Secret Desire Ch. 10


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Malini couldn't help but laugh herself. She saw the light at which Cindy was talking about. But as angry as she was. She knew that if she was going to have a business of her own, she was required to be as ruthless and determined as he was. But at what cost? Her humanity? Malini was here on this trip to learn about business. And Howard had promised to show her the ways. Was this one of the lessons? Was, this his way of showing that one needs to use whatever means necessary to help get what they need for the welfare of their business?

She didn't know. She was too confused to think straight anyways. She wasn't sure, if being on the boat had some kind of a learning curve to it, or if it was all just Howard taking advantage of her. Just like Kevin did.

"I don't know what to say, really." Malini said.

"YOU don't have to say anything." Cindy laid a coy wink. Malini was clueless why Cindy was acting this way. "I saw you hanging around with THE person."

"What are you talking about?" asked Malini, "Amanda?"

"Well, Duh!!" laughed, Cindy.

"How is she important?" Malini joined along laughing. "She's just another model on here, sleeping with some rich guys." Pretending to be clueless.

"She not any model." Cindy corrected her. "She's THE model. That's Amanda Parker. The woman behind the famous fitness fashion revolution. And no, she's not fucking some rich guy. She's fucking THE rich guy."

"OK, I'm a little confused here." Said Malini. "What do you mean, exactly?"

"Well, of all the guys who've 'forgiven' and are back in business with Howard. There's only one guy who's determined to never be in business with Howard again. And that's Mr. Johnson."

"Haha. Johnson? Really? What is he like 70?" Malini laughed.

"Quite the contrary." Cindy said with a sly grin. "He's actually the youngest on here. The woman he was married to was apparently the love of his life. When she cheated on him with Howard he didn't just lose respect for her, but most women in general. He's been seen with a different supermodel every few months. Amanda's the one's who stuck around the longest since."

"Sounds like quite an accomplishment." Malini, laughed. "So, lemme get this straight. He's Howard and Addams' competition, on the island?"

"Yup." Cindy nodded with a large grin.

"Wow. So, if you get him, then that would confirm, Howard and Addams rise to the top again."

As much as she heard what Cindy said, she couldn't help but wonder. If Howard had anything planned on his own against, Addams. Given how devious, the business world functions, she wouldn't blame either one of them if they did.

Having all the crazy thoughts brewing in her head, she wondered if this is who she needed to become in order to run a successful business. She downed her drink and poured herself another stiff one. She was never much of a drinker. She had only started the habit after having come to this country. But she's never felt the need to be drunk, than she did at that very moment.

"You ok, there?" laughed Cindy as she nursed her drink and kicked Malini gently on the shin trying to get her attention.

"Umm, yeah." She said and shook her head with a confused look on her face.

Malini's been with multiple men thanks to the path Kevin paved for her. But she's never really wrapped her head around the idea of sleeping with someone, anyone who she didn't feel connected to. Frankly the idea of sleeping with someone, purely as a transaction just seemed vile to her. She wasn't sure if she was capable of being that person. She didn't know if she could, or if she would, if the opportunity presented itself.

And then she wondered. Kevin didn't think twice before sending her off with Howard. Why should she care. Howard didn't think twice before sending her off on this trip. Why should she? And now that she thought about it. Amanda didn't think twice about being here either. Why should she let herself be bothered by this so much?

Malini spent the rest of the day in bed with drinking and partying by themselves, until they both passed out.

Malini woke up after dark and took a quick shower before she stepped out. She found Amanda at the table with a guy. She walked by and shot a smile at Amanda and the man she was sitting with. She wondered if this was who Cindy was talking about. And if so, did she need to sleep with him to get what she came here for. What she was sent here for.

She noticed the helicopter on the helipad and then back at the man again. She met his eyes and their gaze lingered. She remembered the way Howard had first looked at her when she visited his penthouse with Kevin.

It barely took a second before Amanda was walking towards her. The two women headed straight to the bar and started drinking. She was so lost in what she was preparing herself to do, that she barely listened to anything Amanda had said. Every seemed vague and blurry.

It didn't take long before the two women were making out.

Malini was so drunk that she even gave a twirl to the music as the two women loosened up a little more. Soon the crowd gathered around them and Malini found herself in the middle of it all with Amanda in her arms making out. She didn't know when but she found herself being sandwiched between Amanda and someone else. She felt the man's pelvis against her butt and grinding as their bodies swayed to the music. She was taken back to the night she first danced with Howard. It felt like Déjà vu.

She didn't bother looking at who it was. She let the man roam his hands all over her and focused more on Amanda and her sweet lips.

Malini knew if she was going to go through with this, she needed to be more drunk. She slipped away from the crowd and ordered another whiskey at the bar. And just as she did, a bold voice from behind. "And bring the bottle." He said.

Malini turned around and met his eyes. From the way he looked at her, she knew what he wanted. And all the drinks and the dancing and the kissing had her wanting the same. She downed the whiskey and slammed the glass on the counter. She then once again looked at him and smiled. She watched his lips curve.

That was the last thing she remembered until she woke up the next morning. Or at least what she thought. The sun was head up and the entire boat was silent. The sound of the seagulls in the air.

She held her hand at her tits along with the sheet and rose. She was in bed with Amanda and the other man she was dancing with the night before. The entire night was a blur. The bed was rather large and wide and the three of them were seemed to be closer to one end. Unfortunately, Amanda was closer to the end and the man in his large muscular frame right between them.

She scoffed and noticed the man was different from all the other men she's met since Kevin brought her into this new environment. He seemed fit and well put together.

The sheets that she held at her breast had the end of it over his crotch area and the woman in her was curious enough that she took a peek before she rolled over to the far end of the bed.

Malini wrapped herself in the sheet and tucked her hair behind her ear and looked around the floor for her clothes. She noticed someone come by the window and she tired her best to hurry but couldn't find it. And then she found a head peeking in through one of the windows. It was Cindy.

Malini rolled her eyes and sighed in relief. She bunched up the sheet around her and stepped out the door. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Well, it's obvious don't you think?" Cindy grinned, I saw you leaving the party with Ms Amanda and Mr Johnson, I came to see if you ever planned on returning to OUR room." She winked.

"This is no time to joke, Cindy." Malini shut her off as she had trouble holding the really large sheet around her body. "I can't even find my clothes. I need to get out of here."

"Before you plan on leaving. Take this." She said handing Malini a flash drive.

"A thumb drive?" Malini asked, raising a brow.

"It's not a thumb drive. I don't know what the technical term is but if you plug this into personal laptop it plants a discrete bug which makes a copy of all his data into a private server." Cindy then scoffed and shook her head. "I don't really have time to explain anything. Here, I noticed his computer on the desk there. Just take this and make sure you wait until the light turns green."

"Wait, what light?" she asked, "And I can't do this, not right now." Malini rejected. "They're both still in there. What if they wake up?"

"I don't know, show them your tits and distract them, I don't care." Cindy snickered a little. "Or do one of those things you did last night. It definitely kept them quite busy last night." She winked teasingly.

"I don't remember what happen last night, I was too drunk. I remember making out with Amanda at the bar and that's it." She said.

"We don't have time to talk about all that, they might wake up any minute." Cindy warned, "Just go in there and plug this into the laptop."

Malini was scared out of her mind, she wasn't sure why she was as easily convinced to do that but she just walked right back into the room. With the thumb drive clenched tight in her hand, along with a portion of the sheet that she held up at her tits.

Malini walked in and turned to find the table a mess. The content on the table was busy along with the laptop which was open. She wondered if anything would pop up as soon as she'd plug the thumb drive. She scouted around the floor a moment for her clothes, just in case if they wake up, she could just grab the flash drive and run.

For a moment she didn't realize that she was on his turf. The room was a mess and there wasn't just their clothes and curtains on the floor, but pillows and sheets as well. The room was such a mess That she could only wonder what it was that she really did. And for a brief moment wished she was sober enough to have remembered.

She looked around for as long as she did but when got to the table, she figured that she might as well plug the thumb drive. It would quicken the process.

One of the couch pillows was on the table along with a pair of panties. Malini pulled the pillow off the table just as she plugged the thumb drive. As soon as she did, she noticed the tiny low red light at the side of the thumb drive. She figured that's where the light turns green.

Just then she heard the man's voice, "What are you doing?"

Malini shrieked and she let go of the sheets and stood naked holding the pillow at her naked body and clenching the string of the panties in her hand. Barely covering herself up. "I.. umm... I was looking for my clothes." She said stuttering, before reaching for the sheets again as she let go of the panties, realizing that it wasn't hers.

"Wait, let me help you." Said Mr Johnson and he propped off the bed and reached for his boxers which laid at the foot of the bed, conveniently.

She had taken a peek before but seeing his thick member just hang there, between his legs brought that familiar tingle between her legs. She noticed that he saw her shamelessly gawking at his cock and laughed. "There's no need for modesty." He said as he started to walk towards her direction.

She knew that she didn't need him near the table. So, she closed the gap by walking towards him, but quicker. "Mr Johnson. I don't..."

"Again. There's no need for all that." he smiled and calmingly held her by the shoulder, "Especially after last night." He winked at her, "Call me Jay." He said. She wondered if that was short for Johnson. Then she wondered what his first name was and noticed that he was turned towards the table and so she instinctively dropped the sheet. And stood stark naked in front of him.

Jay paused and saw her naked in all her glory for a moment before she took a step towards her a grabbed a handful of her tit and squeezed it as he reached around the back of her neck and pulled her in for a kiss. "I knew Howard was sorry, but I didn't realize he was really serious about it." He laughed breaking the kiss.

Lost in the daze of the illicit embrace she mumbled, "Sorry?" she blurted, "What do you mean?"

"Howard doesn't come along for these trips anymore. For a reason..." he said and stopped and turned to see her. "Why are you to him anyways?"

"It's complicated." Malini said.

"How complicated?" he asked.

"Well, she was sent to Howard as a collateral by a guy who took money from him. Who happens to be Mrs. Malini's son's closest friend?" Came Amanda's voice from the back.

Malini turned to see the woman naked on the bed. She held herself up by the elbow and grinning wide at her.

"OK. That is complicated." Jay concurred.

Hearing the words come out of Amanda was uncomfortable. It was like she was bare in front of these strangers. She's been naked and didn't feel so a second ago. But now she did. It was like these people knew her for everything that she was. Something about it was so crushing and also elevating.

"Oh and did I mention that she's also keeping Howard in good company." Amanda laughed.

Malini fumed. For a moment she didn't fear the consequence of being caught with the thumb drive. "Well, you're the one to talk." Malini shot back and laughed.

And Amanda followed it with a laugh propped up on her feet on the bed and bounced over to where they were and pulled them both back on the bed.

Malini fell back on Amanda and began making out with the woman, but her focus was more on Jay. She didn't want him going towards his computer.

Malini leaned in and kissed the woman and moaned hard. With every smacking kiss, she peeked to see Jay. Little did he know why she was so concerned.

The kissing intensified and the soon the two women were rolling around on the bed, moaning and grinding against each other.

Despite the fact that Malini was hacking this man. She couldn't help but get turned on by all this. She broke the kiss to catch her breath. But Amanda's kisses began travelling south. Malini laid back and turned to see Jay, who stood by the bed.

Her eyes travelled south and openly gawked at his cock hanging low. Impressively big but still hanging low. She chewed her bottom lips from the effect Amanda had on her. But she also yearned for that cock. She didn't remember what happen last night. But she was planning on keeping this to memory.

Malini, moaned and reached towards his direction but clawed into the bed and the sheets. She moaned hard. Amanda was really talented with her lips and knew her way around a pussy.

She was so lost in the pleasure. She had no idea when her eyes even shut. When Malini opened her eyes, she noticed Jay with his pants in his hand and searching through the pockets.

Malini didn't want him gone. More importantly, she didn't want him getting dressed. She didn't want him reaching for the laptop, if he chose to leave with it. She couldn't risk it. She moaned hard and her moaning lingered, "Mmmmmggghhh Jay." She called out.

Jay caught her eyes and smiled. He dropped the pants and held his phone in his hand.

"Jay..." she cooed again, "We need you." She purred.

Jay walked around behind Amanda and took one good look at her bent over butt and just tossed his phone on the bed. He rocked a hard smack on her ass causing her to pulled her lips off Malini and turned to him, "Hey!" She spoke sternly and yet sounded sexy. "Be gentle." She smiled and dove back into eating Malini.

"Yes, honey." He said and plunged himself into her and leaned over and kissed her back and shoulder.

Malini had no idea why she did what she did but. But pulled Amanda's lips off her pussy and sat up only to taste herself on the woman's lips. She kissed her hard and passionately. Only for Amanda to be yanked away.

Malini brought herself back up on her knees and found both Amanda and Jay on their knees fucking doggy but her body was upright. He had his arm around her waist up to her tit and squeezing it hard as he pounded her. He kissed her neck and shoulder. But Malini intervened.

She brought herself up to the moaning woman and kissed her again. She needed to taste herself more. Especially on Amanda's lips. She didn't know why she had that craving but she did. She kissed her and soon her kisses trailed to Jay. She kissed him and moaned into the kiss. "Not her." Malini said. Only to push Amanda from his grasp. "ME!" she spoke sternly and smiled as he replaced Amanda in the very same position. Her back to Jay and his arm around her groping her tits.

Malini pulled his hand off her tit and positioned it at her hips and smiled at Amanda as the woman turned to see what Malini put herself into.

Amanda had a very confident smile and she watched them with pride.

Malini mimicked the smile and reached over her shoulder and kissed Jay before she bent over and began kissing Amanda. As the two women made out. Jay picked up pace and Malini broke the kiss due to the sheer pace of the pounding and let out a loud moan and clawed at Amanda's tit. "I wanna taste you." She demanded.

For the first time in a very long time. Malini finally felt some control in her hands. She had them both exactly where she wanted them and while she was hacking the guy. The fact that the guy was oblivious to what she was doing to him turned her on. She's never been as turned on as she was at that very moment. She dove in between Amanda's legs and began taking control of the woman's body. It didn't take long before Amanda began shuddering hard on her lips.

Malini was relentless. And she didn't stop until the woman was shaking over and over again. She didn't stop until Amanda passed out entirely. It actually took Malini to even realize that Amanda had passed out.

Watching Amanda thrash as violently as she did must have turned Jay up to a 11 because he was smacking her ass and pounding her relentlessly. He yanked her back up the hair and clawed at her tits savagely.

Malini hissed at first but grinned at him as she reached for a kiss. "Is that all you got?" she taunted him.

He then pushed her back down and smacked her ass hard. Malini took the assault with pride and groaned as she arched her back for him. She had her face mushed between Amanda's legs, with the top of her head still against, Amanda's damp pussy. The man fucked her and fucked her good.

When he was finally done, he came all over her back. Malini fell hard with her belly slamming on the bed and laughed at the man's exhaustion. Jay fell beside her on his front.

She rolled off and watched the man panting. She rolled him on his front and smiled as she kissed his lips, "You're not done yet." Mounted his face. She began grinding his face as she noticed his phone on the bed right beside the passed-out woman.

She picked up the phone silenced it. She took a series of screenshots of the man's contacts and his primary call list and a few of his emails as she was grinding against his face. She knew that he'd have a private network where none of his email would ever be tracked, because she knew that, that's what Howard did.

She sent all screenshots to Cindy and herself. And once they were out. She deleted the sent items and tossed the phone back where it was.

She then dropped down to taste herself on his cock and sucked him off while he ate her.

Amanda woke up just in time to see the two 69ing. And pulled herself off the bed and announce, "I'm gonna go draw myself a bath. If you two ever finish or wanna continue in there. Come join me." She said and stepped into the bathroom.

Malini had him hard again in no time but he brought her to cum sooner than she expected. When she was done. She pulled herself off him. "You're gonna take this out on Amanda, honey." She teased. "I gotta go see the girls." She said.

"The girls?" jay asked.

"Cindy and the girls." Malini laughed at his ignorance. Did he really not know who she was here with?"