Sex Slave Lottery Ch. 01

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For big money beautiful women risk becoming sex slaves.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/20/2020
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SEX SLAVE LOTTERY by Roseyfingers

This is a repost of chapter 1 of a story that was originally posted by me on Literotica in 2015. It was removed from Literotica recently for violation of the rules. I have now edited the 2015 story to come into compliance and will be reposting as chapters are edited.

That is all I will write about the history of posting and editing except to write that if you have already read Sex Slave Lottery as it was posted on Literotica from 2015 until 2020, there is not much new to read here.

The ten chapters of Sex Slave Lottery is the first series and comes before Sex Slave Lottery (Prequel, which was also removed), 150th Sex Slave and Whole New Slave Game.

Chapter 1.

The HCHs

I appeared nude in the leading men’s magazine. I wasn’t the centerfold but appeared in three pictures with my blond hair, long legs, bubble butt and large (but not ridiculous) natural breasts in a “Girls of the Lone Star State” pictorial. That was nine years ago when I was 20. I don’t know why I was not asked to be the centerfold any more than I know why my parents broke up. I pretty much lost contact with my family after a screaming fight with my mother who called me a tramp and said other hateful things.

Life might have been entirely different if I’d been the centerfold. As it was, I focused on partying and working out to keep my figure in college and graduated with mediocre grades with a major in marketing. After a bunch of jobs marketing products by wearing tight sweaters and short skirts, I landed in a suburb of Dallas working for a software company as an “instructor” in how to use the software. I pretty much used my looks to keep the geeks' attention and get them to buy more products. They could talk to our geeks if they had any real questions.

Naturally, I’ve had lots of attention from men but nothing ever worked out. It seems they were all head cases, losers, guys who were in love with themselves or all of the above. I had some very nice dinners and trips paid for by men with money (and generally wives). I have a very active G-spot and enjoyed a lot of the sex, but I never confused an orgasm with true love.

When the things I am writing about started, I was 26. I had continued to work out and met my only two real friends in a health club. The club manager and other people who knew the three of us called us the “health club hotties” since Stacy, Crystal and me, Dawn, were all quite attractive and focused on keeping up our figures and sensual pleasures. They often called us the HCHs to our faces and behind our backs, I'd heard, they said it stood for "Health Club Hoes."

Stacy has dark hair, brown eyes, a flat tummy and breasts that are a bit too big for model looks, but sure attract the guys. She also has very nice legs even if she’s a bit short. Stacy is nice but not too bright. She worked as a receptionist for a group of dentists.

Crystal, has the blue eyed blond stuff like me and a dynamite body with large breasts and a stomach, butt and legs she worked to keep just perfect. Actually, she looks like me. Also, she has porn star tits. It was a scandal in the club when she worked out in only a white T-shirt showing huge nipples that got erect and looked like big pink pencil erasers against her shirt.

Crystal’s sure bright enough, did well in college and business school and actually reads books, but she has a really weird streak. Crystal’s a conservative accountant but her boyfriends have been big pretty mean thugs. It was like she enjoyed physically abusive relationships although she was the smartest of us. A lot of the times she said she could not meet us at the club, I was sure it was because she had some sort of evidence of rough use that she did not want to show everybody. This was often confirmed later when we saw faint red lines and bruises that still showed a bit on her when she did work out with us. If we mentioned it, she said she had her fun and we should mind our own business.

Like me, Crystal and Stacy hadn’t had any relationships that lasted for more than a few months and had not much contact with anyone but people at work, the guys we hooked up with on the weekend, and each other. We were all on the pill and had our periods together so we all could play our games at the same time. We were all nearly broke all the time as we spent everything we took in on cars, clothes and apartments nicer than we could afford. This was true even of Crystal although she was making a lot more money than Stacy and me.

In sum, we all had jobs that we did not like much, could pay our rent but weren’t getting rich, drank and played around on the weekend, and got a lot of exercise.

The Lottery.

Mr. Anderson got us into this. He’s the owner of the software company and is said to be some sort of genius who developed some programs in the 80s that made him so much money he’d never have any money worries no matter what he spent. For some reason, he took an interest in me. At first, I thought it was not the usual reason men took an interest in me because Anderson was said to be gay.

One day Mr. Anderson made a point of telling me about special websites that only show up on special search engines that people have to pay a lot for. Also, you had to go through extraordinary security. I’d never heard of such stuff. Mr. Anderson told me that I might enjoy seeing a live Internet streaming program called "the Lottery" that went out on a special site at 2 AM every other Saturday morning. He said it was an intense reality type show broadcast from an oil rich country, Bolry, that used to be part of the Soviet Union and was now run by a dictator who could get away with anything. Anderson said he could lend me the necessary passwords and hardware.

I wasn’t particularly eager to see what a gay geek in his 50s thought was fun even if he thought I would like it. I had things to do most Friday nights and often was particularly busy around 2 AM on Saturday mornings. So, I put off watching the thing until about 3 weeks had passed and Crystal and Stacy were with guys I did not like on a Friday night.

After watching a bunch of cable shows until late, I got onto the computer with the big sharp monitor Mr. Anderson had lent me, used the ultra-fast network, put in his codes and pins, and got to the program from Bolry. I chose that I wanted to watch in English from a menu of about 12 languages.

It was amazing. There was a very large hall with three sets of separate set ups and a large area for very comfortable studio audience seating with the audience carefully not shown. At the first and largest of the sets, the camera zoned in on an eastern European-looking guy about age 50 in a suit standing in front of a long row of what looked like 100 beautiful women seated with a number from 1 to 100 on the left and a number between 0 to 47 on the right. Some of the women looked barely 18 but a few seemed well over 40 but still really hot. The guy, Dimitry, spoke in understandable but accented English about the “Sex Slave Lottery” about to begin by giving a rundown of the rules. Because he always said the same thing and I later heard the speech so often, I can say exactly what he said that night.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,

"As most of the viewers know, we run a very unusual lottery here in Bolry.

"One of the very beautiful ladies seated behind me is going to become a sex slave tonight, or, possibly a complete chattel slave with no more rights than a hen. Each of these women came to Bolry by choice in exchange for receiving a substantial sum of money at the end of the evening - if they go home.

"The woman who will stay will be chosen entirely at random. Our lottery machine has been carefully designed to pick a number fairly and is inspected carefully to make sure that each woman has an equal chance of becoming a slave. The number on the left of each woman’s chair is her number for the night. The one on the right is how many times she has participated in the lottery before. As you can see, some are new to the lottery and others have participated in nearly every lottery since we began two years ago.

"We could naturally just pick one number and that would be the slave, but that would not be a very entertaining program. Also we want you to learn much more about the woman who becomes a slave than a quick choice would allow. So there are a series of five rounds. Of the 100 women with me now, 24 will be selected to continue to be at risk. The other 76 will walk offstage to get their checks and watch more of the lottery in a viewing room if they wish. The 24 ladies will disrobe to a swimsuit for the second round. The third round, the 12 who remain will be topless and the 6 appearing in the fourth round will be nude and will be shown and interviewed about their lives and how they feel about having a 1/6th chance of spending the rest of their lives in Bolry as a slave. The final round will consist of two women who will be thoroughly measured and displayed before the Lottery Machine picks the woman who will not be going home.”

All the time that Dimitry was speaking, the cameras were scanning the 100 women. They were all well dressed to look sexy and came from all over the world. Some were south Asian woman in saris. Others were Africans, or looked Latin American and many were Oriental looking. Eastern Europeans were somewhat overrepresented, as one would expect, and maybe 5 or 10 seemed to be Americans or Canadians, but one could not tell at this stage of the contest. Some were wearing a lot of expensive jewelry others just a simple black mini dress.

I thought this was probably a joke and that Mr. Anderson told me about this Lottery show just to make fun of me later. But glued to the monitor, I watched on.

Dimitry next said, “Now we are ready for the first selection.” The Lottery Machine did a lot of flashing and buzzing and 24 numbers appeared in a row. Large numbers of women looked pleased and headed for the doors. Others looked embarrassed and began to peel down to a bikini swimsuit. No, one looked too worried. Even if the lottery was for real, a one in 24 chance of becoming a sex slave was still pretty good odds. The 24 women walked to a different studio area where they stood on short platforms with Dimitry in the lead.

Dimitry then said, “So now we are ready to ask the Lottery Machine to choose which of these beautiful women must face a 1 in 12 chance of becoming a slave.” The camera dramatically scanned each of the women who had more or less forced smiles on their faces. There was more anxiety in the faces of the women as the machine made its noises and flashes this time. I thought that they must be very good actresses or just maybe this was really happening. I was also becoming extremely tense and excited myself.

The machine displayed 12 numbers and 12 woman looked relieved and headed for the door, as 12 others stared at the numbers, some looking quite panicked and others philosophical. Dimitry led the 12 to another set of 12 stands where each woman doffed the top of her bikini and sat up with her arms so as not to obstruct the view of their breasts. Each of women was asked to display their breasts for the cameras and did so by shaking them gently or holding them up like melons for inspection. Clearly, they had been instructed carefully and followed instructions. Two women seemed to be praying through their smiles, though, while most smiled anxiously. Two actually smiled broadly, as though they thought God would protect them or they didn’t care. I was scared for them all while getting wet between the thighs.

The contest with all the talk, panoramas, and movement had only run about 40 minutes when the Lottery Machine went to work a fourth time and 6 numbers were posted. The looks on the faces of the 12 women were a contrast as before, only much more intense. Demitry announced that there would now be a 20-minute break during which existing "inventory" would be shown as he and the 6 left went to the “semi-finalist” room and prepared. I went to the restroom and did a bunch of Kegel exercises to relax.

The show came back on with a display of the pictures of 52 women nude in sexy poses. Dimitry announced that they were the slaves created in the first two years of the Lottery. He then walked into another section of the hall where six women were completely nude standing with their legs spread wide and their arms initially tightly behind their backs with their breasts jutting forward. They were all trying to smile but a couple of them did not do a very good job of it. On a sign from Dimitry, they all relaxed and Dimitry started to interview each of the six with the assistance in many cases of an interpreter.

I don’t remember what each of the woman said. One woman, named Connie, about 25, said she was from Florida and was “scared shitless.” This was only her second time in the lottery but she really needed money to finish nursing school. She admitted she’d worked as a stripper but said she wasn’t making enough money that way.

Another woman was from India and said that she too was very worried, but had been very attracted by the cash and had gotten out the first round the other 12 times she’d done this.

One, Adara, said she was one of 4 wives of a sheik and that the sheik had put her up to this the first two times, but she had come voluntarily the last four times. She said she should have quit when she was one of the 12 last time. She revealed she had agreed to risk becoming a chattel slave with no rights and hoped the sheik was satisfied having his favorite wife’s body on the Internet for thousands of very rich lechers to see.

There was a Russian, Marta, who I could not understand and a very beautiful Chinese woman, who called herself "Patty," and spoke amazingly good English. She said that she still had a very good chance of getting out of this but would take it like a woman if she lost.

Finally, a bleach blond Spanish woman, maybe 30, with an incredibly good figure (as good as mine) said she was terrified and never thought that this could happen, and, if she got out this this third time she'd participated, she’d never do it again.

The machine whirled and flashed again, and it was down to the Chinese woman and the Senora. The Spanish lady started to hyperventilate as the other 4 walked off and Dimitry announced there would be a 10-minute break to prepare for the final round.

During the break, the 52 who had lost before were shown again. An Internet address was shown for people who would like to “meet” them. If this was for real, they had found many ways to make a profit. Also shown, was an address for attractive women who would like to make a lot of money by participating in the lottery.

You’d think if God was fair that the Chinese woman would have become a slave. When the camera came back on, she was composed as Dimitry and his assistants measured every part of her calling out the numbers in some language with the numbers being flashed on a board. Her face was subjected to close-ups even while her labia were shown on a split screen and she remained calm while her most private parts were displayed on a big screen for everyone. Dimitry announced that, unlike the Senora who would become a sheltered escort for life if she lost, Patty had bet everything to get more money and might become a chattel piece of flesh that the Lottery could rent out for anything.

The Spanish lady seemed to be praying with her eyes the whole time that she went through the measurement process but it did not help her. The machine put up her number. Despite all the fears in her face during the selection process, she smiled while being photographed a hundred times just like I had smiled for the magazine years before. While Dimitry thanked everyone for watching, the Spanish woman was led off nude with teary eyes. A tiny smirk on her face, though, left me wondering what she really thought.

I did not get to sleep before dawn and my vibrating dildo got quite a workout

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Marklynda2Marklynda28 months ago

A great start to what promises to be a well thought out and written story. I look forward to reading the next chapter. As this is my first foray into your writing and the first story you posted here I have added you to my favorites list. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This will be my 3rd read of the 10 part original. I've recommended the story to many that have enjoyed it. A few interesting dinners have evolved in discussions of the story. I'm hoping what edits were needed didn't alter the visersl effect of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

It sounds like a misinterpretation of portraying sex in a violent manner (vs. portraying violence in a sexual manner). I think everyone has heard of and can associate with the intimacy and allure of rough sex. The human body does not have separate senses for pain and pleasure and the interpretation of such is done in the mind. Since we all have different bodies and minds this means these topics are subject to widely varying interpretations.

I suppose the same can be said of fictional sex as well. There many stories here and elsewhere covering sexual fantasy topics of rape and slavery, etc., however, real crimes of violence (sexual or otherwise) and slavery are no joke and still abound and likely always will.

Many parts of life are essentially violent by their very nature so it would be an error to attempt to criminalize all violence. We are all subject to such everyday starting with our own births and ending with our deaths; both of these are inherently violent and inescapable. In fact life is struggle and without struggle, life ceases to exist (RIP). I defy anyone to find a good story that has no conflict. Conflict resolution is life's story of struggle.

I understand the need to have rules and set limits but everyone's limits are different and it is too bad this story got caught in such, especially in light of the fact that it was accepted and posted here for literally years before being re-evaluated and being removed as a violation. I suppose this just means anything and everything here is subject to repeated censorship at the whim of this site's management as it changes overtime (which frankly I believe to be a bit foolhardy since we are all human and such whims of re/mis-interpretation can be abused as well).

Cindy1001Cindy1001almost 4 years ago

Still a nice occasion to do a re-read of this wonderful series!

roseyfingersroseyfingersalmost 4 years agoAuthor

I was thought to have been glorifying violence or portraying violence in a sexual manner. I did not make the rules and would not perhaps interpret them as was done but I recognize the right of the manager to do as the manager sees fit.

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