Secret Desire Ch. 09


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Seeing Taylor off, Cindy and Katy decided to do the same themselves. Malini, graciously accepted the offer and figured that she hasn't been out shopping in a really long time.

Howard handed Malini his credit card and the girls kissed him each before they were on their way.

The girls were out all afternoon, picking out new bikinis and lingerie. Malini felt at home every morning she pulled something out from the collection Howard had for her in the room they shared. And it wasn't until now that she realized that none of them were of her preference.

Everything that she wore were the kind of clothes that he had picked out for her. She never seemed to have a say in what she wanted.

The entire time so far, she was being told that she was free to do whatever she wanted. But now that she thought about it. It was clear that she was free to do anything she chose to, from the options Howard and the girls have laid out.

For a brief moment she felt so disconnected from herself and the whole process that she decided to take a walk.

Malini didn't say a word to the girls and just stepped out. She didn't even bother taking her bag with her. She just left.

The woman was in such a dilemma of the kind of situation she found herself in, that she needed something good to cheer her up.

She never realized how long she's been away from the girls until she felt the urge to call home. Talk to Madhan. Hear his voice. Confess everything that's been going on. The affair and everything. And it was then that she realized she didn't have her phone with her.

She walked back to the lingerie store and the girls were gone. For a moment she panicked. She walked out hoping to find a way to call the hotel and get someone from there to get in touch with Howard.

But just then, she heard a voice from the lingerie store.

It was a voice of a man. A familiar voice.

It was the voice of the guy who's been at the beck and call of Taylor. She wondered if Taylor was there with him. Maybe she could catch a ride with them back to the hotel.

She couldn't believe how stupid she was being walking away from the girls. And without her phone at that.

Just Malini turned towards the direction of the voice, she saw the man face her.

He recognized her from the glance. Malini offered a welcoming smile. She needed to. She was desperate.

The man picked up the bags and walked right out.

"Hi." She said, "Are you headed back to the hotel?" she asked.

The man looked a little confused. For a moment Malini was nervous. "I'm sorry?" he said.

"Oh... I'm sorry. We met yesterday. At the golf course. And this morning at the hotel? When you had come to take Taylor out." She said.

"Yes. I'm sorry." He replied, "You're one of the women, Ms. Taylor was with this morning. I'm sorry." He said, "My memory, lost me."

"That's ok." She said, and asked again, "Are you heading back to the hotel?" she asked.

"Yes." He said.

Malini sighed in relief and smiled brightly. "Thanks, I was actually out shopping with the girls and kinda got lost." She said.

"That's alright, Ms." He said, "I'll arrange for the car to take you back to the hotel."

"Thank you so much." She said, "And you can call me Malini." She said. And just as the words left her lips, she had just realized what she had said. She wasn't sure, if she even needed to be as acquainted with anyone associated with someone whom Howard was in business with.

"Yes, Ms. Malini." He said as they two headed out to the basement.

And luckily, as she followed the guy, she found Cindy and Katy at the parking lot.

"Oh my god. Where did you run off to?" said Katy as the two women came rushing towards Malini.

"I thought I saw someone I recognized outside and got lost." Said Malini. She lied.

Cindy listened but looked at her funny. "Where were for so long?" she asked.

"Just looking for the two of you." Malini said. "When I finally found the lingerie shop, I went in find you two, you weren't there. And luckily I found..." she said turning to the man.

"You can call me Alan. Ms. Malini." He said with a big calming smile.

"I found Alana and he offered me to give me a lift back to the hotel." She said with a smile.

"Alan?" said Cindy as she looked at the two of them, puzzled.

"He works for Addams. He was with Taylor this morning?" said Malini, hoping to jolt Cindy's memory.

"Ah... Yes."

"Yeah." She said and rolled her eyes before turning to Alan. "Well, anyways. I think I'll drive back with the girls. And thanks for the offer." She said and as he nodded exited.

The girls waited until Alan was away before they started prying. "When did you even meet him?" Katy asked.

"He was at the lingerie store, when I went in there looking for you two."

"What a co incidence."

"Yes. It is."

"And, what gave you the idea to ask him? I mean, how you knew he was working for Addams?" asked Cindy.

"Come on. We saw him yesterday." Said Malini.

"Where?" asked Katy.

"At the golf course. When Addams' woman came over. What's her name?" said Malini, faking it.


"Ahh, yes. Taylor." She said, "He was with her, when she showed up. And he was with her when she left this morning after breakfast."

"You've got quite an eye." Said Katy.

"I'm very observant." Malini said laughing as the three women headed back to the hotel.

The rest of the day was a bust Malini soon found herself at the suite, once again all by herself. She stepped out at the balcony and peered across the building to see if he was at Addams' suite.

But it was just him.

Addams was on the couch. It was facing the away from her. And all she could see was the back of the couch and the back of his head. His thick shoulders spread across the back of the couch as he sat right in the middle of it.

The TV was on and he seemed relaxed.

Just as she was about to head back to bed. She noticed someone rise from under the couch.

It was Taylor. She was probably on her knees blowing him off. She mounted him and the woman got to work.

Malini watched shamelessly for as long as she felt her own body reacting to it.

She wanted to head back to the girls for the night. Not sure when Howard was coming over. She contemplated for a while. She didn't want to offend him by the bed empty that night. Especially after having spent every night together since the time they first hooked up.

Despite the fact that she had orgasmed every morning and night the last couple of weeks. She still felt the strongest urge to wanna be touched. Held. Fucked.

She finally made up her mind and headed to the door. And just as she reached for the knob. The door flung open.

It was Howard. She smiled welcoming him.

"You headed somewhere?" he asked. Walking right past her and into the bedroom.

"I thought I'd go spend some time with the girls." She said as she tailed him.

"Want me to call them over."

"No." she said as she reached towards him and slipped his jacket off his back. She leaned in and kissed him.

Howard wrapped his arm around her and kissed her back. It didn't take long before her robe fell to the floor and the two fell naked on the bed and the two ended up in a passionate act of lust.

Malini was so taken by what she had witnessed and the sheer passion of Howard in her arms, she orgasmed multiple times before she passed out. She didn't know when it even happened until she woke up the next morning.

The room was still dark but a soft glimmer hue was present on the window. The sun was almost up. Her eyes fell upon the man lying beside her. Naked. Her eyes wandered down his pelvis to find his cock in all its glory. Full and yet slumped over on the side. Pointing at her.

Seeing the man sleep to peacefully, she began wondering the circumstances that brought her to this place. The wonder of what it all meant. Where this path even led. She didn't know.

She reached for his cock and let held it in her hand. Thick and heavy. She smiled at how much more joy this little piece of meat brought her.

And how so much of her life changed because of it.

Malini pulled herself between his legs and took his cock into her mouth and began working her head. It didn't take long before she felt the thick cock harden inside her mouth. She pulled out and slobbered all over it before taking it back into her mouth and continued to suck him off.

"Good morning." Howard said as he did most mornings. Relaxed and with a big grinning smile as he had his dick sucked off.

"Good morning." She mumbled with his cock still in her mouth and continued to suck him.

She pulled it out and her it up with her fingers around the base of it and looked up at him, "I have a question." She said.

"Mmmm... What is it?" he asked

She took his cock back into her mouth and downed it half way before she pulled out with a pop. "It's about my situation."

"What situation?" he asked. Still not making an effort to even look at her.

She leaned in and sucked on his balls. One after another twice before she ran her tongue from the base to the head. "The situation of my, being here." She said.

"What about it?" he asked as she pulled himself up by his elbows.

"For as long as we've been here. I don't think I've seen or learnt anything educational about the restaurant business." She said and let go of his cock.

"And...?" he quipped curious where she was going with this.

"Well..." she said as she leaned over and kissed him on his thick muscular thighs and up his pelvis and. "For as long as came over. I've partied hard and frankly had a lot of fun." She said kissing her way up to his chest. "And ever since you broke the news about Kevin. We've pretty much been enjoying each other's company like a couple on their honeymoon." She said mounting him.

Howard listened to her and yet seeing her actions contradict her words, he smiled. Her hands over his shoulder pushed him hard enough that he fell on his back as she mounted him. "That we are." He chuckled as he reached of her hips.

Malini raised a little as she reached between her legs and guided his cock into her pussy. "I'm curious if this is all this trip is going to be all about for me?" she said as she lowered herself on his cock and let out a deep lustful moan.

"You've got plenty to learn from the trip." He said. "But before that. There are a few things I've got to get done."

"Lemme guess." She said as she began working her hips. "It's got something to do with Addams and his mistress?"

Howard laughed and watched the woman get to work, mesmerized at the way her full tits moved. "Not just..." he said as he reached for her tits and squeezed them.

"What do you mean?" she asked as she picked up pace.

"There's a lot I've got planned for the girls and you too." He said.

"ME!?" she stopped moving, surprised and curious, what exactly he just meant by that.

Howard grabbed her hands and yanked her over him and rolled her onto her back as he laughed as he got on top of her.

He pinned both her hands beside her head and grinned as he thrust into her. His eyes trailed down to her tits and watched them bounce before he met her gaze again.

"Yes." He grinned, loosening his grip around one of her wrists. He cupped her left breast and leaned in and kissed her, "And with what I need done, I'm sure, you're gonna have a lot of fun."

Malini wasn't sure what he meant or even, what he was insinuating. The man was a great business man she's seen it first hand in all the time she's been here. But he wasn't the one to be vague.

"What are you... Oh FUCK!" she grunted and moaned as he thrust harder into her, "What do you... Mean?" she asked.

"You'll find out in a couple of hours." He said as he continued to pound his cock into her.

Howard slipped his hand off her tit and down to her hip as he let go of the other hand and planted his elbow firm and buried his head into her neck. He kissed her and sucked on her soft flesh as he continued to fuck her.

Malini was so taken by the passion she wrapped both her arms around him. An arm around his back and the other cradling his head as she shared kisses every time his lips passed along her lips.

The two were in such a passionate endeavour, that neither one of them noticed Cindy in the room.

The woman stood by the door. Leaning against the door frame with her arms folded and a bag along the elbow with both her arms folded as she accentuated her tits out through the low-cut dress.

She watched the two in passion and for a moment, regretted having come over, fully dressed. She watched as he noticed not an inch of gap between the two. She watched Howard thrust into her with such rageful passion. That with every thrust Malini's flesh rippled. She's couldn't remember the last time she watched him fuck someone the way he fucked her.

For a moment she wondered if this, was what it was like every night? She couldn't help the way her body was reacting to the sight of it all.

Lucky her, it didn't take long. Malini's moans began getting louder with every thrust and soon the two lovers were embraced in a kiss as Howard sunk his cock deep into her.

Their bodies were still and still for a brief second before his waist pushed against her hips still inside her a couple more times before his entire body fell limp on top of her. Cindy's heart began pounding harder than it's ever had. She's never witnessed him fuck anyone the way he did her. She didn't want to admit it to herself, but she wished it was her.

Malini's moans filled the walls and frankly every sound that echoed in the room, Cindy was more turned on than the most passionate sex she's ever had with anyone. She couldn't believe that this is what she had come over to witness.

The moment she noticed Howard's body fall limp. Cindy cleared her throat. He didn't notice. She repeated and then came the voice. "FUCK!" it was Malini.

Howard took a moment to catch his breath before he rolled off her. Both of them found the stunned expression on Cindy's face, but not say a word about it. "Lemme guess... I'm late." Howard said.

Cindy let out a soft snicker, "Yeah, you are." She said as her eyes bounced between the two.

Howard didn't waste another minute. He pulled himself up and brushed his fingers along Malini's legs. "You need to get dressed." He said.

"Where are we going." Asked Malini.

"I told you, it's gonna be fun."

"I'm sure it would be, but where are we going?" she asked just as he walked past the bed. She grabbed him by the hand and reeled him in for a kiss and clawed his shoulder. She was still a little giddy from the intense orgasm he just gave her.

Howard kissed her and cupped her breast firmly before he pulled away. "WE are not going anywhere." He said, "But YOU are." He said with a big grinning smile and left to the bathroom. "And Cindy will tell you all about it."

"Wait. You're sending her?" she asked yelling at the bathroom door. "I thought you're sending Katy with the woman Addams came with."

"I am." He said yelling back, "And Malini's going to join them."

"And you thought fucking her this morning before sending her away was a good idea?" she yelled.

"Just prepare the call the guys and let them know of who's coming. I'm sure, Malini's more than capable of handling herself." He said.

Hearing them speak Malini was absolutely clueless. She wasn't sure what was going on. But it was clear that Malini was going somewhere. And apparently, so was Katy and Taylor.

"Wait, where am I going again?" asked Malini as she rolled over on her side crossing her legs. Holding herself up by the elbow.

Cindy for a moment forgot just how gorgeous Malini really was. The sight of the woman just rolling around in bed turned her on. Cindy had every intention to spay the woman's legs open and eat her out then and there. But she knew that would only delay their plans. And she definitely didn't want to do that.

Cindy didn't say much except that she was travelling and that she'd be on a yacht with Taylor and Katy with a few other people on it. But no idea who or what kind of people.

At about 8 she was out with waiting for a car when Taylor showed up. Before she could ask her, what was going on, Katy and Cindy came following. Malini was distraught and was on the look out for Howard curious, what was going on and where she was headed. But he was a no show.

"Where's Howard?" she asked Cindy.

Cindy smile and pointed up at the sky for some reason. And just as she did. Malini found a helicopter left off from the roof of one of the buildings.

"Wait where's he going? He's not coming with us?" she asked.

"Nope." Said Cindy as a car pulled over and the women got in.

Malini looked around, clueless and confused before she turned to the car. "Come on." Said Taylor. "We're getting late."

Malini took a deep breath and sighed. She realized where she was and what her situation is. She accepted the reality of it all before she got into the car without a second thought.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Please update soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Pls update soon

Hi bro I'm dying to read the next part. Hope you bring Arun and madhan back into the story. The first few chapters were really the best.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

What's gonna happen to malini?

where is she going?

Can't wait to read your next chapter.

Please update soon.

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