiet, the stillness of the dusky air adding to the mystery of this peculiar glowing object.

As I turned the corner around a bend in the path, there I saw it. It was a glowing purple rock sitting in the middle of the path. I didn't know much about rocks but this one looked like it had been cut already, making it look closer to a diamond or something but not as symmetrical or elegant.

I figured it was just one of those see-through decorations that had a light inside. Maybe battery-powered or something. It looked pretty cool, I had to admit so I stood there for a second, resting against a tree, admiring the way it lit up the surrounding forest like a delicate painter would.

And then I felt a pull. It wasn't like a physical pull or anything but a mental pull. I had to go touch it and that's exactly what I did. I made my way over, only vaguely noticing the glowing stone getting brighter and squatted beside it. I probably looked like Gollum, all hunched over his precious ring but I really did feel a tug towards it.

I gingerly reached out a hand, slowly, cautiously, as if it were hot or something and touched the stone. That was when I blacked out.


I awoke in my room, clothes still on. I put a hand to my head, feeling groggy and trying to remember the events of the previous night. Work had been normal. Walking home had been normal. No, wait, there was something in the park. Something... glowy? Yea, a glowing thing. I tried to recall more but couldn't.

I didn't remember anything after that. I must have just taken myself home and done the usual, masturbating alone and then maybe playing a video game. Honestly, it didn't phase me too much. I just got ready as usual and was out the door before I knew it.

At work my manager put me on stocking duty. I just had to truck stuff from the backroom out onto the main floor and put shit on the shelves. It was rather tedious but I didn't have to interact with very many people, except for the occasional lost customer who wanted to know where the bread was. That was how I liked it, left to myself.

Of course, as soon as I start to enjoy my solitude, I get interrupted. It was just the nature of the business.

"Excuse me, sir?"

I turned around, a teeny bit upset that I was being interrupted while I was in the zone but then I met the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She was a brunette with a cute button nose, a tight white shirt that covered some massive breasts, and yoga pants that really showed off her ass. I did my best not to stare, keeping my eyes locked on hers. She had this absolutely adorable smile on her face that really accented her soft freckles, her long brown hair flowing freely in gentle waves. If I had to guess, she was about my age.

"Uh, hi," I said awkwardly. Did I forget to mention that I was the most socially ungraceful man on the planet. Couldn't flirt to save my life, not that I would be flirting with a customer of course. Just if the chance had presented itself, I would be shit out of luck.

"Do you know where the bread is?" Her voice had this sing-song quality to it that melted me.

"Uh, yea, follow me." I usually led customers where they needed to go. This time was certainly different. My heart pounded inside my chest. A literal model was walking right behind me and I was too scared to do anything. She probably only dated guys with six packs so I wouldn't have had a chance anyway. That thought made me feel a little bit better.

I walked in silence, feeling stiff as a board as we zigged and zagged our way through the aisles.

Before I knew it, we made it to the bread aisle, all without me saying a word.

"Thanks!" She said cheerfully before moving past me. She was already on her way to find whatever fancy-ass organic bread it was that she was looking for. I gave a tiny sigh and spun around. Another chance blown because I'm just a loser. A loser who can't talk to girls.

I started to walk back to my stocking cart but, as I was, I felt someone grab my arm. What can only be described as an electric shock followed and I spun around. It was the girl and she seemed just as surprised as I was by the shock. It looked like she had been about to say something but now lost her train of thought.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry." She finally said, a furious blush settling over her. "I-I didn't mean to shock you." She stumbled over her words but she didn't pull her arm away, still gripping mine.

"Uh," I said stupidly, my brain turning to jello because she was still holding my arm. "It's ok." I couldn't think of anything else to say.

She was staring into my eyes, searching for something. We stood like that for a few moments, her eyes now locked onto mine until it grew too uncomfortable for even someone like me.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

That seemed to throw her out of her trance and she spoke up. "Oh sorry, excuse me," she said again. "I think I had a question about the bread but I forgot..."

She, seemingly reluctantly, let go of me, her full red lips making the slightest pouty expression. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the way her breasts jiggled and, somewhat stupidly, realized they were natural. Pretty crazy for breasts that big. Might have been a D or DD cup if I had to guess and all my experience watching porn left me pretty good at guessing.

"Well, if you remember, I'll be back in that other aisle." I walked back over there, feeling slightly weirded out. What was that look? I had never seen anything like it. Did she not realize I was a loser? Was I being punked? Maybe she had a few screws loose or something.

I resumed my shelf stocking, doing my best to hide the boner I just now realized was raging underneath my pants. Eventually, though, I did find my groove again. Putting away can after can, I lost myself in thought, trying to focus on what I would do in Skyrim and not the ridiculously attractive girl that had just touched me.

Thirty minutes had passed that way before I finished up with this particular set of cans. I moved towards the back room to pick up more cans and, as I left the aisle turning sharply right, I accidentally bumped into that very girl again.

The shock passed through us again, this time making both us visibility jump. Once more, almost in a way that gave me deja vu, she started to blush.

I took a step back, realizing that my chest had brushed up against hers. "Sorry ma'am, didn't mean to do that." Holy hell, were they soft like pillows.

"No, no, don't worry. I was being clumsy..." she trailed off at the end, almost as if she were herself lost in thought but really she was searching my eyes again like she had accidentally dropped something in them.

"What's your name?" Her voice was quiet, barely above a whisper and the blush deepened even further on her face, accenting those gorgeous high cheekbones.

"My name?" I looked down at my shirt, forgetting it entirely. What the fuck was my name? The tag on my shirt read "Jason" so that's what I said.

She said it back to me, softly, the name heavy with her breath.

"Listen, I-'' she stopped herself and dropped her eyes down to see my cock straining against my pants. I was average in that department as well, unfortunately, and

I embarrasedly shifted away, immediately worrying if this would count as sexual harassment. I could not lose this job. It was my only source of income.

She suddenly pushed herself up close to me, her heavy boobs rubbing against me. I could feel her heart pounding and she was breathing like she had just gone on a run or something. "I never do this but..." A pause and then she steeled herself. "Is there somewhere we can go?"

"Um, excuse me?" I said, brain not processing what she was saying.

"Is there a private room? A room in the back? Bathroom?"

My stupid reptilian brain reverted back to its primary mode of operating at work: rule-following. "The backroom is closed off to customers. Only staff are allow-"

She kissed me, suddenly, violently. I never had been kissed before but I had always heard that it was like fireworks. They were wrong. It so was much more intense, like a bomb going off in your head.

Her lips, so soft and delicate, pulled at mine before sucking on my mouth. Both her hands grabbed my face, cupping it, not letting me away. The sucking only got more intense with that.

Her tongue slipped in, lapping against mine. It was so wet, so hot. Her tongue explored my mouth like it was a dark cavern and she the fearless adventurer. Her perfume was intoxicating, something flowery and girly and it made everything seem surreal.

I didn't kiss her back. I'm not sure I even knew how but, at this moment, I was frozen like a block of ice.

Her tongue danced some more in my mouth, saliva dripping in. She pulled it away and gave one last, deep kiss, twisting her head to really reach in. Then she retreated just a hair's breadth away.

"Take me to the backroom." Her voice was husky, filled with something that I couldn't place. In her eyes, though, there was fear, almost like she was afraid I would say no or something.

My brain was on autopilot, still stuck in work mode. "Well, I don't-"

Her hand grabbed my crotch. So warm, so dainty, her small hands holding my cock through my pants.

"Please," she breathed, her voice quiet with distress, anguish.

Honestly, I'm rather embarrassed to say this but even then I wasn't able to fully comprehend what was going on.

"Ok," I said, fully intending to just lead her to the back. Her hand released my dick and I nearly collapsed but then she grabbed onto my arm like it was a lifeline. I, still stick-straight, waddled awkwardly over to the backroom. It took a second, especially with the way she was holding onto me. I could feel her shaking but I didn't stop to ask why. Instead, my only prerogative was to simply, and innocently, show her the backroom.

Surprisingly, I didn't stumble across any of my coworkers although I could hear them in the staff office on a lunch break. I took the girl over to my stocking office.

Normally the space was reserved for the stocker. It was pretty small, outfitted with a desk to write down the inventories, an oddly comfy chair, and a coat rack. Otherwise the room was empty. It wasn't terribly big, maybe large enough to hold ten people.

I didn't really know what to say so I, rather lamely, said, "Here you are," fully expecting her to let go of my arm and allow me to leave.

But she didn't. She closed to the door with a foot as she latched onto my face again, breasts grinding against me. She sucked on my face like a woman possessed before breaking off to look into my eyes.

Worry still clouded those dark amber orbs. "When I touch you, I feel..." she whispered, voice weak and wispy, unable to finish her sentence.

I really did think I was being punked. This was an elaborate setup by my coworkers. They had paid some shitty actress they found online so they could get a great video of some loser who thought he was actually kissing a girl because she liked him.

Her lips closed around mine again but her hands raced down my body as they simultaneously pulled me into her. This time, I kissed back. Not well, not as sexy as her, but I did, figuring that if they were really pranking me, at least I would get to have my first kiss.

Once again the wonderful smell of her body descended upon me, leaving me reeling. Her hands slipped down my pants and I shivered as she grabbed a hold of my dick.

What the fuck was happening? Why was she doing this?

It was my turn to pull away. "What's going on?" I said, realizing that now it was me who was out of breath.

She licked her lips, not in that way that pornstars do to show some fake sense of desire but in a way that made me really think she was hungry, like she was an animal and yet, she still trembled.

"You... I... When I touch you, I feel so... good. It's like my whole body lights up."

I stared at her, confused by what she was saying.

"It sounds crazy, I know." She looked down at the floor, like she was ashamed. "I just can't help myself." And then she settled down onto her knees.

My pants were down around my ankles faster than I could blink. She started to stroke my dick, looking over it with an intensity that a chef would give when inspecting a dish. A girl, whose name I still didn't even know, was stroking my dick, my precum spilling onto her hand. Was this really happening?

Her tongue peeked out of her lips before carefully extending it out. I felt the warmth of her tongue before it reached my dick and, when it did, I felt the shock pass through me. The girl must have felt it too because she pulled away, staring at my dick like it had five heads.

Suddenly, as if a dam had burst within her, she slid her whole mouth over the head of my dick, tongue swirling over it. It was more warm than I had imagined and I had never even realized girls sucked when they gave a blowjob. I thought they were supposed to blow on it like a balloon but as soon as she caved those cheeks in, I knew this was the correct way. It felt so good.

Fifteen minutes ago, I hadn't the slightest chance with even an ugly girl. Now I had a walking goddess kissing me and sucking my dick. I was literally inside her mouth. My mind was blown and all I could do was moan as her wet tongue skittered around and around the head of my dick, circling it.

She pushed further down and didn't stop until her nose was pressing against my stomach. She stuck her tongue out and licked my sweaty balls, lapping it up like it was nectar from the gods and not glistening with perspiration.

It felt heavenly, to be so deep inside a girl's mouth that I was pushing into her throat, muscles spasming around my dick, milking it. I savored every bit of her mouth as she left it there, saliva building around it. After a moment, she pulled it out, lips nursing it as it went out. She moaned like a bitch in heat.

"Holy fuck, how does sucking your dick make me feel so good? I haven't even had an orgasm that was as strong as this." Without taking a breath, she put me back in her mouth and shuddered like she really was orgasming. Her eyes were closed tight, like it was too strong to keep them open. Slowly, she pushed my dick in deeper until once again she was deepthroating me, gargling with my dick going down her throat.

I finally made the first real move, my first actual action. I reached out a hand, cautiously, and touched her face. Her eyes opened at that, and she looked up at me with a look that was pleading for more. I brushed my hand against her tan cheek.

She started pumping then. Up and down she went, sucking, nursing my dick. Everytime she pulled back to the tip, her tongue swirled around my crown making me shudder. Her moaning didn't stop. I could feel the vibrations in my dick, even as she bobbed up and down rapidly.

The girl was using her saliva to coat my dick, leaving it entirely wet. Now there weren't just gurgling sounds when she went deep or moans but slurping. Mad slurping. She was sucking my dick like a pro, lips working up and down, my shaft and crown just a lollipop that she really really enjoyed.

What the fuck was going? I couldn't help but think it. I didn't even know this girl and here she was giving my first ever sloppy toppy.

After one particularly quick bob, she slammed her head down, my dick entering her throat once more and she looked up at me with tears in her eyes as she came. And she came hard.

Her body quivered, legs shaking, moans reaching a fever. She had to pull out, stroking my dick as she turned her head to the side, looking towards the floor, and just breathed her way through the body-quaking orgasm she must have been experiencing, chest heaving. I don't know how I knew but I could just tell. Maybe it was from too much porn watching. Maybe it was that I've seen enough real orgasms to tell that this one was a seriously intense one.

Even though she was recovering, that didn't stop her from keeping a strong stroke going, hand covered in her spittle.

She took one breath short, head still turned away from me and then spun around and latched right back onto my dick.

I noticed only then that I was about to cum.

"Shit. I'm gonna cum," I yelled, loud but not loud enough that anyone from the break room would really hear. I put a hand to her head and was about to pry her off when she grabbed it and held it in place, a few inches away from her.

She was staring into my eyes again as she bobbed and didn't slow down until I erupted into her mouth. She stuck a good bit of my shaft into her mouth as I came and guzzled it all down. Rope after rope of thick cum exploded from my dick and she tried to keep up but I think because I was a virgin for twenty four years of my life, my body knew this was a special moment and decided to go all out. Pleasure rolled through me, waves of ecstasy washing me out. I bucked as the pleasure continued to rock me. Never in my life had I felt such bliss. I grunted and groaned as I came into her mouth.