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Brianna and Genie bring their new boytoy to the beach.
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Hot golden sunlight, cool sea breeze, and the distant calls of circling gulls beckoned Zach out of Genie's red convertible and onto bank. Seeing the sapphire expanse with its rippling white borders and the tanned, athletic-looking bodies cutting through it or sunning themselves on blankets laid out on the sand gave him a pain of self-consciousness. It had been far, far too long since he'd made a point of visiting the beach, and to be perfectly honest he hadn't been spending enough time outside in general. More than anything though, the summer sky and seashore wind just made him resolve to do this more often from now on.

"It's a fucking perfect day," Genie said as she stepped up beside him, her smile a brilliant white against her dark skin and tinted shades.

"Yeah." Zach looked out at the wooden boardwalk, the glittering sand, and the rolling blue waves. "Thanks for taking me."

"Oh, come on," Genie put a finger to Zach's forehead beneath the brim of his hat and used her greater height and leverage to push him half a step back across the pavement, "I thought we were a little passed that point in our relationship."

Bending over to fish her bag out of the car behind them, Brianna let out a low, quiet chuckle. "Let's get to the changing booth. I've got our bathing suits all in here."

Zach's face heated up from more than just the sun as he looked back toward the car. Brianna's tan, slender legs and perky little bubble butt in her denim hot pants gleamed in the sunlight, innocently alluring. There was nothing in her body language or her tone of voice to suggest that she'd said that just to poke at his nerves, but Zach knew that if she had her face turned to him he'd see that subtle, malevolent twinkle in her wide, green eyes, and that smile on her glossy lips that you had to look carefully at to recognize as a stalking cat's. Zach now had no choice but to think about the swimsuit she'd bought for him, and that she'd decreed he would wear today if he wanted to join their beach outing.

"Well," Zach said, looking back up at Genie as Brianna straightened up and locked the car door, "race you to the changing booth?"

Both women chuckled, Genie going so far as to wince sympathetically as she turned her head downward and set her dreadlocks swaying. "Nooooot the best idea, babe," she said, giving Zach a pat on the shoulder.

"Why not?" Zach asked, feeling more self conscious by the second even before they got down to the beach. Their reactions to his question made him feel like a child reasoning with adults instead of a college freshman talking to girls just a few years older than him.

"It's a peaceful place," Brianna said as she stepped up beside her wife, bag slung over her sun-kissed shoulder, "but that's because they take the rules very seriously."

"No running," Genie clarified. "No panhandling. No littering."

"Not that you'd ever do that anyway, sweet thing," Brianna giggled, stepping over in front of Genie and pinching Zach's cheek.

Zach sighed and pushed her hand away. "Am I expected to start bragging about how much I love littering to defend my masculinity or something? If so, sorry, not doing i-aaiii!!" His sentence broke in a startled squeal as a strong, dark brown hand grabbed the crotch of his shorts and squeezed just hard enough to suggest a threat.

"Looks like you left your masculinity wide open, doesn't it?" Genie gave a little tug with her fingers, squeezing his cock and coinpurse a little harder through the fabric of his pants and underwear before letting him go.

Zach, head spinning at her having just done that in a public parking lot in broad daylight, decided there was nothing he could do in his defence that wouldn't just backfire even harder. Brianna, meanwhile, just smiled at that and gave him a meaningful look, as if Genie had made some kind of biting intellectual argument that he'd best take to heart. The fact that his crotch was a little stiffer than it had been a minute ago was like adding insult to injury, like he wasn't even allowed to properly feel affronted.

"C'mon," Genie said, blowing a little kiss at Zach and stepping on toward the path, her short yellow dress billowing wide around her hips, "I wanna get in the damn water already."

"Patience is a virtue," Brianna chided her as she followed after.

Genie snorted. "Yeah, I just wish I had your self-control, right."

Zach followed a few paces behind them, head still spinning. His life certainly had gotten interesting over the course of the summer.



Zach hissed in sharp pain, jumping back onto the boardwalk and kicking his stinging foot against the wood. It might have been a while since he'd been to the beach, but he had done it before, and he was sure that he didn't remember the sand ever getting this hot. Sure, the sun had been beating down bright and hot without pause since it rose in the early morning, but still, this couldn't be normal!

If he'd thought ahead a little bit and worn sandals instead of socks and sneakers, he probably would have never even had to notice. He hadn't, though, and so now he was standing on the boardwalk looking out across the beach at the tiny figures of Brianna and Genie as they searched for a place by the water to set up their blanket. Even at this distance, they looked absolutely breathtaking in their swimsuits, even for someone who'd seen them in one hundred percent less. Also visible at this distance were the climate appropriate flip-flops on both pairs of feet.

Zach chewed his lip. He would have been out on the boardwalk before they were if he hadn't taken a bunch of extra time to worry over himself in the changing hut's bathroom mirror. He wouldn't have been too bothered over his chubby belly and lack of muscles on their own, even if this beach's generally fitter regulars made him conscious of how much he really needed to start a gym routine. What had him really nervous was the bright purple speedos that his body seemed ready to tear free of at any moment. Zach knew these were supposed to fit snug, but he also knew - beyond any reasonable doubt - that Brianna had picked a size smaller than his. The way they held his fat butt upward was almost more embarrassing than if he went out there buck ass naked. The outline of his cock clearly bulging at the front was even worse. Like, "possibly bordering on literal indecent exposure" worse, especially if he was going to spend the afternoon with Brianna and Genie frolicking around in their bikinis.

So, he'd spent several good minutes adjusting and pulling at the taut nylon until it looked as close to dignified as he thought he could get it. And now he was stuck trying to figure out how to catch up with the girls, and he couldn't even really blame it on Brianna since the main problem - the lack of footwear - was one hundred percent on him.

I can dash over to them, right? Zach gauged the distance from himself to where they were setting up, and then the locations of the large beach parasols whose shadows marked islands of cooler sand. I'm not actually going to burn myself. It'll hurt, but nothing I can't deal with, yeah? Heck, it's not even going to be the most painful thing to happen to me since I met them.

Fixing his hat and adjusting his glasses, Zach psyched himself up, ran through his flight path one more time in his mind, and then dashed out onto the golden sand.

"Ahhh! Owww ow ow ow ow ow ow ow..."

He leaped from tiptoe to tiptoe, sacrificing one foot after the other to pull the previous one away from harm. It was like tap-dancing on a hot, sandy stovetop, and the parasol he was running toward had somehow moved much further away. He kept his teeth clenched together, determined to keep himself moving forward as quickly as possible without risking his balance on the rippling dunes; if dashing across the sand was this painful, he didn't even want to think about faceplanting into it! The parasol was getting closer, but not fast enough. Grimacing even harder, wondering if he was actually burning his skin by doing this, Zach broke into an outright run, or the closest thing one can do to running using only one's tiptoes. A couple of other beachgoers winced in sympathetic pain, or just surprise, as he bounced passed them. In the background, he heard the lifeguard whistle at someone to get out of the water or something. To Zach, these things were all immaterial; he just needed to get off the sandy stovetop!

There were people in the shade of the parasol - he'd ask to borrow somebodies' flip-flops before moving on to catch up with Brianna and Genie. Yes, it would be embarrassing,

but he was sure he could manage it if he offered to buy them an ice cream or something.

Ice cream. Oh god yes, ice would feel good right now. Even just water. Anything cold. Almost to the parasol, almost to the parasol, just six or seven more leaps.


Zach heard the voice just a split second before he felt the powerful yank on his hair, nearly pulling him off his feet. His most recent hiss of pain became a startled yelp as he nearly tore that hair out of the back of his head with his own momentum.

"Did you really not hear the whistle? I said slow the heck down!"

Still jumping from foot to foot and hissing with each contact, Zach turned around to find himself staring straight into a sleek, sun-kissed neck with a lifeguard's whistle hanging around it. Below his eye level, a pair of breasts that would have really wowed him if he weren't so distracted by his burning feet swelled out beneath a maroon one piece. Above it, he finally managed to crane his head up against the hand clutching his hair to observe, was a mane of platinum blond hair and a very pretty, but also very unamused, face.

"S-sorry! Sand is hot, I gotta get off the sand!" Zach sputtered up at the veritable amazon holding him by the hair, still hoping from foot to foot.

The lifeguard scowled, and then let go of his hair and grabbed him under each armpit. Zach's eyes went wide as she bent the knees of her long, thick legs and hoisted him off the sand with just a minor grunt of effort. He was now eye level with the woman, and clutched securely in her strong, weathered hands as if he were a literal child. She didn't look much older than him - probably even younger than Brianna and Genie - which just made it even more embarrassing that she could pick him up like this!

"Alright," the lifeguard said with a strained smile on her freckled face as she kept Zach aloft, "are you more comfortable now?"

It took a moment for Zach to figure out how to respond to that. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the beachgoers under the parasol he'd nearly reached all staring his way. His face went redder than it had when Brianna needled him about the speedo she'd forced him into. The speedo which, incidentally, he was still wearing, and which was giving the audience a view that didn't make him look any more dignified to say the least.

"I..." he stared down at the hot yellow sand that had caused all this trouble "...well, physically, yes." Then, trying to save face with a little humour, he added "Thanks."

"You're welcome!" Her smile brightened for a moment, looking more genuine. Before Zach could decide if his sarcasm had actually gone over her head or if she was just making a good performance of ignoring it, she continued speaking. "Now that nobody's in danger, why don't you tell me why you ignored both the no running sign and the one warning you about the sand after ten AM?"

Her smile had cooled back to purely professional now, and her blue eyes were piercing straight into his skull. Those were both, Zach realized, entirely fair questions. Well, he did have a pretty compelling answer, at least.

"I forgot my sandals. My ride is someone already out on the beach. I needed to get to them to-"

"You couldn't have called them?" The statuesque blonde raised her eyebrows as she pulled him slightly closer, so he couldn't look away from her face without being both really obvious and really pathetic-looking.

Oh. Yeah. I could have done that, couldn't I have? He hadn't considered it. Probably because he would have been embarrassed to. Well, that didn't exactly work out in his favour, did it? He heard excited babbling from the parasol behind him. Speaking of phones, he was sure he had seen someone pulling theirs out before the lifeguard had pulled him closer.

"I...they're in the water. They wouldn't hear it." He whispered, hoping the lie wasn't as obvious as he felt like he was making it.

The lifeguard grimaced and adjusted her grip under his arms. She was starting to tire. That wasn't good. She kept him aloft for now, though. "You can get a pair of flip-flops on the boardwalk for, like, twelve bucks," she said, still keeping her eyes drilling into his, "why didn't you just do that?"

Oh. Yeah. I could have done that too, couldn't I have? Okay, really, why hadn't he done that? This question actually really bugged him now that he thought about it. He considered himself smart enough to have thought of that. What had gone wrong there?


Her face was still hardly a foot from his. Her mouth now a grimace of effort as she kept him in the air, no longer able to even affect a professional smile.


The lifeguard let out a sigh, sending her curtain of white gold hair shifting behind one muscular shoulder after the other. "I believe you," she said, her arms starting to tremble, "but that doesn't change the rules. Sorry."

"Can you just bring me to the shawooooaah!"

Zach's last word turned into a muffled cry as the blonde ducked much lower and then threw Zach over her shoulder like a captured maiden in a pirate movie. His soft belly pressing its weight into her back as her arms clamped around his thighs, clutching them to her breast. He thrashed his head around, blinking sunlight out of his eyes, and saw that the peanut gallery was growing. People were wandering over from far across the beach toward the spectacle.

"It's okay! Really, I can get myself back to-"

"Before you go anywhere else," the lifeguard grunted through her exertion, spinning around and heaving him back the way she had come like a heavy backpack, "we're going back to the tower. And I'm not going to let you hurt your poor feet anymore."

He felt her fingers stroking the sole of his left foot, tickling him and forcing a reflexive kick. Laughter erupted from all around, rising above the rumble of the waves and the calls of the distant gulls.

"Thanks," Zach whispered, almost mewled, in a tiny, bitter voice as he hid his face in the fabric of her one piece, "You're a real hero."

"Ohhh, thank you! That's so sweet of you!"

Then, to Zach's abject humiliation, he felt her give his chubby bottom a firm pat through his too-tight speedos, undoubtedly making it wobble for all to see. More laughter came from the gathering throng, as well as a pair of wolf whistles, as she carried him toward the watch tower. Zach didn't know what she'd do with him there, but so far this had not been his lucky day.


Brianna leaned back onto her hands, enjoying the crisp warmth of the sand filtering through the beach blanket against her ass and legs. The crystal blue water with its shifting white crests was calling her, though, and in a minute or so she'd have to dive in. With a smile, she turned her head to look at Genie sitting beside her, her wife's tall, curvy body glowing gold through the tinted lenses of her shades. It was almost hard for Brianna to remember that she really hadn't been much of an outdoors kid before she met Genie. Her smile widened in reminiscence of their first few beach visits, and hikes, and camping trips, before she laid a hand on her wife's bare shoulder.

"Want to get in the water?"

Genie pursed her thick, Ivory Coast lips quizzically, and shook her head. "The hell happened to Zach?"

Brianna looked over her shoulder toward the boardwalk, fixing her yellow shades in place as she faced the sun. She was sure he'd been following just a minute behind them from the changing hut, but there was no sign of him.

"He cannot still be hiding in there," Brianna shook her head, incredulous.

Genie gave her a half-serious accusatory glare. "You're the one who was torturing him with that swimsuit. You tell me."

She huffed at that, sitting upright and folding her lightly tanned arms under her breasts. "I'm not going to apologize for giving everyone here something nice to look at."

"You're such a nerd." Genie snorted, making her dreadlocks shake. "And a bully."

"For the last time, I told him he didn't have to wear them."

"Yeah. While brushing your hair. With the ebony hairbrush."

"Oh come on, that was a total coincidence!"

There was no answer to that. Genie just folded her own arms back at Brianna and sighed, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. For her own part, Brianna was actually starting to get a little concerned. He couldn't actually be that mortified of the sexy little swimsuit she'd gotten him, could he? She loved nineteen year old Zach's adorable shyness almost as much as she loved his soft, sensitive face and his video vixen tier bubble butt, but this was a little extreme even for him.

"Okay," Brianna said, sweeping her eyes across the parasols and deck chairs that spotted the beach, "I guess try calling him?"

"Hope he has his phone on him," Genie sighed, reaching into the beach bag to fumble around for her phone, "Or if he doesn't, that he's at least looking for us."

Suddenly, a wild shout of distress sounded from somewhere near the lifeguard hut. Was that Zach? It had sure sounded like him! Focusing on the little wooden tower, Brianna saw a very tall and fit - and also very attractive, she couldn't help but notice - young woman sitting on the lifeguard's chair and forcing a struggling shape down toward her lap. The shape in question - also quite easy on the eye, but that was old news of course - was wriggling in a very familiar manner as the girl pulled that traffic-stopping swimsuit Brianna had just bought him downward. Struggling to get the tight waistband down around the boy's prominent seat with a difficulty that Brianna wished she could have seen much closer up, because it looked like exactly her kind of hilarious. And titillating. Tilaritating? No, that one's no good either. Brianna had been trying to come up with a good word for her favourite type of spectacle for a long time, but still hadn't arrived on a good one.

"The hell did he do?" Genie asked, staring just like Brianna as the statuesque blonde resorted to pinning Zach's back and thighs with her elbows so she could use both hands to deal with the speedos.

Brianna shrugged one shoulder a little, smirking. "Does it matter?"

Genie snorted. "Think we should help him?"

Brianna tore her eyes off of the tilarity and stared incredulously back at Genie. Genie's mouth widened into a huge, cackling grin.

"Hah! Wish you could've seen the look on your face."

Brianna sighed, failing to suppress an embarrassed smile. "Keep fucking around, pumpkin, and you're going to find out."

With the obligatory threat made, Brianna fixed her shades, straightened her dark brown bangs, and looked back at the hut. Zach's bottom was glistening bare in the sun now, each cheek wobbling like the waves on the sea as the Amazonian lifeguard pulled his speedos just far enough down his legs to restrain them the most. That girl knows her shit. Interesting.

Brianna pushed herself up onto her feet, and took Genie by the arm. "C'mon, let's get a closer look."