Same Old Song and Dance Ch. 01


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I woke up the next morning and realized that I wanted Greg more than anything on the planet. I was lucky because he wanted me too. When he tutored me the next time, I was so distracted that I couldn't concentrate on the math problems. I was just waiting for the kissing to start.

I had made sure that we would have plenty of time too. He wanted to go to another popular restaurant on campus. I convinced him that it would be cheaper and better, to pick up a pizza on his way to my dorm, and we could stay there.

After we ate, we did do a few math problems but from then on I was ready. Once he saw that we weren't getting anywhere with the math, Greg sighed and told me that maybe I was burnt out and just needed a night off. I agreed. He looked really sad. I was hurt by his sadness, so I asked him what was wrong.

"Well ... I don't know how to say this," he said. I feared what he would say next.

I expected him to tell me that he couldn't tutor me anymore, because he had found someone who wanted to pay him for tutoring. Or that he found someone prettier, or someone with big tits.

"I really like it when we spend the whole evening together," he said sadly. "I always miss you when I have to leave."

I don't know if it was the honesty of his words or just the look of absolute sadness in his eyes, but I knew then that Greg and I were soul-mates. The next thing I knew we were kissing again. This time we were on the old sofa in my dorm's common area. I had simply launched myself at him and pushed him back until I was on top of him. We were sucking each other's tongues and had our arms wrapped around each other for dear life.

His hands were rubbing my back, and it felt magical. We hadn't planned it, but it happened. I couldn't stop kissing him. His hands roamed my body, and I didn't care. All the things that my mother and Sunday school teachers had told me for my entire life went out the window. I didn't give a fuck about being a good girl. I just wanted to be Greg's girl.

He tentatively touched one of my tiny boobs, and I pulled his hand away. Seeing his disappointment, I just smiled and pulled my sweater over my head. I took off my bra, and we were at it again. I couldn't believe he wanted to feel and lick my tiny boobs, but he did. And he kept saying things that just supercharged me.

"When I told him that my tits were small, and he said they were "His," it was as if I was struck by a bolt of lightning.

"Greg, it's not just my titties," I said thickly. "I'm yours; all of me."

He looked into my eyes and said one word. "Forever." I started kissing him even harder. There was no way he was getting out of that dorm without fucking me. My pussy was throbbing. I pulled his pants down, and he was all ready to go. His was the first real male penis that I had ever seen. But I was twenty years old. We both knew what to do, even though we had never done it.

I heard from a lot of my friends that it hurt the first time, but it got better after that. In my case, it was good from the beginning. I took his penis and rubbed the head of it against my sopping wet pussy. The head was already between my inner lips, and I just pulled him slowly forward into me. I didn't feel anything tear. It felt just like a snap. My pussy was so tight that it had been hard pulling him into me. But once we passed that snap; it got a little easier. I opened my legs because I wanted him buried in me. I wanted the two of us as close together as we could possibly be.

"Shit, this feel good," he said. I don't remember which one of us started moving first. But we started pushing and rubbing against each other. It started out as just me rubbing my pussy against his lower abdomen trying to push him further inside of me. And then he backed up. It pulled his dick out of me a little bit. I moaned because I wanted him in me. I had no idea that he was starting to slowly fuck me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him back inside of me.

"No," I begged as if my life depended on it. "Don't take it out." He just smiled at me and backed off a little bit again. And then he pushed forward. I realized what he was doing and started to match his rhythm. It took a few moments of awkwardness, but then suddenly I realized how good that friction of his dick sliding in, and out of me felt.

Without warning, my first orgasm hit me, and I almost blacked out. "Oh shit, oh fuck," I moaned. "Do that to me again." We started pumping harder and faster, and I was in heaven. My legs flailed uselessly, and my arms pulled Greg against me as he pushed his pelvis against mine over and over again. We were covered in sweat, but unable to stop. When he leaned down and started kissing me as we fucked it added a whole new dimension. I became even more ravenous.

To this day, Greg is still the only man I kiss, but that first night; we were out of control. My roommate came in. I heard her gasp of shock. She went into her room, so for me the problem was solved. Greg hesitated. "She's gone," I snapped. "Besides she already saw us. Stopping won't make any difference."

I was hooked. Greg fucked me until he couldn't get it up, and I still wanted more. We ruined the sofa. There was a big spot of blood and bodily fluids on it. We bought a cover for it. After that Greg and I were insatiable. And we've been that way ever since. Whenever we're around each other, there is sexual tension.

Our hands gravitate towards each other's body parts. I remember times during our thirties when we'd have a family movie night with our three kids. We'd have pizza and popcorn and soda and let the kids pick the movie.

Greg and I would always take the sofa and let the kids have blankets and pillows on the floor. Once we got under the cover, I would put Greg's hands on my pussy. He knew what that meant.

I've heard that for a lot of couples who've been married for a long time, that sex slows down after a few years. It did with us too. We don't do it as frequently, but it is more intense. Now that we're in our forties, approaching fifty, we only do it about four or five times a week. But they're five really good times.

I used to worry about the fact that I'm not cute and thin any more. I have a belly, and my ass is huge. My tits are still tiny, and my legs are thick. But Greg still loves getting between them.

I have mirrors on the walls of our bedroom, and sometimes I'm amazed at the looks on Greg's face as he fucks me. I don't think he even realizes that I can see him. I'll be there on my knees with my big fat ass in the air, with Greg pumping me from behind. The look on his face tells me that he loves fucking me, and more than that, he loves me. I can see my ass jiggling with each stroke and Greg slapping it and making it move as he pumps faster and harder. My pussy seems to clench at him, urging him on. I especially love it when he reaches forward and rubs my nipples. I usually have to bite the pillows to keep me from screaming in pleasure. In about five years when Debbie leaves for college, I'll be able to scream like I do now when she spends the night at a friend's house. All the neighbors will know that I'm getting fucked and loving it.

Of course, my favorite times are the less intense ones. Greg and me, lying on our sides with him entering my pussy from behind. He holds one of my legs up and starts sawing away at me while he kisses me. I never want that to end. My body responds to Greg's to this day in ways that no one else on the planet can match.

In fact, after we had Terry, we'd thought that we were done with kids. We had the perfect set, one of each. But just before Terry's sixth birthday, Greg's parents wanted to keep both kids for the weekend. They took them to Disney. Greg and I spent the whole weekend naked. All we did was eat, sleep, and fuck. It was like another honeymoon.

I remember it like it was yesterday; I got out of bed to make us a sandwich, and Greg came up behind me in the kitchen. He rubbed his hands up and down my back and my nipples stood up. He was very gentle.

"Donna, now," he smiled. "I need it bad. I feel like I'm gonna explode." I smiled at him. It was funny. We'd spent the entire morning fucking. We'd just stopped to eat. Surely he could go more than five minutes without me.

"Greg, you don't have to ask," I told him. "Just take me. Anytime and every time you want it. Let's go back upstairs."

"I can't wait," he said. He pushed me down on my back on the kitchen floor. We'd been married for over ten years. We had two kids. We'd had sex literally thousands of times, but there was something about that one time. My pussy was literally dripping. Maybe it was my body recognizing and reacting to the look of absolute lust in my mate's eyes. But I knew what he wanted, and I gave it to him. I lay down on my kitchen floor, and Greg got on top of me. Even when he entered me, it felt different. Our mouths locked together, and we started. Within a few strokes, I was feeling the same desperation that he was. It was as if we just melted into one big blob of flesh. I couldn't tell where he ended, and I began.

We came together and stayed there,p wrapped together in a tangle of arms and legs, covered in sweat and unable to stop kissing each other. My entire belly was warm and there was a pool of sticky sperm and body fluids leaking out of me.

That was the best sex that Greg, and I have ever had. And I knew. I don't know how I knew, but I did. We just drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms in the middle of our kitchen floor. We woke up hours later, smelling really bad and still wrapped in each other's arms.

"I love you," he said.

"That's a good thing," I told him. "Because I love you too, and I'm pretty sure you just got me pregnant again." We both laughed, but a few weeks later the laughing stopped when I came back from my doctor's office. I've often told Debs that she was a special gift to us from her grandparents. Unfortunately, they never got to see her. Greg's parents traveled a lot. They had a big RV and were always taking trips. When they took the kids to Disney, they had flown. They decided that they liked flying a lot. And took several more trips that way.

When I was five months pregnant with Debbie, they went on a trip that they never came back from. They died during a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon. Debbie was named after Greg's mom. Terry was already named after his dad.

"Here they come!" someone shouted.

I craned my neck and saw a lone figure running towards the finish line. As he came closer I could make out details better.

"It's dad," said Debbie. He's wearing his favorite, yellow Asics running shirt. Not only could I not make out the shirt; I could barely see that it was yellow. I needed new glasses.

As he got closer, I could see that Debbie was right. I was filled with pride as the crowd cheered my husband's efforts.

He wasn't really even running hard and there was no one else coming. As the announcer identified Greg and told the crowd how old he was, the cheers grew even louder. Two cheerleaders held up a long piece of paper tape that Greg broke through and the crowd went nuts. We ran over to congratulate Greg and when he looked at me, there was nothing but love in his eyes. I hugged him as if I would never see him again. I knew then that Terry hadn't told Greg yet.

"Honey, it's not like I went off to war," he told me.

"I know, Greg, but I worry about you when you run these things," I gushed.

"Then maybe we should sneak off so you can test my heart," he said. I knew then that things were fine between us. A man who'd been cheated on wouldn't want sex from the woman who'd cheated on him.

"I told you years ago, that you didn't have to ask, it's yours," I whispered to him. "But aren't you exhausted after your race?"

"Nah, but I could use something to eat. I'm starving," he said.

"Okay," I said to the kids. "Why don't you three go over to the carnival in the town square and ride the rides ... Try to ... " I began.

"Okay, we're there," said Debbie before I could finish. "Daddy, next time I want to run in the race too." She hugged her father and grabbed Mark and Sherry's hands. "Let's go people. Those rides aren't going to ride themselves."

"Hey aren't you going to stay to get your award?" Someone asked Greg as we started walking towards the parking lot.

"All the awards are given out at the pre-fireworks show tonight," I said.

As we left the area, a stream of other runners was headed for the finish line. Greg beat the next runner by almost three minutes. There were three of the college guys steaming in looking exhausted. They were followed by the sheriff who like Greg looked pretty relaxed. Then came a group of the high school guys and some other runners. Following them was another group of high schoolers with a girl who was working really hard to stay with them. She was the first woman.

But a few minutes later when Greg and I had just reached my car, I heard a cheer go up. The crowd was screaming for Tara. That was one of the things I hated about Tara. She was my best friend, but she was so God Damned beautiful that people went gaga over her and gave her credit for things she hadn't earned.

"And here comes the first woman," said the announcer. Tara was probably the third woman across the line. But with her long legs, big boobs and pretty hair, the announcer was probably already in love with her.

I got Greg into my car, and we drove home. His hands were already in my pants, and I realized that Terry had done me a favor. If I had done anything with Ralph and hadn't had time to go home and clean myself up, Greg might've been sticking his fingers inside of a used pussy.

* * * * * *


As I passed by the town square, headed for the car show and my dad, a voice called my name.

I had parked in the lot behind the courthouse where everyone parked for the big events in town.

"Terry, what the hell is wrong with you," yelled a female voice behind me.

I turned and saw Kira's mom coming towards me.

"My daughter is distraught. She's crying her eyes out. I thought you, and she were in love. What happened to all of that talk about the two of you getting married? And I thought you were a nice boy. I tried to warn her. You men are all the God Damned same. You get what you want then you just throw a girl to the side while you go after another one. You ran off to college and met some whore up there and came back here to dump Kira, didn't you? Well mister you're gonna ..." She stopped suddenly.

Her whole tone and demeanor changed. "Terry, Honey, you look like shit. Are you okay? Here sit down on this bench and talk to me. Terry your hand is bleeding. You've been fighting too, haven't you?" I just nodded my head. It was all coming out. The anger I had felt since seeing Kira and seeing that asshole Jeff, the night before was finally dissipating. And with it a flood of emotions.

"Terry why were you fighting?" she asked. I just pulled out my phone and played the conversation between Jeff and his friends. Her eyes got huge.

"Oh Shit," she said. "Terry I am so sorry for the things I said. I had no idea that was going on. No wonder your face looks like that. You probably won't believe this. But I kind of know how you feel. You probably know that I'm a single mom. I raised Kira on my own because her father just took off with some girl who was fresh out of high school. He left us before Kira was even a year-old. So I know some of what you're feeling."

"I feel so empty," I said. "And so angry. I loved her so much. I always thought that we were going to get married and have a great life, like ..." I stopped. I was going to say like my parents, but I realized that we would have been more like my parents than I wanted. Both my Dad and I chose women who cheat. There must be something in our genes that makes us magnets for whores.

"Terry, I'm gonna talk to that daughter of mine," she said angrily. "There has to be something wrong with her. But I want you to think about something too. You two are very young. You went away to college, and Kira was stuck here. She probably just got lonely. I don't think she loves the asshole. I think she just missed you and went about getting over her loneliness the wrong way. Maybe in time you two can get past this. Don't give up on her. If you really love her, maybe you can find it in your heart to forgive her."

Terry, I have an idea," she said. "I know that you're thinking that if you did forgive her, it would only happen again next year, right? Well if you really love my little girl, I have an idea ..."

She was smiling at me. "Oh, I see you're interested," she said.

In reality, I was wondering what the fuck made her think that I would ever get back with Kira. She had to be nuts. Women are crazy. Did she think that I was like one of those abused women on Jerry Springer? She thought that I was like one of those women whose boyfriends cheat on them over and over again, and they keep taking them back because they think that they love them. In reality, those women are just masochists. I'm not like that at all. There was no future for Kira and me. At least none where we were together.

"Kira is working at the restaurant with me now," she began. "She's always going on about saving her money to help pay for your wedding and put something down on a house ..." Her words cut me even deeper. She noticed it.

"Terry, I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't mean to hurt you again. Those things can still happen. Look my idea was that the two of you save up some money over the summer, and you take her back to school with you. Maybe you could go up early, and she could find a job in the area around your school. Kira ain't great with the books. That's your part. But the two of you could be together, and this would never happen again. Look I've gotta get back to work before my boss fires my ass. But you think about it, okay?"

She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me and then took off for the restaurant, down the street.

I sat there on that bench and thought about it. I had no idea how my dad would see things. He might decide that being married for more than twenty years and raising three kids together was different from my situation. Maybe my mom had been telling the truth ... Well no! I caught her in too many lies already. However, maybe for the sake of our family, Dad would choose to forgive her.

But I couldn't. Even at my age I had my own belief system. My parents raised me to make my own mind up about things. My sisters and I grew up being given the facts and being allowed to make our own decisions about things.

My parents let us make our own minds up about things like church and almost everything else. My mom went to church every Sunday. My dad went every once in a while.

Mom sang in the choir, volunteered for church projects, and sometimes taught Sunday school classes. Dad did a long run on the hills outside of town most Sundays during the spring, summer, and fall. He rested for a while and then spent the bulk of his Sunday, washing his Mustang, and watching football and NASCAR.

Dad worked five days a week and if the plant got behind he'd have to do a few Saturdays here and there. Mom has never worked outside of home. As I looked back at them, I realized two things. The first was that I had taken my values from what I believed I saw in my parents. I believed that I had seen a couple who loved each other deeply. When I was a child, I had loved my parents with a devotion that approached worship. As I grew older and started to look at women, I wondered why my mom and dad were together.

Don't get me wrong, I love my mom. But she's just that. She's a mom. My mom's not like the moms on TV. TV moms are always hot and sexy. Most of them are more attractive than their teenaged daughters. On TV, the husbands are the ones who are fat or dumpy looking, and it makes you wonder why this hot woman is with that guy.