Sam's Spa Chronicles Ch. 02

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Beth's new friends.
6.3k words

Part 2 of the 26 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/10/2006
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The phone buzzes on Elizabeth Ann's desk. It isn't much of a desk; just a small stand big enough to hold the phone and a note pad. But then her job as an order checker doesn't require much more.

Beth picks up the receiver, "Warehouse, shipping."

"Hey Elizabeth, this is Amy from personnel. Would you like to go to lunch with me? I know a great little deli that has the best fried shrimp sandwiches you have ever eaten."

"Thanks that would be great Amy. I just have two more orders to check and then I'll be free. I'll meet you out front."

"OK I'll see you in a bit," Amy Michelle answers her.

It is Beth's third day on the job working part-time as an order checker in the large medical supply warehouse. She is in graduate school majoring in paleontology; a subject that has fascinated her ever since her father bought her a book about dinosaurs when she was a little girl.

She has a grant which helps pay most of her tuition, books and living expenses but it does not cover all of her bills. So in order to pay her car note, auto insurance and give her some additional spending money Beth took a job at a department store working 35 hours a week. But when she heard about the opening here working just 30 hours a week she jumped at the opportunity. Not only is the pay better but she also has weekends off.

As she checks the last order Beth tells herself that it will be nice not to have to eat lunch all alone. Up till now all her coworkers in the warehouse have treated her as though she has some kind of contagious disease. True, she is always on the stock boys for pulling the wrong stock. But that is the job she was hired to do.

She is supposed to tell the order pullers -- all kids from the local university -- where they have made a mistake. She doesn't make a big deal of it. She just tells them what stock they pulled and then tells them what stock they should have pulled. That's what Kevin, her boss, told her to do. That's what Amy told her the job would consist of when she was hired. If they didn't like it then they should take it up with him or with her.

She wonders if her being the only white female in the warehouse has anything to do with the way those horny college studs treat her. Probably not, she is sure that they would fuck any woman that offered it to them and she is not about to do that. The next man she goes to bed with, she has told herself since high school, is going to have to offer her more than a hard dick and a one night stand.

What Beth doesn't know is that Amy has two reasons for asking the twenty-two year old to lunch. Amy had interviewed all the prospective job seekers for the order checker position and she chose Beth for the job. She did it not only because Beth was qualified for the position -- the qualifications were only a high school diploma -- but also because of something Beth revealed about herself in the interview.

Amy revealed to Beth that if she were hired she would be working with several college students who might try to get her in bed or sexually harass her. But Beth told her that she was not worried about that. She said that although she was practically a virgin, only having had sex with one guy and one girl during high school -- something she has since regretted -- she could handle herself. It was also the way she said it that perked Amy's interest in her.

During the interview Amy was able to get Beth to talk about herself, to reveal herself. Amy has that ability with people. She could see that Beth was nervous. So to calm the young woman down and to further help her relax, Amy sat right next to Beth, not across the desk from her as she did for the other applicants.

Amy told Beth that she was the only female who applied for the position. She also told Beth that she wanted her to tell her about her likes, her dislikes, her favorite type of music, television show and things of that nature.

This made Beth feel more relaxed. She was so relaxed and felt so at ease sitting next to Amy that she started talking about herself and she revealed some things about herself that she had never told anyone else.

She said that her father died when she was little and that her inflexible mother did not allow her to date until her senior year in high school. Having no experience dating boys, she had sex with a guy that year who she thought loved her.

It was only after he fucked her that she found out that he was only going out with her and had sex with her in order to win a bet with a friend of his.

Then in a backlash she had sex with a girl she barely knew. They were in the school library when she confided in the girl what the boy did to her. The girl told her that she would be better off sticking with women; a woman wouldn't use her as the boy had done.

The next day Beth saw the girl in the girl's locker room and asked her what she meant. The girl then grabbed her shoulders and kissed her hard on the lips, shooting her tongue deep into Beth's mouth. Beth didn't fight her. Her emotions took over and she let the girl have her way with her.

At the time Beth was in the gym and getting dressed for her next class; she was clad only in her panties and bra. She pushed Beth's bra up and began to fondle her breasts and nipples. Then she pulled Beth's panties down and began to lick her pussy lips. Beth opened her legs wider and soon the girl was licking and sucking on her clitoris.

Beth just sat on the bench and let the girl continue. She was giving Beth pleasures that she had never before experienced with another person. Within minutes Beth had a tremendous orgasm. It was her first orgasm with another person.

Beth revealed these things about herself in a very demure almost embarrassed fashion. She told Amy that she doesn't think that she is frigid toward men or that she's a lesbian or anything. She even asked Amy if she thought that she was frigid or a closet lesbian or something. Amy told her no.

She also revealed to Amy that, in her opinion, she is very liberal in her sexual views. Indeed, she enjoys using an electric vibrator on herself every now and then. Although she now believes that sex is not for high school students -- they are not mature enough according to Beth.

Nor is she saving herself for mister right. She wants to have sex with a man but doesn't know how to discern whether someone is in it solely for his own pleasure or if he wants to please her also.

Further, she doesn't believe in going to bed with some guy just because he takes her out on a date. She just wants to feel something, have some kind of passion, for the next guy she goes to bed with. She also wants him to have some kind of feelings for her other than just another point on his score card or another notch on his bedpost.

Amy has no intention of becoming someone who will just use Beth for their own personal sexual gratification.

During the interview last week, Amy perceived that Beth is a sexually repressed young woman. She saw too that Beth had only one thing on her mind while they were talking and that was making a good impression in order to get the job. Beth did not notice the fascination Amy had for her or the "chemistry" that existed between them. Unbeknownst to Beth, Amy took an immediate liking to her and hoped to become good friends with her; her first reason for inviting Beth to lunch.

She also hoped to eventually introduce the sexually deprived young woman to the world of BDSM and sexual slavery. It was with these thoughts in mind that she invited Beth to lunch.

Amy is waiting for Beth in the parking lot. It is a windy day. As Beth walks toward Amy's car a sudden gust catches Amy's skirt and blows it up, revealing long, slim legs. The sight of Amy catching her skirt and holding it down reminds Beth of the famous scene with Marilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch, where she is standing over a street grating and a gust of wind blows up her dress. The scene has always invoked a feeling of sensual joy in Beth. She smiles as she approaches Amy.

Although Beth is eleven years younger than Amy she feels at ease with the slightly older woman. "Thanks for asking me to join you Amy. I hope I didn't keep you waiting long."

"No of course not, I'm always happy to help out. Look Elizabeth, I haven't forgotten what it's like to be the new kid on the block. So tell me how are those horny toads in the stockroom treating you?"

"Horny toads, is that what you call them?" she laughs. "They're no bother. Oh and call me Beth, OK?"

"Sure thing Beth," Amy responds as she opens her car door for Beth.

The ride to the deli only takes about five minutes and another five or ten minutes to get their sandwiches. The two women fill the time in small talk about work. After getting their orders Amy directs Beth to a seat in the rear of the deli.

"Do you come here often," Beth inquires?

"I try to come about once a week. They also have great roast beef sandwiches. So tell me, what does a beautiful, single woman like you do for fun on weekends?" Amy is trying to find out what Beth does for sexual enjoyment.

"Oh, if I don't have a date -- I frequently don't because I refuse to go to bed with a guy just because he takes me out -- then I usually spend my time reading romance novels or I go to a movie or I work on my hobby."

"What's that?"

"You're going to think that I'm crazy or something."

"No I won't," Amy says. "Unless your hobby is scuba diving naked in the Arctic Ocean or wrestling mountain lions or something just as weird."

"No, it's nothing that drastic. I like to draw women's lingerie, particularly sexy lingerie."

"What's so crazy about that? I love sexy lingerie. I've got twenty-five or thirty different types of teddies, nighties, bodices and other such sexy outfits. I wear them often in order to get my husband, Richard excited. Are your drawings any good?"

"I don't think so. I've only been drawing them in my spare time since I started graduate school. It helps me relax."

"I'd like to come up to your apartment and see some of your drawings and maybe get some ideas about some new and different kinds of lingerie." She pauses and looks into Beth's eyes. Then playfully says, "Hey! Aren't you the one that's supposed to invite me up to see your etchings with something in mind other than showing them to me?" Then she laughs.

Beth laughs with her and tells her that she has several dozen drawings but none of them are good enough for publishing or getting her a job as a fashion designer. Beth admits that she is not an artist, especially when adding faces and bodies to her drawings; she just likes to draw lingerie. She also tells Amy that she is welcome to come and see her drawings anytime she likes. Amy makes a mental note to do just that as soon as possible.

They finish their lunch talking about work, the hottest Hollywood sex symbols and other such small talk; although it is Amy who directs the conversation in the direction of Hollywood sex symbols.

She gets Beth to admit that she would love to be ravished by a famous movie star, regardless of that person's sex. She gets Beth to divulge this because she wants to confirm what she already suspects of Beth: That she is a sexually repressed, closet bisexual young woman who is just waiting for someone to come along and unlock her wanton desires and make a sex slave out of her.

The following evening Amy goes to Beth's apartment and knocks on her door. Beth is surprised to see her; she didn't expect the personnel manager to come so soon. She apologizes to Amy for the mess her apartment is in. She explains that she was at the university studying some fossils and hasn't had time to clean up.

"Oh don't worry about that," Amy says to her. "I've come to see your drawings, not your apartment. Here, I've brought you a chilled bottle of rose' wine. Now why don't you put that back on ice before it gets too warm and get me those etchings of yours. I'm dying to see them."

"How sweet of you Amy but you shouldn't have gone to such an expense."

"Nonsense now let me see your etchings."

They spend the evening sipping wine and looking at Beth's drawings of women's lingerie. Amy tells Beth that she has quite a talent producing different kinds of lingerie but she has to agree with Beth that her drawings, while very good, are not star quality. She advises Beth to take some art lessons, that by investing in her talent, she could become a real good fashion designer in no time.

By the time Amy is ready to leave Beth is quite tipsy from the wine. At the door Amy gives her a big hug and kisses her on the cheek. Then she looks into Beth's hungry eyes and gives her a very light peck on her lips. Beth blushes and casts her eyes down but Amy reaches out, picks up her chin and gives her a big smile.

She tells her that she really likes her and that she hopes that they can become good friends. Then she kisses Beth on the lips again and quickly turns around and heads for her car, leaving Beth to ponder Amy's kissing her on the lips.

Beth didn't think about it too much. But that night after taking a hot shower, she went to bed in the nude. Then she fucked herself with her vibrator for 45 minutes, giving herself numerous orgasms, before finally, blissfully falling to sleep.

The next several months see the two women become close friends. They often spend an afternoon together at SAMS Spa in one of the saunas there or an evening together enjoying a glass or two of wine, usually at Amy's house where she introduces Beth to her husband, Richard.

All too frequently their conversations are about dating and sex. To help Beth open up sexually, Amy reveals to Beth that she and Richard frequently have other men and women over to have sex with them and that sometimes their sex parties last all weekend long. This revelation takes Beth totally by surprise. It causes Beth to perceive Amy with an aurora of mystique, which draws her closer to the slightly older woman.

At Amy's urging and as their conversations become more detailed, Beth divulges her innermost secrets to her. Beth partially blames her overly strict mother for her lack of knowledge about men and dating. It wasn't until her second year at college that she really got into the dating scene. Even then it was mostly casual.

Beth freely admits that she is inexperienced when it comes to having sex. She complains that every time a date touches her intimately she freezes. She wants to make love but cannot let herself go. This causes her a lot of frustration. She wishes she could relax with a date the way she does when she is with Richard and Amy.

To help Beth relax and overcome her downcast mood over sex and dating both Richard and Amy offer her an occasional hug and a "comforting shoulder" which causes Beth to become quite fond of them both.

Amy is ever so slowly drawing Beth into her confidence and helping her to release her pent up emotions. Once while Richard is off visiting a friend for the evening Amy has Beth take off all her clothes. Then she gives Beth a sensuous massage. Later, when Beth got back to her apartment, she fucked herself with her vibrator until she was completely exhausted.

Another time when Amy visits Beth at her apartment she has Beth paint a pink baby doll negligee' on her naked body. She tells Beth it's a surprise for Richard, which is true. But her secondary motive is to get the younger woman feeling comfortable touching another woman's naked body. The entire incident is very sensuous for both women. Before she leaves Amy suggests to Beth that she masturbate with her vibrator. Beth fucks herself for over two hours after Amy leaves.

Sill another time on a Saturday afternoon when Richard is exercising at SAMS Spa, the two women relax in the nude in Amy's hot tub in the back yard. Amy tells Beth that she has a very beautiful body especially noting the perfect amount of hair on her Venus mound; it is just thick enough to cover her pussy lips. When Richard comes home unexpectedly Amy asks him to join them in the hot tub.

Standing next to the hot tub, Richard takes off all his clothes in front of Beth and steps into the hot tub. Beth is taken aback by this and looks to Amy to see if she is going to object to Richard's actions. But Amy just reminds Beth that she and Richard are very liberal sexually. She then comments to Richard what a beautiful pussy Beth has. This causes Beth to blush deeply. Amy notices this and playfully tells her not to be so modest. Then she commands Beth to stand up and show herself to Richard.

At first Beth objects. But after some coaxing from Amy and assurances to the younger woman that she would be doing nothing wrong, and in fact would be insulting Richard if she didn't show herself to him, Beth stands up and shows her naked body to Richard. She blushes again and gives him a demure smile when he too comments on how beautiful she is.

One particular Friday evening, as Richard supplies frequent refills to their glasses of wine, Beth discusses her latest dating failure with a guy she met at the university center.

"I wish I knew how to please a man sexually. I'm tired of getting it from my vibrator," she complains. "I would give up completely and go join a cloistered monastery or something but I need the intimacy I could get from someone who loves me. Assuming I can find such a person."

She is slightly tipsy from the wine. "I need to meet someone and get fucked by someone who cares about me and who would make sex incredible for me. But I don't know how to go about finding such a guy."

"Well Beth there is only one way to get experience . . ."

"I mean look at the two of you," Beth interrupts Amy, "you're made for each other and you have a great sex life."

Both Amy and Richard enjoy Beth's hints and subtle flirting. Indeed, Amy wants Beth to flirt with Richard. She wants Beth to feel comfortable being sexual in his presence. Amy and Richard have a strong, loving relationship. Richard has no doubts about Amy's feelings for him, and she has no doubts about Richard's feelings for her. Besides, neither is a possessive or jealous type of person.

Then Beth says, "I guess if I get too horny I can always masturbate with my vibrator while visualizing Richard in the nude or imagining that it is Richard who is fucking me."

Not wanting to encourage or discourage her neither Richard nor Amy gives Beth a response to this.

But Beth suddenly blushes deeply, believing that she has said something wrong. Amy notices this and tries to reassure Beth that she has not said anything wrong, that her speaking out is a normal reaction to the all wine and conversation. But Amy's bolstering has no effect on the embarrassed, young woman. She quickly excuses herself, thanks them for a lovely evening and goes home.

After she leaves Amy turns to Richard and says, "She is just over reacting to all the wine. She'll come around. But at least now we know that she wants you to fuck her and she wants to be a sex slave. She just hasn't acknowledged it yet."

Richard nods his approval, picks up the wine glasses and heads for the kitchen; Amy heads for the shower.

Elizabeth Ann drives home with tears in her eyes. She believes that she almost destroyed a beautiful relationship with her new friends. But she cannot deny the emotions running rampant through her body; she has strong feelings for both Richard and Amy Michelle. She shoves her hand down between her legs and finds that her vagina is wet with her juices.

As soon as she is home she goes to her bedroom. Crying, she strips naked and begins fucking herself with her electric vibrating dildo. She repeatedly fucks herself, unable to stop the persistent rush of thoughts that make her long to be made into Richard's sex slave and to experience uninhibited sex with Amy.

She wants to feel that she is loved and appreciated by them and that they desire her as much as she desires them. But she is torn between her wanton desires and her wanting to remain their good friend. She believes that if her relationship with them turns sexual they will tell her not to come over any more.