Shared Bathroom with Coed Roommate Ch. 07

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Embarrassing and intimate experiences shared at a wedding.
7.1k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/25/2015
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Note: This story takes place shortly after the last chapter and includes many private and intimate bathroom details. As usual, please skip over this story if that does not interest you. I'd like to thank David for helping me edit the story. And as always, please leave your feedback and comments. It's great to hear from you and see what you think about their unusual and erotic journey.

Also, many of you have sent me private emails with questions about the series and future chapters. I am always happy to respond to those, but if you send it as 'anonymous' I have no method of replying to you. Please include your email address if you would like a reply.

Now I hope you all enjoy the next chapter and I look forward to hearing from you.


The week leading up to the wedding was torture. I tried to get a hold of Ashley a hundred times. Voicemails, emails, I even tried to contact her friends to find out if they knew how to reach her. It was all to no avail. She was completely off the grid.

The words in her letter haunted me. I dissected every single sentence and each one hurt more than the last. I desperately needed to tell her the truth about Mark and Shannon before she did anything she'd regret forever without knowing all the facts.

My mind was also filled with theories as to what actually happened the night I stripped for her and her friends. I imagined every possibility that could have happened before I passed out. Did we hook up? Maybe it was just oral? Hand job? Did I finger her? I really had no idea. I thought back to Emily's advice, and really considered if I wanted to know the details. As hard as it was to admit, no good could come from finding out what happened now. She was getting married and if I cared for her at all, it was better if I never knew what we actually did that night.

Saturday finally came and I still wasn't sure if I was going to the wedding. Really it was Shannon who tipped the scales on the decision. She would know something was up if I told her we shouldn't go. I threw on a suit and tie, and picked up Shannon and headed over to the winery where they were having the wedding.

Shannon and I barely said a word on the drive over. I didn't even bother to ask her if everything was okay. I was much too focused on what I would tell Ashley. Shannon seemed equally distracted anyway.

When we finally arrived at the winery, Shannon excused herself to go freshen up in the washroom. I paced awkwardly through the room of strangers. They all seemed so happy, so carefree. I envied them.

"Jason!" A somewhat familiar voice called out.

"Emily! Nice to see you." I said relieved to talk to someone I knew. I leaned in and gave her a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Nice to see you too...with clothes on." She joked.

"I thought I'd class up my act for the special occasion." I replied remembering our last deep discussion where I was completely nude. Emily now had on a light blue strapless dress. The kind that only bridesmaids would wear, but she looked beautiful in it nonetheless.

"Have you thought about what I said? Did you decide if you want to know what happened that night?" Emily asked wasting little time.

I paused for a moment before saying, "Don't tell me. Nothing good will come of it." That was hard to say, but it gave me a sense of relief.

"You must really care for her then." She said with a sympathetic smile. "You should come with me. I think you should to talk to Ashley."

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea." I said nervously.

"Jason, she's in the dressing room and is a complete mess. No one can calm her down. You need to talk to her." Then she added, "Whether it's good or bad, I think you're the only one who can make this right."

I nodded and followed her to the back room. I had a bad feeling about this. Ashley didn't even want me here, let alone to see me while she's at her most stressed on the biggest day of her life. But I had to talk to her.

Emily opened the door and I walked in and saw Robin trying to cheer up a frantic bride.

"It will be okay. Everything's fine. You look beautiful, all your friends and family are here for you!" Robin said in her most encouraging voice. She had on the same light blue dress as Emily, but her ample cleavage was barely contained in the strapless top. I remembered Emily saying how Robin often shed her layers after drinking. Judging by how much cleavage she was showing, she certainly seemed comfortable showing off her body even in a formal situation like this.

My presence stopped Robin and Ashley in their tracks.

"Everyone out!" Ashley yelled as she locked eyes with me.

Emily and Robin headed for the door and I followed.

"Jason. You stay." She said softly and I obeyed.

Finally it was just us in the room. Ashley looked even more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. She was wearing the same dress she picked out with me the morning before we spent the day at the spa. It hugged her curves the first time she tried it on, but now that it was tailored there wasn't a more flattering fit in the world. Her cleavage modestly showed just enough to appreciate her breasts without focusing on them. And her behind was emphasized just enough to realize she really had a perfect butt by anyone's standards. Admittedly there probably wasn't a dress that ever made her look bad, but this one left me speechless.

Her hair was in a complex up-do with intricate braids that left her cheeks and neck exposed and made her look even more delicate. It seemed like such a cliché, but she was the most beautiful bride I had ever seen.

She finally broke the tension and ran up to me giving me a hug. It almost felt wrong to hug her for fear I would mess up her makeup or her perfectly placed hair.

"Ashley I'm so sorry. I know you don't want to see me, but I have to talk to you. I've been trying to get a hold of you all week." I said quickly.

"No I'm glad you're here. I'm sorry I wrote that letter. I was stressed and freaking out about what happened." She said as we hugged and she buried her face in the side of my neck for comfort.

Everything that happened? She must know what we did, I thought. It took everything I had not to ask about that night. It was even harder not to slide my hands down her back, grab a handful of her perfect curvy butt. What is wrong with you? I snapped out of it...this is her wedding day. Leave it alone.

She continued, "I don't know what I'm doing. This is so fucked up. I'm exhausted and on edge. Is this normal wedding jitters?" She said without taking a breath finally ending our embrace.

"Ashley, slow down. It will be okay, I promise." I said, almost instantly missing the feeling of her face buried in the side of my neck.

She paced back and forth. "I'm not so sure. Maybe this is a huge mistake. My stomach has been in knots all week. I'm constipated. I haven't been able to poop for three days." She said holding her stomach.

"Ash." I put my arms on the sides of her bare shoulders. "It will be okay. Take a deep breath." I said looking right into her beautiful eyes.

She breathed in deeply and nodded.

"Now for your own sake, you need to use the bathroom. This isn't healthy."

Tears streamed down her face and she nodded her agreement. There was a small bathroom in the corner of the private room and she walked in. I stayed back to give her some space.

"Jason, could you help me with my dress?" She said softly. "Nothing would be worse than walking down the aisle with a shit-stained dress." She laughed a little, wiping away a few tears.

Only Ashley would say something like that, I thought to myself and couldn't help but laugh in the stressful moment.

She reached under her dress and slid her hands down her legs removing her black panties and tossing them to the side. I helped her scoot the dress up over her hips as she lowered herself carefully onto the toilet seat. I briefly noticed the hint of a garter belt on her thigh. But soon the long dress covered her and practically the whole bottom of the toilet. If I just walked in the room now I probably wouldn't have even realized she was on a toilet and not just a regular chair.

She looked up at me with sad eyes and shook her head. "What am I doing, Jason? Am I really about to marry a man who has cheated on me with your girlfriend?" She wiped her eyes as she continued. "Not to mention what we did last week."

She mentioned it again, practically begging me to ask what the hell we did? My mind raced but I knew no good would come from that. I had to stay strong and tell her what I knew.

"Ashley, I have no idea what we did last week."

"You don't?" She interrupted, and almost seemed a little disappointed.

"No. But that doesn't matter now. I have to tell you about Shannon and Mark. I know everything." I said softly.

"Maybe it's best I don't know." She said helplessly and crossed her forearms over her waist as she leaned forward.

"Ash, they weren't cheating on us."

She looked up at me confused. "I don't believe you."

"They weren't. Shannon works part time at a travel agency. They met a few times to plan your honeymoon. Mark wanted her expertise to make it absolutely perfect for you."

She looked confused, sad and then in disbelief.

"Really. Shannon showed me the receipt for your tickets. You guys are going to Paris tomorrow. He wanted to surprise you and made Shannon swear she wouldn't even tell me for fear I might end up telling to you...which I'm doing right now." I lightly chuckled at that last part.

She had another tear run down her cheek, but she was starting to smile.

"Mark really cares about you." I paused and added, "you'd be a fool not to spend the rest of your life with someone who'd go to such lengths to make you happy." That was hard to say, but felt good to finally admit it aloud.

She shook her head and laughed. "I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything for now. Just take a few deep breaths and try to do your business." I laughed softly. "I'm sure you'll feel much better."

Nodding her agreement, she let out a little laugh. As she took in a deep breath slowly, she started to grimace. Finally a low, deep fart slowly escaped and echoed in the bowl, muffled through her dress covering her.

We both laughed at that and she slightly blushed.

"Looks like my work here is done now that you've got the ball rolling. I'll give you some privacy." I said politely.

She grabbed my hand before I could leave and looked up with soft eyes. "Do you remember the first time we shared a bathroom experience together?" She asked nostalgically.

I nodded. "I was brushing my teeth while you came in and peed." I let out an embarrassed smile, "I pretended not to look, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't believe you were doing that in front of me like it was no big deal."

She smiled warmly. "Oh it wasn't quite that easy."

"What do you mean?" I asked as her smile made me melt.

"It wasn't like I didn't have a care in world. My heart was racing. I wondered if you'd judge me or think less of me."

"I thought it was one of the cutest things I've ever seen. I couldn't look away."

"I think that's why I kept doing that in front of you." She said softly.

"What do you mean?"

"I liked the way you looked at me. It made me feel...I don't know, special I guess." She laughed. "I know that sounds so lame."

"Not at all. What can I say? I'm just a pervert like that who liked to watch you pee." I laughed.

"I thought it was cute. I actually really liked it." She blushed. "Besides, I'm the pervert. I didn't even try to hide the fact I was looking at you when you first peed in front of me." She blushed again.

"I was so nervous I could barely go." I said remembering the first time she watched me go. "I felt so self conscious. At least when you pee you're mostly covered. I'm just standing there holding my penis for the whole world to see."

"The whole world? It was just me." She said warmly.

"Well maybe it just felt that way because you mean the world to me." Did I really just say that now on her wedding day?

She blushed and looked like she was getting a little teary-eyed.

I quickly tried to say something so we didn't linger on my last statement. "Besides I was the pervert who had to take matters into his own hands that one time you were...uh doing what you're trying to do now..." Now it was my turn to blush.

"I still think about that almost every time I go." She said plainly.

"Oh god I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to haunt you." I had a mix of emotions as several memories of her relieving herself flooded my head.

"Who said it was a bad thing?" She gave me a subtle smile, which caused me to blush again. "I don't think I ever felt closer to a person than I have with you, especially after that occasion."

I was flattered, but wasn't sure quite how to respond. "I feel close to you too. I think you know that by now. Although, I'm still embarrassed I masturbated while you pooped. I probably always will be." I admitted bluntly.

She gave me a comforting smile. "Do you remember what I told you after that happened?"

"You said they were both natural acts that we both did every day, and you're not sure why one is considered more embarrassing than the other." I said with a soft chuckle.

"That was the gist of it. And I meant it. I'm glad we shared that moment together. I really enjoy that memory." She said sincerely.

"Yeah?" I asked unconvinced.

"Would it help if I told you I've pleasured myself thinking about that moment?" She asked with a grin and added, "Several times, actually."

All I could do was smile. I hoped she was telling the truth, but maybe she was just saying that to make me feel better.

She held her breath and let out a short grimace and another deep fart echoed in the bowl.

"Feeling any better?" I asked as she was tightening her jaw.

"I'm getting there." She said and then a curious look crept up. "You know, it looks like once again I'm not the only one who needs some relief..."

"What are you talking about?" I asked before putting the pieces together. I hadn't noticed my bulge had slowly been growing down my thigh. The imprint of my shaft was now clearly visible. "Oh, sorry...uh, I didn't know."

"For the last time, stop apologizing for that." She said almost irritated. "I'm not going to be the only one getting the relief they need right now."

"Ash, I'll be fine. You on the other hand might explode as you're walking down the aisle if you don't go now." I said with a chuckle.

She placed her hand on my thigh, just inches from my engorged imprint. Her fingers slid over the tip of my shaft as she lightly felt my length that was hidden under the fabric. She cupped my bulge and said, "Seems like you might explode if you don't get some relief now, too."

Now I was the one holding my breath as my heartbeat sped up.

"Ash, this is your wedding day..." I pleaded after letting out a soft breath.

"Exactly." She cut me off before I could finish my train of thought. "I'll be married in a few hours, and apparently I'll be in Paris tomorrow." She said with a smile as she traced the shape of my shaft down my inner thigh.

I let out another deep sigh, unable to speak.

She glanced up at me with a vulnerable look in her eye as she slowly started undo my belt.

Taking in slow, deep breaths I finally uttered, "What are you doing?"

I could see her grimacing again as she tried to push internally. "I'm not going be able to get any relief...unless you do too." She said as she slowly unzipped my fly.

I tried to speak but was only a spectator at the moment, as she was now pulling the waistband of my boxers down slowly revealing my shaft inch by inch.

With a forced breath, I desperately tried to tell her to stop. "I'm not..., we can't..." But couldn't quite finish the thought as a foul smell started to creep in the air.

I felt my boxers drift lower until only my head was covered, before it sprung free and bounced right in front of her.

She smiled and looked up at me as I heard a soft whoosh of gas and saw a mini sigh of relief on her face.

"Ash, what are you...?" I was so confused. "Ash, I'm not going to jerk off in front of you on your wedding day." I finally found my resolve, and despite the flowing blood into my exposed penis, I just couldn't bring myself to do that right now.

"Who said anything about you jerking off...?" She asked as she placed the flat palm of her hand on my pubic bone just to the side of my erection.

I was in shock as I felt the heat of her hand on my skin sliding closer to my balls.

"Ash, I told you...Mark and Shannon weren't cheating on us."

"That's why I want to do this." She said softly as her thumb slid under the tightened skin of my scrotum.

"I don't understand." That was all I could mutter as I involuntarily stepped closer to her.

"I was ready to leave him. On my wedding day." She now fully cupped my sack and lightly twirled my balls with her fingers. "But you told me truth about them so I wouldn't make the biggest mistake of my life."

She added softly, "I know how hard that was for you. No pun intended." She said glancing at my nearly pulsing shaft. "I know how hard it was for you to say...because of how you feel about me."

I had no response.

"You could have come here today telling me he was a total cheating asshole. And I would have believed you and probably even left him for you." She said looking up into my eyes ignoring my erection right in front of her.

I really didn't know what to say to that, but she continued.

"But you didn't say any of those things. Even right now you're trying to be a gentleman. You gave up your own happiness so I could be happy, even if it wasn't with you." She had a small tear run down her face. "And for that I want to thank you." She said as she now gripped my shaft in her hand.

"You don't have to do this." I somehow managed to say.

"I know. But things will be different soon. I'll be married today. On my honeymoon halfway around the world tomorrow. And I will move in with Mark when I get back. This will be our last intimate moment together."

Her hand lightly slid up my erection, pulling the skin slowly over the head of my penis and back down again. "Think of this as my way of saying thanks for all that you've done, and all that you've shown me." She leaned in and gave my pre-cum soaked tip a kiss, taking in about half the length of just my head and releasing it, as if she was sucking on a strawberry. "And for being the best friend I could ever have."

As soon as she finished those words her mouth took in my head. Her tongue swirled around my tip as she let out a deep moan and a loud plop came from the toilet, followed by deep crackling noises that signaled she was now starting to find some relief.

I had no words and couldn't stop this train even if I wanted to. The stench began to fill the room and competed with my senses as she kissed the underside of my shaft, gripping the tip in her hand, circling her thumb just underneath the bottom cleft of my head.

She backed off for a moment, and just looked at my erection, holding it close to her face without her mouth touching it, as if she was admiring every inch of it. In reality I think she was just taking a breath in order to concentrate on pushing harder.

After a moment of grimacing, she took my head back in her mouth and let out another sigh and moan of relief as her tongue slid under my shaft and coincided with another loud plopping noise. Her moaning sent vibrations coursing through my erection.

I would have imagined the strong scent and noises escaping would have made her increasingly embarrassed if I wasn't getting increasing harder at the same time, proving I was completely turned on. I wasn't sure if I was getting so hard because she was giving me a blowjob unlike any I had previously received, because she was the most gorgeous and amazing girl I had ever met creating a smell so incredibly foul I would have never believed it could have come from such a delicate creature.