Shared Bathroom Adventures Ch. 04

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Jason gets direct reports and the new bathroom is unveiled.
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Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/28/2017
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Author's Note: This story takes place immediately following the previous chapter. We left off with Ashley leaving a letter for Jason and was nowhere to be found. Fair warning: there is light bathroom play included, but nothing too extreme. Thank you all for your encouraging words and reaching out asking about future chapters. I promise you there is much more to come. I hope you all enjoy the next chapter and as always, I would love to hear from. Happy reading.


I stared at the letter in a complete panic, far too terrified to read it. Ashley had a history of giving heartbreaking news in letters like this and I just couldn't take it again. If I didn't read it, it's like it hasn't happened. Everything is fine. Everything is perfectly fine.

That lie only worked for so long until eventually I realized I just needed to face the facts. Here goes nothing.


I think we've come to a turning point for us as a couple. I don't like the path we're on. At first I was furious about last night. I barely slept, and when I awoke things started to become pretty clear to me. I think it would be best if we take a break.

I think we need a vacation and a break from all the stress in our lives. You've been working so hard and I miss you! I know the perfect spot for a weekend getaway. Be ready this Friday night. I think you're going to like it.



P.S. I will have a fun little surprise waiting for you when we get there...

I laughed for several minutes after reading it. That's it? The love of my life found me naked in bed with her best friend. I thought for sure she would have broken up with me then, but instead she gave me a blowjob. Then I find this letter and once again I thought my world had ended. Instead she is surprising me with some sort of secret vacation. This is too good to be true!

I got to work with an extra bounce in my step, like I was on top of the world. I was moved into an office for the first time in my life. It was small, not much bigger than a closet, but it was my first office. They told me not to get used to it, as it was only temporary. I'll just enjoy it while I can.

I had two meetings today with different girls from the team who decided to report to me instead of Courtney. I would have thought there'd be more considering how much they disliked Courtney, but then again they did all just witness me peeing on their boss. I suppose I should be glad that I have a job in general after that incident.

There was a knock on my office door. Kim, my first meeting of the day, must be early I thought. "Come in."

"Oh." I said trying unsuccessfully to hide my disappointment. "Hi Courtney."

She was standing in my doorway wearing a gray pencil skirt and cream blouse and seemed to relish how noticeably awkward I was acting.

"Jason, I think we got off on the wrong foot." She said with a smile.

Was she really taking the high road? "I agree." I said accepting the bait and added carefully, "I really am sorry about...uhh...our little bathroom incident."

"That little thing?" She said all too casually. "I think I had that coming after the way I treated you." She said sweetly and took a few more steps in the room. "I understand that a couple of girls are switching to you as their manager. I think that's a great opportunity for you."

"Really?" I couldn't believe she was taking the news like this.

"Of course, silly. In fact, just to show you there's no hard feelings I got you a welcome gift." She said as she started fumbling in her purse.

"That's really not necessary." I said.

"Nonsense. Hmm, it was here just a second ago." She said as she walked over next to me. "Wait, almost got it." She turned around and set her purse on the chair to the side of my desk. She was bent over digging through her bag with her butt practically right in my face.

Maybe she isn't quite as bad as I feared, I thought to myself as I quickly glanced at her butt that was now just a few inches from my face.

"Wait, yes, here it is."

FRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrRRRP! She let out a loud, rippling fart that probably lasted four or five seconds with a little pop at the end as she adjusted her hips as if to force out the last bit of gas. "Ahh, there you go." She said with audible relief before turning around to face me.

There was a terrifying look of joy on her face as she saw my disgusted reaction. The stench was awful, and I could practically feel it in the air.

"I suppose I deserved that." I said as I tried to wave away the thick, lingering smell realizing I fell for her trap. "For what it's worth, I truly am sorry. About everything." I added sincerely. "So are we even now?" I said trying to appreciate her joke and put this all behind us.

"Even? EVEN?" She said in a loud, but strangely calm whisper as she leaned in closer to my ear. "You peed on my fucking pussy while I was taking a shit. And you think a little fart makes us even?" She forced a laugh. "I haven't even begun to get you back, you little shit. That was just to clear the air, so to speak. Have a good day." She opened the door to leave, and Kim was standing right there.

"Oh hi there." Courtney said looking down on Kim. "You sure you want to report to him instead of me?" Courtney asked rhetorically as she was leaving.

Kim stood there unsure of how to answer that.

"Please come in, Kim. Courtney was just leaving." I said both politely and suggestively.

"Be careful, his office smells like farts. He seems to have trouble controlling his bodily functions around others." Courtney said with a smirk before walking out.

"Sorry about that. Please come in." I said to Kim.

Kim shut the door behind her and sat in the chair to the side of my desk. She wrinkled her nose and covered it with her hand.

"Sorry about the smell." I said as I was about to blame it on Courtney, but figured it would be better if she didn't know Courtney came into my office just to fart on me...seems like a quick way to lose respect.

"It's okay. I've smelled much worse. I do live with my boyfriend after all." She joked and I was glad we were already moving past it.

Kim looked to be in her mid to upper twenties. She was pretty short, in great shape and had shoulder length dirty blonde hair. She had on a comfy dress that went to her mid thighs with black yoga pants on underneath. She left her legs uncrossed as she sat, but it didn't really matter due to the black yoga pants.

"How long have you been dating your boyfriend?" I asked trying to get to know her on a little better.

"A few years now. Overall we're a pretty great couple." She said with a smile.

"Ah, that's good to hear." I said, mainly glad she was comfortable sharing with me already.

"Usually." She said with a look that wanted me to ask her more about it.

"Trouble in paradise?" I said giving her the excuse she wanted to talk about what was on her mind.

"No, no trouble."

"But...?" I encouraged her, she clearly wanted to say something.

"Okay, we have had a fight recently. I really shouldn't be talking about this with you." She said, but we both knew it wouldn't stop her.

"I want you to feel free to share anything with me." I said trying to be a good manager. "What was your fight about?"

"I really, really shouldn't be talking about this with you." She said cautiously.

"Fair enough. We can move on." I wasn't going to drag it out of her, but that seemed to give her the final push she needed.

"It's just that. How do I say this?" She paused. "Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

"Uh sure." I was now genuinely curious where this was going.

"I take it that photo on your desk is of you and your girlfriend?" She pointed to a framed phot of Ashley and me in Paris.

"Yes. That's us on our, or her, supposed honeymoon."

"Honeymoon?" She sounded surprised.

I didn't feel like getting into the details. "Yes. We're not married though. It's long story. What is your question?"

She seemed amused by my past. "I was just going to ask how your girlfriend keeps her hair?"

"Uhh, straight? It's little past shoulder length now. Pretty much like how it is in the photo." Seemed like an odd question.

She blushed. "Not that hair. Her hair...down there." She nodded her head downward.

"Oh. Ohhh." I realized I sounded stupid and this started to feel a little in appropriate. "Why do you ask?" I countered.

"I don't do anything...down there." She said openly.

"Okaaay." I said cautiously.

"My boyfriend asked me to shave it all. And I don't want to. It's starting to cause a problem between us."

I really didn't know what to say.

"So I was just curious what your girlfriend's is like." She said plainly.

Don't answer, don't answer, don't answer! "She has a little patch of hair above her slit." Why the hell am I talking about this? I'm supposed to be professional and set the example.

"I see." She seemed upset.

I knew I should just let this go, but that clearly didn't stop me. "But that's just because that's how she likes it. I've never told her to do that." I said, wondering why I was still talking about this.

"Yeah." She said softly.

"So you do nothing down there...nothing?" I asked curiously. Stop taking about this I screamed inside my head.

"Yup. Full bush. That's just how I like it." She said.

"Then you should keep it that way. Be true to you." I offered encouragingly.

She had a little smile on her face. "Thanks. I needed to hear that."

"No problem." I said starting to feel a little more comfortable with her and added, "You gotta do what makes you happy. When you start changing for others, that's when you get into some hairy situations. So to speak."

She rolled her eyes. "Do you always talk in bad puns?" She asked jokingly.

"More often than I should." I said with a smile. "I don't think I've ever seen a full bush in person. I mean, sure I've seen it in old porn, like vintage porn, but never dated a girl like that. Not that it's an old thing to do, it's just the only place I've seen it." What the hell was I doing? So much of this was inappropriate. "Not that I watch a lot of porn either. I've know...I'll stop talking now."

She giggled. Probably at the fact I admitted to watching porn. Or maybe the whole conversation. "It's nothing special, just probably different than you're used to."

I found myself trying to imagine her intimate area covered in hair. Was it thick? Dark? Did it jut out off of her mound or was it more naturally patted down? I quickly realized we needed to get back on track.

"Okay, perhaps we can talk more about that some other time. We need to discuss a few work items." I said as I cleared my throat.

"Of course. Sorry, I can be a bit of an open book sometimes." She said.

"No problem. I like that quality in a person. And speaking of which, what made you decide to switch to me from Courtney?" I asked.

"So, so many things. Where to start? She's a horrible person. She's a bully and belittles people for fun, doesn't value anyone on her team. She's the opposite of everything I want to be."

"She can be challenging." I added. "So what you saw with her and me the other day...?" I asked trying to get her take on the incident. "In the bathroom...when I..." I couldn't bring myself to say it aloud.

"When you peed on her in front of everyone?" She asked with a snarky smile.

"Yes. That." I said blushing a little.

"That was the coolest thing I've ever seen. That bitch had it coming." She said before she realized it and added quietly, "I mean, I don't think she treats people well."

"Still, was it too much?" I asked for some reassurance.

"I would have done that years ago. You know...if the opportunity came up...and I had the ability to aim like that." She said with a chuckle.

"Maybe next time." I joked and was surprised she took it so well. "Looks like our time is almost up. Do you have any concerns you'd like to talk about? Anything I should know about before we begin working together?" I said as a catchall before our real work began.

"No. I think we covered it. Like I said, I'm pretty much an open book. If something comes up, I'll let you know."

"Perfect. I look forward to working with you." I said.

She stood up and was in the process of leaving. "Thanks again for the advice."

"What advice?" I didn't recall giving her any advice.

"About not shaving my bush. Thanks for supporting me." She said with just a slight bit of blushing.

"Ohhh, that. Right. Any time." I said politely. "So like full, full?" I asked jokingly.

She smiled. "You're funny. Bet you'll be thinking about it all day now." She gave me a playful wink and headed out.

That was certainly an unexpected and completely inappropriate first meeting as a manager. I started to think I really wasn't cut out for this. I wasn't professional at all. The two main topics of conversation were her pubic hair and the fact I peed on a coworker. Oh this can't fail, I thought sarcastically.

There was another knock on my door. I wasn't expecting anyone now. "Come in."

"I know I'm early, but I didn't want to be late for my first meeting with my new boss." Erika said cheerfully. "Also I finished that report on reducing paper and how that could be scaled for a whole company." She proudly set a thick binder on my desk with her report.

"I only told you about that idea the other day. How'd you get it done so quickly?" I asked clearly impressed.

"I lIke to please I guess. Or at least I try to anyway. I don't think Courtney has ever really liked one thing I've done since I started here."

She had on a tight white button shirt, a short plaid skirt and suspenders that hugged the curves of her chest, accentuating how far her breasts stuck out from her tiny waist.

"I'm sorry you two didn't get along." I said sympathetically. "Please have a seat."

"Thank you." She sat in the same chair as Kim did, but this seemed like an entirely different meeting altogether. Maybe this was my chance to be professional for once.

"But it wasn't just me. I don't think she liked any of the girls on the team. She certainly doesn't like you." She blushed. "Sorry. Didn't mean to be so blunt."

"It's fine. Clearly I'm aware of our already crappy history together." A thought popped up. "If she dislikes everyone on the team, why do you think only two of you switched to having me as your manager?"

"Jason!" She almost scolded me. "I would think that should be obvious. They may hate her, but they don't seem to like getting peed on either." She said matter of factly.

"Fair point." I conceded. I reminded myself it was a miracle I still had a job, let alone having anyone who wanted to be on my team. "I'm sure that won't be an issue from now on. But what about you...did it bother you?

"Of course it bothered me. I thought it was disgusting frankly." She said softly trying to be honest but not too blunt.

"It was not my finest moment." I admitted. "So considering that's how you feel, what made you decide to switch to reporting to me?"

"Despite the incident, you've already treated me with more respect than Courtney ever did."

"I see a lot of potential in you." I said with a smile.

"And honestly I think I have a better shot at moving my career forward with you. You already gave me a project on your first day. Courtney never has."

"Then she missed out on an incredible and talented team member." I said encouragingly.

"Thank you so much. I know I have a lot to learn and I'm ready to do the work and whatever it takes to help our team succeed."

She was ball of energy. "That attitude will take you far. I'm so glad you decided to join me." I really was flattered and excited.

"I'm looking forward to it. I know you can help me grow and develop." She said as she crossed her legs innocently revealing a little more skin up the side of her leg. The short skirt was barely covering her thighs and it was hard to look away from her exposed flesh.

A less mature version of me would have made a joke that she was already physically developed, but I thought better of it. "I'd be honored to help further your development. Though it looks like you're off to a good start already." I hoped that didn't come off as a sleazy pun.

We spent the next chunk of the day reviewing her report. I gave her a few helpful suggested edits to make to get it ready for my future trip with Miranda, the Chief Marketing Officer.

After we finished I asked, "Is there anything else you'd like to discuss? I just want to make sure you're comfortable working here and I'm giving you what you need."

"There is one thing." She said hesitantly. "I'm sure you've seen the meeting set up today by Miranda to give us a tour of the new renovations on the floor?"

"Yes, it will be nice to not hear all that construction finally." I said, but she clearly looked troubled by the topic. "Is something wrong?"

"It's just that rumors are flying there will be one large unisex bathroom for everyone on the floor." She said softly.

"Yes, I have heard the same. Does that bother you?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders, "If I'm being honest, yes. I'm not sure I'll be comfortable with a guy in the restroom."

"I see. I think that is a fair concern. For the record I'm not in favor of this switch. But I'm the only guy on the floor, so it shouldn't be too big of a problem."

"Even so I'm not sure I'll be comfortable." She said awkwardly. "I mean I don't even really like going with girls in the room."

"So it will be magnified with a guy in there. I get it." I said sympathetically, but didn't really have a solution.

"I guess I'd probably get over peeing pretty quickly...but I'm not sure I know...with you in there."

I sat there silently and raised my eyebrows curiously. "Not sure you can 'what' with me in there?" I asked even though I was pretty sure I knew what she meant.

"Jason!" Her cheeks turned bright red and she said practically as a whisper, "I'm not sure I can...poop...with a guy in there."

I nodded my understanding. The truth was I just wanted to hear her say the words, which I felt a little guilty about making her say it aloud.

"Sorry, I shouldn't be talking about this with you. It's so gross." She said quickly.

"Erika, if this is something that concerns you, of course we should be talking about it. I'm glad you told me. I'm just not sure I know how to solve it." I paused for a moment and added, "I drink lots of water all day long...I'm going to pee. A lot. I don't think I can avoid going in there." I said seeing that this clearly wasn't helping.

"I know. And of course you have every right to. I'm just not sure what I'll do. I'm terrified you'll walk in when I'm already going." She was clearly embarrassed as she looked downward and avoided eye contact.

"It's possible. I suppose you could tell me when you need to go and I won't go in there at that time." I offered almost as a joke, but with a little hope that the crazy idea might work.

"Oh my god, that's almost worse." She laughed nervously. "I don't know. I'll think about it."

I really didn't think she'd consider it. In many ways it was worse, much worse. I almost felt a hint of control over her if she had to tell me about it before she did it. I imagined her coming into my office embarrassed, "Jason, sir, may I please poop now?" Sir? May I? What the hell is wrong with me? I quickly put that thought away.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Speaking of, it looks like it's about time for the tour from Miranda. You ready?" I asked glad to change the subject seeing as how we had no clear solutions to the problem.

"Of course." She sprung up out of the chair and her skirt bounced up in the process revealing a little more of her upper thighs before falling back down.