Shifting Gears Ch. 27-28


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I said, "We need some way to reward customer referrals. If one of PR's clients or past clients is directly responsible for a new project, they should have something nice happen for them."

Sheri smirked, "I could show up and fuck their brains out."

Maryann and I went, "Hmmmmm, plausible idea. I can help with that."

I said, "What if we put a multi-client program together, where current and past clients get preferential treatment at some golf resort and to hear august men and women show up to talk about current issues?"

Sheri asked, "I'll work on that. Does Kevin do videography?"

I nodded, "Yes. He could start on some of the vids we just mentioned."

Sheri commented, "Maybe we could make our own porn films?"

Maryann said, "We need samples of all this marketing stuff in order to sell the idea to Tom and the upper management team. Tom might like our ideas, but his cohorts also need to be on board. They're worried that he's going to ramrod something we come up with into operations. We should have some sacrificial lambs they can skewer, too."

Lynn came downstairs from the upper deck. Her moves were seductive and her nudity was in keeping with all of the other females on the yacht. She was Maryann's sister and had become associated with Jake and his cryptocurrency trading operations. Lynn and Jake were building an expert system to predict the success of various trades. Lynn and Jake also fucked like bunnies, especially when Maryann was out of town fucking other people like the bunny that she was.

Maryann and Lynn's mother had even come down to 'visit', staying at Jake's house and also often spending time in his bed, sometimes even with one or both of her daughters. She'd spend more time in Florida, but she did have a job up north that required her presence. She always went home happy.

Lynn stood and looked at the three of us. "I thought you were working this afternoon?"

"We are," I protested. "We've been hashing out various ideas we've been hatching about how to move our client to a bigger and better future."

"Sure looks like tough work," she chuckled. The three of us simultaneously toasted her with our drinks.

Sheri said to her, "Do you know you have cum running down your leg?"

"Occupational hazard involved in hanging around with the crowd on the upper deck. You three are missed. That's why I came down. We need more pussy up there. If I keep satisfying all the cocks up there, I'll end up sore. Come on. Get up there and get fucked." She laughed.

The three of us reluctantly rose, picked up our drinks, and carried them up the steep stairway with us. Fortunately, the boat was large enough that even cruising slowly in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico, it didn't bob around too much.

Luke captured me at the top of the stairway. "Brie, I have missed you so. You spend too much time in Denver."

"I miss you, too. I have this new business to run and some important clients to keep happy." My excuses sounded lame, but what I'd said was true. I was feeling the pressure to be sure that Porter Consulting -- the name I'd chosen for my business -- had enough business to support and pay everyone in the business.

Luke and I stood to one side on the upper deck and I took hold of a chrome side railing and looked out over the water towards the land that was miles away. I spread my legs slightly, looked back over my shoulder with a coy grin, and he came in behind me. I felt his warm cock wend its way into my interior and then he started to slowly pump into me. He kept telling me how he missed me.

Luke's hands came around me and initially held my breasts, allowing his palms to feel as my nipples became aroused and as hard as steel thimbles. He knew what excited me.

"God, Luke. This is so decadent and so fucking hot. Keep pumping that big cock inside my wet little cunt hole. Make me cum."

Other people around us were doing similar things. The women's nudity had aroused every man on the vessel and a lot of fucking was the result now that we were far offshore. I noticed that Lynn was again riding a cock.

The presence of our other friends behind us didn't appear to influence our sexual behavior at all. I figured they could watch or join in as they saw fit.

A few seconds later, Sheri adopted the same position next to me with Owen pumping his cock into her. She looked like she'd been transported to some alternate heaven.

Further down the same railing that I held, Maryann bent over with Sean behind her, pumping his meaty cock into Jake's wife. I liked how she moaned, and also how she and Jake had made their marriage one that encouraged open relationships and sex with others.

I asked, "What happened to Tara?"

I had told Tara about Jake's sex parties and also about what went on when we all took his large yacht for a cruise. She was interested and so I invited her to fly back to Florida with us for one of those weekends when everything would be on the table. Tom also encouraged her to go, and Grace told her about her experiences at some of Jake's parties.

We got back to Florida the night before -- a Thursday evening. Jake had put out the word that he was taking his yacht on an afternoon cruise on Friday, stopping for an early dinner in Fort Meyers, and then returning to Sarasota. The result was that thirty of his friends were on board and making the best of the afternoon and evening.

Sean responded to my question, "Your cute friend is sitting in Jake's lap impaled on his cock as he steers this craft so we don't hit anything or run aground. She's hot. I was with her an hour ago."

I chuckled, "Don't wear her out. I want her to get the full experience at the party tomorrow night. She's kind of new to all this. She integrated into our swinger's group in Denver nicely, but this and tomorrow's party will be truly over-the-top for her. I promised to return her in good condition."

Luke laughed, "We'll take good care of her, and leave no marks, bruises, or bite marks." We all laughed.

Later, despite swimming in the Gulf and then a shower on the fantail of his yacht, most of the women on the cocktail cruise were still leaking seminal fluid into their bikini bottoms. No one seemed to care, except possibly Tara, who was embarrassed for a few moments until she realized that no one else gave a damn. Most of the other women were in the same condition.

Jake cruised into Charlotte Harbor and navigated us to a dock at Boca Grande on Gasparilla -- one of the barrier islands. A bunch of golf carts picked us up and drove us a few blocks to a restaurant named the Sand Dollar. The place was a dive but had a great menu and loud music. Many of us danced and carried on as we ordered an early dinner. The women were all in their barely-there bikinis, a few with gossamer wraps or sarongs, and we all kept having wardrobe malfunctions to the delight of the other patrons in the place, mostly males.

After dinner, we strolled back to the yacht. We weren't very far towards the Gulf of Mexico from Boca Grande before nudity on deck again became the norm. I don't think that we grossed out anybody on land. A couple of boats coming back in from the Gulf or elsewhere in Charlotte Harbor got treated to our eye candy. The sun was still setting but we were still nude.

Jake went into a higher gear for a while on the trip north once we were well into the Gulf. The boat cut through the water and made significant waves, and he didn't want to swamp out any other boats as we went by them so he'd avoided the smaller craft that stayed nearer to shore.

I saw Tara cuddling in a sexual way with Deke, my flight instructor, and I opted to capture Brent for some of his loving. He still had that unique ability to just keep fucking nonstop for as long as he wanted, periodically cumming, but then segueing right into the next bout without withdrawing or resting. We were on the lower deck on one of the deck chairs I'd been lying on earlier when I was 'working'. His wife Roz had been rediscovered by Jake.

Allie, Derek's girlfriend, adopted a chaise beside us with Blake pounding into her small pussy as she kept asking for "More". Next to them, Marsha and Ryan were slowly fucking as they had a massive make out session that looked very romantic in nature.

* * * * *

Tara and I arrived at Jake's large home about six o'clock on Saturday night. We were wearing one-piece cocktail dresses and CFM shoes. I thought she looked hotter than sin. We'd both made sure that we could be nude in ten seconds.

Tara was amazed at Jake's mansion of a house. We just walked in, waved at a few of the others who were already there, and then I gave Tara a tour of the house.

Tara asked, "How many people live here?"

I thought a moment and said, "Three most of the time. There's Jake, Maryann his wife who you know well, and Susan his bodyguard and consort. Lynn, Maryann's sister, has a small apartment in town, but lives here, too. Lots of people stay over. Jake likes to always have a few friends around.

"What about the sex?"

"Well, you know that Jake and Maryann have a very open marriage. You've seen both of them in action, and even enjoyed Jake yesterday right under Maryann's nose.

"Jake also has a romantic relationship with Susan and Lynn, but always lets them or any other women know that Maryann is the top female in his life. Maryann and Lynn's mother might be here tonight; he does her, too. He does spread his talents around with many other females. I'm sure that every woman you see here tonight has more than a casual relationship with him."

Tara said, "And he makes his money trading investments?"

"Cryptocurrencies, mostly. He knows more about them than any other fifty experts you could find. Others lose their shirts trading them, but he makes money -- big money. He's been written about in the news media because some of his financial coups have been so large -- like several hundred million dollars."

"Holy shit that's a lot of money. He doesn't have to work?"

"Not really. He also has a really cool corporate jet up at the main airport. Some of the crew are usually at his parties. Two of them were on the boat yesterday -- Deke and Skye. I think you fucked Deke."

"I did meet Deke... in an intimate way. I can't believe I'm here fucking strangers."

I laughed, "They're only strangers when you first meet them; after that, they're your lovers. I believe you can tell a lot about someone when you first meet them. I like the idea that our auras interact and exchange all sorts of information about us as we're shaking hands or greeting. Before we're ever making love, we really know a lot about each other."

We snagged some glasses of wine at one of Jake's bars and went outside on the patio. Deke and Owen found us and we chatted. Deke had some news.

Deke said, "You won't believe who finally came to the party tonight -- finally; Stanley Sterling and his wife Margaret."

I did a triple-take on the news. "Your captain? That's great news."

"One and the same. He's been softening up his wife, until she finally agreed to come to a party. This is probably a bit of an experiment for her, but he's always been willing. He just held back because of her."

"Introduce us. I hope the guys treat her with respect and are gentle. We don't want to scare her away."

Deke said, "I've already put out the word to the guys. I think we'll be all right. She does understand, I'm told by Stan, that this is a sex party and that lewd things will happen as the evening unfolds. He set her up so she could hide in Jake's library if things get too much for her."

"What's she like?"

"She's actually a pretty cool lady, although she might be the oldest woman here by a few years. She's a Brit and has the accent just the way Stan does. I've met her several times when she's driven Stan out to the plane for one of Jake's flights."

I made a note to befriend the woman. I wondered how much she knew about the antics of the group in the house that night. Deke didn't think that either Stan or Margaret were fully away of the bacchanal that would unfold after the barbecue dinner.

Deke and Owen moved on, and Tara and I went for refills. We chatted about Captain Stan, as we called him. We'd no sooner finished a few comments than Stan and his wife Margaret appeared at the bar.

I greeted him, "Captain Stan, how nice to see you again. I'm pleased you could make the party and also bring your gorgeous wife."

He smiled and said, "Here, it's just Stan. I do like the use of the title at the plane because it reminds people who's in charge. This is Margaret, my wife."

Margaret was about the same age as Stan -- close to fifty. She was picturesque and a sharp dresser. I could instantly tell that she wasn't wearing a bra and wondered again how much either of them knew about Jake's monthly gatherings.

We made small talk -- where are you from, what do you do, where'd you go to school, and that type of thing. Margaret growing up in the U.K. provoked our interest. Tara being there from out of town as a guest also seemed to help Margaret relax. She declared that we should call her Margo. Stan looked surprised at her request; I figured she was letting her hair down to some degree. I told her that Margo sounded sexy and she liked that.

I finally broached the potential issue of the party with them. "I'm not sure how much you know about these monthly parties, but if you're not prepared, they can become a shock to the uninitiated. I'd be glad to help guide you through the evening, if you want. We just don't want to lose you now that you've finally made one of the monthly gatherings."

Stan said, "I told Margaret as much as I know, but based on a few comments I'm beginning to think that my knowledge is limited."

Margo nodded. "I'm also worried that we're the oldest people here. I don't want to feel like a chaperone or cramp anybody's style."

I laughed, "You won't slow down THIS crowd. You should know that everyone here is fundamentally a horny exhibitionist."

I spread my arms, showing off my cocktail party dress. It was extremely short -- just that one inch between hemline and my little hot twat, plus a plunging neckline that Stan had already explored with his eyes. Twisting the wrong way in my CFM shoes, and I could make either or both breasts pop out of the panels of the sequined dress that came over my shoulders. I know because I practiced making that happen.

Margo said, "I do love your dress. I wish I had the wherewithal to wear something like that."

"You do," I insisted. "

Margo was wearing a knee-length full light gray skirt and a white blouse that was opaque with sleeves to her elbows, and showing virtually no cleavage.

I teased, "Do you want to try it right now?"

Margo gave an eager nod. "Yes, but I don't own anything like it."

"Come with me." I grabbed her hand and led her up the stairs to the master bedroom. I had a standing agreement with Maryann that I could wear anything of hers without asking. She was developing a fantastic wardrobe now that she had some deep pockets to draw on.

Tara and Stan followed the two of us.

In the bedroom, I unzipped my dress and shrugged the garment off my body. I said to Margo, "Strip. We're about the same size so this should fit." I was standing naked in my CFM shoes holding the dress out to her.

After a daring glance at her husband, Margo did indeed strip, at least down to her bra and panties. I pointed and said, "Those, too." She grinned and blushed, and then got naked.

Margo slipped the dress over her head, and I helped adjust it on her body. She was wearing two-inch heels, but still the dress changed her image completely just the way it did for me.

I grinned at her as she looked at herself in a full-length mirror. She was blushing but I could tell that she liked the dress and the effect.

Stan said, "God, Margaret, you suddenly look twenty years younger. I want to get one like that for you."

I told her, "Wear it tonight. If you participate fully, you'll be taking it off in a couple of hours. Everyone will be naked here by nine or nine-thirty."

"What will you wear?" Margo asked, looking at her own clothing on the back of a chair.

"I'll grab one of Maryann's dresses. We're the same size, except she has bigger boobs." I went into her closet and came back out with a lime green cocktail dress that I slipped on. It was just as revealing as my dress, so I decided to wear it for a couple of hours.

We folded up Margo's clothes and put them where she'd know where to retrieve them at the end of the party. "Just wear my dress home. Stan can figure out a way to get it to me via Jake, Maryann, Deke, or Skye."

I pointed and we headed back to the staircase. Margo grabbed me and held me back slightly so that Tara and Stan went ahead of us. She whispered I need to ask you a question. I think I can trust you.

I nodded and gestured for her to continue.

"Has Stan ever played around while on the trips in the jet? You said you'd been on some of them."

"Never. The rest of us will go in one direction, and he heads for the motel at the airport by himself. This is the first we've seen him at any kind of event."

Margo looked relieved. "Thank you. I should trust him, but then I get to worrying when he's off and I'm alone."

"I'm sure if you give him a green light, he'd participate in the craziness that the rest of us get into; but I've repeatedly been present when he's said he wouldn't do anything without you or your approval."

Margo thought a moment and said, "I think I'll give him that green light. I'll explain more later."

We scurried ahead to catch up to the others.

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