Sex Education Ch. 03


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"Well, Madam Artist, let me say, you inspire me."

She laughs softly and we both drift into sleep.

Twenty minutes later I feel Dede stirring.

I kiss the back of her neck and gently fondle her small breast.


She responds by pushing her butt back into my crotch.

"I need to pee," I say.

"Me, too, and clean up a bit."

We roll out of bed and walk to the attached bath.

I stand at the toilet as Dede uses the bidet gently removing the remains of our lovemaking.

I wash my hands and dry them. Finishing she offers to clean me.

Standing by the sink, Dede uses a washcloth to wipe my dick with warm water. Then, dropping to her knees she plants tiny kisses up and down the shaft.

"You keep doing that and I won't be responsible for the consequences."

Dede looks up and grins. "Then, let's move to the bed and discuss specific consequences.

Avoiding the large wet spot, we cuddle on one side of her king-sized bed.

"Mac, thanks for before. That was special. It's been a while since I was with a man. And, God, that was worth the wait."

"I think you're just not remembering all that well."

"When it comes to fucks," she says, "I have an excellent memory. This was special."

I kiss her.

"Dare I ask if there is anything left in reserve?"

"Oh, I think there is more than enough," I respond.

"Mac, that was so intense and strong. Without sounding demanding, do you have a slow and steady speed?"

I chuckle.


"I love how direct you are. It is so refreshing to have a woman say what she wants. And to answer you, yes."

We kiss for a long time, letting our fingers softly explore each other. Dede takes my soft dick in her mouth and coaxes it to life.

"Later, she says," holding my hard-on in her hands, "if there is a later, I would love to just make love to you with my mouth."

"In that case, Dede, I promise you there will definitely be a 'later'"

I slowly work my way up and down her body, covering every inch with kisses and nibbles. Dede seems to enjoy the time I spend on her compact butt.

"Before, when you used your thumb," she coos, "that was the first time for me."


"I liked it a lot."

"Enough to explore more there later?"

"Thinking about it," she said with a small laugh, "if there is another later."

"Sounds like lots of 'laters' building up."

"Mmm," she whispers as I run my tongue around her pink rosebud, "I know and I'm already looking forward to later." I push hard against her butt hole with my tongue. She moans and raises her ass to my tongue.

I turn her onto her back and position myself over her. As my tip rubs against her thigh, she takes hold of me and moves me up and down her slit, rubbing it around her clit. Soon, my glans is wet with her fluid.

"Ease it in, Mac, I'm a tiny bit sore."

"We could stop."

"I'm afraid I'd be driven to murder."

"Well, easy does it, then."

I split her lips and her breath catches in her throat.

Remaining still, I lower my head to kiss her lips. She returns my kiss and we let our tongues play. I appreciate that she does not hesitate to offer me her tongue even though I had just rimmed her. Dede is an adventurous lover and I shake with anticipation of exploring more with her.

I slip another couple inches in, accompanied by a soft cry.

I look into her eyes. She is all anticipation.

I increase the pressure until each of our pubis meet.

Keeping most of my weight on my arms and knees, I allow my chest to rest against hers.

We kiss again.

"This feels so good, Mac."

"Yeah, I can't get over what you're doing with your muscles. It is so hot and intimate."

"Can we roll to our sides and stay this way for a bit?"

I nod and move, pulling her along with me.

We are face to face as our sexes meld as one.

"You're not too big..."

"Is that a complaint?" I tease.

"God, no. I mean I was a little worried. You do have a large dick, but it's not grotesquely big. It fills me more than any I've had. I didn't know what to expect since no other guy has been this size."

"Have there been many?"

Dede grins, "Hell of a question to ask as your cock is inside me."

"Don't have to answer," I say. "I'm enjoying being in you and being able to talk. Usually the talking, what there is, occurs after it's over."

I move in and out slightly and Dede pulls my ass to keep me tight.

"Well, besides my husband, who was a spectacularly lousy fuck, there have been exactly four others. One before I married and three since my divorce."

She contracts her vagina walls and I close my eyes to savor the sensation.

"How about you?"

I kiss her. Her breath is both hot and sweet. Her lips are soft and pliant. She is an extraordinary kisser.

"Well, before I married Mandy there were a few, well, more than a few. I haven't counted in a while and must admit I had a bit of a wild streak when I was in my early twenties. Then, with Mandy, well, we didn't cheat, but sometimes the boundaries got wide."

"Meaning swapping?"

"I never cared for that term, I think of it as couples together. I didn't enjoy it as much as she, but never complained. There were two couples we liked. We'd go on weekend trips, stay in the same room. Stuff like that."

"Was Jennifer involved?"

"No. Some people you probably don't know and whom I am not going to mention."

"Fair enough. So was it just watching each other or what?"

"Both, with a lot of "or what".

I slowly move in and out a couple inches. Dede smiles and clinches her vaginal walls around my dick.

"We'd be with the other spouse, I would be fucking the wife, Mandy with the husband. Or, sometimes I would watch Mandy with the guy and the girl."

"Never, you and the guy?"

"No. Have no interest in that."

"Did it bother you to see her screw another guy or another girl?"

I pump Dede a couple times and she pushes against me.

"Oh, I guess I never really saw the attraction of being with a couple. I mean it was different screwing a woman other than my wife. But, I loved Mandy and was not really looking for this sort of adventure. As far as her and another woman, it was hot at first, but again, I was wondering why we were doing it."

"Can I get on top now?"

We roll so that I am lying on my back and Dede is stretched out on top of me.

"Did that lead to the break up?"

"In a way, it did. Mandy seemed to want more and I was wanting to pull back. Finally, she decided to move to California with this other couple and they would live as three."

"Must have hurt."

"At first, it did. I put a lot into our marriage. Worked hard to make it work, you know? But, if someone wants something so basically different, you just have to let it go. I have no hard feelings toward her, nor do I have any love left for her. I hope she's happy, but I doubt it. I think Mandy will always be looking for the next best thing around the bend."

Dede sits up and rides slowly up and down my shaft.

"And since Mandy?"

"Well, that's two years and, including you, I'd guess that there have been, let's see, two."

"No shit. I'm the second woman you've been with in two years."

"Yep. Hope I'm doing ok."

Dede grinned widely, "So far, so fucking good."

She pumps some more.

"So how long since the other woman?"

I tweak her nipples.

"Over a year, maybe closer to two years."

"God, I thought I was bad in not having a man in over a year. What a shame."

"Hey, don't make me out to be a monk. I was busy. Have the garage, some friends, Sam and my Aunt. I don't complain."

"Oh, Mac, I didn't mean you, I meant all the women who have lost out on this."

She begins riding me more vigorously, building up to a fast pace. I respond by thrusting my hips. I work one breast with my hand and use the other to play with her clit.

She is grunting at the end of every thrust and then doubles her speed.

"Oh, this one is going to be huge," she cries.

"Pillow?" I offer.

"Too late," she says hoarsely.

Dede wails long and loud. I know it must fill every corner of the large house. She thrashes hard on my cock and plants her hands on my chest to give her extra leverage to bounce up and down. Her vagina is squeezing me like a vise.

With one last gasp, she collapses on my chest, tears running down her cheeks and wetting my shoulder.

I haven't cum and enjoy being hard inside her.

Dede rests her head on my chest, occasionally tilting her head to kiss me. I remain hard but don't move, just let it rest in her warm moistness.

"Mac, I am really happy, but really wasted. I know you didn't cum this last time. Would you think me the biggest bitch, if we just went to sleep?"

"Can I hold you and keep my dick inside while you sleep?"

Dede looked up at me. I think I see a tear.

"How the fuck did Mandy let you go?" She sighs and nestles her face into the nook of my neck. I pull the sheet and comforter over us. I lightly stroke her back, savoring the curve of her rump in my palms. In a few minutes, Dede is breathing deeply with her mouth slightly open. I kiss the top of her head and drift asleep, my dick nestled in her special place.

I awake in the middle of the night. My soft dick has retreated from its nest. I ease Dede onto her side and cuddle behind her, my hand resting on her breast.

"This is a real woman," I think as I close my eyes.

Morning arrives with a soft knock on our door.

Dede is still sleeping, as I ease myself off the bed and open the door, letting it hide my nakedness.

Ruthann is standing there with a breakfast tray. She's dressed in sweat pants and a big sweater.

"Hi," I say.

"Thought you guys might like some nourishment. I certainly think you need it."

I blush and ask, "You heard us?"

"Yeah, Mac. We did along with most of the houses on Long Island Sound."

"Only on the Sound?" comes a voice behind me.

I turn to see Dede sitting up in bed, her breasts glowing in the morning light.

"I was thinking the entire east coast," she says while stretching.

Ruthann takes the tray to the bed and I let the door close behind her.

As I head to the bed, I notice Ruthann checking out my dick. I wonder why this attraction since she has certainly seen it quite a bit.

Climbing in next to Dede, I pull the covers up over my lap. Ruthann sets the tray over her mother's lap. I realize I'm famished and craving coffee. I pour a mug from the carafe and pick up a buttered English muffin covered with orange marmalade.

"Mmm," Dede says after sipping the rich, dark coffee. "Thanks, sweetie, this is nice."

"My compliments," I add.

Ruthann beams.

We eat and drink in silence. I'm enjoying the nourishment and still buzzing with a sexual high.

Ruthann takes a sip of her coffee and glances back and forth at her mother and me.

"You guys look really good together," she says.

Dede takes a long sip of her coffee.

"Mac, could you give us a few minutes?"

I see a mother-daughter talk looming.

I slip out of bed, grabbing some clothes along the way out of the bedroom. As I close the door, I hear Ruthann softly say, "That's an awesome ass, Mom."

Back in my room, I crawl into bed. I wake some time later and realize I'm starving. Ruthann's breakfast in bed was never finished since she and Dede ended up talking.

I pull on my jeans and a sweatshirt. With just thick socks on my feet, I paddle down to the kitchen. Mim's sitting at the counter eating a poached egg on toast.

"Looks good," I say.

"Sit and I'll fix you one."

"You don't have to..."

"I'm not much of a cook, but a good Scottish lassie knows how to coddle an egg."

She takes the last bite of her food and begins to prepare mine.

Toasting bread she lays two poached eggs on top. She hands them to me along with a cup of strong black coffee.

I dig in and savor the simple flavors.

"Where is everyone?"

"Chrissy and Ruthann have taken themselves out for a hike down toward the Sound."

I sip the coffee. "And, Dede?"

"Ah, now it's Dede, is it," she asks with a twinkle in her eye.

"Well, uh, yes, I guess it is."

"And, I take it that the howling last night is at the root of this new familiarity?"

I can't tell if Mim is teasing or if she is really upset. I now realize that by professing a desire for her and then jumping in the sack with a woman whom she calls a "kindred soul" might appear a bit shallow and crass.

I am trying to find some words that will not sound totally asinine. I fail and just keep my mouth shut.

"Anyway, Mac, Dede appears to still be abed. I wonder if she is feeling all right. Maybe something got into her? What do you think?"

I want to explain. I want to justify. I realize, however, that there is nothing to justify. I went to bed with a beautiful woman and we had fantastic sex. Mim had made it clear that such an act was not in our future. So, why was I feeling ashamed? Hell, I'm not ashamed.

"If I were to speculate, Mim, I would say that Dede is enjoying the luxury of sleeping in after what I hope was a night of outstanding passion."

"Amen," comes a voice from the doorway.

We turn to see Dede. She comes forward wrapped in an oversized robe, stopping next to Mim and across the kitchen island from where I sit. She reaches for my coffee cup and takes a long sip. It's such a simple gesture, but one so full of significance. Dede is stating that we had shared something grand and she doesn't care if Mim knows.

"Morning, Luv," says Mim.

"Morning, Mim."

The two women look at each other. Dede opens her arms and Mim slides into them. They embrace. Breaking apart, they kiss gently on the lips and hug again.

"Can I fix you a bite of breakfast," asks Mim.

"That'd be delightful."

I'm not sure what I just witnessed. I'm sure it was not a sexual embrace and kiss, although it was quite intimate. It is way deeper than the flesh. I begin to understand what Mim meant about kindred spirits. She and Dede connect on a deep plane.

Dede walks around and sits on a stool next to me. I kiss her lips and she kisses back.

"Thanks for giving me a bit of time with Ruthann and the chance to catch a few more minutes of sleep."

"No problem," I say. "I caught a nap, myself."

I watch Mim as she works at the stove. Her bottom is snuggly outlined by her jeans. I recall its naked beauty. I also remember how beautiful Dede was standing nude in front of me. I'm driving myself crazy.

"Problem with Ruthann?" asks Mim as she places the plate with egg and toast before Dede.

"Ah, the tortured mind of a teenager," she sighs.

Mim freshens my cup and sits across from us.

"Want to talk?" says Mim.

"I think we need to," answers Dede looking at me.

"Ruthann has been my rock," she said. "I know a mother is supposed to be the support for her daughter, and I truly think I am that for Ruthann. But, without her I would have let my sanity and self-respect slowly dissipate. This may be difficult for you to hear, Mac, but I hope you will keep an open mind."

I slip my hand over hers and squeeze.

Dede continues.

"Mim has heard some of this, but she is such a dear that she won't mind my repeating myself."

"No, indeed, Luv."

"Mac, you know that a divorce is hard, even if everyone recognizes it is for the best. No matter how you rationalize it, there is the specter of failure present in any divorce. I know you expressed some of that when you spoke of Mandy.

"When my husband left me to go fuck boys, well, that knocked me down hard. I don't know if I would have felt better if he had preferred some young blond with huge tits, but I was totally destroyed to learn he'd prefer a male to me. Of course I had my anger. And, that was a good thing because it helped me get the best settlement from him and his patrician family. Anger goes away, though. In its place I only had doubt and despair. I was feeling completely sorry for myself. One day as I lay around the house wallowing in pity, I looked out the window and saw Ruthann playing by herself in the yard.

"It hit me like a bullet. There was my life and I was turning my back on it. I pulled on my jacket and went out to play with her. Ruthann probably thought I had lost my mind. I had hardly spoken to her in weeks and now I wanted to kick a soccer ball around with her. It didn't happen all at once, but we were able to take baby steps back toward each other. I opened up and told why I was feeling so awful. She told me she felt as if it were her fault her father and I split."

Dede pauses to wipe her eyes on her sleeve. She blows her nose with a tissue Mim passes to her.

"We made a pact to always be honest with each other and to be there for each other. We've honored that pact. So, my daughter became my best friend while I still kept my role as mother. It's sometimes a delicate balancing act. I know I could not go on without her.

"So, the few times I have been involved with a man, Ruthann seems to think that maybe I'll make a commitment to him. She is both happy and frightened. Mostly, she quickly realizes that there is little to be frightened about since there was no way that I was going to marry anyone of those men."

Dede pulls her robe tight around her and drinks some coffee. Mim refills her cup and clears the dirty dishes. Dede spends some time just looking into the dark liquid.

"So, one day Ruthann calls and said she met the most fantastic man and I should meet him because he'd be perfect for me. She also said he had a hard body and, now I quote, "a gorgeous cock." Most mothers don't want their children to be their matchmakers and all mothers do not want their daughters to be checking out a prospective date's equipment."

We all laugh a bit.

"Yeah, she was talking about you, Mac. I followed up with Mim and learned that you indeed seemed to be a nice guy."

"And, I was able to confirm the initial evaluation of the gorgeousness of the aforementioned body part," adds Mim with a smile.

"So, for a while all I heard was Mac this and Mac that. So, when I got that commission and spoke to Mim, she suggested that you would be perfect for my Odysseus. Ruthann and Chrissy were in total agreement. I said I would need female models as well. Ruthann volunteered on the spot. Then, after you were at the dance, the volume tripled in singing your praises. The girls loved dancing with you and talking with you."

Mim is making another pot of coffee. She speaks over her shoulder. "I think I might have added a bit of fuel to the fire. I explained to Dede how much fun we all had together. Of course, I was obliged to add that what was pushing up under that kilt would probably serve as a worthy recommendation for you as Odysseus."

We each top off our cups and sit in silence. Dede plays with her spoon on the granite of the counter.

"So, this morning when Ruthann brought us breakfast, I knew she was letting her imagination run at full speed. That's why I asked you for some privacy when she said we looked good together."

I tell her I understand. I inwardly recall how much attention Ruthann seemed to give my exposed dick.

"I told you we committed to be honest with each other," says Dede. "So, I was honest with Ruthann. I told her we had wonderful sex."

"I think that came as no surprise," interjects Mim. "We all do have ears, you know."

"I guess I might have been a mite expressive," says Dede.

"A mite," agrees Mim as she smiles at her friend and then winks at me.

"Anyway, and Mac please understand what I'm saying, I told Ruthann that I had no intention of marrying you. I explained that sometimes a great night of sex is just that—one special experience. She said that of the men I've dated that you are the coolest and she would be fine with us being together.

"So, after discussing my sexual adventure, we edged into to discussing her own sexuality. Ruthann is a virgin. Watching me help you to orgasm that first day was the closest she's been to sex. Now, comes the difficult part."