Sex Education Ch. 02


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Ruthann is seated at my left, eye level with my groin. Deidre has her circle my thigh with one arm and lean her head against the outside of my leg. She has her look up toward my face, but in reality she is looking almost directly at my erection. Deidre fusses with her pose and finally has Ruthann spread her legs, placing my foot in between her thighs. My toes and heel are touching the inside of each thigh. I look down to see her sex opened slightly as her legs are spread. I think a drop of pre-cum has made its way to my tip.

Deidre has Mim push close to my right side. Her breast pushes into my right bicep. Deidre places her right hand at the very top of my pubic area, behind my erection, with her fingers falling into my thick pubic hair. She tilts her head up and her eyes lock onto mine. To complete the pose, Deidre pushes Mim's tush so that her crotch is now tight against my thigh, nestling the soft blond bush against my thigh. I pray I do not spontaneously ejaculate as I sense the heat from her pussy.

With a couple minor adjustments to each of us, Deidre proclaims it a good pose and runs off a series of photos on her digital camera. She then moves to her easels with large sketch pads attached. Working quickly, she dashes off one sketch after another. Ripping paper from the pads, she lets them float to the floor and keeps working at a rapid pace. She moves the easels to get a slightly different view and completes a dozen additional quick drawings.

After about 45 minutes she allows us to relax our poses and loosen our limbs. None of us has spoken since we began.

Mim looks at me, "How are you holding up, Mac?"

"A little stiff, but ok."

She tries to stifle a smile and looks at my still erect penis.

"Perhaps, more than a little?"

Ruthann overhears us and cracks up.

Deidre asks us to get back into position and she now begins doing more detailed sketches. After about a half-hour, even though I am surrounded by beautiful naked women, my hard-on begins to wilt. I can't touch it because of my bound hands, so just let nature take its course.

Deidre pauses her drawing.

"Mac, I know it's difficult to maintain an erection for such a long time. I am working on that area now. Could we help you resume your pose, as it were."

I nod.

"I can do it, Dede," pipes in Ruthann.

Deidre begins to say something, but then nods.

"Sure, honey, go ahead."

Ruthann turns her dark, doe eyes to mine and cracks a wide smile. She lays her delicate fingers along my flaccid shaft.

I see her mouth make a little 'ooh." She lifts it and begins to squeeze. If what she confessed the night of the dance is true, this is her first time touching a man.

I say softly, "Just stroke it. Move your hand up and down."

Nodding, she begins to lightly touch me. It feels good, but she is too tentative.

I am about to say something, when Mim speaks.

"You can do it harder, Ruthann. You won't hurt him. Go ahead squeeze it and keep moving."

Mim moves her hand on top of Ruthann's and guides it up and down, squeezing my thickening dick. With a look of concentration, Ruthann begins to stroke more aggressively as Mim slips her hand away. Ruthann's actions move my foreskin back and forth and produce some clear liquid.

"Use that liquid to cover his shaft and your hand will move easier," coaches Mim.

Ruthann swirls her fingers around my cap and coats my semi hard dick.

Quickly her hands glide up and down and in a few seconds I respond. She works faster and I am now erect.

"Thanks," I say gazing into her wide eyes.

"My pleasure," she responds with a sly smile.

Deidre takes up her drawing and we work for another hour, with Ruthann helping me maintain my pose a couple times.

"Ok, time for a break and lunch," Deidre declares.

Crystal unties my hands and I begin swinging them to promote circulation. Crystal grabs her robe and trots off in direction of the bathroom.

Ruthann is lying back on the bench working the kinks out. Her lithe body catches the early afternoon light. Lying on her back on the bench her breasts practically disappear onto her chest, leaving her erect nipples pushing up. After a few minutes she stands and coming next to me, tilts her head up and kisses my cheek. "You are the coolest, Mac."

I let my hand rest on the small of her back, resisting the urge to slide it down onto her tiny butt.

She moves away and slips on her robe.

She and Deidre move toward the main house.

Mim and I stand facing each other, completely nude.

"Not uncomfortable?" I ask.

"Surprisingly, no," she responds.

I am tempted to look up and down her body.

Mim senses my discomfort.

"Good Lord, Mac, you can look. After all, I've looked closely at you quite a bit."

I hold her gaze for several moments. Finally, I move my eyes to her chest. My breath catches as I once again take in the beauty of her breasts. I then slowly move my eyes lower, taking in every marvelous inch. My journey stops at her blond tangle. My hard dick twitches as I make out the delicate slit of her lips nestled among the blond wisps.

I return my eyes to hers. She is smiling and slowly turns. I feast on the sight of her perfect butt. After a minute she turns again and looks at me.


"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Thank you."

Mim blushes deeply. Holding her stomach away from my erection, she leans in to kiss my lips tenderly.

"You are quite the gentleman, Angus Bruce. Thank you."

She retrieves both our robes and says we should go eat.

Walking along I ask Mim about Deidre.

"Ruthann calls her mother, Dede?"

'Aye, Dede is what her friends call her. She is a bit of a free spirit and feels her daughter can also be her friend."

"So, what should I call her?"

"I'd stick with Deidre, Mac. She'll let you know if she wants you to call her Dede."

After a light lunch, Deidre tells the women to relax for a bit and asks if I mind going with her to work on some details.

'Give us an hour," she tells them.

Back in the studio, I ask, "Robe off?"


I hang the robe and step into the set.

Looking at my flaccid dick, I say, "I could try to..."

Deidre says, "Actually, I want to work on the muscles in your legs, so you can relax."

She positions me as before, but without binding my hands.

She is working on one of the pads.

"Mac, thanks for agreeing to pose. You are exactly what I had envisioned for Odysseus."

"Happy to help," I say and then add, "mostly."


"Well, I was nervous being naked with Ruthann. She's only a teenager. And..."


"Well, I'm a little surprised you let her touch me."

Deidre sketches in silence for a while.

"Ruthann is the best daughter I could ever have asked for. We love each other and have no major issues. She is, however, Mac, a very self-possessed young woman. I know she has not had any real sexual experience, at least with a man. What they do at school in their dorm rooms, I don't know, and definitely don't ask. But, she is embracing life and I support her."

Deidre rips off the sheet and starts on a new one. I look at the discarded paper on the floor and see a half-dozen views of my thighs and a few of my calves.

"She likes you a lot, Mac. She told me what a wonderful time she and Chrissy had at the dance. I think she appreciates that you treat like a woman and not just a kid. She also said you had a 'wicked hot' body."

We both laugh at Deidre's imitation of a young girl's slang.

"Mac, can you flex your left calf for a bit?"

I comply and she draws.

"So, other than be willing to stand naked among these beautiful women, how am I what you were looking for in a model?"

Deidre moves her easel to get a different angle.

"First, you have a good body. Nice musculature, good proportions, and a handsome face. Second, there is a rugged quality about you that strikes a chord. I imagine that Odysseus was rugged being a warrior and then challenged by his travels. Of course, you have a great cock. I love that it is uncircumcised. And, it's large and thick. Very manly and easy to draw."

Deidre continues to draw and has me position my leg a couple different ways.

"I've had a number of male models for different works," she says as she works. "They all were circumcised. I don't find the cut cock nearly as interesting as an intact one. A couple were relatively small and, to tell the truth, it's not easy to draw a small cock. Much better to work with a big, thick one like yours. Also, you are the first man I'm drawing with an erection. I like it. Mac, you have a perfect cock when it's hard."

I am slightly amazed having such a frank discussion about my anatomy with an attractive woman. I study Deidre as she works. She is wearing a tight t-shirt that reveals a small chest and flat stomach. I put her age at mid to late 40s. I'd have guessed younger just by her appearance, but she does have a 19 year-old daughter. She is in top shape. Her face is unlined and her skin is clear with a soft sheen. Her grey eyes could be those of a twenty year old. Well, actually they are as lively as her daughter's. With her tight jeans, I can imagine her long legs are still toned and shapely.

About 15 minutes later, Deidre says she has what she needs.

"I'll go get the girls. Mac, we will pick up where we left off before. I will need you hard again. If you can't get it up, I'm sure Ruthann will help. She seemed to enjoy it the first time."

As Deidre heads out, I begin stroking myself. Unfortunately, I'm still half-mast when everyone returns.

We take out positions and Crystal ties my hands.

Without any urging, Ruthann takes matters into her hands and soon has me up and ready. Her sweet smile sends a chill through my body as alarms go off in my brain. "This is just a kid," I remind myself.

She takes her former position at my feet and grazes my balls with her hands as she snakes her arm around my thigh. Resting her head on my thigh, she turns her head and places a soft kiss on the outer part of my leg. I am rigid, especially looking at her open pussy as she pulls her legs apart to slide them around my foot.

Mim pushes her breasts back into my arm and her nipples feel harder than before. She places her hand near my pubic patch, letting her fingers drift a little lower than before. Added to all this is Crystal's hard nubs making an indention on my shoulder and into my back.

Deidre is now working on a more detailed and full-scale sketch. There is no conversation as Deidre makes subtle adjustments in our poses. After an hour of holding my latest pose, my muscles are screaming. But the pro that I am, I maintain a rock hard dick, with occasional assistance from Ruthann.

By now I have held an erection for the better part of the day. I recall describing blue balls in the sex ed class. I fear I may be experiencing a severe case tonight. I let my mind drift to fantasize about Ruthann taking control and with a mixture of kisses and stroking bringing me to a stellar orgasm.

I'm awakened from my reverie by a stifled laugh from Ruthann. I look down at her and she is swallowing a smile.

I furrow my brow and mouth, "What?"

She mouths back, "It's jumping."

I look at my dick and see it bounce. I guess my daydreams were affecting my hard-on. I just smile at Ruthann and she returns the gesture.

Deidre works us for another thirty minutes. She looks outside at the dimming light.

"I guess we should call it a day," she says. "Thank you, guys, you are the best. Get some rest. We'll have cocktails at 6 and dinner at 7."

"Are we all invited," comes a voice from the doorway.

We turn to see Sam and Chrissy standing there. All the ladies exchange waves and greetings. Of course, with my hands still tied behind my back I can only stand there fully erect and grin. I consider trying to wave with my dick, but then I reconsider. Probably not cool.

I look at Chrissy and she gives me a wide smile and dramatically lets her eyes drop to my crotch.

Crystal grabs her robe and trots over to exchange a hug with Sam.

"Hey, Deidre," calls Sam, "can we use the hot tub?"

"Sure, it's all set."

Chrissy asks if Ruthann is coming.

"In a bit," she answers. "You go ahead with Sam and Crystal. I'll catch you in a little while."

She stands and unties me as the three women leave.

"Mac," says Deidre, "you have been fabulous today. I'm sure you are all knotted up. Posing can be strenuous. How about I give you a massage?"


Ruthann jumps in, "She's the best, Mac. Dede is a licensed massage therapist. Before she and my father married, she had her own business."

I look at Deidre and she nods.

She takes my silence as an answer and moves to the far corner of the room. I hadn't noticed some furniture covered with sheets. Ruthann joins her and they wheel two massage tables toward the center of the studio.

"Mim, if you are up for a rub-down, Ruthann can help you relax. I've been teaching her and she is quite good. Got great strong hands. You'll love her and she needs the practice."

"Sure," says Mim. "I could use a good working over."

Remaining naked, Mim crawls up onto the table, lying face down. An equally nude Ruthann grabs a plastic bottle of what looks like oil and starts dribbling some on Mim's back.

Deidre guides me to lie on my stomach. I turn my head to the side to be able to watch Mim and Ruthann. My erection has mostly subsided, but I wonder if it will stay down as I marvel at Mim's round bottom. And, gazing at the slender and sexy figure of Ruthann doesn't help matters.

"Have you ever had a deep muscle massage, Mac?" asks Deidre as she runs her oiled hands up and down my back.

"I've had a couple massages back when I was in banking," I reply enjoying her touch and the warmth strength of her hands. "I guess they were deep muscle, I just called them massages."

"Ok," she says letting her fingers trace my spine. "What I like to do with some people is combine deep muscle with a sensuous massage. By sensuous, I mean that the entire body is engaged and no body part is avoided. If you are comfortable with that approach, I know I can rid you of all the knots and especially the tension you accumulated today."

Already I am getting into the touching and murmur agreement. I wish she could alleviate the biggest tension resting in my testicles.

I watch as Ruthann works Mim's shoulders and back. Mim has her face turned toward me and opens her eyes for a few seconds, smiles and then closes them.

Deidre is working my traps and manipulates my arm so she can release some tension. Moving down my back, she soon is working on my butt. I notice Ruthann is doing the same to Mim.

After kneading each cheek, Deidre works down one leg and then back up the other.

Mim is now turning onto her back. Her breasts form small pillows on her chest, with her pink nipples clearly distended. Her untrimmed blond bush erupts from her crotch in spires of silky curls.

"Mac, do you trust me?" asks Deidre.

"I guess. But, why are you asking?"

"Because I want to extend the boundaries of the massage. If you trust me, I can promise you will not regret it. And, I believe this is what you need."

"Ok, I trust you."

"Roll onto your back."

Deidre reaches underneath the table and retrieves a thick pillow. She asks me to raise my hips and she slips it underneath. My butt is now raised.

Deidre slips on an exam glove.

"What are you..."

"Mac, I'm going to massage your prostate. And, then, well let's say, I want to make sure you don't experience blue balls tonight."


"Believe me you will love it."

"The only other time I've had a finger there is during my annual physical."

"This will be different."

I look at Mim. She is watching me and I think I detect a nod. Ruthann is massaging Mim's breasts making soft circles with her hands, but stealing glances in my direction. I now guess that the ladies must have been discussing this at lunch.

I feel oil dribbling down my crack. Deidre uses a finger to work it around my anus and pushes a bit inside. I flinch. Mim winks at me as Ruthann slightly pulls Mim's nipples up extending the pale orbs from her chest.

Deidre works more oil in my anus and then slowly inserts a finger. My instinct is to tighten to fight the intrusion.

With her other hand she strokes my butt. "Relax, honey."

I will my anus to relax and Deidre's finger enters completely.

I feel her tip touch my prostrate and I moan out loud. She gently rubs it and hot pleasure infuses my body, emanating from my anus outward. I am rapidly becoming hard.

"Are you finished with Mim, Sweetie?"

Ruthann says she is.

Mim nods in agreement.

"Come and work Mac's shoulders and chest, while I tend to his needs."

Ruthann stands at my head. I look up to see the underside of her cute breasts with her nipples dark and hard.

She leans forward and works the muscles in my neck and shoulder. I turn my head to look at the table beside me. Mim is now lying on her side, resting her head on her folded arm. Her breasts drop slightly, but hold their shape. Her free hand is nestled between her legs.

Ruthann is working miracles with my tense muscles and Deidre is still gently working her finger inside me. My erection is throbbing.

I turn my head to the other side and Ruthann digs in.

Deidre is making soft circles on my stomach.

I close my eyes. In a second they pop open as I feel a hand moving up and down my hard shaft.

I look down to see Deidre stroking me.

"I don't think..."

"Sssh," Deidre says. "Just go with it, Mac."

I can feel my balls tightening. After hours of maintaining an erection, standing among beautiful naked women, and having my prostate so erotically massaged, I want release. I cannot let it go in front of these three.

"I'm very close."

"It's ok, Mac. You need this. Let it go."

"No, I can't."

"Sure you can. It's natural. Let it happen."

"But, Ruthann..."

"She needs to learn some things, Mac. It's fine."

She slips her hand on my balls and massages them. Letting them fall free, she grabs my shaft and picks up the tempo.

Ruthann leans forward and I stare at the puffy nipples inches above my head. I hear a soft moan to my right where Mim is lying. I feel the pressure reach the critical point. There is no holding back.

Deidre pumps harder. Her finger plunges deeper and hits my prostate again and begins milking it. I groan and let loose.

My first shot explodes and hits Ruthann, splattering her left breast. Deidre then pushes my erection tight against my stomach and I shoot four more times, my cum spreading out over my chest and stomach. Deidre coaxes two more explosions by milking my prostate and caressing my cock and balls with her hand.

She slips her finger from my butt. Her other hand is covered in my cum. Slipping off her glove, she rubs my torso working the goo on her fingers into the puddles already on me. She covers my chest and stomach. Ruthann helps her work the rapidly cooling liquid into my skin. The glob on her breast remains.

As I look across at Mim, who is now sitting, the enormity of what just happened strikes me. Three women watched me cum. If what Ruthann said at the dance is true, this is the first time she has seen a man reach orgasm. What would Mim now think of me? I want to get close to her. I want her, period. Now, will she think me some deviant?

"That was beautiful," Mim says. "Thank you, Mac, for allowing us to be part of your intimate life." She stands, drapes her robe over her shoulders and leaves the studio.

"Are you ok, Mac?" asks Deidre.

"A bit shocked, Deidre. I don't know if I should be embarrassed, mortified or what."

"Mac, don't be anything. What happened is the most natural thing in the world. You were aroused for most of the day. You needed, and you deserved, release. Also, milking the prostate is good for you. It cleans out the system. Now, you can get cleaned up, rest and we'll have a fantastic dinner."