Servant of Heart and Body

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A manservant reveals his feelings for his lesbian employers.
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Note: All characters depicted in this sci-fi world are adult humans or genetically modified human hybrids. ;-)


'Tit sucking cunt!'

'Kindergarten whore!'

Pissed off, Clotilde and Adelina entered their stately home.

'Who does that skank think she is!?' Adelina said, kicking off her shoes after crashing on the couch. 'She barely got out of school! Rags for hags!?'

'She's barely ten years younger than us!' said Clotilde, tossing their sketchbooks aside and pulling off her blue meshed dress. 'Calling us outmoded!'

'Just because she won the latest award for that trend hopping manufacturer she thinks she can dictate the current fashion!? We've been at the top for years and know the business way better than her!' Adelina said, looking for a corkscrew to open the bottle of wine left on the table. 'Thomas!'

'He's helping out at the market today, remember?'

'Ah, yeah. Baking waffles and pancakes for the neighbour's charity.'

'I'm going to take a cool shower.'

'I'm going to find us some glasses and something to eat. And the corkscrew.'

When Clotilde returned from the shower Adelina had found the corkscrew and poured two glasses of wine for them.

'I'll take a shower now.' said Adelina irritated. 'Spilled wine on me, opening that bottle.'

'Will you help me brush afterwards?'

'Of course, puppy.' Adelina said and gave Clotilde a quick kiss. 'I'll be quick.'

Clotilde put down the two large towels on the couch, then sat down, took a drink from her glass and started brushing her black and white fur.

A few minutes later Adelina walked in naked and sat down next to her, grabbing a brush.

'I hate arrogant chicks like her.' she said and started brushing Clotilde's bushy tail. 'And of course the idiot male editors hang on her lips because she exposes so much of her tits each time.'

'People must think she knows all about fashion, only because she has those Siamese feline genes.'

'Hah! Then Thomas would certainly be better at it than her.'

'Tell me about it.'

'I don't even get why they asked her to attend our fashion show!'

'They're doing it on purpose to undermine our designs. They're afraid of challenging us. They know they can never reach our level.'

After they finished brushing her, Clotilde put on an action movie to get their mind off things while they opened the next bottle of wine.

The movie had a young heroine fighting an older female villain, which had them cheering for the villain.

'Yeah, show that little tramp she needs to suck her mommas tits longer before taking on a real woman!' Adelina said, thrusting out a fist.

'Kick her back to daycare!' said Clotilde.

Unfortunately at the end of the movie the heroine defeated the villain and the girls booed at her.

'I need more wine.' Clotilde said.

'I want more snacks.' Adelina said.

'Let's go then.' Clotilde said, stood up and pulled Adelina up.

Together they walked a little unsteady towards the kitchen but halted when they heard voices.

'Thanks for all you did.' a female voice said.

'I'm happy to help for a good cause.' Thomas said.

They peeked around the corner to see Thomas, holding a box, at the door with Mindy, the neighbour's daughter.

'Your waffles were the best I've ever had.' she said.

'Thanks, but I didn't do anything special.' he said, smiling softly.

'I'd still like to eat them, if you ever feel like coming over and making them?' she said, looking hopefully at him.

'How about your birthday then? That's coming up soon, right?'

'I'd love that.' she said, then stood on her toes to give him a kiss on his cheek. 'Thank you.'

He watched her hurry back home, then closed the door smiling. He turned around and froze when he saw Adelina and Clotilde glaring at him.

'My ladies? You're-'

'So that's why you went to help at that charity, eh?' said Clotilde.

'Trying to impress the neighbour's young daughter?' said Adelina.

'No, I..' said Thomas as the two walked up to him.

'Isn't that typical? A pretty young thing flutters her eyes and all of a sudden all the men try to please her.' Clotilde growled.

'If that wasn't enough, they prance around with their perky tits to hypnotise them.'

'But..' he said, backing up against the sink.

'Don't deny it, mister Thomas. I've never seen you look at us like you did to her.'

'I didn't..' he said, looking from one to the other.

'You think we're old hags too? Think we're past our sell by date?'

'No, you-'

'Chasing after her like the tomcat you are. When she just got her pubes!'

'Are those young things so great? They're not even fully developed! Is there something wrong with the way we look!?'

'I thi-' he said, leaning back more while they leaned closer to him.

'Don't you know a woman looks her best after maturing?'

'But then we're just old hags to you, right!?'

'Are these bodies so ugly to you!?' said Clotilde, holding her small breasts.

'Are we so disgusting to you, you won't like us any more!? said Adelina, hitting the box out of his hands and pushed herself against him.

'Would you rather be her servant!?' said Clotilde, pushing herself against him as well.

'No!' shouted Thomas. 'I think the misses are the most attractive women on the planet!'

They looked at him silently as he looked up, trying to regain his composure.

Adelina looked at Clotilde who was just as surprised as her to hear this. They stepped back feeling guilty and Clotilde felt the box against her paw. She looked down to find it open, with the waffles spilled on the floor.

'You brought waffles?'

'I thought you might like some, since you're not really good at getting a decent dinner when I'm not around.' he said.

The girls picked up the waffles and box and put them on the counter.

Clotilde sniffed at one. 'They smell delicious.' she said and nibbled on it.

Adelina took a bite from another and nodded.

'I'll make you new ones, so don't eat those.' he said.

They shook their heads.

You saved these for us.' said Clotilde.

'Thank you.' said Adelina.

He looked at them and sighed. 'I'll clean up tomorrow, so if you'll excuse me.'

He wanted to leave the kitchen when Adelina grabbed his sleeve.

'Miss?' he asked, looking back at her.

'Do you really mean that?'

'Mean what, miss?'

'About us?'

He looked away and nodded.

'You never said anything. Not even peeked at us accidentally.'

'I could never betray your trust in me. Especially since you're a couple.'

'But you fantasized about us, right?' Clotilde asked.

He shook his head. 'I'd be afraid I'd lose my cool near you and put shame on me.'

Adelina looked at Clotilde.

'Sleep well, Thomas.' she said as she let go of his sleeve.

'Pleasant dreams, my ladies.' he said, then left for his room at the back of the house.

He had just undressed when he heard a knock on his door.

'Thomas?' asked Clotilde.

'Just a moment, miss.' he said, putting on his pants quickly.

He opened the door to find her in a long shirt.

'Sorry to disturb you, but we saw a large spider in our bed.'

'I'll get it.' he said and walked with her to their bedroom.

Adelina was standing in one corner when he came in.

'I think I saw it under the right pillow.' she said, pointing at the bed.

He walked up to it and carefully lifted the pillow to find nothing.

'Maybe the other?' suggested Clotilde.

He lifted that one but still nothing.

'You don't suppose it might have gone under the covers?' asked Adelina, moving close to him.

He pulled back the covers bit by bit while they kept close to him.

'Nothing.' he said, after he had pulled off the blanket completely. 'It has probably fled to safety already.'

'But what if it comes back in the dark?' asked Adelina.

'I don't want to think about it crawling around while we're asleep.' said Clotilde.

'I don't want to be covered in webbing when I wake up.'

Thomas looked at Adelina.

'Maybe you should stay tonight to protect us?'

'Good night, my ladies.' he said and wanted to leave but they held him tight.

'Why won't you give in?' Clotilde asked.

'Because I don't want you regretting it. And I don't want to be a one time fling. I don't want to be hurt like that.'

He looked at the floor while Adelina caressed his ear. 'You really love us, don't you?'

'I can see you love each other more than anything. I don't ever want to come in-between that.'

Clotilde pinched his other ear, causing him to clench his teeth.

'Who ever said you'd come in-between us?' she said. 'Didn't you ever think it makes no difference to how Lina and I feel about each other?'


Clotilde let go of his ear and Adelina pulled on his other. 'Tilde is right. I won't change the way I love her, only because there's someone else to love.'

He sat down on the edge of the bed. 'Gomen. I just don't know how to deal with this.'

They sat down next to him.

'We got jealous today.' Adelina said.


'Because of Mindy flirting with you.' said Clotilde.

'If we weren't pissed off about some young designer calling our designs old, we would have never realised it.' Adelina said.

'Why would you be jealous? You're great at what you do and you have each other.'

Clotilde smiled and leaned against him. 'We know, but we also feel more insecure because of that.'

'Something as simple as a couple of waffles triggered a whole lot of backed up emotions.' Adelina said and leaned against his other side. 'Have you ever thought about becoming a father?'

'Father?' he asked, feeling confused. 'I've never thought I'd be one.'

'Would you like to be one?'

'I think I would, but-'

'Then if you got the chance?'

'With two women?' Clotilde asked.

He shook his head. 'Wait, wait, wait. What are you talking about?'

'Lina and I have been talking about it, having kids.'


'You know,' Adelina said. 'little ones that grow up to become adults.'

'I know, but what do you mean?'

Clotilde took Adelina's hand in hers. 'We've been talking about having kids of our own.'

It started to dawn on him. 'Then you want, me..'

They sat for a while as he sorted out his thoughts.

'We've been thinking about getting it from a donor, but neither of us wanted to get it from some stranger.' Adelina said.

'Then we started thinking about what we wanted to see from a man if we could get him to donate.' Clotilde said.

'Not just physical, also in character, since we want him to be a real father to our children too.'

They took his hands in theirs.

'We made a list of all the qualifications.'

'And your name came up each time.'

'We wanted to ask you sooner, but then we got nervous and didn't dare.'

He remembered them occasionally coming up to him, then never ask the question.

'And then tonight happened.'

They squeezed his hands lightly.

'We didn't mean to get angry at you. We were just afraid to lose you. To be too late.'

'Then you still said the sweetest thing to us.'

'And then we realised we both had come to love you in the last year.'

'So now we're here, to ask you if you want to take the final step to be part of our family.'

'That's..' he said, then looked up, trying not to laugh out loud. 'Oh, man.. All these thoughts, and feelings that go through my head now.' He fell back on the bed, giggling.

They leaned over to him and he looked at their faces. 'If this is some joke, I'm going to be heartbroken.'

'It's not.' Adelina said and kissed him softly.

He fell silent, then Clotilde turned his face to her and kissed him.

'We want you into our life, not just during the day, but at night as well.'

'We want you to take care of us, not as our servant, but as our lover and man.'

He watched them smile softly at him. 'I'd like that.'

They hugged him so tight he thought he'd die.

Adelina rubbed her nose against his cheek and neck. 'Mmm, you still smell of waffles.'

'I was about to take a shower..'

'I guess I stopped you in time, then.' Clotilde said, nuzzling the other side of his neck.

Adelina ran her fingers through his chest fur and kissed him. 'It makes me want to nibble more of you.'

'And I think I know where you could begin.' Clotilde said, seeing the swelling in his pants and sliding her hand inside them to feel up his dick.

'How pent up must you be, holding back all these years?' Adelina said, moving her hand down, stroking his nubbed dick together with Clotilde.

'I'm afraid you will find out quick enough.' he said, feeling the tension in his dick.

Adelina looked at Clotilde and smiled deviously, then they pulled down his pants.

'Go sit against the back.' Clotilde told him.

He moved back while they pulled off their shirts and tossed them aside. He watched the two sit on their knees, showing off their bodies.

'You look fantastic, my ladies.'

They crawled on all fours to him.

'No more calling us like that, lover.' Clotilde said and kissed him.

'Unless we like you to role play with us.' Adelina said, stroking the nubs on his dick again.

They pulled his legs apart and sat down between them.

'Let us prepare your release.' Clotilde said, put her arms around Adelina and kissed her, touching her lips with her tongue, then let Adelina run her tongue along hers.

They kissed and used their tongues to soak their mouths in their saliva.

'How's seeing this in front of you?' Adelina asked him, grinning slightly.

'Every men's wet dream.'

'Now, to give you your release.' she said and they lied down together between his legs, leaned on his thighs and slid their kissing mouths over his dickhead, causing an instant shiver from his tip through his dick, balls, up his spine, causing his fur and tail to stand up straight and him to let out a yelp.

They giggled as they heard him catching his breath and feel the tremble going through his hips and continued their kissing around his tip while they moved their free hands along each other's body.

'Ohgodsohgodsohgodsyougirlsaregonnadrivemeinsane..' he said, trying to keep sitting still when the shivers didn't seize coming through his body.

The girls moved down his shaft slowly, then went up to continue sliding their tongues along his tip and each other.

'I'm gonna..' he panted as his body started shaking, then shot his seed in their mouths with a deep sigh.

The girls hummed satisfied and continued licking his tip in their kiss, swallowing his sperm and cleaning him while his dick kept throbbing. When they had sucked every last bit of his seed from him they sat up while kissing.

When they stopped Adelina caressed Clotilde's cheeks. 'That was some load.'

Clotilde nodded. 'I like this form of kissing.'

Adelina looked at the satisfied Thomas. 'You were really pent up indeed.'

He grinned. 'That had also to do with two beautiful women and their incredible kissing. I doubt if I can ever withstand that.'

'Well, since we'll be doing this more often, maybe we can train your resistance.' Clotilde said with a devious smile.

'Training can't hurt.' he chuckled, then pulled them closer, kissing their bellies. 'I want to kiss and lick you all over now.'

They ran their fingers through his hair, then moved back for him to get on his knees and pull them tight against him. He kissed Clotilde first, tasting her tongue and saliva, then Adelina's and they kissed each other again.

'You go first.' said Clotilde to Adelina.

'Thanks.' she said and laid back on the bed with the others next to her.

Clotilde and Thomas started kissing her neck, running their hands gently along her body while she hummed with pleasure. They started kissing around her breasts, teasing her nipples until they were fully erect and ready to be sucked on.

Adelina heaved her chest a little as they alternated licking, sucking and nibbling on her. 'Two predators are nibbling on me, and I love it.' she whispered.

They both growled once and chuckled. 'Just wait until we really start to eat you.' Clotilde said and bit gently in Adelina's breast, making her moan softly.

They went down together, kissing her belly, using their tongues together on her button, sliding them down her hips and biting gently in her sides, making her squirm. They kissed her thighs, then inside along her wet pussy, having her moan more.

'Enjoy the meal.' said Clotilde to Thomas.

'I'm sure I will.' he said, then slid his tongue along Adelina's wet slit, having the first taste of her juices.

He sucked a little on her lips, making her moan while Clotilde licked her clit before moving back up to massage and lick all over her breasts.

'You're so wonderful..' moaned Adelina. 'I love you both..'

Thomas slid his tongue inside her, making her hips twitch, then sucked on her lips again along with her clit. 'You taste so good.' he said. 'I could eat you any time.'

'Then eat me anytime you're hungry..' she moaned and pulled Clotilde up to kiss her. 'Together with you, my love.' she moaned and kissed her deep.

Thomas growled as he slid his tongue in and out of her, licking up all her juices and massaging her clit with his fingers. Adelina pushed her hips against his mouth, panting hard and licking Clotilde's tongue while she massaged her nipples.

He felt her thighs tense more, licked her clit harder and she climaxed with a long moan. He licked her slit slowly clean before she grabbed the base of Clotilde's tail and pulled to make her stick up her ass.

'Your turn.' she whispered in her ear and licked it once.

'Meanie.' Clotilde whispered as Adelina grinned at her, then let out a soft growl when Thomas ran his fingers next to her pussy.

'You smell good.' he said, touching her lips with his nose.

'Don't say that!'

'But you do.' he said, licking softly along her lips first, then her anus.

'No, not that dirty hole.' she moaned.

'You say that, but I know you like being teased there.' Adelina said and kissed her.

'Then I'll do my best to please you.' he said and nibbled on her lips.

Clotilde groaned as he licked her clit and stuck his tongue deep inside her before stroking its length against her twitching sphincter. 'You're licking my most shameful spot.'

'And loving it.' he said, sliding his tongue from her clit to her anus in long, hard licks while running his fingers through the fur on her behind.

Adelina kissed her, sliding her tongue along hers until she twitched her hips and growled deep the moment she came.

'Meanies!' Clotilde said, punching Thomas. 'You took advantage of the one thing I'm ashamed of.'

He grabbed her and held her tight against him, kissing her neck. 'There's nothing to be ashamed of. I love to lick you there and make you feel good.'

Adelina embraced her from behind. 'Don't blame him. I wanted you to let go of your hesitation to experience a little dirty pleasure.' she said and kissed the other side of her neck. 'Forgive me?'

Clotilde pouted a little.

'I'll do anything you like, if you'll forgive her.' he said, caressing her cheek.

She sighed. 'Fine.'

Adelina kissed her cheek and rubbed her cheek against hers. 'I love you so much, puppy. I want to share any ecstacy with you.'

'Just let me get used to it first, next time.' she said, turning her head to kiss Adelina.

They looked at Thomas, who smiled as he watched them.

'Just seeing the love between you two makes me happy.' he said.

'Softie.' Clotilde said, poking him which made him chuckle.

Adelina straddled him, then looked back at Clotilde. 'Take me, puppy?'

Clotilde nibbled on Adelina's ear. 'With pleasure, cutie.' she said, then got off the bed to open the closet.

Adelina stroked Thomas's dick slowly. 'Make me feel good?'

He smiled softly at her, caressing her cheek. 'Any way I can.' he said, and she lowered herself on his dick, letting out a deep sigh. 'I can feel your nubs rubbing my insides.'