Sailing Away Ch. 02

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The seduction contiues, but who is seducing who?
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/26/2013
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Back up in the cockpit we sat and talked and talked, and talked. I knew that more would happen, that there would be more between us. Would he expect me to return the favor? Could I do it? Could I actually suck a cock? I smiled to myself shyly. I bet I could. And what about anything else? The thing that I feared the most. Would lance try to fuck me, try to pierce me with his large penis? What would that feel like, I wondered. I did not know what I wanted, what I would allow, because I didn't know anything about any of it.

Lance was momentarily distracted stowing something so I sneaked a look at his genitals. Yes, I had to admit, I liked the look of that very much. While he was still looking away, I reached down and took his manhood gently into my hand. He looked up, startled at first, then smiled deeply. "Can I, er, just play with it, just touch you for a while?"

"It's 'him', touch 'him', and yes touch him all you want, please do, play, explore, take a close look. Ever see a cock up close, ever watch a cock get hard? He eased back on the padded bench there in the cockpit and I slid between his legs. We both still wore our robes, but both were open. I especially liked the way his foreskin felt as it slid up and back over the head. I became a bit jealous that mine had been taken from me. I decided that cocks, dicks, penises, whangs, were wondrous things. So silky smooth and soft and vulnerable. And so hard and capable of great violence. And yet even in the violence, such as when I was fucking hard into lance's mouth, capable of giving and receiving enormous pleasure. What an amazing thing. I leaned over to look more closely at Lance's dick. Touching and squeezing and poking. I shoved his foreskin tight against his body and watched his cock stand straight, then I squeezed the head to open his little pee hole. First I touched it with my

thumb; his heavy cock jumped in my hand. One single crystal droplet appeared from between his spread cock lips, gleaming in the lowering sun. On pure impulse I leaned and licked it up with a quick flick of my tongue. The taste, the smell of him, of his hot cock was overwhelming. My body reacted from some deep primal place within, my cock now achingly hard once again. I fingered his balls, sifting the wrinkled skin of his sack through my fingers as I examined them closely. The thick hardness of him grew now, so long, so hard, that the large almost purple head pushed through the foreskin and into the light, leaking clear fluid down his shaft and onto my fingers. I took his fullness into my fist and slid the loose foreskin up and back, covering and uncovering the engorged head.

"Oh Neal," Lance moaned.

I knew about this. Even I had masturbated before. I closed my fist tightly around him. My small fingers barely closed around his thickness. I jacked his cock hard and fast about ten times, then went back to gentle stroking. This was one thing I felt entirely comfortable doing. I began to jack him off in earnest holding very tight and stroking fast, then slow, then fast again. His cock, his balls and my hand were soaking now as I worked him. I had a free hand and he took it in his and guided me to his chest, his ice hard nipples. I ran the flat of my hand over his broad muscled chest, letting the nipples slide between my fingers, then rolling them between my thumb and forefinger, then rubbing again. I alternated tweaking them, lightly pinching them and rubbing them with the flat of my hand as I alternated jacking him off rapidly, firmly, then slowly, gently. I was enthralled with the power I had over Lance. I had never looked on sex as having anything to do with power, but now I gloried in it, fascinated by the control I had over lance's body. I could play him like a musical instrument, control his feelings, turn him on or off.

Lance began to gyrate his hips wildly, moaning loudly and saying my name over and over, "Neal, oh Neal, oh!" I knew he was close. I had never before seen a penis cum up close, had always had my eyes closed when I cummed, and those boys in the tents, well that was not really looking until after.

On a whim, I leaned and took one of his nipples in my mouth, sucking hard, then biting gently. Lance thrust his hips up hard against my plunging hand. I could feel him getting close, his legs tightened around my thighs where I sat between them, his toes pointed. I took my mouth from his nipples, leaned close, my face, my eyes only inches from his pulsing cock. As I stepped up the pounding of my hand, I circled the head of lance's cock with my thumb, as I had sometimes done to myself. He cried out loudly once. "Oh Neal!" His large cock spurted once, twice. I kept going. He shot again, and again. Three fat globs of cum landed on my face. For the time being I ignored them, watching the plump head of Lance's engorged manhood closely as it opened and shut spewing forth once more, then again, then flowing down over my hand. I slowed my stroking, changed to a soft caress as I felt numerous after-shocks surge through his cock and balls. I looked at his face and saw that his eyes were tightly closed, a look of pure pleasure on his beautiful face, his mind gone somewhere else.

We stayed like that for a time. I sat up but made no move to release him or to wipe my face. He opened his eyes and looked at me. Smiled. He reached out and laid his open hand on my face in that gesture I was quickly growing to love. His lips made a soft kissing motion. He used his thumb to remove one of the gobs of cum from my cheek, slid his fingers to the back of my neck and drew my face to him. Our lips met lightly in the softest of kisses. It felt so strange, kissing a man, stranger even than holding his penis. He moved is head back a few inches and looked into my eyes. Those deep black eyes spoke to me of tenderness, of caring, dare I say, of love? Once gain they drilled holes into my soul, dragging me in, making us one. Silently, lips moving, he mouthed the words, "Thank you Neal, Thank you." It felt odd being thanked for jerking someone off, but, I had to keep reminding myself, this was not someone, this was Lance. My lance. "My Lance? What an odd thought. Hmm. My Lance huh. Wow. I guess I had to mull over where that thought had come from. Was he mine? Did I want him to be mine? Deep down, if I were being honest with myself, I had to admit that I wanted him with all my foolish heart and soul. When I was sure, when I knew Lance was mine, what would I be willing to do then?"

Abruptly, Lance shook his head. "How about some steaks? I am really hungry. Come on"

he moved quickly, going below, I followed. "The head, er that is the bathroom is over there, pointing, over there there is a shower if you'd like to shower before dinner. I feel very comfortable staying in just robes. I feel quite comfortable being naked if you do, if not, look in that top drawer of the green cabinet and you'll find a soft pair of sweat pants you can slip on after your shower. Or you can just wash up, and after dinner we could shower together. I'd love that. Or we can wait until we get to the island, I am probably going to swim there anyway. There is a beautiful warm lagoon."

I took a quick shower anyway, not necessarily wanting to rid myself of the smell of him, but curious about taking a shower on a boat. I emerged and wrapped a towel around my waist and sat where lance gestured.

We dined on huge steaks charred to perfection and so tender I cut mine with my fork, on fresh asparagus and a bottle of great wine. I am usually not much for wine, but this was darn good, a Lafitte something or other. Dessert was small cups of vanilla ice cream with creme de menthe, which I also had never heard of, but satisfied me greatly. From time to time lance rose to check the setting and the autopilot, obviously expert and controlling the boat with minimal effort.

A bit later, we decided to go back up on deck. I didn't like it much below decks. Lance led me to a spot on the roof of the cabin. We spread a blanket and lay side by side on our backs. Darkness had fallen and the sky was a myriad of stars, thousands more than I had ever seen. "Damn, I was going to love being at sea. Wait! Had I just subconsciously committed myself to being here again, maybe doing this often?" Smiling inwardly and outwardly, I decided that I had decided.

"What are you grinning about?" Lance queried.

" I am not sure that I want to tell you," I said, smirking.

"So I see, I have to be honest, but you don't. As Captain I order you to tell me what you were just thinking."

"Aye, aye, sir. I was lying here looking at the stars and I said to myself, 'Next time I do this'. . . then I noticed that I had already accepted in my subconscious that I was going to do this again, maybe many times again."

"Well that is certainly good news for me."

"Is it?"

Lance rolled himself over on top of me,but held himself up on his hands. He kissed my lips. One short joining of mouths, but full of intensity. "I am happy that we are together for this time," he said to me, "and each time we are together I will be happier yet, no matter how many times."

"How can you say that? I am sure I have greatly disappointed you."

"How? What makes you say that? How could I be disappointed?"

"Well, you know, I haven't done anything yet but, you know, . . . "

"Neal, Neal. Dear sweet innocent Neal. I should be insulted that you think I only want you here for sex. But I see that all of this is so new to you that you are having trouble adjusting. You are acting like a stupid little boy. But I understand. You can't set you perametersa and stay within hem. Because you don't have any. That's not your fault, you have no experience. I am hoping that at some point in our relationship you will be able to say and do what you want, because you will know what you want. But it is my fervent hope that we will have a further relationship, sexual and emotional and spiritual. Because, you crazy little man, my darling buddy, I find myself falling in love with you. You think I have all the power, that I am in charge here, but you could ask me for anything in the world and I would do it. I am completely enthralled with you, your beauty, your grace, your innocence. And If you noticed," laughing, "and believe me I did, you said and I quote, 'I haven't done anything YET'."

"Huh, what are you talking about? I have only known you a few days and already, hell even last week when I had only seen you once, already then, you. . .were. . . are. . . the most important person in my life. You have changed me, changed my life forever, but you are so. . . so. . . I don't now, so sexy. It's just as you say I want . . . want. . . you. . .but I don't know what that means. I do know that if I lost you, if we were to . . . to part. I, I don't know what I would do."

Lance shifted his position, his legs outside mine and knelt up. He toook my face in his hands and kissed me deeply. "Oh Neal. Why are you so afraid? I want. . . "

An incessant beeping had been coming from the cockpit and from the navigation station below decks and had finally penetrated Lance's consciousness. "Well, buddy. We have arrived. He spun to his feet in one bound and headed for the cockpit. His robe was open and as he moved, his half hard penis swayed ominously from side to side. "If you are noticing that," I said to myself, "then it, sex, must be more important to you than you are admitting to yourself. It is time to admit to yourself that you, too are enthralled not just with this wonderful man,but with his large, awesome, dark, heavy, wonderful cock! Good question," I asked myself, "what am I so afraid of? I finally faced the truth. What I was afraid of was his cock. I was afraid he would fuck me. I didn't know what that was like, but the thought came flooding to me that that was exactly what I was afraid of. Why? Did a woman feel this much apprehension when she felt someone wanted to penetrate her. Was that what I feared, the penetration, the taking, the loss of self? Was there pain involved? I could not erase the picture from my head of lance's big peter sinking into me, into, yes, my ass.

I felt a strange tight feeling in my crotch, a strange ache in my belly. Looking down at myself, I saw that my cock was larger, fatter, harder than it had ever been in my life. So thinking about THAT had made me this hard. It seemed my body had overruled my head. Perhaps I wanted what I didn't know I wanted? That was certainly true of this entire relationship so far. I glanced over at Lance, standing so sure, so masculine, at the helm, looking like nothing so much as a sea captain. My heart literally skipped a beat at the sight of him. He was in my blood all right, in my heart, my soul. Would I let him literally in me, in my body?

"Neal, come, come look."

I nearly ran to his side, tucking myself under my robe and tying the belt on the way. The moon was rising from the sea. Lance put his arm around my shoulders and we watched. I had never seen such an awesome sight. At sea, with no obstructions, the moon seemed to float out of the water It rose so quickly that I swore I could see it moving. And as it rose from the sea, it captured the sky, banishing what had been starlight and establishing it silver reign. As earlier the sun had illumined a golden highway, the moon now lit a silver and platinum path on the sea that seemed to draw me toward it seemed to beckon to me to follow its endless road to. . . what? Happiness?

"Look there," lance pointed. A black dot had insinuated itself in the platinum moon path, growing larger as I watched. "That is our island," Lance said, drawing me closer.

"What is it's name," I asked.

"It doesn't have a name. So far it is merely a dot, a set of compass coordinates on a map. Maybe I will call it Neal island. Or Scott Island. Would you like that?"

"Ha ha, how many other boys and girls have you said that to? How many names does it have?"

Lance's voice became tight. "You can be an evil and cruel young man. Did anyone ever tell you that?" he paused a long time and I could see the muscles of his jaw tighten and contract. "I hate and despise jealousy," he continued. "It is a great evil that has destroyed many, many relationships. Jealousy means only two things, lack of trust and lack of respect for your partner and yourself." Again he paused. I could tell he was struggling to control his emotions.

Go forward! On the port side below the life line you will see what looks like a small box. On top there is a red switch labeled 'anchor release'. When I tell you and not a moment before, open the box and flip the switch."

"Aye, aye captain," I attempted humor to alleviate the situation, but Lance did not laugh. I went forward and awaited his command. While waiting I did some soul searching. If I was showing jealousy toward this man, what did that mean? Did it mean that I had already invested myself in this man? What else could it mean? Something else pricked at my mind. Up to now, I had not really thought of Lance as a human being. He was older, stronger, much more experienced. But I had just seen a vulnerability that brought a certain level of equality to our relationship. What I had meant to be what I thought was a flippant remark had hurt Lance, cut him. I was well-read enough to know that first comes fear or hurt and then comes anger. I knew nothing of his past. Had he been hurt before? I must remember to ask him. Lance's voice finally penetrated my reveries. "Hello, Neal, Buddy, You there?"

"Aye aye, Cap'n."

"Lower the anchor before we run aground."

"Aye sir." Moving quickly I locate the desired switch and flipped it. The sound of the anchor chain rattling down made me feel as if I were in a movie arriving in Hong Kong or some exotic port. Would I ever get used to this different world Lance dwelt in.

I went to the stern, looked in the cockpit. Lance was not there. I did the full 360 like a ballerina en point, but he was nowhere to be seen. Then I noticed his white robe lying on the deck by the starboard rail. I walked over to it puzzled.

"Hey Neal, Hey Buddy," Lance's voice called from the darkness. "Come on in the water's warm."

I heard him splashing before I saw his muscular form swim into the silver river of the moon. "Oh great," I thought. "Now I have to admit another inexperience, another inadequacy. Was I ever going to be the equal of this man in anything?"

"I can't swim," I was forced to holler.

"You can't swim?" He asked back. I could clearly hear the laughter in his voice. I immediately blushed again to the tip of my dick.

"What's so funny about that?"

"Well I asked you to trust me in the middle of the ocean. I didn't know you were giving me that much trust. Now I have to ask you to trust me even further."

"How's that?"

"Jump in, I'll swim for both of us."

"I don't now about that."

"Scared again? When are you going to stop being scared and learn how to live, how to trust?"

"You're sure about this?"

"Absolutely! I am a certified Red Cross lifesaver and I earned merit badges in swimming, canoeing rowing, lifesaving, mile swim, the works. Just jump in. I'll be there when you come up. You do know how to hold your breath and keep your mouth shut, right?"

"Well, yeah."

"Okay, jump on in. That is an order from your captain."

"Aye,aye, sir." I dropped my robe to the deck, walked back a few steps and ran full tilt and hurled myself over the side, legs pinwheeling in the air, "Woooooah!" I screamed as I sailed what seemed like a very long way down. I rose from also a long way down, sputtering as my head broke water. And true to his word,Lance's strong arms went around my torso from behind. He made it seem effortless to hold both our heads above water with very little movement.

"Relax, don't fight me. I 'll take you to shallower water. Lay back against me." His arm went around me from above my shoulder on one side to under my arm on the other. He laid back and I with him as he paddled us toward shore with ease. When we got to water just deep enough for me to stan he stopped and swam around to the front of me. Lance reached out one strong arm to circle my waist snd drew me to him. Where the water was calm, its surface reflected back hundreds of thousands of silver stars, quivering and shimmering on the surface. Where the water was disturbed by our movement, wavelets of silver danced around us. the air around us was a pewter color, while to the East, the gleaming moon river ran on across the limitless ocean. Lance's face, before me seemed etched in pure platinum, like the rare and ancient figure of a god. He made that gesture again, laid his palm on the side of my face, warm in the slight chill of the night. Slight pressure from his fingers was all the encouragement I needed to met his lips with mine. Eagerly, hungrily I kissed him then. I felt his firm manhood against my belly and reached to grip it with my free hand. "I want you. Oh lance, take me, teach me, love me!"

His strong hands gripped my ass cheeks and lifted me off the ocean floor. My legs drifted up one each side of his body and I locked my feet behind him And now I felt the length of that rock hard mass stretched along between my ass cheeks. My tiny virgin hole contracted and clutched as if to draw him in. My own slim rod was trapped between our bellies, so achingly hard it made me short of breath. I put both hands on his shoulders and lifted myself, then tried to lower myself on to his rampant penis, by now massive and rigid as an iron pipe. A wave broke a few feet from us, lifting me high, then setting me down again. The fat head of Lance's cock poked at the entrance to my ass. All the reticence, all the fear faded. I wanted him badly now, wanted him to pierce me, to enter me to Lance me, take me,

whatever it took, whatever he wanted. I moved my lips to his ear, nibbling the side of his neck and sucking on his ear lobe. "Do it lance! Please!"