Shared Bathroom Adventures Ch. 01

Story Info
Jason has a strange and intimate meeting with his boss.
6.2k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/28/2017
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Author's note: This is a continuation of the Shared Bathroom with Coed Roommate series, but this next phase will be a bit different. Ashley has a minor role for the first few stories, but she comes more into play later in the series. I hope to set the stage for a variety of temptations, obstacles and other shenanigans for our fatefully entwined characters.

This new series picks up a few months after where the last series ended. (Don't worry, you'll still be able to follow along if you haven't read it.) As with most of my stories, this is not an immediate gratification story. If you're looking for a quickie with a hot lovemaking scene, you will be disappointed. This series will include details of some normally very private bodily functions, power dynamics, light bathroom play, seeing and being seen at intimate and vulnerable times, and the price of keeping secrets. If those topics do not interest you, I suggest you skip this whole series. Lastly, thank you all for the kind emails and words of encouragement to continue the story. I hope you enjoy this next phase of their journey.


Texts between Ashley and me:

Me: I've only got a couple hours left to get this deal approved. The CMO hasn't responded to any of my emails, calls, meetings. It's like she doesn't give a shit about my work. I'm totally screwed.

Ashley: I'm sorry, babe. Maybe try going to her office. Demand to see her!

Me: Worth a shot. That's about my only hope I have left.

Ashley: Good luck! Let me know how it goes...I want to hear everything! Love you!

Me: Thanks. Love you too.

I rushed up to the chief marketing officer's floor. Her secretary was busy typing away at her desk and didn't even see me approach. She was a cute blonde dressed in a dark pencil skirt, business coat and a conservative blouse. She was gorgeous but clearly did not flaunt it. I always respected that about her.

"Excuse me, Nicole." I said softly as I stepped up to the desk.

"Yes?" She said looking up with a gentle smile. "What can I do for you?"

"Hi I'm Jason, and I have a bit of a time sensitive matter to discuss with Miranda." I said timidly holding out a stapled report.

"I'm afraid that might be a bit of a problem for today. She's about to head out to catch a flight. If you leave that with me, I'll make sure she sees it first thing next week." She said in her most cheerful voice.

My face sunk. "Next week will be too late. There are a few pieces in here that need to be approved today or else we'll have to wait until next year and that would ruin months of planning." I said in a bit of a panic.

"I see. I will give her a ring and see if she can spare any time. Just a moment." She said feeling sorry for me.

She picked up the phone and smiled. "There's a gentleman here," she covered the phone with her hand, "I'm sorry, what was your name?" She asked me.

"Jason." I was grateful she was trying to help but felt a little annoyed she didn't remember my name.

"There is a Jason is here to see you. Yes, I know you're about to leave, but he says it's urgent." She nodded, "uh huh," nodded again, "okay, I'll tell him."

She hung up the phone and looked at me. "She only has a moment, so you'll have to be quick." She smiled, feeling glad to have helped me.

"Thank you, thank you!" I said nervously as I straightened my tie and headed toward the CMO's office.

"Good luck!" I heard her call out behind me.

The tall door felt extra heavy as I pushed it open. Miranda was at the opposite end of the office sitting behind her oversized desk. It felt like a long walk to get there and I could feel her eyes staring at me with each step I took.

She had only been with the company a few years but climbed the ladder quickly. The only times I saw her were when she spoke at the company town hall meetings. She looked much younger up close. Older than me, but still young to be a CMO for such a large corporation.

"What seems to be so pressing, Jason?" She asked in an eerily calm voice for someone who had to leave to catch a flight.

"Miranda, hi, we need to approve, this has a deadline, time, I need you to..." I fumbled every word and was practically shaking.

"Calm down." She said carefully and brushed her dark brown hair behind her ear. "Why don't you leave that report with me and I'll look at it on my flight tonight. How does that sound?"

"That sounds very generous of you, but unfortunately that will be too late. The deal needs to be closed tonight or else it will have to wait until next year." I said frantically.

"Why wasn't this brought to my attention sooner?" She sounded less than amused.

"I've been trying for weeks. Every meeting I set up with you has been cancelled, I haven't heard back on any of my emails. I tried everything, so now I'm at your office as my last hope." It was difficult to play the subtle game of telling her this was not my fault without blaming her.

"We can talk about how you can improve your chances of meeting with me later. Now I'm afraid I must be getting ready to go."

I was too close to give up now. "Can I at least go over it with you while you're getting ready? This will only take a few minutes." I was desperate.

She almost let out a little laugh. "You really are persistent, aren't you?"

"This will be a huge help to our bottom line. It's been a rough a quarter and this might turn it around." I said.

"Persistent and ambitious." She smiled softly. "I've always liked that combination."

That seemed like a great thing to hear from an officer of your company, but I still wasn't getting anywhere so far.

"Is there any way I can get you to look at it before you go?" I pleaded one last time.

She sighed, looked at the paper in my hands and back up at me. "This is completely up to you..." she closed her eyes and then opened them again slowly. "I need to use the bathroom. It might take me more than a few minutes...if you understand my meaning, but you're welcome to join me in there while we review your proposal."

Was this some kind of sexual harassment test? Would I be fired if I said yes? Would she think I didn't really care about the project if I said no? Maybe that was a polite non-offer that she just assumed I would turn down out of common courtesy. This was weird. "Are you sure that's okay? I don't want to make you uncomfortable." I said cautiously.

"It will be much more uncomfortable for you than me, I assure you. But again it's up to you." She said as she stood up from behind the desk, showing her tight blue dress that was both conservative and tight enough to show her amazing curves. She was a slender woman, but seemed to have plenty of curves in all the right places. I guessed she was maybe 5'8" with heels, which helped her butt stick out slightly and accentuated her bust line. She headed over to the corner door in her office, opened it and walked in, "Are you coming?"

I walked in behind her nervously. "I had no idea you had a private bathroom." I mumbled.

"Perks of the job." She said. "Close the door, please."

Slowly I closed the thick bathroom door until it clanked shut. It felt like I had just locked us in here together. My heart was pounding. Was this really happening? Was this career suicide?

My eyes wandered all over the room, not really sure where to look. It was a magnificent room with marble counters, an elegantly tiled floor and several thick hand towels on the wall. I had pictured a bathroom with a stall and a stall door when she made the offer, which would have been awkward enough. But this was much more intimate than that. This was a private, personal bathroom designed for one. And I was invited into this intimate space of hers.

Why am I in here? I asked myself repeatedly. She's the chief marketing officer. I could be fired so fast for this. Word would spread throughout the industry about the pervert who watched his boss go to the bathroom...I'd never get a job in this city again. And yet I wouldn't have left if you paid me. The adrenaline was flowing through my veins like a familiar drug I could never get enough of.

The echo of her heels on the tiled floor bounced off the walls and knocked me out of my trance. I watched her in what felt like slow motion walk over to the porcelain toilet.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Her heels thundered in my head like a drum until she turned around as she reached the toilet. My heart practically stopped. I froze like a deer in headlights. LOOK AWAY! I screamed to myself, but I just stood there with my mouth half open like a fool.

She looked me dead in the eyes as she reached under her dress to slide her panties down to her knees while still remaining covered with her dress down to her mid-thighs. Quickly she sat down and slightly adjusted her hips to get comfortable. The dress kept her mostly covered where it mattered, but I could still see the exposed sides of her upper legs that spilled over the edges of the toilet seat.

Her blue panties rested at the top of her shins, and were nearly the exact same color as her blue dress.

"Do you always match your panties to your dress?" I asked and immediately regretting every word of that question.

"What?" She definitely sounded a bit annoyed by that. "I don't know. Sometimes I guess. When I wear them, that is."

I'm sure she could see the wheels in my head turning, imagining her at work without panties. Why on earth did I ask about her panties? Why did I even say the word panties?

"Do you mind?" She said with a little hint of frustration.

"Oh I am so sorry!" I said immediately practically giving myself whiplash as I looked up at the ceiling quickly. I was sure I creeped her out. "I'll give you some privacy. Forgive me."

"Not that." She said plainly.

I looked down and saw that she seemed to be amused by this. "I meant do you mind handing me the report? That is why you're in here after all, isn't it?"

"The report. Sure. Yes, here you go." I had practically forgotten all about the report I was so distracted by the thought of her going in front of me.

"Thank you." She took the report and looked at it carefully. Her elbows rested casually on her thighs and she held it like a book with two hands. In this position, even her conservative dress showed off a little more of her cleavage as she leaned forward. "I tend to take my time with these things, so bear with me." She said as she flipped the cover page.

"Take as long as you need. I tried to be concise and boil it down to just the essential points to make it quicker for you to skim." I said proud of my own work.

"That's not what I meant I take my time with." She held in her breath for a second and let out an exaggerated sigh and she shifted her weight again with a subtle strain on her face.

"Oh. Right. Take your time...with that...too?" What is wrong with me, I thought to myself. I had nothing to do but watch her read my report while she grimaced. This was so strange.

"God this is awful." She said as she read the report more closely.

"Uhh, I'm sorry. What part is concerning you?" I said now afraid I went to all this trouble for something she might hate.

"Not the report, the smell." She wrinkled her nose as the tail end of her fart grew a little louder. I finally heard the sound of her soft stream hit the water and it slowly strengthened as she continued. Soon the stream waned into a trickle and finally just a few drops.

She took in a deep breath and grimaced as a few plops splashed into the water. There was no mistaking it. It really happened, she really is going, I thought.

"Oh god this stinks!" She said again with her turned up nose.

I laughed nervously, "Yeah it does. But I mean we all do it, right?" I said trying to make light of the situation.

She looked up quickly and said sternly, "Not that. This report, you idiot."

I felt like she just scolded me.

"Excuse me? Is something in there wrong?" I asked awkwardly.

"You don't mention how any of these decisions impact the corporate goals." She said.

A sigh of relief came over me. "I included that in the index. It's all there." I said feeling a little better I didn't miss something obvious.

She skimmed to the back. "Next time move that up to the first portion." She said in a tone that allowed her to be right and still correct me.

"Will do." I knew when to pick my battles and I considered that a minor victory.

"Now give me a few minutes to work this out." She said as she grimaced again.

I wasn't sure if she meant the report or her...other activity. It didn't really matter. I let her sit in peace, or shit in peace I joked in my head.

My eyes wandered around some more and I was amazed to find there was a urinal right next to her on the wall only a foot or so away from the toilet. It blended into the wall so well I barely even noticed it.

"Why is this in here?" I asked out before realizing it.

"What?" She asked without looking up from the report.

"This. The urinal." I said as I walked over to it, now just a couple of feet from her. I noticed the smell grew stronger the closer I got.

"Because...this is a bathroom." She said still with her eyes glued to the report.

"Why would you have a urinal in your own private bathroom?" I asked realizing I should have dropped this a few a sentences ago.

She put the report down on her lap and looked at me. "This may come as a huge surprise to you, but they did not design this building thinking of me. It existed long before I did and several executives have had this office before me." She said and returned to the report.

I nodded. "Makes complete sense." I said trying to leave it alone finally.

"Haven't used it in years." She said casually as she kept her head down.

Did she just say she hasn't used it in years? Does that mean she has at some point used it? Like she stood to pee at the urinal? Don't ask. Just forget about it. "You've used this before?" I blurted out. What the hell is wrong with me?

She laughed. "It's been used before." Was all she said leaving it fairly vague.

"Oh." I didn't know how else to respond.

"This actually isn't my first meeting in here, believe it or not."

"Really?" I couldn't hide the fact that surprised me. Not sure why, but I felt slightly less special. If she had several meetings in here with guys or even girls, maybe this was no big deal to her. And yet my heart was still pounding from the excitement and general taboo aspect of being in such an intimate and private setting with her.

She nodded. "Let me rephrase that. It's not the first meeting I've been a part of in here."

"What do you mean?" Now I was intrigued.

"Before I became the CMO I reported to a different boss. He'd occasionally invite me in if he had his own business to take care of and I had important time sensitive matters of my own to discuss." She said.

I was trying to imagine that scenario. "So you mean...?"

"Let's just say I've put up with a lot of shit to get where I am." She laughed at the bad pun. "But some of my best results have come from meetings in here."

I nodded and tried to hold back a smile. It was funny to think about that.

"This is, however, my first meeting in here...where I've been in this position."

"First meeting in this position as CMO or position as sitting on the toilet?" I asked with a nervous laugh.


"I'm honored." That came out rather quickly but sincerely.

"You should be." She said with a smirk.

I looked back at the urinal more closely. The handle appeared to be made of gold. "Is this real gold?" I asked shocked at the extravagance.

"I believe so." She said flipping a page. "Test it out if you like."

And with that my heart jumped into overdrive. Did she really just say I could pee in front of her? "Uh, you sure about this?" I asked timidly.

"Be my guest." She said as if it didn't matter at all.

I walked up closer to the urinal and was questioning every step I took. Why are you doing this? Nothing good will come from this. You could possibly be fired! My subconscious screamed at me as I took another step closer.

I was now realizing this was a floor urinal and what that meant. It was flush with the wall and went all the way down to the floor with the bottom lip sticking about a foot out from the wall, flat on the ground. These are the kind that provide zero privacy.

With a normal urinal I can usually stand close enough where the sides that jut out from the wall offer decent enough privacy. With the kind flush to the wall, there is no such barrier. Nothing to cover you. You might as well be out in the middle of the room.

I reached down to my fly, still mentally discouraging my every move. As I fumbled with the zipper, I noticed the unmistakable feeling of an increasing amount of blood starting to flow down there.

I gulped and slowly undid my zipper. STOP! I mentally screamed as my hands slid inside my fly, and through my boxers as well. I felt the flesh of my penis. It was still soft enough to not stick straight out, but not by much.

Last chance to stop this insanity, I thought as I took a deep breath and pulled out my now thick, blood-filled penis that stuck out a few extra inches due to the semi arousal. I was only a foot to the side of Miranda, even if she wasn't looking at me there is no way she didn't see it out the corner of her eye.

"Jesus that's huge!" She said blurted out.

"I, uh, thank you?" I said bashfully as I was too embarrassed to face her.

"Your margins are off the charts! How'd you get the profit window so big?" She asked.

I glanced down and saw she was 100 percent focused on the report. She was not at all commenting on my length; it didn't even look like she glanced over once. I was slightly disappointed, but happy she liked the analysis I presented.

Standing there with my nearly erect penis in my hand, I wasn't sure how to proceed. Put it away? Answer her question while still trying to pee? I froze trying to decide.

"Did you hear me? How did you structure this? I'm not sure how this is sustainable. Quickly I don't have much time!" She said that last part so fast I practically jumped.

"It's the next page over." I turned toward her, now only a few inches away. "See, right here I broke down the projection and how I was able to reduce the cost basis." I took a step closer and pointed with my hand. My hand brushed against her arm and my dick was literally right in front of her.

"Very nice." She said clearly impressed. I was not sure if she meant the analysis or my dick. I was almost certain she saw it by now, but still, she had to be talking about the report.

She glanced up to make eye contact, then down and saw my now erect penis just inches from her. "I see it now, thanks." She gave me a curious look and returned to the paper.

My heart nearly pounded out of my chest. She saw it? Did she mean she saw it, like she understood the projection analysis or saw it, saw it? Holy shit my mind was racing. It took me a minute to realize that was her way of dismissing me from the interaction. I turned back to the urinal and tried to relax. I was too wired to be able to pee. I just stood there with my stupid erection that I practically bumped into my boss with.

I took a few deep breaths but still couldn't go. Should I put it away without going? Would she just think I was trying to show it to her if I didn't have to go? None of these thoughts helped anything.

"Do you have a pen?" She asked without looking up.

"Yes, hmm, shoot I left it in the other room."

I saw her frown.

"I can quickly go get it for you?" I offered.

"That's alright." She mumbled.

"Wait, I have a spare in my pocket." I said enthusiastically.

With her face still staring at the page, her arm shot out quickly to grab the pen. I turned slightly to face her, my hand was still in my pocket fumbling to pull out the pen.