SciFurz & Kittypet

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How I met my kitten.
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*The story of how I met my beloved Kittypet and our first intimate online encounter.

*Any spelling mistakes are deliberate as part of the online messages (speech).

*Literotica rules apply

*Once more to be clear, all characters are at least 18 years old. In fact, Kittypet had just turned 19 when we met. :-)



All characters engaging in copulation, drinking, substance abuse or other so-called adult behaviour that might appear in this totally not made up story are of the magical adult age before anything like that happens according to the laws of your residence.
All characters are not fictional this time and have no resemblance to any other person, animal or object, living or dead, or even undead, zombie or ectoplasmic form than our own.
No animals were harmed during the making of this story, except for those slaughtered to feed humans or satisfy experiments, feed predators in the wild, those in unfortunate accidents and the ones who enjoy their BDSM relationship.

Only names and places have been changed in order to protect my Kittypet from unwanted attention. Like men who want to steal her away. *growls* She's mine, go away!



The day I first heard from her I was down in the pits as I had been for the last couple of years.

The sheer amount of negative experiences through work and in life had been bringing me down for years, stomping out any moment I started to enjoy myself and feel any semblance of being content. I didn't know how to be happy anymore.
Not that anyone knew. I didn't tell anyone, kept up my usual attitude because I didn't want any pity or advice I already knew but wasn't working for me.

I had tried to limit the amount of negative input by taking every wednesday off, ignoring any IT issues and it did feel better for a while, but then it just became business as usual.
Writing kept me from going into the deep end, but my life was just a mess and I lost all care about what was happening to me. I only cared about hiding in the worlds I created one word at a time. Be damned what the future in reality would bring, it could go screw itself.

I quit working full-time, got sick of the thought of money which only gave me negative associations and didn't care that I would still get some if I just billed people. I wanted nothing more to do with the world spiralling down into a greedy, impersonal mess.

And then a tiny spark lit up my life for a moment.
I had received an email through the feedback on Literotica.


Chapter 01

"Dear SciFurz,

I'm not much of a writer but I am an avid reader and I know a good story when I read one.
I just want you to know that I like the stories that I read on your profile so far. I haven't read all of it yet since I just started but I'm excited to. And your stories prove that sex scenes are not the only interesting part of an erotica. I hope to read more of your stories! :-D

Your Fan,
aka. Maddie Cait"

I didn't know why, but her comment did something to me. I had received good comments before which made me feel good, but there was something more this time.
There was no reply address for the feedback. I searched the site and two search engines in hopes of finding a user account or blog belonging to her name but to no avail. I couldn't tell her thanks and talk more to her if she'd wanted to and felt a bit frustrated.
I saved her comment in my email archive and had to regretfully forget about contacting her, my only hope she'd leave comments for me to reply to when she read the rest of my stories.

And then I received a note two weeks later through another site I had posted a few stories a short while ago, to see how things worked there.

"Hi Mr. SciFurz...

Hope you update Isabelle & Mr. Bête, love the story. I saw you updated on another story which I already read on another site.
Just an advice though sir, you may wanna keep your readers on their toes, make them crave for your next chapter not just outright post the whole story but its just an advice though, you don't have to follow it if you don't want to. I'm just gonna stop rambling now.

Anyways, welcome here!!!"

My heart leaped. Was this really the same girl that had commented to me before? She said she had read the second story on another site and it could have only been Literotica.
I checked her profile on the site, liking how she described herself and wrote my reply at once, hoping she'd read it soon.

"Hi Maddie (it is Maddie, right? Interesting name, haven't heard it before)

Anyway, first of, no Mr. or sir from now on, I prefer casual SciFurz. :-)

I was thinking about putting up one chapter at a time on the new on, but I figured I'd just put this one up completely. The sequel to this will be posted one chapter at a time though on this and other sites when I've put up the complete story on other sites.

So far I've only got the first one and a half chapters written anyway (and only posted on that 18+ website). :-p
Seeing you like reptiles you might like it, although most of the characters will be on the bad side in this sequel and in the much larger and complexer sequel to that one (which is also a matter of perspective).

Posting chapter by chapter is indeed one of the ways to make readers beg for more. I can enjoy being a little sadistic in this way. :-)

Now, my advice to you, don't let native language prevent you from writing. Do it in your own language first and post that, translation can be done later at any time and who knows, maybe someone will offer to help you or do it for you. :-)

About Isabelle and her beast, I will upload the rest of the chapters one by one in the next weeks, so I hope the craving is worth it. ;-)

This was my rambling, so don't worry about yours and thanks for the welcome.



When the email alert on my mobile phone rang I saw she had replied quickly to my pleasant surprise.

"Maddie isn't really my real name just like SciFurz isn't yours. It's like the short term for my name and as for the language problem...I'm from Indonesia and we have a lot of dialect and by a lot I mean dozens of them and our national language is Indonesian and I'm just adequate at that. Our dialect is like, the most native of all."

I was glad to hear quickly from her and wanting to talk more to her, wrote my reply to her at once.

"Still, Maddie sounds nice. :-)

Dozens? I see the problem. But your English seems good. I've seen native English speakers do a lot worse than you. Wouldn't you try to write in English?
Reading English was how I started learning it and by the time I got it in class it became easy for me."

I would like to see what kind of stories were in her head and hoped to encourage her to write.
Her reply came soon again.

"Believe me I've tried a lot of times and just ended up over thinking the plot and it gets messy in the end. I got a lot of drafts in my computer and it never gets finished. But I'm an avid reader though as you can see on my reading list on my page and there's a lot more in my archive that I haven't sorted yet."

I thought of how many text files I had in my story directory with scenes for new stories and the idea files I had made to gather ideas in each genre of fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, erotica, horror. I could understand her view, although I hadn't had a problem of coming up with complex plots and told her so.

"*laughs* I wouldn't mind if my ideas got messy sometimes. Usually mine are plain simple and lack the complexity to really fill up the pages.
I do however rewrite anything if I can add something to it, making it grow in size slowly.

I made a spreadsheet in LibreOffice a while ago to organise plot, characters, items, etcetera while writing a story, but I haven't yet really needed it because nothing was complex enough.

Important though is to keep writing down ideas. I sometimes regret not writing down one when I thought of it when it might have been interesting to use it.

I'm lucky enough to be Dutch, which means I grew up with English and German TV, books and magazines to develop a small skill set. Too bad I didn't watch any French TV or read it because that would have been interesting."

This time it took longer for her reply and I figured she was asleep by now after checking what time it would be for her. But her reply came sooner than I had expected again.

"Sorry SciFurz, I fell asleep last night, it was raining here and I couldn't fight off the temptation. I don't know what time it is there but it's already 6 am here. It's rainy season here in our country, the forecast was on the news last time meaning were gonna have storms for a week every afternoon. I'm guessing it's night there?

And Wow, Netherlands. What's it like to live there? Do you have snow? Of course you have. I've always want to touch snow...I know I may seem like an ignorant but it's understandable right? I mean we only have two seasons: wet and dry. The latter is not really not wanted. Its just unfair you guys have to have four seasons all of which is more than 3 letter word and doesn't sound dreary ad our weather here."

I had to smile. She was so sweet to apologise when I wasn't expecting her to reply to all of my messages, and certainly not at the time at her side of the globe.
And I thought it was a little funny how she mentioned snow. I wondered how many people outside my country really knew what winter's like here. Last time I saw decent snow had been years ago.

"Don´t apologise, I saw the time difference is 6 hours so I'm not surprised to see you fall asleep at that time. :-)

Even I'm not always awake at this time in the morning. My sleep schedule is naturally late and I tend to get my sleep after 02:00 and sleep in periods of a 5-6 hours and a few hours during the late morning or early afternoon.

We do have snow here. Well.., more like we had snow here. There was a bit of white in the grass months ago. The year before that, two, maybe three days snow on the ground. The last real snow has been 3 or 4 years ago, at least in my area.
The seasons now are mainly differentiated by the temperature, the rest is the same cloudiness and bouts of rain.
I do wonder what summer will look like this year. The year has been warmer than ever before so far. Maybe autumn will disappear as well. No more colourful trees. :-/

So don't be too upset about the four seasons here, we're slowly drifting towards your local weather. :-) I only suspect we won't be getting typhoons here. Luckily."

Once again I heard the bell of the email notification telling me she had replied. Or at least it was most likely what I hoped for.

"Well, we'll be receiving typhoon this time of the year. Our country is like a typhoon absorbent being in the pacific ring of fire."

I hoped she lived out of harms way.

"*nods* I wish you good luck with that. I've seen the news coverage plenty of times and the mess it causes."

"Thanks, our country really needs it. Lucky for me though I live in the south part of the country which doesn't get hit with typhoons. "

Yes, I felt relieved about hearing that.
I had seen her comments on one story and had replied there to show people I read them and to not leave out replies which would confuse anyone reading them. I wasn't sure though is she'd get a notification about replies there.

"Good. Saves me from more worry if I see it happening on the news. :-)

btw, in case you don't get notified of replies (haven't seen that yet), I do plan on continuing Love or Lust because it's based on a short story I wrote and it's all about the end.
This version only got more characters."

"Yeah I've seen it and replied to it. Actually, I have read it on another website. ;-) And I was really looking forward to meeting Darkfang, he's my type of character: tough and grumpy on the outside but a romantic on the inside. :-)"

I laughed at how she liked Darkfang. Although that should not have been a surprise for that kind of character. Such a soft beast would be most girl's favourite I thought.

"Okay. I had to look at the notifications to see it. There was no indicator about the comment this time.
Hopefully I've wet your appetite for the next chapter. :-p"

She gave me the answer I loved to hear as a writer.

"You can look for it in the news feed and yep you certainly did! Can't wait for it! :-)"

Now I remembered there was an app for the site. The website itself was still rather rudimentary.
Her wanting to read the next chapter also made me want to tease her a little.

"I see, I only use the website and no news feed. The amount of email notifications are bad enough. :-)

Glad to see you want to read it, is there any way to use that for blackmailing you? *laughs*
Although then I also need to finish that chapter soon.. More work.. Darn."

I wondered if she'd play along, or maybe thought I was a weirdo.

"Try using the's convenient.

And blackmail? *laughs* seriously? What for? *narrowed eyes*

Glad I'm motivating you to write. :-)"

I laughed at her reaction. She wasn't a meek girl.

"What for? You mean I also have to think up something for that too? o.O;
I'll just write it. Much less of a hassle. :-p"

Hopefully that would get me out of the blackmail thing because what could a man demand from a funny girl that wouldn't be thought of as sexist or perverted or worse?

"Forget the blackmail thing... :p
And yeah it's probably best, whatever the outcome is I'll still like it. :)"

I was glad she had humour and let me off the hook.
But then I had to instruct some people at work because the sudden troubles that morning were too difficult for them to handle and couldn't reply for a while.

"Are you mad?"

When I read her question it filled me with joy on the one hand for her being concerned I would be mad at her for some non-existing reason and the sense she really wanted to have my online company, and on the other hand a sadness and guilt I might have hurt her feelings.
I replied at once, making a joke that would hopefully cheer her up if that was needed.

"-) No way. Unless that would help with the blackmail. :-p
There's trouble at a few customers and I was busy helping others by phone, and now I'm preparing things to do a rush install of a server at one site.
It's a little hectic now. I even had to make sandwiches for dinner while I'm working. :-p

IT kills me. :-)"

Her reply took away my worries.

"Nope, it won't... :p

Sorry if I'm disturbing you then. Didn't know you were busy, go do your thing! :) But your still working? It's already what there? 5Pm?"

Like hell was she disturbing me. Talking to her made me feel less stressful to have to work on the current troubles, which I hoped I could start leaving behind me.

"Don't worry, if I'm not busy, I get made busy by things happening in real life anyway. :-p
In a way it's nice to get a little distraction from work. :-)

It's 5:30 now, and it'll probably be 8 or 9 before I'm done."

Seeing the time I dreaded to have to say goodbye to her, but it was getting late for her and she should get to bed on time.

"Well it's almost twelve here and sleep is almost catching up to me, so...

Wait, before I go... I just want to tell you that...

Your profile pic looks weird...
*laughs* :) :) :)


I laughed again. And I noticed I had been feeling good for much longer than usually in a day.

"o.O; Really? *checks* I don't see anything weird.

You're seeing things because you're tired. I hope your vision is better after a good night of sleep. :-p"

I went on with the emergency at one of the clients and just hoped I'd see her again tomorrow, but then I got a surprise message.

":) He looks like he's melting... * laughs* He looks silly honestly *laughs again*"

"What? My beautiful goatee! How can I look wise and evil without it!?

And what are you doing up? I thought you were already asleep by now.."

I didn't want her to lose sleep, but it also made me happy to see she wanted to talk to me, and secretly hoped I made a good impression on her and made her want a little of my attention.

"Nah..can't sleep.:)
You have a goatee? *laugh* No offence.:)"

Couldn't sleep? I felt evil hoping she couldn't because she kept thinking of me. That would have been an ego booster for me.

*strokes his goatee, looking evil* I just wanted something different again after a few years of blank face. o.o I tend to do a different look every few years. :-p

*ponders* No, I'd better not try singing a lullaby. It'll only bring nightmares."

I wondered how she react to me being the evil guy and laughed.

":):)* laughs*.. And don't worry about the lullaby, 'cause I love horror. I practically sleep with them. *evil laugh*;)"

She was getting more interesting already. I racked my brain for something metal from my collection with a scary title.

"No wonder you dared to talk to me. :-p

*sings Die by my Hand from Coroner*


"Now how am I suppose to reply to that? :);)"

I laughed and was tempted to suggest something very naughty.

How much more horror can it be? I could also sing Die, die, my darling by Metallica, or.. *tries to remember other songs*"

""Killing me softly with his song, Telling my whole life with his words, killing me softly...." -Roberta Flack

"Are you sure you're not a killer out to find it's prey?:)"

Oh shit. She was onto me. Although killing was not on my mind with this funny girl.

"The question is, can you be sure? *wrings hands, strokes goatee*"

"Well no, but I haven't disclosed any info about me except that I'm from Indonesia. And my name is not really Maddie. So, I think I'm perfectly safe.:):)"

I laughed and she got me more curious about her, so I'd thought I'd see if I could charm her into disclosing a bit more about her.

"And you like reptiles. That narrows the search down. :-)"

"That doesn't really help a lot. I mean there has to hundreds who like reptiles"

"I'll look for those who think I look silly as well. *growls*"

"*laughs* :):) I think there would be plenty of that as well. :p

I give you something though...but in exchange you'll give me one of yours.:) Deal?"

Now that got my attention. Had my charms an effect on her? Probably not, but what the heck.

"Oh dear. What will you want? *nervous*"

"First name only. :) or is that too much?"

I could not imagine that being to much to disclose, for me anyway. Women on the net need to be more careful unfortunately.

"*wipes brow in relief and uncovered his My Little Pony collection*
*bows* Let me introduce myself, the name is Marcel."

"*laughs* Nice to meet you Marcel, Madeline at your service.*salutes* Glad to put a name to this weird profile pic :) can't really call you SciFurz forever, can I?"

A French name. That was a surprise actually, having expected a native name in the first place, but she had a name I really liked because it has a certain flair.

"Ohh, I always thought that was a lovely name.
So, with two French names, *bows again* Enchanté, mademoiselle.

I guess SciFurz wouldn't do after a while. Master would be all right though. *hides*"

I couldn't help but tease her. Show a bit of my bad side to see if she had the same kind of wicked humour.

"And now you have a Dom side? You just keep getting a good way, of course;)
Let's continue this tomorrow, well for you it will 'cause it's like 4:30 am here.. "

Weird in a good way? Did she really say that? I felt a naughty urge coming up, but suppressed it because I didn't want to come to any wrong conclusions.
But if she did like it maybe she would also like to play around a little and flirt for fun. Might just give me pointers and ideas for my writing but I had to tell her I wasn't practising BDSM.

"I could never fit into any "normal" category. :-p