Sam's Spa Chronicles Ch. 23

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Vickie reveals her slavery.
6.4k words

Part 23 of the 26 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/10/2006
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Victoria Alisa shuts the alarm off as soon as it goes off. It is 7:30. She doesn't want it to awaken her Master, Eric or her sex slave, Tanya Marie, who is also Eric's sex slave wife. The two of them are sleeping naked next to her in the king size bed they all share. She knows they both want to sleep late today.

It is the first Monday of Spring Break and neither Vickie nor Eric has to be at school for the remainder of the week. They are both teachers at the same high school -- she teaches math and he is the computer lab instructor -- while Tanya has her own greeting card business and works out of their home. Nor do their children, Robbie and Carolyn, have to be at school this week; their elementary school is also closed for the holiday.

But Vickie is up early because she is anxious to call her younger sister Veronica Rose and she wants to catch her before she leaves for her job where she is the receptionist for a small computer supply company.

This past weekend she spent a very sexual mini-vacation sailing with Eric, Tanya and some friends of theirs on a yacht. In fact, they spent the entire weekend naked with Eric's stepbrother, Paul and the owners of the Slave Galley, Richard and Amy Michelle. The six of them did nothing but fuck and suck each other's sex all weekend long.

After, they all went to Palm Sunday services at the church Richard and Amy and their sex slave Elizabeth Ann normally attend. Then they picked up Robbie, Carolyn, and the infant Erica from Eric's mother's house and Richard treated everyone to dinner at a local seafood restaurant. Amy took an immediate liking to the precocious Carolyn.

Richard likes to pamper his guests. So he hired a limousine service to drive them to the pier the previous Friday where he keeps his yacht berthed.

The problem is, is that it was Veronica's boyfriend Jack who drove the limo. Jack told Paul that Richard and Amy have their own sex slave, Beth, who he picked up one Sunday morning at SAMS Spa. He then drove Beth to the private plane section of the airport. There they picked up Richard and Amy and, according to Jack, the three of them then had a sex orgy in the back of his limo while he drove them to their house near the golf country club.

Vickie didn't want her sister to know that she is Eric's sex slave and she was positive that Jack would tell Veronica about his driving them to the Slave Galley. Thus, when Jack picked them up Friday, they all tried to make it appear to Jack as though they were all just going on a simple sailing excursion, not a sex adventure.

But while sailing -- and fucking -- this past weekend, Vickie decided to come clean with her sister. She decided to tell her sister about her sex slave status to Eric. Vickie didn't tell her sister last night because they didn't get home until almost ten and she figured it was too late to call her then. That's why she is up early this morning.

Vickie also slept naked, so she puts on her robe and her slippers, picks up her cell phone and quietly tip-toes out of the bedroom towards the kitchen. As she walks down the hall she presses the speed dial for Veronica's number. She does not know what time Veronica leaves for work but she knows she has to be at work early. She is hoping she can catch her before she leaves.

As Vickie opens the refrigerator door and takes out the milk Veronica answers her call. "Hello."

"Good morning Veronica. Hope I didn't wake you."

"Hi Vickie, no you didn't. What are you doing up so early? I thought you would be sleeping late today seeing you have the week off for Spring Break."

"I wanted to talk to you about something and I wanted to find out if you're free this afternoon." She closes the refrigerator and gets some frosted flakes out of the cupboard.

"I don't have anything planned. Want to meet somewhere?"

"No, I haven't seen Grandma Ruth since I talked with you last week. I thought I'd visit with her for a while before you got off work and then maybe we could relax in her hot tub for a little bit. What time do you get off?"

"That sounds great. I'm sure she would enjoy seeing you. I get off at five."

"OK I'll see you at five." She opens another cupboard and takes out a bowl.

"Do you want to talk to me about Richard and Amy and your sailing trip with them this past weekend? Jack told me he dropped you and your friends off at the marina where they dock their sailboat."

As she gets a spoon out of a drawer she starts to say, "No Veronica it's not about . . ."

But Veronica interrupts her. "Did he tell you about the time he picked up Richard and Amy and their sex slave at SAMS Spa? I wouldn't put too much weight into anything Jack says. He tends to exaggerate when telling a story."

"Yes he told us about it. But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about." She is standing next to the kitchen table pouring some frosted flakes into her bowl.

"Don't get me wrong. I love Jack but he does embellish things a bit too much, especially if it's about sex. He found their sex paddle in his limousine and then made up some story about them having a sex orgy while he drove them from the airport. What did you want to talk about?"

"I'd rather not discuss it over the phone. Can it wait until I see you later today?"

"Sure, I'll see you when I get off."

"OK, bye Veronica."

"Bye, bye Vickie."

Vickie closes her cell phone. She contemplates about what Jack told Veronica and how much of it she believes. Not that it matters. She intends to tell her sister everything when they meet this afternoon anyway.

She discussed it with Eric and Tanya last night before they went to bed. They both agree that it would be better for her if she did tell Veronica about her sexual slavery to him and her status as Dominatrix to Tanya.

In fact, she has been living with them for over a year now and having sex with them most of that time. Veronica knows they are having sex; she told her family that she and Robbie were living with Eric and Tanya and their children as an extended family.

But Eric questions how she was able to keep her sister from knowing that she is his sex slave. Vickie believes that it's because Veronica is innocent and naïve when it comes to sex.

Vickie pours some milk onto her frosted flakes. She puts the milk back into the refrigerator. When she turns around Carolyn is sitting at the table.

"Good morning Carolyn. You don't have school today, so what got you up so early?"

"Good morning Mommy Vickie. I just decided to wake up that's all. Can I eat breakfast with you?"

"I would be honored to have you eat breakfast with me my darling."

The two of them engage in small talk as they eat their breakfast together. Carolyn tells Mommy Vickie that she hasn't made up her mind yet whether she wants to be a nurse or a teacher when she grows up. Mommy Vickie tells her that both careers are good and that each has their good side as well as their bad side.

Carolyn questions how either can be bad but Mommy Vickie tells her that the bad part of being a teacher is she will sometimes have to put up with misbehaving students.

Carolyn tells Mommy Vickie that her teacher Miss Sullivan puts the bad students at a table by themselves in the back of the room and they have to stay there until they start being good again. Then she brags that she has never had to go to the timeout table. Mommy Vickie tells her that she is proud of her.

When she finishes her breakfast Carolyn asks Mommy Vickie if it's alright for her to play a video game on the computer. Mommy Vickie tells her that it is OK for now. She puts the dishes in the sink, sits at the breakfast bar overlooking the den and contemplates on exactly how she will tell Veronica about her sexual slavery to Eric.

While she is reflecting, her son Robbie comes in the kitchen and asks her to fix him some breakfast. She fixes his cereal and returns to her thoughts. But this time she is interrupted by Tanya.

Her sex slave gives her a good morning hug. She has a sheepish grin on her face. Vickie asks her about it. Tanya whispers that she just gave Eric a blow job and is still savoring the taste of her "breakfast juice."

She wanted him to eat her vagina but, knowing that he couldn't do it without risking the children hearing, she had to forgo it. Eric promised to eat her when they went to bed tonight and rolled over and went back to sleep. Her Mistress just smiles at her.

The rest of the day is spent with the extended family playing and interacting together. Eric helps Robbie and a neighborhood friend finish building their tree house in the backyard while Tanya and Vickie take Erica and Carolyn shopping for a birthday gift. Carolyn wants to get something special for her friend's birthday party next week.

When they get back from shopping everyone has a picnic under the backyard tree to celebrate the "Christening" of Robbie's new tree house. Vickie declines climbing into it, using as an excuse that someone has to stay down to watch Erica.

Around four-thirty Vickie leaves to go visit with her grandmother. She is there about forty-five minutes when Veronica arrives from work. The three chat for a few minutes before going to Veronica's apartment in the rear of the house. They change into their bathing suits and go to the hot tub.

"So what's so important that you wanted to talk about?" Veronica asks as she steps into the invigorating water.

"What do you know about bondage and discipline sex and sex slaves Veronica?" Vickie follows her into to hot tub.

"Oh, nothing much. Vickie don't listen to what Jack told you about Richard, Amy and Beth. Like I told you this morning, he found their spanking paddle one day in one of the limos. Then he made up some fantastic story about them having a sex party in the back of the limousine while he drove them home." She adjusts the strap on her string triangle sheer top.

"He might have been telling the truth this time Veronica."

"What makes you say that?"

"Eric, Tanya, Paul and I went sailing on their sailboat this past weekend."

"Yeah, Jack told me he drove you there. So what? Who's Paul? And what's that got to do with their having sex in the back of the limo?"

"Paul is Eric's younger stepbrother. Veronica, it wasn't just a simple sailing adventure we went on."

"What do you mean?"

"A few weeks after I moved in with Eric and Tanya I started having sex with them . . . both of them."

"Vickie! You're bisexual!" Veronica yells out.

"I've also been having sex with Eric's stepbrother, Paul."

"When you told me that you were having sex with Eric, I kind of figured you were also having it with Tanya but another man too?"

"It's more than that. Not long after I started having sex with them I became Eric's sex slave and Tanya became my sex slave. She's the sex slave of both me and Eric. I spank her ass and he ties us up and beats both our asses."

She pauses to gauge Veronica's thoughts but her sister is just staring at her.

"We frequently have sex orgies with Paul," she continues. "Paul works with Richard and that's how we all got invited to go sailing with them this weekend."

She pauses again but Veronica is still just staring at her with a blank look on her face.

"Anyway, this past weekend all of us spent the entire time naked onboard Richard's sailboat the Slave Galley. We did nothing but sail in the Gulf of Mexico and fuck the whole time. All six of us fucking and sucking each other. Eric even sucked off Richard. It was a first for him."

"Oh Vickie it sounds like you had a lot fun this weekend."

"We did. . . . Oh Veronica, it was one of the most sensual weekends I have ever experienced. Amy knows just how to torture a sex slave and keep her wanting to come back for more."

"So you think that Richard and Amy did have sex with their sex slave in Jack's limo?"

"Maybe. Amy doesn't appear to me to be the type of person to do something like that while riding in the back of a limousine. Then we met Beth Sunday evening. Amy said that her sex slave can't get enough sex. Other than that, she seems to be pretty level headed too and probably wouldn't do something like have sex in the back of a limo . . . at least not in the middle of the day when everyone can see. But who knows?"

"Well, I for one don't believe that they did. Jack is always adding his own version of events, especially when it comes to sex. But I have to admit that he does tell a good story."

"Veronica, it's not just sex between me, Eric and Tanya. Yeah, there was a lot of sex this weekend. I'm not going to deny that. But I love Eric and he loves me."

"What does Tanya say about that?"

"She's my best friend. We've been together since high school. You know that. I love her like she was my other sister and she loves me. We all live together as an extended family. And the sex is great. When the kids aren't there, Tanya strips down and walks around the house naked. I do too sometimes. Then Eric and I take turns fucking her . . ."

"Yeah you told me that she likes to walk around the house naked. Is that why the three of you started having sex?"

"No, Tanya and I had sex one afternoon soon after I moved in with them. She's like Amy's sex slave Beth; she can't get enough sex either. Anyway, not long after that, we all started sleeping together and living as an extended family."

"What about the kids? What do they say about living as an extended family?"

"They accept it." She pauses. Then, "Look, who defines what a family is? It is very narrow-minded and pig-headed to claim that a family can consist only of a father, a mother and a couple of children. A family can be something different than some social conservative's definition of one. That's how we explained it to the children and they accepted it."

"Hey Vickie I agree with you. I don't see anything wrong with what you're doing."

"Carolyn calls me Mommy Vickie and Robbie calls Eric, Daddy Eric. He's more of a father to Robbie than Vincent ever was. Eric has even talked about adopting him."

"What about your ex? What does Vincent say about that?"

"I don't know. I haven't talked to him about it yet. But I doubt that he'll oppose it. He doesn't care about Robbie. The only thing he cares about is his booze and his stupid inventions."

"Well, not to change the subject but as long as you're bearing your soul . . . Vickie we've always been close and we've never withheld anything from each other. I have a little secret too."

"What's that?" Vickie asks suspiciously.

"Do you know David, Jack's roommate?"

"I never met him but Amy mentioned him this weekend, something about him wanting to photograph me in the nude."

"Yeah, well my friend Lori and I told him that you might go for it . . . after he photographed us in the nude together."

"Yeah, Amy said that you let David photograph you without any clothes on. I can hardly imagine you letting someone photograph you naked. But what made you think that I'd want to be photographed in the nude?"

"You're beautiful Vickie and he does great work and I thought you might like to have some nude pictures of yourself."

"Maybe. But I thought you had some big secret to tell me. What's so secretive about being photographed in the nude?"

"David also fucks me. He and Jack take turns fucking me whenever I go over to their apartment. You see Vickie, like you I'm a sex slave. I'm Jack's sex slave."

"Amy never told me that!" Vickie is shocked by her sister's disclosure. "Oh Veronica, you're revealing a side of yourself I've never seen before. I never would have guessed that you would role play in a bondage and discipline scene or to have multiple sex partners. So tell me, what kind of things are you and Jack and David into?"

"I don't let David spank me or anything, just Jack. David just fucks me and east my pussy and I suck him off. But Jack and I frequently tie each other up and spank each other. Oh Vickie, it's great. I have the hottest orgasms after Jack tortures me and then fucks me. But then if you're Eric's sex slave I don't have to tell you that."

"No you don't. I love it when Eric beats my ass and then fucks me until I can't stand up. But I have a question."


"Amy told us that this friend of yours, David, photographed their sex slave Beth at a friend of theirs hunting lodge and then fucked her. So, seeing that David also fucked you and photographed you, what I want to know is, does David fuck all his models and is he going to want to fuck me after he shoots me?"

"It all depends on who you ask. If you ask Jack, he'll tell you that David fucks all his models. But if you ask David, he'll tell you that the only models he's screwed are me, Lori, Beth and Yvette. He shot Lori and then he and Lori's husband Donald fucked her. Lori confided that to me after we posed together for him. Then David told me and Jack all about him fucking Beth one Saturday after we had an orgy together."

"He fucked your best friend Yvette too?"

"Yeah, he told Jack and Jack told me. He likes to brag to Jack about all the women he's gone to bed with. And let me tell you Vickie, he's got a very large dick too, the type you see only in porno movies.

"Sounds like he some kind of stud." Vickie remarks and then in a very sensual tone, "What I want to know is, when are you going to introduce me to this sex machine photographer of yours?"

"Whenever you want me to do it."

"OK, let me check with Master Eric and if it's alright with him, then I guess I'll get my naked ass photographed and my pussy fucked."

They both laugh.

Veronica and Vickie spend the next hour or so just relaxing in the warm waters of the hot tub and comparing the sexual abilities of the men in their lives.

Veronica also questions her older sister about how she got started sucking another woman's pussy. Vickie tells her that she got into it while she was still married to Vincent. He didn't satisfy her sexually. So she convinced him to let a bisexual friend of his occasionally join them when they had sex. Then when she moved in with Eric and Tanya she just continued her bisexual trend.

Veronica confesses that she doesn't know if she could ever eat another woman's vagina; it's something she has never done before. Vickie shrugs her shoulders and accepts her sister's straight heterosexuality.

Before she leaves, Vickie promises to let Veronica know about whether Master Eric will let her do the photo shoot.

When Victoria Alisa gets home she discovers that Master Eric is the only one home. He tells her that after they ate dinner Tanya Marie took the children to get a treat at a local yogurt shop. He inquires about what she intends to eat but she tells him that she is not hungry; she had a sandwich and a drink while visiting with her grandmother.

Knowing that he likes yogurt, she asks why he didn't go. He grabs her left arm and says, 'this is why.' Then he smacks her hard, twice on each of her ass cheeks with his right hand. He orders her to go into the bedroom and remove all her clothes. She blushes, gives him a sexy smile and quietly says, 'yes Master.'

Then he calls Tanya on her cell phone and asks her to call home before she leaves the yogurt shop. He tells her that he will be spanking Vickie's hot ass and that he will do her later this evening.

When he walks into the bedroom he sees that Vickie is naked and sitting on the bed waiting for him. He quickly takes off his clothes, unlocks a metal box in the bottom drawer of the chest of drawers, where they keep their sex toys, and takes out a blindfold and a length of cord. He puts the blindfold on his sex slave and then ties her hands behind her back with a slip knot. Next he puts some clamps on her nipples and clitoris.

He gives each clamp a hard yank, sending lightening bolts of exotic pain through Vickie's yearning flesh. She bites her lower lip and grimaces slightly.

He kisses her lightly on her neck, on her left breast and then on her left nipple. He bites her teat and pulls on it with his teeth. Vickie moans quietly.