Shannon and Mark's Story

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Hear the untold story of the Shared Bathroom series.
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Author's Note: This story sheds some light on what happened between Mark and Shannon in the Shared Bathroom series. If you've followed the entire series of Ashley and Jason, this story will make more sense to you. But even if you haven't, I tried to provide enough context so anyone could enjoy it.

The first portion of it contains excerpts from Shannon's journal a few months before Jason moves in with Ashley. That is mainly to provide context before the story transitions into a Shannon's point of view as it's happening. Hopefully you enjoy their story. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments.

Shannon's Journal -- a few months before Jason moves in with Ashley

I think I'm really falling for Jason. He's so incredibly sweet. I can't believe how lucky I am to have found such a nice guy who treats me well. Not to mention he's cute. I sound like a high school girl obsessed with a crush, but I don't care I love this feeling!


Jason took me out to a nice restaurant tonight. I think we really connected. We discussed our future. He even brought up the idea of moving in together one day! Neither of us are quite ready for that step and the timing is all wrong with our leases, but we decided we would do it in the fall. God that is exciting and scary at the same time! In the meantime he's going to look for a summer roommate to save some money. I think this is going to be really good for us.


Jason isn't having much luck finding a roommate. It's tough in this town and at this time of year. I hope he finds a place to stay soon. I can tell it's stressing him out. I hate when he's stressed. He's not quite his happy-go-lucky charming self. I'm sure he'll find some suitable situation. I just hope he doesn't worry too much about it until he does.


Well Jason found a roommate. And it's a girl. I'd be lying if I said this didn't bother me. How can I even tell that to him? He'll think I'm some crazy, jealous girlfriend. Not sure I can hide my dislike for it.

He started to pick up on my concern and told me I have nothing to worry about. He said she's in a loving relationship and just like us, they're in the same odd predicament with timing and leases. He said I'm the only one he wants to be with. I do believe him...but still... Things could get messy quickly.

I should really stop thinking like that, though. That's exactly the kind of thought process that makes things worse. I trust him. I trust him, I trust him, I trust him. Really. Okay I feel a little better. Sort of.


Jason's all moved in with Ashley. He said she was very nice and helpful. I'm glad it's working out for him. I'm still a little uneasy about it all, but it's only for the summer. I'm looking forward to seeing him Friday night. We have a special date planned!!!


Well Jason had to postpone our date. He needed the time to unpack and get organized. I'm disappointed but I totally get it. Nothing is more frustrating than living out of boxes and not feeling like you're at home in your own apartment. There'll be plenty of other date nights. Guess I'll just watch a rom-com, maybe have a drink and then test out that new vibrator I got!


I miss Jason. Seems like I barely see him any more. Blah.


Finally saw Jason last night! God it was nice to see him. And kiss him. And feel him inside of me. It was a nice change of pace from that vibrator, which I think I'm starting to get addicted to. But what's a girl to do when she can't see her boyfriend?


Alright, this shit is getting old. I miss Jason. We're hanging out like once every other week. Feels like we're barely even dating. I've practically gone numb to the feeling of the vibrator, I've had to use it so much these past few weeks. Ok, maybe not still feels great, but I'm craving the touch of a real person. I miss the way Jason used to make me feel when we were about to make love. He'd undress me slowly, and take his time with my breasts. He'd tease me, he'd get me so wet before he ever even touched my pussy (I hate that word), but God it felt amazing when he'd finally kiss me there. I'd usually come a time or two before his dick ever entered me. where's that vibrator...I'll have to finish writing this later...


Well Jason had a strange go camping with him, Ashley and her boyfriend? WTF, what am I, Bear Grylls? I've never camped a day in my life. It will be nice to finally meet Ashley. And see Jason for a whole weekend! That's the real reason I'm doing it. We haven't spent a weekend together in forever.

Ugh, camping sounds so gross. And what the hell am I going to do about the bathroom situation? Go in the woods? What if Jason sees me? So gross. I can't even think about that now. I need a distraction. Where's that stupid vibrator? Screw it, I'm not really in the mood tonight.

(The above journal entries were mainly for context. The remainder of the story will be told from Shannon's point of view as it happens. It begins in chapter 3 of the Shared Bathroom series -- starting with the camping trip with Jason, Shannon, Ashley and Mark.)

Camping Trip -- from Chapter 3

I was surprised to find how incredibly nice Ashley and Mark were. I guess I was expecting something different, mainly because I've built up this negative image of Ashley in my head. But that's not really fair to judge her for that.

Although she is gorgeous. I was not expecting her to be intimidatingly beautiful. Well at least that means she's out of Jason's league, I thought to myself. Why was that thought even crossing my mind?

Things had gone relatively smoothly. Apart from having to walk a few miles just to use the restroom, this wasn't so bad.

We had all gathered around our campfire for the evening. I snuggled up with Jason and watched as Mark and Ashley cuddled as well. This was nice. I missed hanging out with Jason like this, even if it was under these conditions.

"It's getting late. We should turn in." Jason broke the silence. "Mark why don't you pee on the fire to put it out."

What? Why on earth would he say something like that? I wondered.

Mark seemed to pay it little mind and suggested Jason do it.

What is happening??? I thought as Jason just played it off. Thank god he didn't actually do it.

"Just do it." Ashley said out of nowhere.

What the fuck? Did Ashley really just tell him to pee on the fire? Why is Jason standing up??? "Jason, please just sit down!" I said trying my best to stay calm.

Jason stood right between Ashley and me. He slowly unzipped his pants. Oh my god...he's not really going to, I convinced myself.

Suddenly his penis was in clear view. "Jason, stop!" I said frantically as I saw Ashley staring at his crotch. My heart broke from the sight. How could he do this? No other girl is supposed to see him naked. A tear started to run down my cheek. I ran out of there unsure of what exactly to do.

I walked around the campsite most of the night, not really going anywhere. I stayed on open paths where the moonlight was still bright. A million thoughts raced through my mind. Why would he expose himself like that? Didn't he know how much that would hurt me? But the worst part was the remembering Ashley smiling as she looked right at his penis. That image was burned into my brain and I just wanted to be rid of it.

After walking for who knows how long, I ended up at the camp facilities and saw a sign that read "Showers and locker room." The thought of using a camp shower made me feel a little sick to my stomach, but anything seemed better than what I was feeling now.

I walked in the door on the left that had a faded image of a person that looked like a dress, the universal symbol for women. The room was small and damp. There were a couple showerheads on the wall and a bench on the opposite side of the room. Clearly no privacy, but fortunately no one was here.

The shower area was definitely gross, but I was expecting much worse. I took off my shirt and shorts and placed them on the only bench in the room. I stood there a moment or two in my bra and panties contemplating if I really should get fully undressed. I was still pissed at Jason and wondered why I was being so hesitant to get naked when I was alone.

I finally unhooked my bra and let the straps slide off my shoulders. My nipples quickly hardened from the touch of the cool air on my skin. I removed my panties thinking there was no turning back now. I was technically indoors in this shower room, but the damp earthy air made it feel like I was outside. I've never been this close to being fully naked outdoors. It was a strange sensation. I was overly aware of how the air felt on my skin everywhere on my body. I felt so uncovered.

I kept on my sandals, because that's just gross otherwise, and I walked over to the two shower faucets sticking out of the wall. I turned on the one on my right and felt the water shoot out from the above showerhead. It was freezing! I backed away to let it warm up and crossed my arms and shivered as I waited. My already hard nipples now had tiny goose bumps forming on them.

I stuck my hand under the water a minute later and it was still painfully cold. This is hopeless. I turned off the shower and gave the other faucet a try. To my surprise it was mildly warm, which seemed downright hot compared to what I just felt. I'll take it, I thought.

I stepped under the water and rinsed out my hair massaging my scalp with my fingers. I didn't bring any shampoo or soap, but this was better than nothing. My mind wandered as I let the water continue to flow over my bare body. What a fucked up trip. What a fucked up situation. I can't believe Jason just fucking peed in front of everyone. Well really only Ashley, I thought to myself. The more I stayed on that train of thought the more negative it became.

This is all fucked up. Feels like I'm losing my boyfriend, and everything was going so well. The only thing that changed was her. And she's changed him. "GAHHHH!" I screamed out in utter frustration.

"Are you alright?" A male voice asked gently.

"What the fuck!?" I screamed again as I covered my breasts, squeezed my legs together and turned to the side. I felt like I was on a stage I was so vulnerable. "What are you doing here, Mark?" I said, feeling so incredibly naked and exposed. "And how long have been there?"

"Shannon, I really am sorry. I didn't mean to...I wasn't trying to..." He sighed and looked away. "I came in here to shower, and then I saw you were in here."

"And you stared at me like a pervert?" I said, feeling dirty and creeped out.

"No, no I promise that's not it. I turned around immediately as soon as I saw someone was in here." He pleaded.

"This is the ladies' room, anyway. Why on earth would you walk in the ladies' room?" I asked still clearly uncomfortable.

"The door to the men's room leads here too. Honestly, I didn't know it was connected to the ladies' room." He said still looking away.

"Okay fine, but why are you still here?" I asked, not believing his story.

"I did start to leave, honest. But you were talking about Ashley and Jason. So I listened from the doorway. Just listened...I wasn't watching...I swear."

"Was I really talking out loud?" I asked.

"I've thought so many of the same thoughts as you did. In a strange way it was comforting to hear you talk about it." He said in a somber voice. "You just sounded so upset, so sad. And then you screamed loud enough to wake the dead. I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

I stared at Mark, trying to determine his motivations. It was hard to tell if he was lying because he wasn't looking at me, which I suppose was nice of him to do.

"We've only known each other a day, but I just wanted to make sure you weren't, I don't know...going to hurt yourself." He said in the most sympathetic voice as he finally turned his gaze back to my eyes.

He wasn't lying. I could always tell. It was one of my few impressive qualities.

"That's actually pretty sweet." I said, still covering my breasts with my hands, I turned toward him slightly. "Still pretty creepy, but sweet."

"I am sorry, Shannon. I'll leave you alone as long you tell me you're okay." He said with that impossible to ignore sincerity as he looked me in my eyes.

I just stared at him again. Was I okay? "Just say yes, and he'll leave," I said in my head, over and over. "Say yes."

"You came all this way. You might as well shower while there's still some hot water left."

Why did I say that? I wondered as I turned away slightly showing a little more of my backside.

"Shannon, I wasn't trying to...I wasn't trying to get you to let me shower with you." He said, fearing I was thinking the worst of him.

But I wasn't thinking the worst. I don't know what I was thinking really. "I know that." I said honestly. I thought about how Jason bluntly showed Ashley his penis without warning. And I pretty much gave Mark the opportunity to do the same right here, and his reaction was a polar opposite to Jason's. One was a gentleman, one was a dick.

That was a powerful realization in that moment. I thought about all the things Jason does, where he really didn't even take any care or consideration for me in the process. It made me terribly sad to the point I almost started tearing up in front of Mark.

"Could you just stay with me then?" I asked and didn't even realize how sad I was until I heard the hidden sobs in my voice.

"Of course." He said with a gentle smile. "Of course I'll stay with you until you're okay."

He was just too kind. And it was that fact that set me over the edge and I cried. I felt my shoulders shake as I finally shed the emotions I had been carrying around for months.

I wiped my eyes and in the process completely stopped covering my breasts. All this time I had managed to stay mostly covered up, and now the first image he'll see of me naked is like this. Crying in the shower.

I wondered why I was even thinking about that now and it made me sadder. That kind of thought shouldn't even enter my mind. Why do I care about what he thinks of me so much?

The confusion only added to my frustrations and emotions. I was losing sight of what was even going on, it just all hurt so bad I buried my face into my palms and tried to stop my crying.

I felt a soft hand on the side of my arm, and then another hand on my other arm. They were gentle strokes and very soothing. A small gesture, but it truly made me feel like things would be okay. I looked up into his eyes, and he smiled and held my head to his chest. It took me a moment to realize that he was in fact naked. I knew he didn't do it to be creepy. He did it because he knew it would comfort me. And it did. I needed the touch of another human being. Someone who could relate and help take the burden of this moment.

We shared a long embrace, and he wrapped his arms around me tightly. I felt my breasts squish into his chest and felt a mix of flesh touch along my body. It was hard to focus on any one part, but I felt all of his body against me as if it was one source of warmth. How could a man make someone else feel like this...feel this safe?

The thought scared me, but I finally had an answer to his original question. "I'm okay now." I said as I looked up into his caring eyes, still clenched tightly in his arms. "I'm okay."

He smiled gently and locked eyes with me. Slowly he leaned down and kissed the top of my forehead. "I'm glad." He whispered, finally ending our embrace and walked over to where his clothes were, got dressed and finally glanced back over at me. I made no effort to cover up but he was too polite to look down. "Goodbye, Shannon. I hope our paths will cross again." And he was gone.

My heart was racing. What on earth was that? What just happened? I stayed in the shower a little longer, mainly so I wouldn't run into him outside. But I just couldn't get this goofy smile off my face.

Eventually the water turned cold and I shut it off. I toweled myself off and couldn't help but notice how turned on I was. This is so wrong. How could I be turned on now? I've just been crying for the last 30 minutes. I finally found my resolve, got dressed and met up with Jason back at the campsite.

I barely said a word to Jason when I saw him again. He was still afraid I was mad at him for his pissing exhibition last night, but somehow that no longer seemed to register. I told him I wasn't mad, and that only made him suspicious. I had to tell him. I felt guilty, and in a weird way I wanted him to know what it was like to have someone else see you naked. I wanted him to feel jealous, to feel something. Maybe just to even think about me more. I'm not sure.

My plan worked a little too well. He clearly was upset about the shower incident. And he had every right to be. All he did was pee. Mark and I showered together. Hell we hugged naked together, even though Jason didn't know that fact. Didn't matter. It was a crazy one-time thing. Maybe that's why people like camping so much. Oh well I'm sure nothing like that will ever happen again.

I didn't see Jason too much in the following week, and that was probably for the best. I had a lot to sort out in my head. I couldn't get that shower out of my head. So many parts of it lingered in my mind. Was he really spying on me like a creep? What did he think of me naked? Is he still thinking of me naked...or at all? I remember the sight of him walking back to his clothes. His muscular legs and back, and that cute little butt. That part always made me smile.

But the part I always came back to was how he understood me. It was like he knew what I was feeling, what I needed. It was like he took care of me only because he wanted me to feel better. That part got me the most turned on. And then a feeling of guilt always came over me...thoughts of another man should not be turning me least not this much or this often. This is a mess.

--- ---

Jason invited me to Ashley's engagement party. I wonder if Mark will be there? He'd have to be. I smiled at that thought and went out of my way to look a little extra nice for the party. I bought a new dress, got my nails done, put on just a touch of perfume. I haven't put that much effort into a date with Jason in months. That was a problem I gladly ignored for now; I was too excited to see Mark.

God he was handsome as ever when I saw him, talking to some of his friends casually at the party. I was actually nervous when I walked up to him.

"Hi." I said feeling awkward for interrupting his conversation.

"Shannon! Hi!" He said and hugged me without hesitation and ended his conversation with his friends, quickly turning all of his attention to me. He had a way of making me feel like the only girl in the room.

"How have you been?" He asked.

I didn't know how to answer that. Obsessed with the shower, can't stop thinking about us hugging...naked, I think about your cute butt every five minutes. "I'm good." Was all I said.

"I understand." He somehow knew exactly what I meant.

"Congratulations on your engagement." I said trying to sound sincere. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks, that means a lot." He said, ever the gentleman. "But we don't have to focus on that now."

This was his party and he was still concerned with my feelings. Who is this guy? We wandered around the room casually catching up when a framed figure drawing of a beautiful nude female caught my eye. The girl was facing sideways, with her arms crossed and looking down and just a little of her behind was showing. "This must be Ashley's artwork." I said.

"What makes you say that?" He asked.

"It would be showing more nudity if it was Jason's. She'd have her legs spread, or she'd be bent over or something." I said and we both gave a little chuckle.

"I actually gave that to Ashley." He said.