Sexy Fun at the OK Carral Ch. 02

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Turnabout is fair play, isn’t It?
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Turnabout is fair play, isn't It?

The title is... no, not a typo. "Carral" is a Latin term for barrel or vat. So there, smart ass!

As with the many titles on Literotica, those in this series defy a single categorization. Given that, please pay more attention to the TAGS. They are much more accurate than a single designation. I believe that the site could use the addition of a "bisexual m/f" category, but that opens up a whole can of worms for another day.

As always, I appreciate your constructive opinions and suggestions. Just so you know, every character portrayed here significantly exceeds the age of 18.

Series Info:

The "OK Carral," a party place in a gentrified warehouse district of AnyCity, USA. It serves as a clandestine venue for a distinct and varied patronage, the local hotspot for "hookups," both new and old. Unlike the Playboy Mansion, there is no hanky-panky within its walls. However, the flow of drinks and conversations comes from plenty of negotiated partner exchanges and group sex. Not everyone finds exactly what they're looking for, but there are options and fall-backs galore.

"I... want you... to fuck me!," sheepishly eked the impish twink, formerly known as "slave 1."

"What!?, I didn't quite catch that... you want what?," a stern woman's voice roared back at him in an unforgiving tone. It had the same hardness as the wooden floor upon which his knees were perched.

"I NEED you to fuck me. Please!"

She replied, "Oh! You want ME to fuck YOU. Is that what you're trying to say?"

"Yes... yes... MzztrzZ," the man whined while bowing his head towards the floor in shame.


On this day at the "OK Carral," we find "MzztrzZ", a refugee hailing from the war torn battle hardened Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine. She had secured a sublease here to operate her daytime discipline services. The generously curvy dominatrix needed only three hours three days a week to earn sufficient bounty for a modestly opulent lifestyle. She applied her craft in the middle of the day, when her exclusive male clientele typically observed lunchtime from their overcompensated executive vocations. The typical story of her "BDSM consumers" was that they were otherwise shrewd and ruthless at business, but rationalized the absolution of guilt from their success in the form of MzztrzZ's degrading punishments.


Back to the manner at hand.

MzztrzZ responded with a scowl, and arms akimbo, "Mr. Big Stuff, who do YOU think you are, ASKING me, instead of properly groveling for relief?!"

"I... I.. Don't..."

Mocking him, she repeats his babble, "I, I, I... You think I care what 'I, I, I' wants?

He shook, "No... no, MzztrzZ, I would never use the word 'I' to describe myself. I am first slave."

"You did it again, TWICE, in fact! You're nothing but a PANTY-WAIST! Put on that frilly pink thong over there, at least you'll look the part. Properly plead the way you were trained... Yes, move the G-string aside, and come hither!"

"Pirouette for me. Now bend forward... more... touch your toes.. goood!," she admires his quarter-bouncing athletic buns.

"Take off those silly threads, already! Now push your pathetic package backwards between your legs... mmm." She coos at the coerced display before her - his hairless balls and fat-tipped cock hanging down between his splayed legs.

"Right away, MzztrzZ! What can I... sorry, 'lowly-me', do to make you feel better? Wiggle my ass for you? Or, spread my lowly legs wider?"

"Of course YES. Why do you even ask?! Like to hear your own girly voice, do we?."

He shakes his head rapidly, "No."

MzztrzZ saunters over behind him, slowly heightening his trepidation.

She presses her bra against his back, pushing her spiked bra firmly onto his thin-skinned ribs. He yelps at the sharpness and coldness of her pillow-puffed battle armor. MzztrzZ exacts a strong squashing of his balls. He issues a strained squeal from the pain that brings.

She whispers into his left ear, sickeningly sweet, "Oh did that hurt my little gimp?... I'm sooo sorry...," switching back to harshness, "... NOT sorry," she laughs maniacally at his startled shake.

The tall, dark handsome, mid 30s Jewish financial VP (named Joel) finds himself, once more, kowtowing before his zaftig superior (Yiddish euphemism for "full figured".) He's been visiting Mzz for months now. The sessions began just after his promotion from the leagues of junior auditors at his consulting firm. The next higher rung of the company career track would have been to move up to the forensic audit division, but the twiggy little blonde fire brand Exec VP took a liking to this "Tall Drink of Water," and schemed to covet him within her clutches. Yes, she thought, this specimen would be a nice notch on her bedpost.

His boss was a cunning one, alright, with a sharp sense of corporate business, and securing beta males to comply with her unique brand of sexual beconing. Otherwise, she considered men to be rather needy and clueless as to a woman's true needs. She would capture, abuse, then summarily discard her catches as so much turned milk when they started to whine for attention too earnestly for her liking. A simple dish off in the form of banishment to mail room duties would be sufficient to "clear the air," and be done with them.

Joel's latest failed romance was with a mixed-race Asian woman. The permanent separation had crushed what little self esteem he had left. Before things went south, he was practically her lapdog. After the breakup he began to seek his consolation from the MzztrzZ. He had heard of her service from a clickbait ad on Porn Hub. At the initiating session she conspired to immediately set him right. She recognized that he was beaten down from the doomed relationship, and desperate for restoration of his spine. Unlike the rest of the losers who came to her, she actually felt some pity for him. That's why she treated him with extra severity. When he realized he had been graced with her special acts of degradation, his confidence, paradoxically, began to gradually return.

A little background on her. At 19, Petunia was coaxed into a gang bang to rid her cursed virginity. Throughout her early 20s she was a promiscuous lesbian, and swore off the likes of "men." This was in great part due to the trauma of that maiden sexual experience. By 26, she had been growing tired of all the contentiousness of exclusive fem/fem relationships. "Double the girl, double the drama," she had told herself.

In spite of herself, she had blossomed into a beautiful buxom big gal. And, that's when she started to receive great notice from dashing men of all sorts. During her later 20s, she had become accustomed to being desirable, and parlayed that into a large collection of gold jewelry. Oh! The many men that mistakenly assumed she would be their bitch on account of being desperately "fat."

It was soon after reaching 30 that she had taken up with a rather kinky masochistic gentleman, 25 years her senior. On their very first sexual congress he had assumed the subservient position of having his shirt on, bent over, pants around his ankles, and hairy ass stuck high in the air. She was at first confused by this novel turn of events, but learned to respond to the man with an evil grin, anxious to deliver on his silent plea for punishment. He wanted abuse, to be treated like meat, and left with a red badge of pathos in the form of raised welts. It would be too cruel to deny him his druthers, she told herself. The relationship would become the rebirth of her persona.

A new woman was born, and "MzztrzZ" was her moniker. With great relish she made the most of her dominant position over the wimpy gimp, who had revealed his true subservient colors, rather proudly. She exacted upon him a varied litany of mild torture. He appreciated her treatment so much that he begged for more, and of greater intensity. Mzz took to her new role like a duck to water. She whipped him across his buttocks with his own belt. Encouraged by his winces of pain and moans of pleasure, she progressed to binding his balls to a heavy table leg. She relished making him crawl on the floor to kiss her feet.

Eventually, she delighted in reaming out his red streaked ass with improvised kitchen tools. She became drunk with power, and resolved then to never look back on her history of victimhood. But, the proper tools to advance her trade needed a serious upgrade, the result of which became the boastful display of her floor to ceiling collection of implements of torture.

After some time, Mzz became tired of the reserved sadistic acts she was restrained to. The dirty old man insisted on only "light" BDSM. She grew bored with him, and cruelly rejected his whiney, controlling, barriers. It became apparent to her then that if she was to grow into the domme that she had been destined, she must be the one calling the shots. ALL of them, with ne'er a peep of protest. No longer did she tolerate limitations placed upon her in the dispensing of her wicked craft. Summarily, she permanently dismissed his company as so much spent fodder. She ignored his pathetic tears. "Never return" were her final words to him, accented with a slam of the front door that he was on the outside of.

Back in the present, she tells Joel, "I grow unamused by your obsequious fawning. You have till five minutes ago to impress me," she calmly stated, while nonchalantly examining her blood-red polished fingernails, "since you are obviously of limited imagination, let me suggest a task that might redeem you, and MAY permit your return to my good graces."

She fixed a leather strap across his eyes, "Go over to that nubile nymph co-slave, all bound up with hemp, the one wearing the leather dog mask, and lick up and down his ass crack. I freshly showered it with hot wax so he will be easy to find, despite your hindrance of sight. Now get on with it, before I change my mind!"

He quickly shuffled on his knees over to one of the trilogy of her slaves present at Mz's lair. He sniffed out the waxy coated rear of the youngest among them. Joel first scraped the sheen of wax plastered on his fellow gimp's buns with his teeth. He secretly loved the exposure of the young lad's raw skin lining his diminutive derrière. Joel could tell by the young exec's aroma that it was pink and baby smooth. He had barely the time to poke out his tongue when the Mzz shoved his face forward with her foot, nose deep within the boy's butt cleft.

"THAT'S how you lick ass... INSIDE of it, in your business... Here, eat mine, and I'll learn ya how to do it correctly. Baby-Butt's mouth is too busy sucking on plastic to guide you himself, so I'll have to. Now, get that mug deeep in my crack."

"Yes'm," he expressed with an economy of words, seeking to avoid the risk of elevating MztrzZ's ire more than he already had.

Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome proceeded to worm his face into the cavernous divide between MzzstrzZ's huge globes. Her hips were most generous, and, if he had the privilege of sight, he would have become mesmerized by the beauty of its girth. However, he considered himself blessed just to be able to enjoy the remaining senses of smell, touch, taste, and sound - all of which he enjoyed while servicing her supreme chasm. She wiggled her sizable hips side to side, working his mouth ever deeper. She complimented herself on having kept him from seeing her dumbfounded smile as he was lapping away at her a-hole. For that would have blown her cover, and irreparably weakened her image.

He was in nirvana by the intoxicating soft, sweaty, and faint acrid flavor of MzztrzZ's wondrous wagon. Joel had dreamed of this day, when this very fantasy would finally be realized. Like the way in which Joel had ascended the corporate ladder, his strategy of patience had paid off.

Suddenly, Mzz jerks her ass off his pleasure yielding mug, "that's quite enough, slave 1. You haven't yet demonstrated your worthiness to enjoy sucking on my asshole," she takes a seat on the only stool in the black painted playroom, "Let's see how you are at worshiping my teats. Lucky for you, they're busty enough to give you plenty of ground to work with for your redemption."

With her crop placed behind his noggin, she pulled him towards her left breast, "now please me."

He only shakes his head to indicate "order received!" Mzz guided his tongue all around the fleshy mammary with the business end of her crop poking the underside of his chin. As he was guided to her nipple, she tilted her head backward from the titillating sensation (pun intended.) He had then worked the right nub on autopilot. She felt a major tingle coming on as he deftly encircled her nip with his tongue. A couple of upward flicks up was all it had to take to affect her orgasm. He felt her rapid quakes of bliss at his attention, but dare not acknowledge it to his credit.

Mzz moved him to her left twin, and he applied the same skill and attentiveness as the right. Her shivering ensued. He could only express his small victory with a raging boner. This did not escape Mzz's notice when she reopened her watery, joy filled eyes.

"I see that we're so proud of ourselves for making MztrzZ come. Am I right?," she says with a deceptive lilt, to which he commits the unpardonable sin of smiling smugly at his accomplishment.

When she holds fast onto his puny penis, "silly, silly slave... and you were so close to redemption, too. See, if you did, I might've rubbed this boner to completion, right before dismissing your sorry carcass. But... alas no, there'll be no Kewpie Doll for you, I'm afraid."

He feels her foot press against his chest. "Perhaps my MzztrzZ will relent and permit me the honor of sucking her toes," he lies to himself. Her foot rises ever upwards along his chest. Its movement is akin to that of a torturous inchworm's approach to a tasty leaf. Foolishly, he jumped the gun and preemptively surrounded her big toe with his lips. His "reward" came in the form of a heavy push backwards. MztrzZ's trunk-like thighs easily had the power to unseat any recalcitrant male slave flat on his back. He was stunned motionless as he laid on the cold, hard floor. It was comical to MzztrzZ just how helpless, hapless and hopeless he appeared at that moment. Any other weak willed woman might have proffered sympathy upon him, and run to his side for loving support. Wasn't going to happen with this domineer. Instead, she just chuckled at his bewilderment.

The frustration from the denied release of the anticipated hand-job was palpable on his face. It took the form of an exaggerated sulk that could have passed on that of a sad circus clown. MzztrzZ may have been a stern disciplinarian, but she did not lack for a heart. She thought of a consolation gesture that would be a win for both of them. He summoned the will to stand up, and she removed his blind.

MzztrzZ sidled up to his front, stopping only inches from his face, "Awww... I almost feel bad for you, but I have a remedy for your disappointment. Would you appreciate it if I were to grant you the privilege of eating my pussy?"

His expression quickly flipped upside down when he heard this, and his doleful dour had seamlessly morphed into a clownish grin. MzztrzZ only shook her head from the humor of his complete attitude transformation. She unsnapped the thin black leather piece barely concealing her hirsute kitty. She was mortified by the wetness of her lustful want, as it would expose a vulnerability. Not to worry, Mzz convinced herself, a stern eye-to-eye scowl directed at the admittedly handsome slave would remedy the faux pa.

"You may commence pleasuring me with that sharp tongue of yours. And, I better get a good come out of it."

The dom femme smashed her pussy against his face with a resounding splash. She took a deep breath in, and closed her eyes. "Damn! He's good at licking pussy", she thought. Might be good enough to merit further training. She enhanced her pleasure by cupping her hands around the back of his head, and pulling him further into her. It took only a few vigorous swipes with the flat of his tongue to cause her clit to reveal itself from behind its fleshy shroud. Just one more roundtrip of his tongue along her excited inner labia, and she insisted he immediately attend to her needy love button.

"Suck my clit! That's it. Lick it good! Oh! Yeah... INHALE IT! So goood...," she expressed her satisfaction with shaking paroxysms. When the "O-storm" finally blew harmlessly out to sea, Mzz barely whispered, "I have to compliment your skills, slave. I could use them in my private quarters.

"Slave one and two," she says to the other men, "you are relieved to hone your oral skills at home, or whatever you slither into at night. Remember, No jerking off till next time. I will know if you do! I want your ball sacs full of cum to spray on each other next time. Come slave one, you may escort me to my boudoir."

Her thinly veiled disguise of authority belied her burgeoning need for cock. HIS cock. Ever since she had been "educating" the tall good-looker for proper servitude, she had been yearning for him to service her with his staff. In a former life she might have even pursued a relationship with him. But, those were the "Bad Old Days," weren't they? Despite having her heart hurt so many times, she was falling for him. WAIT! WHAT?!,' she screams in her head.

MzztrzZ shakes her head to cast off those romantic notions. She's the "MzztrzZ," after all, and WILL keep up the appearance of such. There's no room for... dare she call it... "LOVE?!" That would be very, very dangerous. She swore off of the "L" word a long time ago, and tried diligently not to repeat her past mistakes. She became angry at its evocation. MztrzZ's authoritative disposition returned with a vengeance. She may not be able to turn off the flood of romantic thoughts, but she sure could control this blasted subbie, who has thoughtlessly watered that long dormant seed.

"Slave 1... how should I put this so your feeble mind can understand? Oh yes! Disrobe the final vestiges of your rags, Pronto!"

When he unfastens his leather tunic, he turns to obscure his cock. MzztrzZ issued a most uncharacteristic loud gasp. All she could do at the moment was stare in disbelief at his modesty. Her pussy had been mildly weeping before from the anticipation of fucking this man, but then it turned into a torrent of love juice. All she would have had to do was wag her outstretched tongue like a panting dog, and the result would be the complete discretization of her achieved façade of superiority. It was damaging enough that tiny droplets of drool had begun to escape the corners of her mouth.

She dispenses with the momentary lapse by issuing yet another directive, "boy, you may now strip me of my outer skin."

Mr. Good-Looking did just that. He methodically worked his way top to bottom on relieving her remaining threads. He took great caution to avoid eye contact. The clasp on her studded cone-shaped bra was the first to go. That released her DD's, already sporting pencil sharp teats. It's his turn to gasp at her bountiful appendages. It took all his willpower not to again latch his lips onto them. He crouched to his knees, a position to which he was well acquainted ever since he began under MzztrzZ's stern tutelage. Then, came off the barely covering vest. Her cute belly button came into view.

He lowered his sights to her waist. It had to be at least a size 20, appropriately commensurate with her status. His hands almost shook at the next article to be exposed, the leather crotchless panty-thong. In spite of its diminutive size, it was the seat of her power. A full wiry bush of raven pubes free of its confines, bloomed stoutly. Joel considered it to maybe be the most gorgeous pubic mound he had ever laid eyes upon. She, too, was proud of her natural womanly delta, and appreciated his devotion to it.