She Loves You


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"That's kind of a mixed bag," Angie observed. "Getting back to Blake, how did he get hurt?"

"It was something as simple as a jackass driving around two police cars barricading the road while we worked on an injured couple in an MVA. We had just extricated them when the drunk driver smashed into the car the couple had wrecked. Blake was just getting out of the back seat when it was hit. He was thrown to the ground with considerable force and broke both wrists when he tried to catch himself."

It was Thanksgiving morning when Angie and the two girls brought Blake home from the hospital. The three of them were told what to expect with his recovery and the things they would need to do for him since he would be unable to perform the simplest tasks. Angie had already Googled caring for a person with two broken wrists and knew most of what they had been told. The two girls blushed several times when they heard some of the things required of Blake's caregivers.

"Girls, you just help your dad with the simple things, like eating and drinking. I'll take care of the other, more personal things," Angie stated. "Don't make him feel embarrassed or helpless. He was hurt saving the lives of others. He deserves our respect and understanding and he's going to get it, right?"

Blake was welcomed home with hugs and back pats. "Shaking hands with Blake isn't in the cards. In fact, playing cards with him isn't either," Jeff announced to everyone.

Angie was concerned that Blake would be upset with Jeff's remark, but he laughed harder than the rest. At least he wasn't going to be whining every time someone made a remark about his temporary disability.

As Angie had predicted, the meal was excellent. Faith and Charlotte, Jeff and Charlotte moved to the living room to watch some football. Angie was surprised that Charlotte had an interest in football, but when she saw her daughter sitting close to Blake and asking questions about the rules, she realized her daughter was simply trying to share time with Blake.

Angie was helping with the cleanup when she saw Blake head toward his bedroom. She gave him a few minutes and then decided to investigate. A man without use of his hands was doomed when it came to bathroom functions.

Blake was unable to lock the bedroom or bathroom door, so Angie had no trouble letting herself in. Blake didn't notice her as he used his elbows to turn the shower levers and then test the temperature of the waters. Angie wondered how he expected to take a shower without getting his casts wet.

He began rubbing his back against the door casing until his shirt rode up near his neck. He then pushed his cast encased hand into a wire hangar and moved his arm over his head. It took several tries but he finally hooked the shirt where it had ridden up. He lifted his arm and ducked his head until managed to pull it over his head.

Blake then used his forearms to slide down the sweat pants he was wearing. They pooled at his feet. He then stepped out of them and into his large master shower.

Blake was getting quite frustrated as the scope of the handicap created by two broken wrists became more and more apparent. He held his cast covered hands away from the water and simply allowed the stream to wash over his torso and legs. He realized he wasn't going to get very clean that way, but it was the best he could do.

Blake heard, "Stand still and I'll wash your back." Then he felt hands rubbing soap across his shoulders and back. He was careful to keep his casts from coming into contact with the water as he looked over his shoulder. Angie was wearing a big smile and nothing else as she ran a soapy cloth over his back.

"I can't get over how wide your shoulders are and defined your chest is," Angie stated as she eyed Blake's body as she washed it. Soon, she worked her way down his torso and administered to his ass and then his legs.

"You'll have to turn around so I can get the front," Angie told Blake, still with that big smile.

"Angie, I haven't been with anyone for some time and I'm afraid I'll offend you if I face you like this," Blake replied with some embarrassment.

"You mean you're still soft?" Angie teased as she gently turned Blake's shoulders. "That would bother me, but I'd understand if you no longer found me appealing. I'd deserve it.

"However, I'm here to help you shower, not rehashing all the mistakes I've made in my life, and there are plenty. I can help you with that rather formidable problem facing me if you'd like. Otherwise, I'll just continue helping you get clean."

"That would be more than I expected. I'm not real comfortable with this much. Faith and Charlotte are in the house, so are Carla and Jeff. Hell, even your parents are here.

"Every one of them would understand the situation. You called Charlotte 'daughter' and she's been on cloud nine ever since," Angie responded. "She learned more about a father/daughter relationship in the few days she spent with you and Faith than in the rest of her life. You took her hiking, fishing, riding and had her work cleaning the horse stalls. She loved it all. She's been starving for a male role model in her life and I never realized it."

"I didn't do anything special," Blake replied. "She's a sharp girl, athletic and eager to learn. All I did was show her how to do a few things and treat her just like I do Faith. It wasn't a big deal."

"That's the point. It seemed like every day stuff to you, but it was special to her. Other girls have dads who do those things, but she doesn't."

"What happened to her father that he isn't interested in her?" Blake asked.

"He's an asshole," Angie replied with some heat. "I was an easy piece of ass to him. He isn't the type to be tied down. He had to sample every woman he could, even if they were married. I was so damn stupid. You knew I had more than a few lovers in college and you seemed to accept it. I somehow got it in my head that I'd never get caught, but if I did, you'd find it in your heart to forgive me. It was only sex."

"Maybe I wasn't clear about how I felt about fidelity. I..."

"No, Blake. You were crystal clear. It wasn't something you said or didn't say. It was all on me. I didn't realize how special sex can be for people in love, even after we had married. It took a day and night of mediocre sex with a sleaze to bring it home. I made my bed and I've laid in it for the last ten years."

Angie dried Blake off and helped him into some clean clothes. When she returned to the living room, her family was totally silent and concentrating on the football game, which Dallas was losing by three touchdowns.

A few minutes later, Blake walked into the living room and took a seat next to Faith.

"You're doing pretty good for a guy who can't use his hands, Dad. You have a clean pull over shirt and jeans with the snap and zipper closed. I was worried you'd need some help, but you're nailing it."

Blake blushed at Faith's remark. He looked around the room and saw that everyone was making an effort to keep from laughing. He shrugged his shoulders and asked who was winning the game. That caused a few chuckles from the group.

The day after Thanksgiving was the last day of the visit. When the others began getting their bags ready to leave early Saturday morning, Angie made an announcement.

"Charlotte and I won't be flying back with the rest of you. Blake is going to need constant care and we're going to help Faith with that."

"You don't need to worry about me," Blake insisted. "My insurance will provide me with a visiting nurse. With a little help from Faith, I'll do fine."

"Really, Blake?" Carla responded with a grin. "Will a visiting nurse make sure you're cleaned up like Angie does? Will she look as good doing it? Are you flat out nuts?"

Blake glanced at a smiling Angie and blushed a beet red. "I didn't say it would be the same. I was only saying I'd get by."

"I'm not so sure. You're kind of pathetic and very cute way," Carla said. "You need help for a lot of things. I also heard there's going to be a big snowstorm starting Sunday and lasting until Tuesday. Would a nurse be able to travel the roads if they're blocked with snow? Obviously, Angie will be very close and available 24/7. She's staying."

"To change the subject slightly, I didn't get the job with the forestry association. Some redheaded woman from Idaho with the first name of Laramie beat me out. I think they were more comfortable with someone with a western background."

"That's too bad, Sis. I know you were looking to find a fresh start and get out of the rat race you've been in for years. Something will come up sooner or later," Carla consoled her sister.

"There's more," Angie responded quickly. "There was a county commissioner in the diner the day I made my drama filled reunion with Blake. He actually called me a couple of weeks ago. He asked if I was interested in applying for the county administrator position. The current administrator is retiring at the end of the year."

"The commissioner was Tim Renner," interrupted Blake. "He's a square shooter and the chairman of the board of commissioners. He's been a big supporter of our squad since we responded to his grandson's 4-wheeler accident. He was banged up pretty badly, but we were careful and he recovered just fine."

"He seems to think you hung the moon, Blake. He asked if I was serious about relocating to Montana and I assured him I was," Angie revealed. "We set up a Zoom meeting a few days later and I was hired. They're expecting me to be proactive in pursuing grants and other monies that could help the area. I'll be doing more than balancing the county's budget."

"Mr. Renner told me he was impressed with my pluck for standing in a crowded room and speaking so frankly about my past mistakes. He said the west was made by people making the most of second chances and he thought I'd do well."

"That means we won't have you and Charlotte around all the time," Sandra lamented. "I guess we'll be flying west now and then next year. Where will you live, Angie?"

"That's another reason we're staying. When the storm is over, Faith and I will be house hunting. We want to find a place with room for a few horses, a garden and maybe some hiking trails.

"That sounds a lot like here," Faith volunteered. "We have all of those things. You can visit us any time you want."

Early the next morning, Carla's family, along with her parents, wished everyone the best and promised they would try to work something out so they could celebrate Christmas together.

Angie and the girls spent the day cleaning up, washing sheets and remaking beds. Charlotte and Faith had decided to remain in the same room, which pleased Angie. Their room was the farthest from Blake's bedroom.

After the girls went upstairs to bed, Angie asked Blake for a few minutes of his time. "Blake, I'd like to sleep in your bed while I'm here. You don't have to do anymore than you want with me, but you can do anything you want. I know you'll never be able to love me again, but I'd very much appreciate the closeness of your body when I sleep."

"When Beverly died, I was devastated," Blake began. "If it hadn't been for Faith, I might have given up completely. One of the dark thoughts I had was how I would have been willing to forgive Beverly for anything she ever did to hurt me if she could have only survived. I swore I would havealways loved her no matter what.

"Then I started thinking about how I was lying to myself. I loved Beverly with every fiber of my being, but I had loved you every bit as much. I never even considered forgiving you. Then I wondered if people in my life had to die to gain my forgiveness. I was in a pretty dark place."

"Beverly had no control over her medical problem. I deliberately betrayed you. You have nothing to forgive her for, and no reason to forgive me."

"I realize now that I should have hung around long enough to discuss our situation. I was hurt so I ran off like a wounded animal. I don't see how I could have gotten past your infidelity, especially when you became pregnant," Blake acknowledged.

"I understand how badly I screwed up, believe me," Angie replied. "I really appreciate how wonderfully you've treated Charlotte. I was afraid you'd see her as a symbol of my cheating and dislike her. You have been more then kind to her. She loves you like the father she never had."

"What happened to her father?"Blake asked. "Why doesn't he take an active interest in her? She really is a bright, athletic girl. She's been a good influence on Faith."

"All that asshole wanted was some married pussy," Angie stated with some anger. "He isn't like you. He shrugs off responsibility and hard work. He doesn't have time for anyone else. He was a huge mistake, to put it mildly."

"I think you give me more credit than I deserve with Charlotte. I took her fishing, hiking and horseback riding. It really wasn't anything special," Blake replied.

"That's exactly why it's so special," Angie responded. "You were just being you. You weren't trying to impress her, or me. She needs to learn what kind of man she should look for when she grows up. A girl needs a good father figure; a man who she knows will protect her and love her. She'll expect that and even demand it in her husband. Losers need not apply."

"I don't know if I qualify as a proper father figure or even a good husband," Blake stated. "I don't seem to be very good at keeping wives."

"You were a wonderful husband to me and I am sure to Beverly. Sadly, she died. Stupidly, I betrayed you," Angie admitted. "Does this discussion mean you don't want me in your bed?"

"My hands don't work right now, but everything else does. If you come to my bed, you may not get a lot of sleep," Blake promised "You're more beautiful now than you were when we were married. You're a gorgeous woman."

The next morning at the breakfast table, Blake posed a question to Charlotte. "Do you want a house just for you and your mom, or would you like to live here with Faith and me?"

"Seriously?" screamed Charlotte in delight. "I'd love to live with you and Charlotte."

Then she had a thought. "Are you asking Mom to stay, too? I won't leave her."

"Absolutely. I want you and your mom to live here with us. You need to understand that your mom and I will not be getting married, at least not soon, but we'd be like a family and who knows what might happen in the future?" Blake teased.

"I have a couple questions," Faith spoke up.

"What are your questions, Honey?" Blake asked.

"Will I be able to call Charlotte's mother 'Mom'? Does this have anything to do with all the moaning Charlotte and I heard last night when we came down to the kitchen for some milk?"

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WargamerWargamerabout 2 hours ago

Sappy ending. By all means keep her as a FWB, but never marry her, or forget what she did.

Deliberate adultery that ended in pregnancy shows Angie to be a particularly stupid person, not someone to breed with that’s for sure 3/5

AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

It got a bit sappy towards the end. Otherwise a well.done submission. 4*

Taco76310Taco763108 days ago

You get 5 stars just for the last sentence of the story.

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

I liked this story. The only criticism I would have is that Angie had to explain 3 different times about why Charlotte's sperm donor wasn't around. It made me think either Blake was hard of hearing or not the brightest bulb.

AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

Strong independent woman, firefighters, blame spreading and other feminist bullshit. Enjoy watching the culture collapse, and a major contributor is the the feminist swill that lives rent free in most lw authors' heads.

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