Same Old Song and Dance Ch. 03: Conclusion


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"A sexual what?"

"Not a sexual," she said. "Asexual"

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked.

"it means I don't have or need sex," she said.

I burst out laughing until I realized that she was serious. I started asking her all kinds of questions after that. What had she done on their wedding night? She'd gone on to tell me about how Greg had gone all out to romance her and get her aroused. She had loved that. She did love cuddling and kissing and it gave her a warm feeling. But that was all she needed.

She was able to allow Greg to penetrate her, and he enjoyed it immensely, but for her it was extremely painful and unpleasant. She had been able to put him off regularly, citing tiredness or illness. They had been coupling every second or third day since the wedding.

She loved his touch, but that was as much as she wanted. I actually felt sorry for her, but had no idea how I could help her.

I also had not idea why I should even try. She came up with three reasons. The first was that we both loved Greg and his happiness should be our first priority. The second was that I owed it to her. We had been best friends and I had betrayed her several times. And the third, was that I was in her words, a sex maniac anyway.

My protestations weren'the ven close to real. I was sure that this would work out to be a way for me to get Greg back and yes, to betray the poor girl yet again. But I would do anything to get my husband back.

Between us we conceived a plan that might just have a chance for success. I was due to be released sometime in the next few days. But, because of my depression and being considered a suicide risk, my doctors had been reluctant to let me leave on my own.

Tara, taking me into her home, would probably be an acceptable solution and far more acceptable to them than letting me leave on my own.

Greg had been totally against the idea. Debbie had voiced her opposition to the plan as well. But they both loved Tara and gave in. During my first days there, I stayed in my room. It had been Sherry's room when she lived at home, before she married Mark.

My seduction of Greg was very slow and protracted. Greg was not a cheater by any sense of the word. But a near miracle had occurred that made things even easier. Tara ended up pregnant from their widespread and sporadic couplings. She was over the moon with joy and Greg was too. Tara had always wanted children.

During the next few weeks, I could see the frustration growing in both of them. Greg felt, although he never said it, like they never had sex. Tara, felt like a pincushion in the first three months of their marriage, she'd had sex more times than in her three previous marriages combined.

She was pregnant and afraid of losing her husband, the way she had lost the previous three. Each of the others had grown increasingly frustrated with the lack of sex. The first had decided to enlist, figuring the career opportunities the military offered would be great for their finances and that the distance between them would increase her desire for sex. And if that wasn't the case, it would be easier to find what he needed without having to see his beautiful wife and feel the guilt of betraying her.

I had known him in the biblical sense, but it had been before they were married. The second, had also grown tired of being married to a nun. They had begun arguing and he had while extremely upset, gotten into his car to go out for a drive before the argument turned violent. While upset he had lost control of the car and died in the ensuing crash.

A part of his shame that lead to the arguments and subsequent wreck was his guilt over cheating on her. He, like all the rest, had loved Tara deeply. He was also being tormented by the fact that he was cheating on her with her available, although married best friend; me.

Her last husband was, of course, an asshole. He hadn't started out that way but the lack of sex brought it out in him. He fought it as much as he could. But when he finally cheated, he was less than clever at covering it up. Tara found out about it, well she discovered that he had done it, but not with whom. Their argument afterwards had become violent. Once her father had heard about it, he had gone to see her. When he discovered that she was actually bruised, he had ceased being the sheriff and had put on his other hat as a father. Her husband wisely vacated their home and the town leaving most of his belongings behind.

And now it was happening again. Of all of her husbands, she loved Greg infinitely more than the other three combined. And it was obvious to anyone who saw them that Greg loved her too. His growing frustration terrified her. She was willing to do anything to prevent losing him. That included me.

Greg had lasted months under the torture and temptation. His first decision in the face of that temptation was to tell her that since I'd had ample time to recover perhaps I should return to my condo. She reminded him that as her doctor had told them her pregnancy might be difficult and in the coming months they would need me.

She had my husband wrapped around her little finger and as usual he had given in to her. But his resistance was getting weaker all the time. When she told him that the doctor had suggested that they refrain from sex, because she was having a few issues carrying their child, he had agreed.

Her increased need for cuddling and kissing only served to weaken his resolve even further. Neither she or I could believe how long he lasted. I was doing my level best to tempt him with every chance I got. I'm nowhere near as beautiful as Tara, but a woman bending over in front of him constantly flashing an available ass and more, should have worked. It didn't.

We decided that since Greg wouldn't come after me, I had to go after him. Tara pretended that she was having difficulty sleeping. Her doctor prescribed heavy sleeping pills that knocked her out completely. One night while she was knocked out, I went to their room and while she slept soundly, wrapped in his arms, I woke a sleeping Greg, with a blow job. As soon as he awakened he tried to push me away. But his need was too strong. He felt extremely guilty about it the next morning, but also less tense and so our game began.

From the very beginning he made it very clear that it would never happen again, but it did. He locked their bedroom door, Tara opened it. The nocturnal blowjobs became a habit. I also ramped up my teasing and begged him to fuck me.

He tried again to kick me out of their house. Tara was helping too. She started warming him up and priming the pump for me. They would lie on the couch together watching movies with her giving him handjobs, almost to completion and then going off to bed leaving him frustrated.

It took only a couple of repeats of that performance before Greg came to my bed. He expected ... He wanted another blowjob, but he got much more. As he sank his dick into me for the first time in almost two years my heart sang. If Tara hadn't been my partner in crime I was sure that she would have heard me. And luckily for us my daughter Debbie, who delighted in calling Tara, Mom, in front of me, was having a sleepover at a friend's house.

That first night I gave Greg everything I had. I did my best to drain his balls dry. He came in every hole in my body. When I sent him back to Tara, we were both thoroughly fucked out. He showered and slipped into bed with Tara and she rolled over and wrapped him in her arms as usual. I think she was as happy as I was that our mission had been accomplished.

Since then, we've shared him. Tara endures sex with him once a week or so. I handle the rest of the time. Tara does her best to provide us opportunities. And also to warm him up for me. She gets her fill of affection and their steamy make out sessions leave her fulfilled beyond her needs. They also serve to put my daughter off the track.

When Tara and Greg start kissing and hugging right in front of us as if they can't control themselves, Debbie looks at me as if sensing my jealousy and enjoying my torment.

My older kids still haven't allowed me back into their lives. Sherry insists on having all of the family gatherings at her house, where I'm not welcome. Terry made sure that Kira understands that I am not invited to their upcoming wedding. Tara will be handling all of the duties expected of the mother of the groom. It really frustrates me because if Greg and Tara have allowed me back in their lives, the kids should too.

Another thing that frustrates me is the fact that although I'm getting as much sex as I need from Greg, we sometimes do it twice a day, it's hollow. You see until this morning, Greg has never kissed me. He saves all of his kisses for Tara and just uses me like a piece of meat.

It's a strange and ironic turn of events because in the old days, the men I fucked on the side used me and I got all of my romantic and affectionate sex from Greg. He cherished me and made love to me where the others just fucked me.

Now he just fucks me like I was some whore. He takes my ass and uses my mouth like it was a pussy or does whatever he wants to me whenever he wants and I have no control over it. I have never told him no and never will. But I crave what Tara has and one day I'll have it again. This deception can't and won't last forever and as much as Greg loves Tara, he needs what he gets from me.

It's not a perfect situation by any means and someday either Tara or I will end up hurt. But it's far better than me losing him and it's a lot better than the time I spent without him in my life.

I can tell that Tara hates it too. But she views it as the lesser of two shitty situations. I've noticed that she's trying, against her very nature, to have sex with him more often. She's been bugging me for sex tips, hence the terrible blowjob she endured for him earlier week. And she fucked him twice last week. According to her that was the first time in her life she's done that with anyone, but he's worth it.

Tara sits down beside me. The intensity of the look she gives me tells me that she has something on her mind. "Does it hurt as badly when he sticks it ..." she began.

"When he fucks my ass," I finish for her. Tara rarely ever swears and there are some words she'll simply never say.

"Tara, Honey, you don't need to do that," I told her. Greg says that you have the tightest pussy he's ever been in. And you had the baby by c-section so it hasn't lost it's elasticity. But then he's only been in two. So the only things he has to compare it with are mine now, and mine before we had our kids. He always tells me that yours is the best."

"But I want to give him EVERYTHING," she spits. "Besides, it can't hurt any more than the other way." Just the set of her beautiful little mouth, tells me that she is looking for a way ... ANY WAY, to take me out of the equation. She sees me as a necessary evil, but she doesn't like sharing Greg anymore than I do. If she could endure it, she would give him sex more often and cut me out of the picture.

At the same time, I'm giving Greg anything and everything he wants not only because I enjoy sex and take as much of it as I can get, but because I'm hoping that eventually he'll choose me over her. The way he kissed me and settled his dick in me this morning reminded me of the way we used to make love. It was very similar to the way we made Debbie. I have a feeling that his affection towards me is growing.

Our weird assed little triangle survives purely due to our mutual needs. Greg and I share a secret. He thinks that Tara has no idea that the two of us are having sex. Tara and I share a secret as well. Greg has no idea that Tara and I planned the whole thing.

Tara loves and needs the affection she gets from Greg. It seems as if his love is the force that animates her and keeps her going. She needs him so badly that she suffers through having sex with him as often as she can stand it. She is slowly building up, expecting that as he ages he'll need less of it and she'll be able to take more. Eventually she won't need me anymore and she'll toss me to the side like a whore throws out used condoms.

On the other hand, I need Tara. Without her insistence on me staying in the house, I'll have no access to Greg. What no one has noticed is that I've gotten over the need to have sex with anyone other than my husband. And yes I still call him that because that's what he was, is and always will be. Greg is more than enough for me. I just need to give him enough so he realizes that he doesn't need Tara. I also need to build up his affection for me and then some modicum of trust.

In a perfect world, Greg would get his head out of his ass and discover that he joys sex with me far more than he does with Tara and he'd divorce her and take me back. But the situation that I find more likely is that sooner or later he'll find out that Tara has known all along about us. He will of course be very angry and feel even more betrayed. And I'll be able to tell him that I was only a part of it because I love him so much and was willing to do anything to be with him. This time it will be the princess who has to bear the weight of betraying him.

And as for Greg, now long can the poor man be divided. How long can he give his romantic love and affection to one woman and his baser desires and needs to another? Even now he's begun to blur the boundaries. He's begun to show me affection; that kiss was momentous. From what Tara says, he's been fucking her a bit harder lately, a further blurring of the lines.

Sooner or later this triangle will fail. But until that day, I'll take what I can get. After all no one ever thought I'd ever be this close to getting him back. There's something to be said about destiny and fate. Greg and I belong together. We were meant to be together. More and more this triangle just seems like the same old song and dance. Nothing can keep us apart. Every day ends with Greg in my arms and the two of us blending into one. Until I can do better, I'll take it.

The end.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

Confusing polyamory. Poor child will feel stressors from parents sociopathic rivalry. (never really met a nymphomaniac or an asexual nun, will Greg become a Mormon like Ryan Reynolds?) Maybe Debbie will be a guiding big sister?

Martyr2002Martyr2002about 1 month ago

Sorry Stang,

I know you've more or less retired from writing, hell you could be dead for all I know (hope not). This one is one of your older ones as well if memory serves. The old stories tend to be not that great IMO. The story kinda sucks, she's a serial cheater two of the kids aren't even his biological children. To rob a man of his only son from a biological standpoint is pretty fucking bad. I know guys raise foster, step and adopted children every day. They're hereos in my mind. However, they go into the situation with their eyes open. They know what they are getting into. Greg raises those children as his own unknowingly for 20 years. That has got to hurt, but you just hand wave that away.

Donna doesn't get punished, is the other sad fact. She looses a marriage that she didn't give two fucks for and still ends up in bed with him in the end. Having him marry Tara - the pretty but sexless woman- was just another kick in the nuts.

TBH I'd love to see this one get the SaddleTramp treatment. Get Dr A in here to right some wrongs, and send Donna to the Gallery.

ImshakenImshakenabout 1 month ago

Wow, such a weird ending. The MC totally going against his moral compass? That's a hard sell. Still gave it 4 stars because 90% of the story was wonderful.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

This was the crappiest submission by this author. And that says a lot

MormonJackMormonJack2 months ago

Awesome. Thank you! The epilogue was the best part of this story. At first I thought you were relating one of Donna's dreams, but then, WOW, what a surprise. Didn't see that coming. I'm still laughing about it. Good luck tp Greg on sorting things out, once he finds out it was collusion between Tara and Donna!

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