Sam's Spa Chronicles Ch. 05

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Beth's sexual submission deepens.
9.1k words

Part 5 of the 26 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/10/2006
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It has been a little over a week since Elizabeth Ann agreed to let Amy Michelle and Richard teach her about the things she needs to know to eventually become their sex slave. In order to receive her instructions, Amy ordered Beth to sleep over at their house on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and an occasional Friday and Saturday evening.

Long ago Amy realized that if Beth didn't learn to control her sexual desires it would only be a matter of time before the young nymph became obsessed with if not actually addicted to her sexual yearnings. Thus her instructions consist mainly of Richard and Amy helping Beth to learn how to put her obligations above her sexual desires. They also involve informing Beth of what her responsibilities will be once she does become their live in sex slave.

On the evenings that the future sex slave sleeps over at their house they have her read literature, watch videos and teach her what they know about becoming a sex slave. After Beth is finished her tutoring, the two of them then repeatedly fuck the dependent submissive until she is senseless with joy.

It is now Friday morning and Beth is leaving her apartment for work a little early than she normally does. She hopes to get the medical supply company, where she works part time, early enough so that she will have a few extra minutes to talk to Amy, who is the personnel manager of the company.

She can hardly wait to get there to tell her Domme the good news. When she got home from class Thursday evening -- Beth is also taking classes on Tuesday and Thursday evening as a graduate student majoring in paleontology -- there was a letter in her mailbox with the return address marked SAMS Spa. She opened it at once.

Just as Amy said when they were together the week before, she had received an invitation to join the inner circle of members to SAMS Spa as an initiate sex slave. The letter told her to contact her sponsor.

She immediately tried to call Amy but no one answered. She tried several times but each time no one answered. She did not leave a message with Amy's voice mail or answering machine because she wanted to give the news directly to her Mistress. She called the spa to see if either Amy or Richard were there but the woman she talked to said that she couldn't give information like that out without their permission.

As she turns into the company parking lot, she looks around for Amy's car. She spots it and breathes a sigh of relief. Instead of going to her desk in the warehouse, where she works 30 hours a week as a part time order checker, she takes the elevator to the second floor and goes to Amy's personnel office.

"Good morning Mistress Amy. May I come in? I have some great news."

"Come in and close the door Beth." After Beth closes the door Amy continues. "You're beginning a learning process Beth and one of the things you have to learn is when to address me as Mistress and Richard as Master."

"I thought it was whenever we're alone or when we're role playing."

"Yes but what if someone was in the hallway just now and overheard you addressing me as Mistress? What do you think they would think of us?"

"I hadn't thought of that."

"Well from now I do not want you to address me as your Mistress or Ma'am when we are in public or someplace where our conversation can be misunderstood. The same thing goes for my husband Richard. Understand?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"It's not that I don't want to be properly addressed as your Mistress. But there are a lot of people out there who just do not understand the BDSM community. They're not into bondage and discipline, domination and subjugation, and sadism and masochism and they have a misconception of what B and D is all about. I don't want nor do I need my co-workers to start spreading false or vicious rumors that I'm some kind of pervert, which is exactly what some of them might do if they overheard you calling me Mistress."

"But we're not perverts."

"I know that. But they don't. So don't go around addressing me as Mistress if our conversation can be overheard and misunderstood."

"What about when we're riding in your car together or like now? We're alone now. How am I to address you then?"

"Just use your common sense Beth; you're not stupid. Just ask yourself if you would address me as Ma'am or Mistress in front of someone like our salesman George. Did you address me as Mistress just now?"

"I think so . . . no, I didn't, please forgive me Mistress."

"That's OK. I'm not a heartless monster or an insensitive Dominatrix. If I want you to address me as Mistress I'll tell you to do so. But that'll probably be when I'm just looking for an excuse to spank that lovely ass of yours." Then with a mischievous smile on her lips Amy adds, "Because I know you like it so much."

"Yes Mistress." She demurely returns Amy's smile.

"Thank you Beth. Your addressing me as Mistress shows me that you respect me and that you're using your brain for something other than a hat rack. But mostly it shows me that you're learning about bondage and discipline which is what Richard and I want to teach you. That's enough of B and D stuff. Now as to your great news . . . you got your invitation just as I said you would."

"Right and I'm so happy. But how did you know Mistress?" Beth asks quizzically.

"Richard and I were at the house of a male friend of ours last night. He's one of the other owners of SAMS. There are twelve of us, not counting Richard and the other spouses of the nine who are married. The two of them fucked me and beat my ass and fucked me and beat my ass until I couldn't stand up," Amy says with a blissful smile on her face.

"Beth it was great. As soon as Richard finished fucking me, Raymond would start. When he finished, they tied me up and spanked my ass and pussy. When I couldn't take the beating any longer, they started fucking my mouth and sucking on my clitoris. They didn't let up until I was totally exhausted."

The sub is aghast listening to her Dominatrix as she reveals her submissiveness to her husband and male friend. It is a side of Amy she has never seen before.

"Richard called SAMS Spa looking for a third man to help fuck me -- can you believe it -- and the night manager told him that you were looking for me. She's a sweet kid working her way through law school. I think she and the accountant are involved in an office romance, although I think he's kind of old for her. But hey it's none of my business as long as he keeps the books balanced and they don't have sex in the employee lounge or in his office or some other place in the building."

"How old is he Mistress?"

"He's in his forties and she's in her twenties. Maybe she just likes older men. Anyway, I thought about giving you a call but then I figured out why you called and decided to wait until today and let you give me your good news in person. Besides, I was having too much fun getting continually screwed and sexually abused. I'm sure you understand."

"Yeah I guess I would have done the same thing," the younger woman says. "So what do I do about the invitation Mistress?"

"What does the invitation say to do?" she answers her submissive, although being an owner and a club member herself she already knows.

"It tells me that I must be tested to see if I'm pregnant or if I have any sexually transmitted diseases Mistress. It gives me an address of a doctor's office where I am to give a sample of my blood. I'm also supposed to get a physical exam while I'm there. It says I have an appointment for next Tuesday afternoon Mistress."

"What else does it say? By the way, the doctor is an owner and the exam is to make sure that you're healthy enough for B and D sex."

"It tells me that I am to show up at the spa at precisely 6:00 P.M. next Friday dressed only in long jogging pants, T-shirt and socks and shoes and carrying only an identification card and my keys. It stresses that I'm not supposed to be wearing any underwear when I arrive. Will you be there Mistress?"

"Yes, remember I'm the one put your name in for the invite. I'm your Dominatrix and sponsor. I have to be there. I have to make sure you're there on time."

"Oh Mistress Amy I'm so happy. When we go to lunch could you tell me more of what I can expect as an initiate?"

"Sorry Beth, right now you're just an invited guest and until you're a full-fledged initiate I'm not allowed to tell you anything except that I'm your Domme and your sponsor and as such I'm responsible for getting you to the spa on your assigned days. While I'm on the subject, why don't you let me bring you to the spa next Friday? I'll make sure you get there on time."

"OK that would be great Mistress."

"Great! Then next Friday morning I'll pick you up at your apartment and bring you to work. We can go to the spa together right after work. How's that sound?"

"Oh Mistress Amy everything's working out just fine."

"Just bring a change of clothes with you like you've done before. You can change here in my office before we leave like we always do"

"OK Mistress I'll see you for lunch. We can still go to lunch together can't we?"

"Sure darling. I'll see you at lunch."

Friday morning comes and Beth is dressed and waiting for Amy. She has her extra clothes in a small gym bag. It is a little earlier than she normally leaves for work but she is not worried. Amy is a manager in personnel and if she's early punching her clock then Amy will square it with her boss Kevin.

While she is waiting, she puts on the television to check today's news and weather; it calls for scattered thunder showers and then turning cold later this evening. Within few minutes she hears her Dominatrix knocking at her apartment front door.

Just as Friday seemed to take forever to finally arrive here, so also the day seems to drag by. Every time Beth looks at the clock it seems stuck. But five o'clock eventually arrives and Beth punches her time clock. She goes upstairs to Amy's office.

Amy invites her submissive to sit down on the couch. Then she closes the door to her office and locks it. She orders Beth to remove all her clothes while she removes all her own clothes. When she is finished she kisses Beth openmouthed on the lips, pressing her naked body against Beth's naked body. The submissive does not resist her Dominatrix.

After breaking the kiss she says, "I locked the door because George is working late. I didn't want him coming in on us. Beth, I enjoy seeing you naked and being naked with you. You have a beautiful body and a beautiful mound of hair on your pussy."

Beth blushes and Amy notices this. "Don't feel embarrassed at being naked in front of me or when I compliment your body. You do that all the time."

"I'm not embarrassed at being naked in front of you Mistress Amy. I just don't think that I'm as beautiful as you say I am and it makes me self conscious when you say that."

"Well you're a lot better looking than my skinny ass self and as my submissive I want you to feel at ease in the nude with me because you're going to be doing a lot of that in the future. Besides, didn't you once tell me you enjoy going naked and showing off the hair of your pubic mound?"

"I don't go naked just to show off my pussy hair Mistress Amy. But yes, I love to go naked, especially at your house. When I'm at your house I feel at ease. I feel so free there." She pauses and then says, "Oh Mistress, I love to go into your back yard and feel the cool breeze caressing my skin and blowing through the hair on my vagina."

"Yeah, well my nice 2 meter high fence allows you to do that. Now lie down on the couch and relax." The Domme picks up her gym bag off the floor and takes out a leather flogger. She places it on the floor next to Beth.

"What are you going to do Mistress?" Beth questions Amy unable to take her eyes off the flogger or stop thinking about how steamed up she gets when her Dominatrix beats her with it. "Don't we have to be going?"

"We don't have to be there until six. That's 50 minutes from now and it only takes about 20 minutes to get there. That gives me at least 30 minutes to enjoy some sex with you. Now lie down on the couch and open your legs," she commands Beth.

She then lies on top of Beth and kisses her again on her sultry lips. She pushes her tongue into Beth's open, inviting mouth and grinds her cunt against Beth's Venus lips. A moan of delight escapes Beth's throat.

Amy kisses down her chin, her neck and then her erect left nipple as she pinches her right nipple between her thumb and index finger. She rubs her thigh against Beth's vagina and the sub moans in joy again.

Beth closes her eyes and throws her head back. Her fountain is hot with anticipation; her juices are already overflowing.

Amy looks into her face and seeing the ecstasy there, she kisses her between the breasts. Then without taking her eyes off of Beth's face, she licks her between the breasts. Next she kisses her lower on the chest while she massages both of her nipples.

Snaking her way down Beth's delectable flesh, she kisses and licks her stomach, her navel, her pubic hair, all the while keeping her eyes focused on Beth's ecstatic filled face. Then she licks and kisses Beth's sex lips, worming her tongue into her hole.

Beth is moaning softly. Her hands are on Amy's head pulling on her hair. Amy stops and kisses her cunt lips one more time and then, grabbing her ankles, turns Beth over on her stomach.

"Get up on your hands and knees," she orders the whimpering submissive.

Beth is in agony for an orgasm but she silently obeys her Dominatrix. Kneeling on the couch, she looks over her shoulder at Amy.

Amy puts her left arm underneath Beth. She pinches her nipple and pulls hard on it with the thumb and index finger of her left hand, sending lightening bolts of pain through Beth's tit. At the same time, she spanks Beth on her ass cheeks and cunt lips with her right hand until Beth's ass and sex are smarting. After smacking her ass and her pussy several times, Amy begins to massage her tender buttocks and vagina.

Beth longs for release; she is in anguish for an orgasm.

When Beth begins to moan in joy from the massage Amy stops giving her this pleasure and whacks her ass and Venus mound several more times. Beth's eyes fill with tears; she fights to hold them back. She bites her lower lip and grimaces. The Domme then rubs Beth's ass cheeks and pussy again for a few more minutes giving the sub another small measure of relief.

Amy has the nymph in an elevator of emotion, bringing her from the dungeon of Hades to the liberation of Elysium, from an arid desert to a tropical paradise. Beth is torn between the agony of the spanking and the ecstasy of the massage. She longs for relief.

Next the Domme orders her whimpering submissive to get on the floor and she sits on the couch with her legs open wide. Amy orders Beth to lick her pussy lips and suck her clit. Beth complies immediately and Amy is filled with delight as her submissive licks and sucks her.

After a few minutes Amy picks up the leather flogger off the floor where she put it. While Beth sucks her fountain, Amy spanks the submissive on her ass and thighs with the flogger. The Dominatrix whacks her several times. Beth squirms with each hit.

"Suck harder sub," she commands Beth.

Beth is in agony for an orgasm. Her cheeks and thighs are crimson and stinging. But she continues to perform cunnilingus on her Dominatrix. After several minutes Amy is moaning softly and jerking her hips up to meet Beth's tonguing. She smacks Beth's ass and thighs several more times with the flogger and again orders the submissive to suck harder.

Soon she is in euphoria as her orgasm fills her body with ecstasy. Beth stops licking and sucking Amy's clit and begins to lightly kiss Amy's slit.

After, Amy puts her hand under Beth's chin and raises her head. She kisses Beth on the lips, eyes and face several times, thanking her between kisses. She then sits on the floor next to Beth and gives her submissive a big hug, pressing her tits into Beth's. She hugs Beth for several minutes savoring her orgasm and then she kisses Beth on both of her nipples and then lightly on the lips again.

She looks lovingly into Beth's eyes, "Ok my little submissive, it's time for us to be heading out. Get your clothes on and hurry up. We have to be getting to SAMS."

Beth silently starts to get dressed, watching Amy all the while. Her ass and vagina hurt. Without an orgasm she feels empty and deserted. Her cum starved cunt needs another spanking as well as a good fucking. She is in desolation and longs for her Domme to fuck her. But her Mistress has ordered her to get dressed and she must comply.

Once she is dressed she folds her work clothes and puts them in her gym bag. Her dark, erect nipples can be seen through her T-shirt. She can also see Amy's nipples through her T-shirt.

The taller woman puts both of her hands on the sides of Beth's face. "What I've just given you is an introduction to what you're going to get this weekend from the other club members. It's part of your training. I know you haven't had an orgasm and I know that hot volcano of yours longs for one right now. But you have to learn that your first goal as a sex slave . . . You do want to eventually become my sex slave don't you?"

"Yes Mistress. It's all I think about lately."

"As my sex slave your first goal is to satisfy me. You're . . ." she pauses and changes her thoughts, "I love you Beth more than my own life. You know that. The only person in this whole world I love more than you is Richard."

"I love you too Mistress Amy and I love Master Richard too. I love you both very much."

"We know that and that's why we have decided to keep you as our own sex slave once you're fully trained. We're not going to bring you to SAMS for the owners to find a suitable home for you like we did the other slaves we trained. Richard and I want you to live with us."

"Oh Amy . . ." she does not finish but hugs her Dominatrix crying tears of joy.

Amy Michelle kisses Elizabeth Ann lightly on the lips. Then wiping the tears off her cheek she says, "We have to get going." The Domme takes her sub's hand in hers and leads the submissive downstairs to her car. Once they are headed toward SAMS Amy finishes what she started to say.

"What I started to tell you upstairs just now is that over the next several months you're going to learn how to please others sexually while ignoring your own desires. Part of your duties will include learning to put your sex partner's sexual pleasure and sexual desire above your own, even if it pains you."

"I don't understand. I already do that when you and Richard have sex with me."

"And we do it with you too. When I'm having sex with you Beth, I do everything I can to make sure you enjoy it and reach a climax and I know Richard does the same thing with you. He does it with me and taught me years ago to do it for my sex partner. It also makes your own orgasm even greater. But a person tends not to do that when they're having sex with a casual friend or with a total stranger."

"Other than when I was in high school I've never had casual sex or sex with a stranger. I've never even been completely naked with anyone except you and Richard."

"Yes you have. Remember BlackVelvet and Badboy last week?"

"Oh yeah that's right, well other than them."

"I'm glad they showed up early because being naked in front of two strangers helped you grow. Tonight you will grow some more."

"Exactly what is going to happen to me tonight?"

"Tonight at SAMS you'll become my official sexual submissive and an initiate sex slave of SAMS Spa. We all refer to prospective members as initiates until they are voted in as members. It's just something some of the owners and inner members came up with. We all share sex together. As you know, SAMS is really a sex club darling. About ten years ago nine of us got together, pooled our money, formed a sex club and called it SAMS Spa."