Sharing the MILF List Ch. 07


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I nodded. "Here is what I want to do. I want to do to you, everything that turns her on." I stopped, "Oh, we'll do anything you want that turns you on too, if it is different from your sister. But I want to make her watch you get what she wants, what she thought was hers." I could see immediately that I had engaged the woman's interest. I smiled at the gleam in her eyes.

"Let me get this right. You want me to fuck you and Sammy and three of your friends, suck each of you off, fuck you, take you in the ass and then do you all at once?"

"Yeah, like that. If you can stand it, I want to spank you, like I did her so she sees you getting what she wants. While you are shackled." I hesitated, wondering about Mrs. Wills' beds, if they had something to tie Melissa to. That is the key. I am thinking that since you are a sister of one of the MILFs, we would all eat you. Do you like to have your pussy sucked?"

Melissa nodded slowly, like she was in a trance. "Oh, oh yes." She breathed.

I nodded. "Then here is what is going to happen. Tomorrow, the guys are going to fuck one of the MILFs instead of Alissa with her arriving all hotted up thinking she is going to be the main intercourse. Sunday, they will have the choice of you or her and they will all vote to take you. So we will take you, if that is what you want. I'll ask you at the time. All you have to do is hand us your sister and you'll be off the hook but I really would like her to go without while you get what she thinks she should be getting."

"Oh fucking hell, that is wonderful!" Melissa muttered. "Finally every guy in the room takes me rather than my older sister! Oh gawd Sonny, it makes me wet just thinking about that, to say nothing of the actual fact that I will star in an orgy with five hot young guys like you!" Her eyes clouded. "One of them will be Sammy, though right?"

I nodded. That had to be addressed.

For a moment she sat, her eyes distant. Finally she fixed that smoldering gaze on me. "What does Sammy think about this, have you discussed it with him?"

I considered my responses. "Well, not really. I did not want to promise what was not mine to promise. For all I know, Lissa strung me along just to jerk with me." I did not explain why I would think that or that it would fit with her vetting of me for her company project. The thought had occurred to me. "I could not be sure you were really coming till you . . . arrived." I stumbled, wanting to be clever but my mind was too cluttered. "Trust me, Sammy will be happy to fuck you. He has been at your sister since my Mom and I introduced them."

"Your mom? Oh right. She and you fucked Sammy and Alissa. I get it. Clever. Mother and son watch mother and son fuck and it seems . . . better somehow." She shook her head, smiling a private little smile. "Like seeing yourself in a metaphorical mirror. Son fucks mother."

"Is that a problem for you?"

Missy hesitated for a moment but grinned. "No. Well, I don't think so. I have thought about fucking Sammy or young guys like you before now but this is the first time I have . . . well, confronted the real possibility. You are dumping a lot on me though."

"I know, Melissa. And look, it is okay if you want to pass and let me do your sister without involving you in all this."

At that, Melissa shook her head vehemently. "Hell no, mo' fo'. I will not miss this for anything. I just had not considered Sammy would be involved. Oh shit, I remember you! You have been Sammy's buddy for years. You guys fell out of a tree one time trying to see me getting out of the shower!"

I grunted and grinned. "Right. That was me, us. I have to say that was Sammy's idea. He has had a thing for you for a long time. The question is do you have enough of a thing for him to fuck him while his mother looks on?" I absolutely could not avoid this if the weekend would work.

There is was. Melissa Crawford sat for a while. It was a long time but curiously, I did not get antsy. I just waited. Now the plan was in place and all I could really do was ride it and the weekend out.

Finally, Melissa leaned forward on her elbows. "I am sorry, Sonny, this is a lot to take in. I have been close to this sort of sexual event before but never so intimately connected. How about this, I will go along with you till I don't and when I don't I'll just bow out? What do you think? I just don't know how all this is going to affect me but I have to confess I am curious as hell to find out. I just worry that it will be like a bad LSD trip and I don't want to be unable to get out of it if I need to."

I considered her words and shrugged. "Ma'am, I guess that is implied for anyone and everyone involved. Don't like the scene? Split. No worries."

One last thing, Sonny, just to be even. I really would like to see you fuck your mother, particularly since Alissa may not be fucking her Sammy, if I get your drift."

"Geezus, my mom and I are really in demand." I muttered but not so she could hear. "Fine. My mom seems, somewhat more willing than I ever thought she would be when it comes to this sort of thing. I am pretty sure I can get her on her back for you."

"While I am here?"

"How long are you staying?"

"Plane is Monday but I can push it a day or two. Lissa and I always do things radical like, with no plan really or at least, we rarely if ever follow the plan we start out with." She smirked. "We have gone out planning to fuck the same man several times and well, as far as I know, you are the first man who has been inside of us both." Her eyes found me. "Is that long enough?"

I nodded, "I think so."

The ticket came and she paid it for me and we left. She walked before me, her long stride made her ass shift and I wanted her, my cock grew but I knew I had to wait. We got into the car and I checked my watch. It was a quarter after six. Dark was falling and we had time to kill before Alissa would be expecting us. I had just the way to kill some time. "So, Miss Melissa, have you ever been 'right there' while another woman was fucked?"

She twisted in the car seat to look at me. Slowly, she shook her head. "No. I haven't had the pleasure. Movies don't count."

"Movies are not the same, I assure you." I felt all worldly and shit and that made me feel awkward and stupid. "How about you get a little taste of it before the main event tomorrow?"

Melissa did not respond. But she did not say 'no' either.

I started the car and drove, eager to pursue this thought. I took out my phone and at a red light called the Wills house and told Mrs. Wills we were coming, I told her to have the uniform on when I arrived which puzzled her and Melissa. I ignored them both.

I pulled up to the house and went around and opened the door for Melissa. I put my arm around her and walked her to the door. She rang the bell. Chris answered the door. Her eyes got wide and he stared at Melissa like she had three eyes. Of course it was because she was beautiful and smelled like aroused woman, even if he could not place the scent that emanated from every pore of her sexy body.

"Chris. Chris? Chris!"

"What. What? What! "

"Why are you answering the door?" I spoke in a loud voice, hoping Laura could hear me. "Can we come in?"

"Oh, what? Oh, sure! Please, come in."

"Chris, this is Melissa Crawford. She is Sammy's aunt, Alissa's sister."

"Sammy's? Alissa's? Oh. Ohhhhh!" He grinned what can only be described as a predatory grin but on Chris, it appeared more like delight and naked lust.

"Down boy. She is just here to watch." I could see the disappointment in his face so plain he could not have been more obvious using any words at all. I glanced at Melissa and found her staring at him.

"He is beautiful. Can I have him?" She looked over at me. Her eyes were wide. She ostentatiously licked her lips. "Blond. Blue eyes. He looks delicious!"

I almost laughed and might have done so if Mrs. Wills had not appeared from around the corner, buttoning up the bodice of her white maid's blouse, her bare breasts clearly visible through the diaphanous material. I clinched my face into a stern look and nodded. "Mrs. Wills, thank you for opening your home to us. This is the woman I told you about."

Mrs. Wills curtsied. "Please to meet you ma'am. My name is Laura, please tell me if there is anything you want."

"Show her to her room, will you."

Mrs. Will gazed at me, confused.

I helped. "Show her to the guest room for the moment. Melissa, are you comfortable?"

Melissa pulled her eyes off the stunning blond maid before her and looked at me. "Comfortable?"

I moved over to Laura and put a hand on her ass. She stared up into my eyes, her green eyes wide and waiting. I moved the hand under the dress, searching for undies. I nodded. "Good girl, no underwear." I pushed my hand between her legs and she had to shift her feet to allow it. I found her dripping pussy and put a finger into her as far as her clinched pussy allowed. I withdrew the finger and presented it to Laura's scarlet lips. She had on blue eye shadow and mascara, tastefully applied. She licked my finger clean. I looked at Melissa who was staring. "Get comfortable, we are going out. If you want her to lick you anytime, feel free to ask. Tell me if she says 'no', though, would you?" The implication was clear.

Chris immediately looked crestfallen, the very meaning of that phrase 'going out' reducing him to disappointment. The women departed up the stairs, curiously quiet for two women.

"Hurry back." I called after them and then looked at Chris who was staring after them.

"Geezus, Sonny. What are you doing? I thought this was just our thing?"

I shrugged. "Not my doing. Alissa invited her. She started this but we are going to finish it. In about an hour or two, when I get back, you will need to go get Alissa and bring her here. Chris, when you arrive, I am going to offer you her or her sister. You ask for her sister. You understand? Alissa gets nothing this weekend." I said more than I wanted. I knew what she wanted, she wanted this, she challenged me and if I let it stand, nothing would work the way it needed to. Alissa knew that but she could not stop herself; she relied on me stopping her and I was not going to disappoint her, even a little bit.

"Are we going to fuck her?" Chris asked. "Gawd, that would be something! What a gorgeous woman! She reeks of sex, she . . . " He stared at me. "You have been in her already, haven't you?"

"When did you get so clever?" I asked but he did not answer because we heard the click, click, click of Melissa's high heels on the stairs and they appeared. Laura's face was scarlet red. Her face was bowed to the floor. I knew something had happened but not knowing seemed so delicious I left it alone. I took Laura by the arm and pulled her into the living room and pressed her to her knees. Chris and Melissa followed and seeing Laura on her knees, glanced at each other.

I opened my pants and offered her my still limber cock. She immediately pulled it to her lips and began to kiss and lick it. She sucked it into her mouth and began to move her head up and back, sucking noisily on my cock. Her eyes were closed but her body fairly sang with the performance. I watched Melissa, gauging her reaction which was a mixture of fascinated interest and reluctance. When my cock was hard I put it away and turned from the woman kneeling on her own living room floor. "Chris, no fucking her, hear me!" I buttoned up my pants, tucking cock away as I did so.

I took Melissa's hand and pulled her out the back door. She followed me but shambling like she was drunk. I pulled her to the gap in the hedge that led into the Kingston's backyard. I stopped and pulled Missy close and kissed her hard.

When our lips parted, she said, "I thought we are going out."

I smiled. "We are out. Now we are going back in." She made to turn around but I pulled her through the hedge. She squeaked as we scraped through. With her hand clasped firmly in mine, I moved up onto the Kingston's deck. I peered in the little window that overlooked the Kingston's kitchen. I saw Annie at the stove. She wore a green print dress with little purple flowers on it. Her hair was down, a kinky flow of black covering her face and neck.

"What are you doing?" Melissa whispered.

"I am going to fuck her. Look. Doesn't she look ready to be laid?" I grasped Melissa by her shoulders and held her before the window. We could hear music coming from inside, a singer crooned in Chinese. Annie turned her face towards us without seeing us, a pot of rice in her hand; she was clearly singing along with the music.

"What do you mean?" Melissa whispered.

I did not answer but pulled her to the sliding door and tried it; I had the key but it slid smoothly open. I pulled Melissa in after me, stepping down into the sunken living room. She was pulling back but I did not release her. Her face was a mask of fear. I kicked off my shoes and then when we were near to the counter of the kitchen that overlooked the lower part of the room, I released her and bounded up into the kitchen. Annie had her back to me, bending over the stove. The song ended and Annie turned, her eyes became wide and she tried to scream but I was on her, turning her and encircling her waist with one arm from behind. I lifted her and she kicked, her high heels glancing off my shins. I put my hand over her mouth and she tried to bite me. I dragged her to counter, my cock pressed into her little ass. I bent her over it. She was shaking, her whole body shuddered and quaked.

Her dress buttoned up the back. I hissed into her ear, loud enough for Melissa to hear. "Fucking be quiet." I did not threaten. I still had an arm around her waist and was bending over her. The keening against my hand stopped, she struggled but I held her tight. My hard cock pressed against her ass and I felt her lift her ass, pressing against my cock, grinding against me with obvious relish. I released her mouth and with that hand pressed her flat onto the counter top, she supported herself with her legs but only barely, high on her tiptoes. I grasped one side of the dress and yanked at it, hard. Buttons pinged around the room, the dress opened down to her waist. She had on dainty red panties. I released her with my other hand. "Don't move." I growled. With both hands I ripped the dress completely apart, tearing through the skirt.

Annie moaned, her ass waved at me.

Melissa stood stock still in the middle of the living room, like she was tied to a stake. She stared, one hand lying at the crease of her cleavage and the other bunched in her own skirt.

I parted the dress, filleting it out to each side so it looked like Annie was surrounded by great green wings. I unhooked her bra and then inched her undies over her slim hips and down to her straight thighs. She hissed as they dropped down her legs. She shifted and stepped out of them but tangled a heel in them and I had to bend down to release her foot. I straightened and opened my pants and skimmed them down.

"I am going to fuck you, Mrs. Kingston, like you like it."

"Ohhhhh." Annie wailed, tears running down her cheeks, her face towards the interior of the house. Melissa could not see her face.

I put my hands on her waist and pulled her towards my cock, fitting it between her legs. She grunted and lifted her lower body as high as she could, then lifted one leg, bringing the knee up onto the counter beside her torso, opening her pussy to me. I entered her without further ado. She squealed as my cock slid into her still quaking body. Seated partway into her body, I halted and felt the thrumming in her flesh, the unbelievable little shivers of excitement, of fear. I looked up at Melissa. Her face was a mask, two really. One was lust and envy and the other was horror and revulsion, both fought for control of her expression.

I grasped Annie's hip and her thigh on the other leg, withdrew my cock and then slammed hard into her, crushing her against the counter. She twisted to give me better access and I began to fuck her. She struggled to her elbows. I felt her body go completely rigid and I knew she had spied Melissa.

"Melissa," I said softly, regarding her over Annie's bare back, "lift your dress, take off your hose and play with your pussy. Let Mrs. Kingston watch you while I fuck her."

For a minute, about four long, deep cycles of my cock into and out of Annie's liquid pussy, Melissa stared. Perhaps something passed between the two women, or perhaps Melissa could see pleasure on Annie's face; whatever, she did as instructed. She skimmed down her hose and then pressed a finger into her pussy, while holding the black skirt over her waist, her legs in an odd configuration to allow the pose. I continued to pound Annie and about the time Melissa closed her eyes and groaned, Annie bucked and dropped her legs. Her feet left the floor and her weight shifted onto her stomach. I held her hips high and her legs wound around me, awkwardly but enough that her heels were at my shoulder blades, prodding me deeper into her tilted pussy. I pulled her back so that my balls did not get mashed into the counter and, holding her hard, pounded into her pussy.

Annie screamed.

Melissa opened her eyes, staring at the thrashing woman.

"Oh yes, fuck me!" Annie whined, her voice a high squeal. She bucked as best she could, a surprisingly strong action given her position on the counter. Her legs released and she lowered them searching for the floor, her green heels still on each dainty foot. I pulled her back further and she found the floor. I let her gain purchase, grasped her hips and proceeded to fuck her hard while she fucked back at me, now well balanced on her bare legs. Her bra dangled around her upper arms.

I was nearly at my climax. "Melissa, come here." I rasped.

Melissa went still, then dropped her skirt and made her way to the kitchen, to stand beside me.

"Have you ever kissed a man while he was fucking another woman?" I asked. Below me, Annie grunted which turned into a moan as I slowly fed my cock into her pussy, reversing the pace, slowing, teasing her with a slow hand. Her pussy pulsed around my cock, clasping it with a thousand fingers of pressure. "Now is your chance." I hissed.

Melissa stared at Annie's bare, straining back, watched as the little woman lifted her ass to meet my stroke before grinding her hips against me, swirling my cock inside of her body. Annie twisted to grip me with one hand, bending towards Melissa. Annie held herself hard against me while I continued to slide my cock into her body. Melissa turned back to me and kissed me, her lips open and fiery. Her tongue met mine. I held Annie still, cinched against me, her pussy filled with my throbbing cock. Melissa put a hand out and touched Annie's back, then caressed it.

Annie grunted and then, when I pulled free and plunged into her again, she shrieked and came, her body spasmed against me, seizing me from inside as she bucked through the flashing orgasm. My climax echoed hers and I put an arm around Melissa and pulled her against us, her cunt pressed against the point of my hip which forced her covered hip against Annie's bare one. Annie collapsed onto the counter as my orgasm hit. Holding her imperfectly, using Melissa's body to bind Annie against me, I pumped cum into the oriental woman. She hissed once and then she bucked against me. I opened my eyes and could just see Melissa's hand under Annie's body. Annie rocked onto her left side, exposing her breast to the hand. Melissa grasped the gentle swell of Annie's tit, found the nipple and squeezed it hard.

Annie screamed and her body thrashed. Melissa released it and moved her had to her hip and thus onto my other hand. Melissa pulled Annie hard onto my still pumping cock. Annie groaned and cried out something in Chinese, 'diao wu, diao wu', she chanted.