Shawna Fulfills Her Fantasy


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When she finally finished viewing the DVD..."So tell me what you think Shawna, did you like it?"

"Like it? I loved it. I'm almost afraid to stand up because of how wet I know the back of my pants must be. I don't know what I was thinking when I asked to view it, but I didn't expect I'd react the way I did. It was that good. You two took some excellent photos, and you Lacey, did a masterful job creating the DVD. When you said at Jack's place you weren't professional photographers, you were underestimating yourselves. Let alone how professionally done the DVD was. And I need to ask if it affected either of you the way it did me?"

Brenda was the first to reply..."You can rest easy Shawna. It affected me the same way when I first viewed it. And since I was alone, I felt free to masturbate. Not that I wouldn't have with Lacey there."

I then added my two cents..."As for me Shawna, while certain photos did arouse me, I was too focused with editing them to get carried away. And by the time I finished the DVD, I must have seen every photo a dozen times so I became somewhat numb to them."

Obviously, I wasn't going to tell her the photos which did arouse were of her, and how I masturbated while viewing them. Instead I asked..."Now tell me what you liked best about the DVD, and what you didn't like. And which parts you enjoyed the most. Also, about the way I formatted the DVD. It'll help me, or us, with any future endeavors."

"There wasn't anything I didn't like. The way you sequenced things made it very enjoyable and it flowed nicely from beginning to end. The special effects you used were excellent and helped to enhance the photos. The ones I especially enjoyed were of the lesbian sex, which is also what aroused me the most."

"I noticed you paused the DVD to view the lesbian sex more than anything else. Not that there's anything wrong with it."

"I also thought it was cute of you to add a couple pictures of me rubbing your back and bum while you were taking photos of Carol and Roberta. I forgot about Brenda and wasn't expecting to see any of it. I also liked the way you photographed my backside while on my knees with my ass raised. And the way you zoomed in on my anus and pussy. Even if I say so myself, they looked inviting in the photos. Too bad Brenda didn't get a photo of you running your finger down my anal valley and between my inner labia like she did of me rubbing you. I can't tell you how many times I thought about it and remembered how it felt. I shivered every time I did."

"I'm thankful she didn't. I'm still embarrassed I did such a thing without asking."

"You shouldn't be. It flattered me that you did and got me thinking seriously about something. And it explains why I rubbed you the way I did later, which you didn't seem happy about at the time."

"I wasn't, but only because I couldn't enjoy the way it was making me feel because of being busy with taking photos. Like I mentioned to Brenda when she asked about it, under different circumstances I would have been thrilled you did. If you don't mind me being frank, there was nothing I would have liked more than to have been able to put the camera down and you and I going at each other. In a nice way of course."

"I wished we could have. I would have liked nothing more either. Now since you're being honest with me, I owe you two an apology."


"Maybe not an apology, but I need to fess-up about something. About me stating I was bi-sexual as my husband Dan. I'm not. I've never had sex with another woman. Not that I wouldn't like to. I've been fantasizing about nothing but for a while now. I guess you could say I'm bi-curious, but as far as I'm concerned, it's beyond the point of being just curious."

"That explains why we didn't see you engaged in any lesbian sex while all the other women did at some point. And it leads me to ask why you haven't explored your fantasy with one of the ladies in your intimate group. I can't imagine any of them not being thrilled about the chance to have sex with you. They'd probably get into a cat fight over who did first. Now before you answer me, let me refill our wine glasses."

After I did, and was reseated next to her she continued..."There are a number of reasons I haven't. The first one deals with the fact Dan and I are relatively new to the group. Being new was a concern for me relative to being comfortable about sharing my bi-sexual curiosity with anyone while Dan, who has been bi-sexual for as long as I've known him, wasn't bashful at all. And while I wouldn't classify any of the other men as being bi-sexual, a couple of them have been open-minded enough to let him suck their cocks. Particularly Jack. Although none have gone as far as to allow him to fuck them anally. At least not yet."

Before she continued..."I'm not so sure the men in our circle of intimate friends would be as accommodating. But I could be mistaken. And while I could be wrong, it seems unusual for a man to be bi-sexual. Rarely do they swing both ways. Usually their gay or very straight. With women it seems almost second nature. Especially women who participate in group sex. And from my limited experience, I haven't known many women who have passed up a chance to have sex with another woman. Although some do, they're in the minority. With most women being bi-sexual, if you include the ones who won't admit it and just fantasize about it, it's the one thing that separates us from men. And except for the reproduction factor, I think women in general could get along just fine sexually without men. Not that I personally want to. Now what are the other reasons you haven't?"

"The main reason is lack of confidence in myself, and a fear of being rejected. Not to mention I might feel awful about it afterwards. Plus, the fact I've never been attracted to another woman enough to have sex with them. Last but not least, and as far as with doing it with anyone in the group, doing it the first time with a bunch of other people around. I don't know if any of it makes sense, but it's kept me from approaching, or mentioning it to anyone. Until now."

I couldn't help but think how understandable it was she hadn't gotten beyond the bi-curious stage yet, and if she ever would. With so many concerns, it seemed like it would be impossible for anyone to get past them. And from my own experience, the one which probably mattered the most was being attracted to or finding the right person.

Finally after giving some thought how to reply..."All of it actually makes sense, especially with the right person the first time. It goes without saying you need to be attracted to each other. If the chemistry isn't right, you both might regret it. And that would be a disaster. Probably turn you off entirely from ever trying it again, or even thinking about it again. Plus, I wouldn't recommend having sex with another woman for the first time with other people around either. It should be in a more intimate setting. As for the lack of confidence in yourself, or not knowing what to do, it's perfectly normal. You wouldn't be if you didn't worry about what to do and how. All you need to do is what comes naturally, and more importantly, what you enjoy. If you do, you'll do a lot better having sex with another woman for the first time than you did with a man. It's almost instinctive. In some ways it's like making love to yourself, and your orgasms will be more intense and beyond anything you ever experienced before. When it's all said and done, I can assure you with the right person you won't feel the least bit bad about it. Just the opposite. You'll probably hate yourself for not doing it sooner. I know it was the case with me...and Brenda too."

Brenda then piped in..."Lacey's right Shawna. And while I hope you don't think horribly of us, while my first experience with lesbian sex wasn't with her, it was mostly because of her. Ever since the first time we masturbated together when younger I've thought about it with Lacey. Eventually we did have sex, but not until fairly recently and neither one of us regrets it. Nor do we feel it's wrong because we're sisters. If it wasn't for Lacey, I'd still be procrastinating about it. It's opened up a whole new world for me, and like Lacey said...I only wish it happened sooner. Especially after my two failed marriages."

"Well, you two sure have put my mind at ease about things. I only wish we met and had this conversation sooner. Now I'd like to make a little confession. When I said earlier I've never been attracted to anyone enough to have sex with them I wasn't entirely telling the truth. The truth is, I haven't been until I met you two at Jack's. In spite of you both being a little older than me, not that it matters, I haven't been able to think about anything but. And it didn't help the way you ran your finger over my anus and pussy Lacey. Hence the reason I couldn't keep my hands off you later since I assumed you were attracted to me in the same way."

"You couldn't have been more forward at the time, and I'm sure me doing what I did earlier only encouraged you. And you're right about me being smitten with you too. Now that the obvious is out in the open, what do you suggest we do about it?"

There was a slight pause before she replied..."While I could always blame the wine, and if you don't mind me being so brazen, there's nothing I'd like more than for the two of you to make love to me right now. I can't think of anyone I'd rather do it with the first time and have fantasized about it ever since we met. Given the opportunity, I'd be extremely disappointed if you don't. That's unless this isn't a good time...or that you don't want to."

After I looked at Brenda first, and got an approving look..."Or that we want to? Of course we do. As for timing, it couldn't be more perfect. Coincidently my husband Walter is out of town so there's no reason we'd be interrupted unless someone decides to burglarize the house. But are you sure Shawna? And I'm only going to ask you once."

"Yes I'm sure. Let me show you just how sure." After which she put her arms around my neck and kissed me. A deep, hard passionate kiss where I made it a point to insert my tongue in her mouth before breaking away. Just briefly, and teasingly as a way to say there would be more. After giving me a knowing look with her dazzling blue eyes she turned towards Brenda and kissed her just as passionately. Maybe even more so.

Soon as they stopped kissing..."I think it'd be best for us to relocate to a more appropriate place, like the master bedroom. But before we do, I want you to let us seductively undress you first Shawna. We'll do the same for you once we're in the bedroom."

After she took a deep breath..."I'd love nothing more." Then she stood up and we quickly did also with me facing her and Brenda behind her.

I first pulled her blouse out of her slacks before slowly unbuttoning it. As I did, I kissed her repeatedly. Not only on the lips, but her entire face. Cheeks, chin, nose, eyes and forehead. Once her blouse was unbuttoned, I slowly opened it, revealing a blue and very sheer demi bra, which barely supported her lovely full breasts. And being so sheer it was easy to see her areola and nipples were already somewhat aroused. From behind her, Brenda removed the blouse and placed it neatly on the sofa.

While holding her at arm's length..."You have beautiful breasts Shawna. I couldn't help but admire them the other night and I can't wait to get my mouth on them."

"Please do Lacey, and the sooner the better."

Brenda unhooked her bra and leisurely lowered it down her arms before Shawna let it fall to the floor. Brenda then reached around her and took a breast in each hand before raising them up as I lowered my head to take one of her nipples between my lips. As I did, it immediately became hard as a rock and longer than I expected. A good half inch in length and tasted sweet as could be as I flicked my tongue over the tip while sucking it. Gently at first, but more intently as the harder I sucked, Shawna began to moan ever so softly. I repeated the same process with the other nipple until it was just as hard and long, all while I tweaked the first nipple I sucked with my fingers. And rather hard, which Shawna seemed to enjoy as I pinched and pulled on it.

"I love my nipples sucked and squeezed Lacey, harder the better and you're doing it perfectly."

As I continued to suck her nipples by going back and forth between them, I reached down to unbutton her slacks and unzip the zipper slowly. Once it was, I pulled her slacks down around her hips before I slid my hand under the waistband of what was matching sheer blue briefs and began rubbing her pubic mound. Maybe it was just me, but her mons pubis felt ten degrees hotter than the rest of her body. Almost as though it had its own internal heat source. And being a natural blonde, her downy mound was soft as could be. It felt like freshly spun silk as I ran my fingers through it.

Eventually I extended my middle finger in search of her love button and soon as I found it I was amazed how big and hard it was. Felt big as a gum drop and just as rigid as I flicked my finger gently back and forth over it. When I first did, Shawn let loose with a deep groan and seemed to become weak in the knees as she slumped slightly. As I steadily rubbed her swollen clit, while continuing to suck her nipples, she suddenly stiffened and let loose with a deep sigh before she unexpectedly orgasmed. Not an intense one, but strong enough for a gush of vaginal fluids to shoot noisily out her cunt and soak her panties.

After she put her arms on my shoulders to support herself..."Damn one ever made me cum so fast."

"It was fast, and you surprised me when you did. It wasn't my intent Shawna, but it's nice you did and I promise it won't be the last time before the day is over."

I then removed my hand and knelt in front of her so I could finish removing her slacks. First, I undid the straps on her sandals and after I removed them, admired her pretty feet.

"You have beautiful feet, Shawna, with near perfect toes, which I'm looking forward to sucking individually like little lollipops."

Without waiting for a reply, I proceeded to remove her slacks by pulling them down slowly from side to side. But not her briefs, which I left on in spite of how wet it was. Once she stepped out of her slacks I folded them neatly so it wouldn't get wrinkled and placed them on the sofa. I then held her by the bum cheeks before nuzzling my nose in her crotch. When I did, it became soaked with her love juice, which smelled heavenly. Sweet, but pleasantly pungent from the burst of vaginal fluids when she orgasmed. I was tempted to lick her cum drenched panties, but decided to wait until it was off before tasting her for the first time.

When I raised myself back up in a standing position it's when I realized Brenda was fondling her tits and nipples along with kissing and nibbling the sides and back of her neck. Of which Shawna seemed to be enjoying immensely.

"I hate to interrupt you two, but I think it's time we head to the bedroom where we'll be more comfortable."

Reluctantly they stopped, and after grabbing our wine glasses we went straight for the bedroom. I first lit some candles before removing the bedspread and pulling the top sheet and blanket down. "As soon as you get comfortable on the bed Shawna, Brenda and I will undress each other for you. And don't take your thong off. I want to do it just before I go down on you."

After she was situated on the bed lying on her stomach with her head supported by her forearms and hands..."I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to seeing you two naked again, which I never thought I would."

"Well, it shouldn't take long based on how little clothing we have on. Plus, we're both pretty anxious to get naked on the bed with you."

Brenda and I then wrapped our arms around one another before kissing and our hands roamed all over each other. Very passionate kisses with lots of deep tongue action and saliva being exchanged. When it comes to kissing, Brenda with her full lips is simply angelic. I've come close to an orgasm more than once just from kissing her.

Finally, we stopped kissing and removed each other's tops. Slowly and seductively as we raised them up and off each other. Once they were, we removed each other's bra just as slowly. Mine first, then Brenda's. While I'm fairly big busted at a 36C, Brenda is bigger and a lot fuller at a 38D. Not forgetting her huge areola and long nipples. The longest nipples I've ever had the pleasure to suck at a good three quarters of an inch when fully aroused, of which I immediately did. First one, then the other, and noisily for Shawna's benefit.

"God Lacey, you're making me jealous. I can't wait to get my mouth on Brenda's incredible nipples."

"You ain't seen nothing yet Shawna. Wait till you get a look at Brenda's clitoris."

"C'mon Lacey, you act like I'm the only woman with a long clitoris."

"You're not, but it's the longest one I've ever seen. And I'm sure it'll be the same for Shawna. It's pretty incredible, and a joy to suck."

"Let's get back to what we were doing before you give me a complex."

We did, and by Brenda taking my nipples in her mouth one at a time and sucking them just as noisily as I did hers while I held her head. It always feels extra special when Brenda sucks and nibbles on them. For some reason, the fact it's my sister literally causes the nerve endings in my clit to throb. As she was, I reached down and undid her shorts, which easily fell to the floor. After which she flipped her sandals and shorts aside with her feet. I then slipped my hand inside her bikini briefs and after first lovingly rubbing her smoothly shaved mound went for her clit. It's hard not to gasp when you first touch her incredible clit. It's as long as her nipples and you can't help but think of a tiny cock when you first blindly feel it, and just as stiff when as one aroused.

As soon as I started to stroke it as you would a cock with two fingers she stopped sucking my nipples to remove my shorts. Once she did and were out of the way she reached into my plain white cotton panties and went straight for my love button. The last type of panties I would normally wear under the circumstances, but I wasn't anticipating anyone, especially Shawna, to see them when I got dressed earlier.

Wasn't long before we were both holding each other with one hand while the fingers of our other hand furiously played with each other's clits. And while it might have been because of being the exhibitionist we are; and the special one person audience we had, before we knew it we both were breathing heavily and close to an orgasm.

Realizing we were..."Do you want to stop Brenda, or do you want to keep going until we cum?"

"Whatever you do Lacey, don't stop. I'm past the point of no return."

"I'm with Brenda, Lacey. Don't you two dare stop. When you said earlier you two would undress seductively for me I never imagined just how much so. I'd love to see you both cum together from fingering each other."

With that settled, we kept frigging each other's clits until we cummed, and almost simultaneously. I did first, followed a second or two later by Brenda. Both of us rather explosively as we let loose with huge gushes of vaginal fluids. Almost a steady stream in my case as ejaculate seeped through my panties like water through a coffee filter and dripped down to the floor. A thicker fluid than when I squirt, and resembles diluted milk. Brenda did too, but to a lesser degree. Then again, I'm more prone to squirt and ejaculate than she does when I orgasm.

Needless to say, when we orgasmed we had all we could do to remain standing. And only because we were able to help support each other. But just barely.