Sharing the MILF List Ch. 01


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I took this comment to be a good sign so determined to take the plunge. I had not mentioned airtight to her yet but it seemed reasonable to give it all to her. It fit in with my vision of how to share the MILF list.

"Mom, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course. If this conversation is not the most difficult a mother and son can have, I am not sure what would be. So, go ahead. What is it?"

"What is your deepest sexual desire?"

Mom looked thunderstruck, as I had hoped. Not shocked but dumbstruck, startled not so much by the question, I think as by the fact that she had not given her ultimate sexual fantasy much or proper thought before, perhaps none and here I was asking it of her.

"I, well, I . . . " She blushed deeply. "I had been with a woman in college, a very beautiful girl who I was infatuated with. When we were done, she asked if I would do it with her while her boyfriend watched. I never got the chance but I always got breathless when I saw her and thought of sucking her pussy while her handsome boyfriend fucked me. And then you did exactly that while I ate Annie. I was so turned on I could have fucked all night." She shrugged. "I guess my fantasies are more limited."

I shook my head. "Not fantasies, Mom, I am talking about sexual experiences you would have if you had the chance."

"You mean like taking it up the ass?"

"If that would turn you on, yes."

"Or having two men at once?"

I was doing a happy dance deep inside beyond the light of day. I was right. It is good to be right once in a while. "If that is what you wanted. I told you about the MILF list, how do you feel about the idea of fucking all my friends?"

The look on her face was comical. "Oh. MILF, mother I'd like to fuck. You mean I am a MILF?"

I shook my head. Some people are just priceless! I guessed 'oblivious' ran in the family. "Yes, mom, you are definitely a MILF! And we all want to have you."

She turned into a mom in the most amazing way, in that moment, with her next comment. "Well, honey, how would you feel if I fucked your friends?"

I almost laughed out loud. What a fucking question! "Mom, listen to me. We all want you. But I know and you know that having people just fucking all over the place is never going to work. But then again, I bet Brent is right this minute working on a spreadsheet with dates and combinations so he can get us all scheduled to fuck with a menu of positions to work from. That feels off to me too. I am interested in us, me and the guys offering you and the other MILFs on our list the chance to fulfill your sexual dreams and desires. In return, you all help us with ours. I know that makes sense in my head but I do not know how to make it work" I gestured with a hand "out here, out there in the world where real people breathe and fuck."

My mother smiled and nodded. "You mean where real MILFs breathe and fuck." She sobered. "I learned something from my daughters. Let me show you what I learned." She stood up and untied her robe and let it slip down her shoulders. Her bare breasts came into view. She walked over to me and knelt between my legs. My flagging cock went from half-mast to full attention by the time her hands reached my belt buckle. Mom opened my pants. She was not delicate or careful, she pulled my pants off my butt and down my thighs with a violent jerk. She grasped my cock and kissed the end of it. She looked up at me.

"I learned you just let things happen. Do not try to arrange everything, do what you know how to do and take what happens. The only requirement I would ask of you and your friends is this, if things go wrong, stand still, stand up and take responsibility for what you do. Beyond that . . . " she gave an expressive shrug which caused her tits to ripple and flow.

Before I was done studying their sensuous motion, she bent over my hard cock and took it into her mouth. She sucked me hard into her mouth and then pressed the head deep into her throat. She blew through her nose and then swallowed, sucking hard as she did so. My orgasm arrived so suddenly I was surprised and of everyone, you'd think I would know what the hell was going on. My body spasmed and I did not even get my hands on her head or shoulders or tits or nothing. I had opened my legs to her approach and my hands were planted on the couch beside me and when I came, I simply erupted with nearly no warning. Mom gagged for a second, swallowed and then sucked at me which heightened the intensity of the blitzing orgasm. My head pitched back onto the back of the couch and my hips humped up. Mom looped an arm around my waist and held on. She sucked and swallowed till my cock quit producing and my hips quit lurching. She sucked and slurped as she lifted her mouth off my cock. She sat back and licked her lips.

"I love sucking your cock, Sonny. But I have to tell you, thinking about sucking everyone's cock, about having them all take me . . . my god, it seems so erotic and exciting. I can barely believe it could happen but I know it can."

With my mother sitting nearly naked between my knees, my cock still hard but slick with her ministrations, it seems like my mind would have been completely blank, or that I would have been pushing her onto her back and mounting her. But nooooo! I was thinking about Annie Kingston. And about my mother trying to breathe while airtight.

"Do you know the term 'airtight'?" I wheezed. I sounded like I had been gulping helium. I cleared my throat and repeated the question with a more masculine tone.

"Airtight?" Mom said, cocking her head and rolling her eyes. "You mean like a submarine?" Then she slapped my bare thigh. "What do you think I am, a blushing virgin? Mouth, ass and pussy and a cock for each . . . ohhhhh!" She blinked her eyes several times. "Ohhhhhhhh!" She said again. Her eyes became wide and she stared at me but I was pretty sure she was not seeing me. "Airtight." She sighed. "Now there is a fantasy I never had but I think I am going to have it now." She shook her head. "Yes, I know what airtight means, why do you ask?" Her voice was honey sweet. She actually batted her eyelashes at me.

"When we made the MILF list, the objective was to make our mothers airtight. Each of us would fuck you all and then we'd fuck you together." I was still panting from the lightning strike on my cock but I felt like I was making sense.

Mom nodded. "That is worth discussing." She took hold of my cock and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Take me to bed."

I did something then which must qualify me for sainthood in some religion or a medal of honor, perhaps a mental disorder or as Landon would likely say, a good sound whack on the back of the head. I said no. Not out loud, of course but I had my sights set on the issues I could and would settle and if I got mom on her back, I would get nothing done that day except doing her. This may be why sex is the subject of so many social restrictions. The civilizations which did not bother with such restrictions fucked instead of working the fields during planting season and starved to death soon after they discovered fire. Only repression allowed civilization to develop. I hate that thought.

I bent over and kissed mom, caressing her bare breasts. I sat up. I thought of the girls and realized that mom must know they were due to be back soon. My breath caught, she wanted them to find us in bed, with me balls deep between her legs. The conniving . . . I thought and almost grinned at the thought but I had to stick to the urgent things and deal with mom and the girls later. I hoped they would wait. "I have one more question." I stared at her tits, ignoring the savage disappointment in her eyes.

Mom shook her head and tried to get her eyes to focus.

"What about Mrs. Kingston? What should I do about her? She could fuck us all up!"

Mom finally succeeded in focusing. She stood up and picked up her robe and put it on. She sat down in the lounger. "Annie? I would not worry about her but she does have a tendency to talk too much. But maybe it just seems that way. She knows things that she has never told."

"Oh?" I was interested, but more curious.

"People confide in her. Alissa, Kyla and Sasha, they all have told her about their . . . oh, dear!"

I chuckled. "No worries, mom. Their sons know a lot about them too and, believe it or not, sons talk. Well, beer talks but, same thing. Why do you think we thought our mothers would fuck us? Except you, you we did not know about."

"Oh. Oh!" Mom said with a quirky laugh. "You do need to get her to quit the threats though. I know things about . . . oh, listen. You asked about sexual fantasies, Annie told . . . someone, but I do not remember who, that she dreamed about being tied up. But not just any way, with scarves, long gauzy scarves from her wrists to her shoulders, tied behind her, wrapped around her arms and then fucked hard, with her hands between her ass and the man fucking her."

"That is a lot of detail." I said but it was the right detail and suddenly my schedule for the day crystalized. I stood, pulled up my pants. "I have to go." I said, distracted by the vision of Anne Kingston bound and bent over a counter. I liked the picture.

"Wait a minute," Mom said softly. "I remember telling you something, that night. You know, when I had been drinking wine?"

I nodded, oh yes, I remembered!

"I think I might have said something wrong."

"Oh?" I stopped and waited for her to go on, interested.

"I said something about Laura saying you wanted to, to, to surprise her in her bed and tie her up and, and, and . . . " My mother was getting shy. "Oh the hell with it. I said she told me that you wanted to sneak into her house and fuck her, rape her, tie her up and rape her. I misspoke."

My breath caught. I had thought about that little clause several times and kept it in a closet, waiting for the time to take it out and consider Mrs. Wills in relation to that. "And?" I prompted, now glad I had closeted that particular idea till now.

"Well, I changed it to Laura telling me she wanted you to do that. That was not right either, not really. I remember now. It was Mrs. Kingston, she was the one who told me that she saw you with your hands on Laura's ass and she was jealous. She told me she wanted you to sneak into her house and fuck her, take her like you were taking Laura. That is why I had Laura invite her over that day, because I thought . . . I thought you might like to have us all. And she, well she needed an excuse to keep her mouth shut. I do not know why she said all those things. She tries so hard sometimes to fit in, she misses the subtleties of what is happening. Don't be too hard on her!"

I nodded.

"Laura is a submissive. She wants to be treated like a servant or . . . a slave, a naked, blond slave who is given to anyone to service. She talks about that all the time." Mom blushed. "Annie is not the only one people confide in and I should not have told you that."

"No worries, mom. We want to know secret fantasies like that so we can give you MILFs what you desire the most."

"You mean, besides six feet of cock?"

I laughed, went to her, kissed her lightly on the lips while caressing her breast and left. I would be just hard enough for her, I thought. I left my mother sitting there, likely unfulfilled and drove over to the Wills neighborhood. I parked away from the Wills and Kingston houses. I sat thinking about how best to proceed.

My phone rang. It was Brent. "You on for pool and football tonight? Five, at my house?"

"Sure. Brent, could you make sure the drive is clear for me. I may be a little late and I have something to bring in and I don't want to go very far."

"Sure. No problem. This ought to be fun." I agreed and he hung up.

I wondered if he remembered that it was my idea? I chuckled.

I called Laura. I told her I was coming over to her house, then remembered to ask if Chris was there. He was gone till late she said, at an audition. I left the car parked near the little neighborhood park and walked to the alley in the back of the Wills' house. I slipped in the back gate and walked up to the back of the house. I could see Laura through the patio doors. She stood by the dining table, she watched me walk across the lawn. Her eyes were wide and she kept wringing her hands. She looked scared. I slid the patio door open and stepped inside.

"Mrs. Kingston will . . . "

I interrupted her. "Call Annie and tell her I am here. I am going up to your room." I knew what I was looking for: Scarves. I had seen Laura wearing them several times, several of them and I had one in particular in mind. I got to her room and opened the door to her closet. It smelled close but with the hint of her perfume. I noticed that the closet only held her clothes, no men's clothes, no husband's clothes. I began to search through her clothing. I saw what I wanted but I stalled, wondering if she would follow me there. She did.

Laura stood at the door of the closet watching me leaf through her closet, looking at outfits, running my hands over her clothing, stroking the fabric. She hugged the door post, biting a lip. I found the scarf I wanted, a broad coarse-weave but soft linen scarf of green and blue. I took it down and pulled a dark scarlet and black one of the same material out of the shelf. I draped them over my arm. We both jumped when the door downstairs rattled open and then clanked shut. Laura did not hesitate but disappeared down to greet Mrs. Kingston. I would follow with my own greeting.

I lingered for a few moments, insuring that these two would serve my purpose. I tied one around my thigh; it did not bunch up or slip. I nodded. I folded both scarves up, one in each hand. I heard Annie's shrill voice downstairs, peppered with 'fuck me' and 'right now.' I smiled grimly. Time to turn the tables.

I descended the stairs and the two women fell silent before I appeared, when they heard me on the spiral staircase that uncoiled from above into the front foyer of Mrs. Wills' house, just to one side of the entrance, the grand entrance. I found them standing in the living room. They were facing each other; Mrs. Will in her straight yellow skirt and white blouse, Mrs. Kingston in a longer flowing black and green print skirt and a translucent black blouse. They both watched me approach.

Mrs. Kingston's eyes never left me, her hair was coifed and curled. She wore rouge on her cheeks and lipstick with light blue eye shadow. She looked adorable. Her blouse was see-through and I could see the lines of the minimal black bra. She wore high, high heels, woven around her feet and ankles similar to Greek sandals.

Slowly I extended both hands and holding the end of a scarf in each, I let them tumble free. Mrs. Kingston's face flexed through several expressions before settling on an open-mouth gaze of hunger. Laura looked confused. I looked over at her.

"Laura, do you have headphones you can use?"

Mrs. Wills nodded mutely.

"Go to your room, shut the door and put on the ear phones. We will be gone pretty soon." I glanced at the clock; three thirty. That gave me about 2 hours, just right!

She moved past me. Before she got to the foot of the stairs I said to Mrs. Kingston, "Take off your blouse and bra."

Annie gasped and licked her lips. I heard Laura's slow steps, her slow listening steps on the stairs, snicking on the carpet. "You mother." Annie whispered. "She told?"

I nodded, slowly.

Annie's expression did not change. Her face had a set, studious expression. She began to unbutton her blouse. Each button seemed to give her trouble, but then her hands were trembling. She began at the top. I kept the scarves dangling before her hungry eyes till my arms got tired. Then, I folded them both over my forearm and moved to stand before Annie. Her blouse was open, showing her bra-induced cleavage and her golden-tan skin. The flimsy bra bumped with her nipples. Slowly she pulled the tucked tails of the blouse from her skirt. With the least movement, she pulled the edges of her blouse off each shoulder, shrugged it off and let her arms straighten to her sides. The blouse drifted down her body and dropped to the floor of the living room, a black puddle of seductive clothe on the blond carpet.

She stood looking at me. Her hair was pinned to one side with a turquoise-colored hair clasp, she was very fetching. She watched as I folded both scarves over my right hand, eyes on them, watching the motion like a gold digger would watch a jeweler handling her diamond ring. When my hands stopped moving her eyes jerked up to mine and then she reached behind and released her spare bra. The cups released her breasts and again she let her arms fall straight down. The bra tangled at her elbows and she shook it loose, letting it drop to the floor as well. Her breasts stood out on her chest, small mouthfuls of alluring flesh, tipped by erect brown nipples. Staring at her naked torso I wanted her intensely. I breathed deeply and she smiled, a small, private smile, just barely showing her teeth. Her eyes were fixed on my crotch and its tent there.

"Annie, turn around."

She moved gracefully at my command, all sign of the bitch was gone, subsumed by the trembling which raced through her body from side to side, a tremor of passion, the only sign of excitement I needed to have confidence that my mother had remembered correctly in the end.

"Annie, put your hands behind you." She did. Her shoulders quivered. She was panting. I looped the scarlet sash over my neck and pulled her wrists together. I put a simple half-hitch in the blue one, tightening it around one wrist and then another with two loops on the other. I made a quick figure eight to tighten them together. I leaned down and kissed her neck, moving her frizzy hair aside.

"Oh yes." She hissed.

"Annie, my mother told me two things about you." I spread out the scarf and then wrapped the wide cloth around her forearms. "Is that too tight, Annie?"

"No sir." She whispered. I wrapped it again around her elbows and pulled them together. She was incredibly flexible and I felt no strain in her limbs. "Ohhhhh." She sighed. It pulled her shoulders back a little, arching her back and proffering her breasts like temptations.

I tucked the scarf so it would not loosen. With both hands I swept her hair away from the right side of her neck, baring her little ear. I kissed it and she moaned. I licked it and she shuddered. I sucked it and she groaned, her hands twinkling at my crotch and legs. "Mrs. Kingston, I know what you want. I will give that too you but you must do something for me, too."

Annie grunted, her head lolling to the side. I looked down her chest at her breasts; the nipples were perked and turgid. I felt the tightness of excitement in my chest, the certainty that my understanding of this woman and thus my use of this woman was going to provide us all with incredible pleasure. We would use her and she would suffer intense ecstasy.


"Yes, Sonny?"

"I am going to bind your arms together. Is that what you want."

"Oh yes, Sonny." The words tumbled out like she was out of breath.

"Then, Annie, I am going to take off your panties."

"Oh yes, Sonny."

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"Fuck me, Sonny! I beg of you, please fuck me!"

I moved around in front of her. She straightened, lifting her chin to gaze up at me. I bent over her, moving my lips close to her mouth where my breath puffed onto her skin. "Annie, my mother said you wanted to be raped, taken in the night by surprise. Is that correct?" I felt her powerful inhalation. I moved my eyes from her open red lips to her eyes, they were wide and darting back and forth. She sighed then and tried to nod which pressed her lips against mine. I kissed her gently then moved back. "Annie, is that right?"