She's a Wild One


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While they arrived in fewer numbers, the men who attended the class were much the same. The ones with long-strengthened bodies made him feel insecure, especially due to the amount of attention the women gave them. He saw them as if they were strutting about like roosters, commanding this small niche of beautiful girls with testosterone-fueled confidence.

Chris hid in the corner and set his mat down behind a row of cute women. They acknowledged his presence, briefing turning and smiling at him as they set up their own mats. He smiled back, his heart beating, as they turned back around and sat down. Their butts were perfect. They were also a perfect distraction.

Kat waltzed in and welcomed everyone enthusiastically. She caught sight of Chris and her face lit up. "Oh, hey!" she said with a wave as if surprised he actually showed up. Chris felt a surge of pride as he received glances from around the room. For a brief moment, she made him feel important.

The class began with a brief meditation which Chris welcomed as a means to try to relax, given that he was mildly afraid that he was about to make a fool of himself. As Kat then began leading the class through yoga poses, Chris found himself transfixed on the girls in front of him. They bent this way and that. Stretched to the left and to the right. They stuck their asses up into the air for downward dog and let their breasts bulge and dangle beneath their bodies, squeezed into their colorful yoga tops. He justified observing them as a means to follow along, though he couldn't help but feel aroused by every little detail of their moving, limber bodies.

He also observed that he was not the only one. There seemed to be a soft sexual tension lingering below the surface and spreading about the room. The hot guys with muscular bodies cast excited looks at the girls they knew. The girls stole secret looks at the men who caught their fancy. There was an unspoken, albeit respectful, degree of curiosity that never went too far and made Chris feel less guilty about the simmering desires he was feeling.

It wasn't long before Chris inevitably became aroused. He felt hidden enough to let it happen securely, first starting as a tingle, then a partial erection that began to ebb and flow in accordance with the movements and display of bodies before him. It continued to develop, growing stronger and stronger the more he felt capable of getting away with it.

Kat finished a sequence of sun salutations before she left her mat and began moving around the room to make corrections. After adjusting a couple of students toward the front of the room, she eagerly made her way to Chris. Kat indicated that she wanted to show him how to squat deeper and stick out his butt. He followed suit, feeling anxious about his boner which threatened to make itself more visible down the side of his leg.

Just as Chris thought he might make it through safely, she made it worse. With a sigh, she circled around him to help guide Chris closer to the floor. She jokingly whispered, "I know for a fact that you have a good ass, so don't be so embarrassed about showing it off!" Chris glanced back at her, startled to receive such a comment in class. His eyes came face to face with her gorgeous cleavage which bobbed happily about as she practiced the squat with him and rested her hand on his back.

It was the straw that broke the camel's back. Between the beautiful woman touching his body and the girls sticking out their behinds right in front of him, Chris popped a boner so massive that it pulled the fabric away from his crotch and strained painfully against his clothing.

"Here, I'll help if you adjust your stance," he remembered her saying as she rose out of the pose and circled back around to his front.

Kat's body moved right up against his leg as she reached down to move it wider. She had only intended to touch his thighs to move them further apart, and normally that would have been a safe zone, but she could not have known that it was currently invaded by a particular appendage that was about to cause him the embarrassment of a lifetime.

Without warning, her hand slid along his thigh and met with the firm protrusion of his erect penis. At first, it did not register what she was feeling but he saw the moment when it struck. Kat's eyes popped open and her jaw dropped, then twisted into a grin. She didn't yank her hand back. Rather, she slid it back along the stiff shaft of his cock until it glanced off his thigh.

"Ohh-kay. I can see you're having a good stretch after all," she whispered.

With a laugh she swung her hair back and spun around, making haste toward the front of the room again. When she returned to her station and turned back around, he saw that her wild grin had not left her face. In fact, it seemed to amuse her for the remainder of the class as he continued performing pose after pose, brooding about the mortifying discovery she had made and how much she seemed to be laughing at him for it.

An embarrassing boner story was pretty much his worst nightmare...

The doorbell rang.

"Oh! There's Sienna," said Kat.

"I'll get it," Chris said, wandering out of the room and down the hallway to the front door. He opened it up and found Sienna standing there. She looked just as she always did; leaning to one foot with a nervous smile, a wealth of cautious curiosity stored up behind those big brown eyes. Her long, curly hair aimlessly drifted down over her shoulders as if unsure where exactly to flow.

He'd always found Sienna cute, even if she projected insecurities about her curves. She had a great body though, and more importantly, whenever she was alone with Chris she would open up and come alive with a spirited personality that always brought a smile to his face.

"Hey there!" she blurted out upon seeing his face.

"Hey, welcome!" said Chris as he swung the door wide open to invite her in.

"Happy... bachelor party!" she said as she passed. "I don't know what you're supposed to say at these things. I've certainly never been to one before."

"Well, this one is tame. Usually they're pretty crazy."

"Oh, I know," she said, seemingly relieved that she was well-acquainted with the small group of friends in the next room. "I was expecting, like, some women dancing around and rubbing their boobs in your face." She giggled.

"Yeah... I'm not gonna say I'm not imagining that too," he said in an attempted joke.

Sienna laughed. "I respect your honesty!" She gave him a tender smile. A twinkle of past sexual curiosity lingered there for a moment before she responded to calls from Kat and Marisol, rushing to greet them in the living room.

"Sorry I'm late guys," Sienna said, skipping from person to person to offer each one a hasty hug.

"Yo, where's the food?" Blake said, observing an empty folding table that had been set up by the side of the room.

"Oh, right--" Mike exclaimed.

"I'll get it," Chris said, gesturing to him to stay where he was. For some reason, Chris felt like he had to keep himself occupied at his own "bachelor party" -- even if just to vent the anxiety simmering away at the back of his mind.

"I'll help," said Sienna as she set down her bag.

Chris and Sienna gathered the bowls of chips and salsa, crackers and cheese, and other goodies that Mike had left half-prepared in the kitchen and carried them out to the table in the living room. Sienna arranged them nicely. Chris chuckled at her displeasure with the way he set them there randomly. She preferred to set them equidistant from each other and from the edge of the table.

"When you're finished being a Virgo, why don't you grab a drink," Chris joked. She giggled and grabbed a beer after rotating one more bowl forty-five degrees.

Chris took a plastic fork and tapped it loudly against his own drink until everyone looked up at him. "Hey-- so... I just want to thank you guys again for throwing this party and just, you know, being here and being such good friends for so long. I'm really excited that you're all coming to the wedding. It's gonna be awesome, of course! Um. That's it. Now get drunk, do something stupid, and blame it on me!" He raised his glass.

"Hear! Hear!" shouted Marisol. They all cheered and raised their glasses to toast him, took a sip, and then went back to carrying on.

"Now enough of this wishy-washy bullshit," Mike laughed. "Let's get this party really started!" He went to the stereo system and cranked the dial, turning the music up louder.

Chris grabbed some chips, scooped up some salsa, and took a bite with a loud crunch. Sienna smiled and did the same, crunching down hard as if to compete with his loud chomp. "Oh, it's like that, is it?" he laughed, crunching on another as if it was a game. He had always liked hanging out with her. She was introverted like he was but they brought out the best in each other.

Chris briefly slipped back to his most vivid private memory of Sienna; an unspoken close-call that they'd never shared with anyone else, nor discussed with each other since the night it occurred.

It happened when they were still in college:

Chris had driven out to Sienna's apartment to hang out and they ended up walking down the street to a local bar she liked. They drank and laughed and played darts together late into the evening. By the time they wandered back to Sienna's apartment, she suggested that he not drive back home after having so many drinks. Chris assured her that he was okay, pointing out that her couch wasn't even well suited for someone to crash on. However, Sienna wisely insisted that he stay. To his surprise, she meekly stated that it was okay if he wanted to crash on her bed since it was big enough for two. He had felt a glimmer of excitement at the prospect.

However, fueled by alcohol, a night of merriment, and growing hunger, neither was ready to sleep. Sienna had suggested watching a movie, instead. While she went to make them popcorn, Chris sat on the couch in the living room still grappling with the one she had suggested. It was a sexy French art film called "Cinq à Sept" that had been receiving a great deal of attention for its explicit scenes of unsimulated sex. Chris had read a review and intended to eventually see it himself. He wondered if Sienna knew that it was rated NC-17, that it contained a fair bit of full frontal nudity, both male and female, as well as shockingly explicit displays of sexuality between the two lead characters as they experienced a steamy love affair.

"I'm gonna get changed for bed!" Sienna had squealed while rushing off again as if thinking of the situation as a spontaneous sleepover. Minutes later, she returned wearing an oversized t-shirt and fuzzy socks but no pants. The shirt covered her panties but it was clear that she had removed her bra for bed. Sienna's large breasts wobbled loosely under the thin fabric as she hurried back into the room.

"You can change too if you want. Be right back, I'll get the popcorn!" she exclaimed, turning back into the kitchen to retrieve their snack as it finished popping.

Chris wondered what she meant by her suggestion that he change. What else could he do besides take off his jeans and hang out in his boxers? He supposed it wasn't weird since she had done the same. He slipped them off and waited for her to return, nervously hoping that she wouldn't be surprised to see him there in his underwear.

She had noticed but gave no reaction other than her typically shy demeanor. However, Chris was more interested to observe how she would react to the film's content. As the movie progressed, he spent the entire time thinking about the most explicit moments, anxiously wondering when they would arrive. Thankfully, a thick fleece blanket gave him the security that the passing states of arousal that came and went would go undiscovered by his couch-mate.

When the male protagonist's long, thick cock finally made its dramatic appearance on screen, Chris glanced over at Sienna. Awkwardly, she had the same impulse and they locked eyes for a moment. Startled, she zipped her attention back toward the screen. Before long, they were sitting side-by-side watching an intensely erotic sex scene. It was long, passionate, and extremely graphic, filled with groaning, straining bodies and the heated exchanges of sweaty flesh.

Chris felt a heavy tension building between him and Sienna as the screen flashed with shots of stiffened, crimson nipples, a brazenly erect penis, even a beautiful, hairy European pussy being delighted by a long red tongue. Sienna sat there clutching an empty bowl, trembling, afraid to look away and risk connecting with Chris again.

Before they went to bed, Sienna professed a critical need to pee and rushed to the bathroom. Chris waited for some time for Sienna to return before going himself. That's when he discovered them sitting there, balled up in her hamper. He'd never forget that moment he realized what she had done that caused her to take so long in the bathroom. Sienna's light gray cotton panties were there, soaked, the crotch area exhibiting a large dark patch where moisture had saturated the fabric through and through.

Chris didn't even need to fish them out to smell how intensely fragrant they were with her natural scent. It reached his nose over by the toilet. Chris struggled to urinate, unable to prevent a throbbing erection from developing, swept up in the shocking discovery of her private odors and the evidence of the secret pleasure she had just experienced sitting there next to him.

He finally managed to get his erection down enough to safely exit the bathroom and rejoin Sienna. There they crawled into her bed and lay side by side on their backs, staring at the ceiling in the dimly-lit room and reflecting on what they had just watched together; two friends who had never been intimate before, deeply engrossed in the sight of two aroused, entangled bodies. For a long time, he listened to them both toss and turn, knowing neither was able to sleep. It frustrated him, knowing that they were both driven to such a state of intense arousal and able to do something about it together -- yet somehow unable to act.

"Why can't we just have casual sex, as friends?" he wondered, believing whole-heartedly that she lay there probably thinking the same thing. The experience was right there in front of them. All they had to do was cast off the sheets. She would see how secretly erect he was beneath them as his boxers tented dramatically. She would excitedly yank off his underwear with the sudden urge to delight herself with the sight of his physical arousal. He would slide her t-shirt up and over her head to drown himself in those great big breasts that had distracted him all night. He longed to slip off her panties and discover the fountainhead of all that pleasure that she had shamefully discarded earlier.

As the night wore on, they brooded there in silence, their thoughts still reeling with desire and sitting on the precipice of a momentous shift in their friendship. And yet, nothing happened. "Because," he thought, "Nothing like that ever really happens."

"Guys, let's play some game or something," suggested Kat, snapping Chris out of his daydream. "What do you have?" she asked Mike.

"Um, a bunch. They're over there," said Mike, pointing to a pile of games near Sienna.

Sienna wandered over and began reading out names. "How about Twister," she concluded.

Blake perked up. "That's always interesting when you're drunk!"

"Okay," Sienna laughed, pulling it out of the stack.

It had been ages since Chris had played Twister but it seemed like an amusing idea. Before long, they found themselves in a ridiculous configuration, leaning and stretching over one another, trying hard to balance despite their tipsiness. Mike flicked the spinner and watched it zip around in a circle. "Right hand, red," he called out to Marisol.

"There's no way," Marisol giggled, trying to reach for a red dot. Out of the corner of his eye, Chris saw Sienna's arm slip out from underneath her, then the loud smack of a body hitting the plastic sheet beneath them. There was a quiet wince. Laughter.

"Sienna's out!" barked Mike.

"Come on, it's right there," groaned Blake, glancing at the spot Marisol struggled to reach.

"I'm trying! I'm giving it two-hundred percent!" she exclaimed.

"Why do you always say that? Two-hundred percent," he asked.

Marisol wobbled as she flung her hand forward and managed to land it close enough to the target. "It's just a private joke," she explained, panting. "White people see me as one-hundred percent Mexican. Mexicans act like I'm one-hundred percent white. So I just consider myself a two-hundred percenter." Everyone laughed.

As the game went on, Chris found himself enjoying the casual banter of old friends and the concern about what Mike might have arranged for his bachelor party slowly drifted from his mind. However, it wasn't long before he found his unease back on the rise.

"Ooh, I just felt someone touch my butt," said Kat.

"Sorry-not-sorry!" laughed Blake.

Kat snickered. "Ah, the perks of drunk Twister... It's a good thing we never did this in high school 'cuz who knows what might have led to..."

"Damn, yeah. I wonder why none of us have ever hooked up with each other."

"Are you just asking that because I have my boobs in your face right now?" Kat laughed.

Blake replied, "... maybe."

All of a sudden, Kat landed a doozy that surprised them all. "You know..." she said. "I almost offered you a blow job once senior year of high school." Everyone erupted into laughter.

"What the fuck!" Blake said, suddenly wobbling and struggling to regain balance.

"I'm serious. You were with Alicia at the time, so I didn't. But, you know, we were at that age where we were all learning how to do it and comparing notes."

Sienna, now standing off to the side as an eliminated player, said, "Um, we were?" Marisol shot her a look and laughed.

"Stop it!" Blake said, laughing and starting to lose his balance again. "You're just trying to make me fall!"

Kat laughed, "No, I'm really serious!"

"Why didn't you tell me then?! I broke up with Alicia."

"Well, I was with Aaron by then."

"Guys!" Marisol said, laughing hard enough to start losing balance herself.

"But wait..." Blake said, not willing to let the matter go. "We need to talk about this. How--"

The doorbell rang again. Chris perked up suddenly, unsure who that would be, now that all his closest friends were here already.

"Oops! Saved by the bell!" laughed Kat.

Everyone collapsed to their hands and knees and started standing back up as Mike hurried over to the front door. Moments later he strutted triumphantly into the room, leading a mysterious young woman behind him. He turned and presented her.

"Everyone meet Elektra. Now it's a fucking bachelor party!" Mike announced enthusiastically.

Chris and all his friends stopped what they were doing and turned to look. A loud "oooo" arose, then branched off into laughter. Chris' heart sank. Just as he feared, Mike had hired a stripper.

Elektra was tall, with silky, dark hair cut into a bob. She looked like a provocative French escort but had a sternness to her expression that read almost dominatrix. Her long, tan trench coat swept along the floor as she breezed confidently into the room. Then, in a flash, she undid the belt and flung it open.

Everyone's laughter was doubled as Elektra emerged from beneath her trench and flung it onto a chair with one smooth motion. Chris stood there trembling as his eyes traveled up her dark, thigh-high boots. She wore an onyx caged crop top with a matching skirt that looked like a lacework of leather straps winding inward toward a tiny triangle that just barely covered her pubic mound. When she turned slightly, he saw that her ass was completely exposed, except for one thin piece of butt floss that was tucked neatly into her crack.