She Wolf Ch. 05

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A woman's worth.
9.6k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 03/17/2013
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Thank you all for reading this story. In this chapter, we learn a few new things. I hope you enjoy. Now: Chapter 5.

I would like to thank Overstar and Navaura for reading and editing this chapter.

When you know what you want, and you want it badly enough, you'll find a way to get it . Jim Rohn

At noon, his phone rang. Julianne was ready to leave. BJ drove to the Alpha’s home to load her things and drive her to catch her flight out. Celia was there, as was Blaine and Benny. Julianne shared a tearful goodbye with her Godson, and he promised her he’d be a good boy. She charged Blaine with talking care of her best friend and threatened him with dismemberment if he hurt her again, then came the hardest part, leaving Celia.

Ever since they’d become friends years earlier, the two women were rarely apart. Celia accepted her as she was and no one other than her parents had done so. Leaving Celia felt like leaving a big chunk of her heart behind. The two women embraced, and then they laughed. Julianne would be back in two weeks and they’d call each other every night. It would be alright. Soon the moment became solemn and the two women knew they would soon part.

“Jules, look if it becomes too much. Call me. I’m coming back in a few weeks to clear the apartment and we can hang. I’ll leave Blaine and Benny here and we can do girly things, OK. ” Celia said as she hugged her friend.

“Celia, I’m tough, right. I’ll be fine. I’ll call anyway, because I have to check on my baby boy.” Celia whispered in her ear. A look of shock and then sheer pleasure spread across her face. “Now I know I have to check back. Congratulations, I’m happy for you.”

Julianne hesitated once more, and then moved to BJ’s jeep where he stood waiting. BJ held the door for her and helped her climb in. Soon they were off. She hated leaving Celia behind. Yes, she had to go home. Her parents needed her, but she didn’t have friends there. The other people at the office detested her. Even when she tried to befriend others, she often got a cold shoulder. Julianne sat in the jeep dreading her return home. She ad

Everyone watched as Julianne and Celia hugged each other tightly before it was time for her to go. Blaine knew this was hard. Even though Julianne had only been there for one day, he knew the two women were close. He stood with his mate, supporting her by just being there. He held her whispering words of comfort and encouragement. Celia leaned on to her mate, for she needed his strength. She knew how isolated Julianne really was and it scared her. But she did have her parents, and if her suspicions were right, she also had a mate. Celia noticed how her little brother watched Julianne as he loaded her bag. You’d have to be blind not to see the look on his face as he helped her climb into his vehicle.

“So Julianne, what did you think of Loess Falls? “ No answer. BJ kept driving. “Um Jules, everyone here really enjoyed having you visit.” She smiled, still no reply. BJ huffed, “So, Julianne, are you planning to come back soon?” BJ asked. It didn’t really matter. If she didn’t come back, he’d travel there to her.

Julianne was fighting her own self-control. Then she thought about whom she was; a man like him would not want her; he was just being polite. Julianne sat beside him, quiet. She looked out of the window over the lush, hilly plain as they drove down the long, lonely road.

She could not answer him. If she opened her mouth and spoke, he’d think she was a simpleton. So she simply stared out of the window as he drove. The two of them rode in silence until finally BJ had enough. “You know what, you don’t have to be rude. If you don’t want to talk to me, fine. I just thought… Never mind.”

She was used to people thinking she was cold, that she just like being rude. It wasn’t anything new, but the censor she received from him cut her deeply. She didn’t deserve that and he was being completely unfair to her.

She would not cry. She would not let one tear drop. She had trained her mind and body for years, and had complete control over her emotions. She took a few calming breathes, and BJ sensed something was wrong. Glancing over, he saw a pain so fresh and raw, that it nearly ripped him apart.

“I’m sorry, Julianne. You didn’t deserve that. If you don’t want to…” he vented, not realizing how harsh his tone sounded. Julianne gasped, and took a sharp breath. It was then he saw that she was crying. Quickly, he pulled his jeep off the blacktop, on to the gravel when he realized that he hurt her in some way and that was unacceptable for him. He turned to talk to her, from sheer frustration, but he never intended to wound the lovely woman that was with him.

Oh God, I’m crying, How stupid of me. Let me stop this right now. she admonished herself as BJ pulled his jeep off the road. He hated her tears and to now he caused them made him feel ten times worse.

“Jules. I’m sorry. Please stop crying.” That made her cry harder. She hated being this weak, vulnerable. But for some reason, she couldn’t stop crying. Climbing out of his jeep, he went to her side and pulled her into his arms and held her. His wolf went wild. His mate was hurting and he had to protect her.

When BJ pulled her into his arms, she felt safe, loved, protected, and for a moment, she closed her eyes and held him back. Placing her head on his chest, she listened to the rapid beat of his heart. She felt as he kissed the top of her head, and he murmured something. It wasn’t clear, but in that moment, she felt as if she was where she belonged.

Soon she remembered she had a flight to catch. Gently she pulled away, and looked into his deep darks eyes. “I’m fine now. And I have to go home. Thank you.” BJ nodded and helped secure her seatbelt.

You can’t let her go. She needs us. I won’t allow this. She’s our mate. His wolf demanded. Look, she has to go home. She’ll be back, or we’re going to her, but right now she has to go home.BJ told his second half.

“Julianne are you coming back for Celia’s wedding. I mean, I know two weeks isn’t much time, but…” BJ asked, praying she was returning.

Julianne smiled, her best friend was marrying the man of her dreams. She wouldn’t miss that. “Of course, I wouldn’t miss that.” She answered shyly.

“You really don’t have to go. I mean it’s just two weeks. Don’t you have some vacation time you could use?” He asked, his wolf was taking control, hating the thought of his mate being separated from him. We need you here Jules. I want you here with me.” He growled.

Julianne tensed. Did this man just growl? She wondered as she looked into is eyes. “BJ, I must go home. My father needs me. He’s ill and I need to check on him. I have to care for my parents.” She insisted.

“OK, I’ll let you go this time, but can you call me and talk to me every night while you’re gone.” He requested.

Julianne nodded. She could call him. It was something about this big hunky male that called to her. Besides, her best friend was there, and she’d call anyway. Soon they were at the airport and he needed to kiss her. “Julianne, can I kiss you? I know it might seem weird, but I just need to…” Shyly, she gave her assent, and he pulled her close and kissed her loving the taste of his mate.

Hesitantly she pulled away and loaded her plane home. He missed her and his wolf howled, bereaved.. How could you let her leave. She’s ours. What if another man wants her? How can we protect her so far away? He stood at the edge of the tarmac and watched her board the private jet. She glanced back at him, and for a second he wanted to stop her from getting on that plane, but she trudged on.

Julianne set on the plane and watched him from the window as the jet taxied down the runway. BJ stood still as he grew smaller and smaller, and then slowly vanished from her sight. She touched her cheek and was surprised to find they were wet from her tears. She had just met him. They did not even have a full conversation. How could leaving him affect her so profoundly?

BJ watched as her jet left him and his wolf howled in agony. He needed to be with her. He’d talk to Alpha Javon and see if he could go to Shreveport. He couldn’t refuse him because he understood how important it was to protect ones mate.

Jules dried her tears with her handkerchief, and eventually napped as the jet flew. She did not wake until she was told of their pending landing. The jet landed and she exited the plane minus her best friend and Godson. She felt so alone and then she looked up, and smiled; her parents were waiting for her. She rushed over to embrace them, reminding herself that they needed her here.

Julianne was not an affectionate child, and for her to embrace them so tightly was unusual. Oscar looked at Margaret, as she too noticed their daughter’s strange behavior. It was then that he noticed something different about her. She’d always been a loner, but today she seemed needy. There was a quiet strength, but today she seemed wounded. He hugged his baby a bit tighter to reassure her that she was safe. Her mom knew something was different as well.

Her baby had met someone. She prayed this young man was truly worthy of her. They drove home as Julianne shared a bit about her short visit. Margaret notice that her voice softened when she mentioned Celia’s brother. She smiled. If her brother was as kind and compassionate as Celia, he was just what Julianne needed.

When Oscar excused himself to go watch a news report, she stopped her. “Now tell me about the man.”

“What man?” Julianne asked, trying to pretend she had no idea what she was asking.

“Julianne Kent, I’m your mother, and I’ve raised you your whole life. I know how secretive you are. And how easily people hurt you, but this young man, is special. There’s something in your voice when you speak of him. Now, tell me about him.” She insisted. Julianne smiled ,”Yes ma’am” she answered, then she told her mother about the one man she could never have.

“Benson James Daniels, Jr., Celia’s brother” she answered. “Momma, he is so handsome. He is tall and , oh God, he’s built. His shoulders are so wide and he’s strong. Momma he has the deepest voice,” she closed her eyes picturing BJ and smiling. “Momma, but he wouldn’t want someone like me. He was just being nice like Celia…” she looked away, tears gathering in her eyes.

“Ah, now I know why you looked so lost. You had to leave your best friend, and the man of your dreams.” Margaret sympathized as she hugged her daughter closely. She needed to meet this young man. If necessary, she’d plan a trip to Loess Falls, just for that reason. If he was half as enamored with Julianne, as she was with him, then she and Oscar needed to meet him. “Mom, it was so hard walking away from him. He is perfect, so strong and handsome. But I had to come home.” She explained .

“Why? The office can wait. And your father and I are well.” Margaret stated.

“Momma, I know daddy is sick. I saw…” she looked away. “You found out. We didn’t want you worrying. It’s just a relapse. He’s beaten this cancer before; he’ll beat it this time.” Margaret assured her. “Wait, what do you mean before? Daddy was sick, wait he has cancer?” she asked, now frightened. “Baby, don’t worry. He wants to tell you when he gets his final results tomorrow.” She explained.

“I’m going with you then. I need to be there.” Julianne stated. Margaret understood. She was proud of her daughter. Julianne had a quiet strength, and even though it was selfish of her, she needed her with her to help her be strong. Julianne stayed at her parent’s home her that night. She could have gone to her apartment, but it would be easier to accompany them to the hospital. They arrived at the hospital early to meet with his oncologist. Both women cried as the doctor delivered the devastating news. The cancer had returned and was inoperable. Oscar, held his wife and daughter, he hated leaving them alone.

Margaret wept, and Julianne remained strong. She didn’t report to work that day, but she knew the next day one of them needed to go in. She stayed with her parents her first two nights back, but knew eventually she had to return to the apartment she shared with her best friend. She wanted to call Celia and share this devastating news, but it wasn’t fair to her. She had just found her mate and was finally happy.

So Julianne decided not to call at all. She even forgot her promise to BJ that she’d call him every night. She was losing everything it seemed, her best friend, her dad. It was too much, and she had no one to turn to. After her parents retired that night, Julianne Kent, cried herself to sleep. Over in Loess Falls, a lone male wolf waited for hours for a call that didn’t come. He felt her pain. Even though she was miles away, he knew something was wrong. He needed to go to her, but right now he had to wait.

Julianne eventually slept, and dreamt of the one man she knew she could not have. The next day Julianne returned to the office. Immediately she received a cold shoulder. She was used to it. The people at this job didn’t like her, and she didn’t know why. So she put her guard up and went on about her day.


Meanwhile, Nicolette and Kyra were returning home in Nashville. “Kyra, do you want to talk about it?” Nicolette asked. Kyra came back upset, and demanded to leave. She was sure it had something to do with Malcolm, but Kyra wasn’t ready to talk yet.

“Aunt Nicky, can I rest first, I’ll tell you-“ Kyra froze. Someone was in their house. Nicolette knew who the intruder was. She maneuvered her body to stand between Kyra and her uninvited guest. Kyra, I need you to go to your room and lock the door. Do not come out until I send Mrs. Valdez to get you. she commanded the young she wolf mentally.

“Aunt Nicky!” Kyra answered. She could feel the terror her Aunt was feeling. Whoever was in the house scared her, and if they scared her then that meant she was in danger. Kyra didn’t want to leave.

Kyra, go now please. Nicolette insisted. He walked in. Kyra’s jaw dropped. The man was pure male perfection. Almost seven feet tall, broad shouldered, hair as black as midnight and eyes as black a coal, she’d never seen such a handsome man.

“Oh, Nicolette, or should I too say Aunt Nicky, I’ve been waiting for you.” He drawled. The deep timber of his voice deceptively soothing. “Aren’t you going to introduce your niece to me, Nicolette.”

Frozen in fear, petrified, Nicolette could not move. Her worse fear was being realized and she was powerless. “Hello, love, I’m Gernick Ivanov, a friend of your aunt.” He kissed Kyra’s hand. Shoving him away, Nicky barked at her, “Kyra, go to your room, now. Do not come out.” And the girl fled.

Kyra rushed from the room. Terrified, she screamed out to her sister. Celia answered immediately. A man, a man is here and Aunt Nicky is terrified Celia. He’s a vampire. She made me go to my room and told me to lock the door. Celia I’m scared. I’ve never seen her so frightened. What do I do?”

Celia sensed her sisters duress and answered.Calm down. I’m calling BJ. Mom was gone to the cabin for a short retreat with her mate, so she didn’t want to disturb her. BJ was a cop, and he might know what to do. Nothing could happen to Aunt Nicolette. If the vampires came after her because if her son, she’d never forgive herself.

Someone was beating on the door, Blaine answered and it was a frazzled BJ. “Where’s Celia. Kyra screamed; something’s wrong!” He explained to his best friend.

“Come in, man. She’s in the bedroom. Wait let me get-” Blaine answered as Celia rushed in, effectively cutting him off.

“Blaine I need to call-“ her brother cut her off. “I’m here what’s wrong?” He asked.

"It’s Aunt Nicky, Kyra said some man, a vampire was waiting when they got back. Nicky was terrified, she made her barricade herself in her room. BJ we need to get down there.”

“Wait,” Blaine interjected, “Celia, no. I’ll go with BJ, but you need to stay here.” Celia started to argue.

“No, with Benny, I couldn’t protect you. I will keep you and this baby safe.” Blaine insisted. Celia wanted to argue, but her mate was right. She had to think about her daughter, so she agreed to stay behind. She’d call her Mom the next morning and tell her what happened, but for tonight she stay home.

“Wait, baby! Damn, bro. you just mated and she’s pregnant already. Congrats Sis. Let’s go see the Alpha.” BJ suggested as Blaine kissed Celia and rushed off. With an hour, the two men were in BJ’s jeep heading to Nashville.

Meanwhile, Kyra sat on her bed crying, scared and worried for the one person that was a second Mom to her.

“Gernick, you have no right to come to my home. I kept my word to you and never interfered in vampire business, in exchange for my freedom. You have no right to be-“ he silenced her.

“I am your sire, Nicolette. I make the rules. Yes, I granted you a reprieve, but you will always belong to me and only me. I can come and get what’s mine whenever I want it. I also can share what’s mine when I choose.” He hissed as he sniffed her neck and licked her skin. Nicolette recoiled.

“Baby, it was not bad for you. I made it pleasurable, even though you fought me. At the end, you begged me for your release. You begged me to take you. There is no need to be ashamed; you are a beautiful woman, Nicolette.” He nibbled her skin and she winced, hating her body for responding to him.

She walked away, “Don’t touch me.” she hissed. She despised him. He was cold, calculating, and diabolical, but her body responded to him. He was the only man to ever bring her pleasure. She hated him for that. He was her first lover, and he told her then he’d be the only one. Twenty-five years ago she had to go to him, and he ordered that she be beaten.

She recalled everything in clear detail. “I had no choice you and that damn wolf killed four men. I understand why you did it, but still, you had to be punished. But that time has passed. I’m here for another reason. You must fulfill your duty.” Gernick explained.

She knew what he meant. He told her years earlier the one thing he wanted. She refused then and she would refuse now. “No, I won’t do that Gernick. I don’t care-“

“I will order an attack on that entire pack. All of the wolves will die, even you precious Nina and her brood. I’ll start with the girl first; she’s here right. You really think you can stop me Nicolette. I will destroy you and you have given me the easiest way to do it. Now, give me what I want and you can continue living in the fantasy that you can keep them safe.” Gernick cackled. “You have three days. When I come back, be ready to leave or they die.” He vanished.

Nina and the kids didn’t deserve to die because of her. But if she did what he wanted, she would not be able to live with herself. Then she thought of Kyra, that poor girl was probably terrified. “Mrs. Valdez, come here please.”

Her friend, and most trusted person waked in. “Yes, Ma’am” she answered. Then she saw her face. “Nicolette, what did Gernick want? You need to find allies to fight him. My nephew, would stand with-“ Nicolette could not sacrifice Gram.

“He’d kill him and anyone else that tries to help me. You know this. In a few days I want you and Kyra out of this house, I can’t protect you here. I’ll call Javon and ask for asylum for you. Kyra must return to them. They can keep her safe. He will be back for me in three days, and I must go.” She wept. Tears flowed down her cheeks.

He is a man of his word at least. “He won’t hurt them if I do what he wants. I can’t risk them and now…” She thought of Benny and the rest of the pack. She’d never see them again. When he took her this time, she would not be back. But they’d be safe. That was the one thing she would ask of him, above all else.