Saga of Littown Ch. 08


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"Oh. That." Lindsay shrugged. "They only do that if they need an important magical favour. Like if they see a totally cute pair of shoes but their credit card's maxed out. Or if they need to change a grade on a test."

"That's what I told him," Emily said. "Only for really critical things. Jai still has a problem with it though."

"It's not right," Jaime insisted. "And I don't trust them."

"Fine, ya big baby," said Lindsay. "We'll go chill outside, ok?"

"Works for me."

Emily and Lindsay each took one of Jaime's hands just in case he needed to be dragged along behind them. He was happy enough to follow them to the relative safety of the school yard, however, so mostly they were just holding hands.

The three horny teenagers wandered outside for a bit. It was a lovely, sunny day, as per usual. A lot of boys had taken off their shirts, and more than a few girls only had bras or bikini tops above the waist. The scene was all the sexier because, due to an enormous coincidence, every student at Over Eighteen School was super-attractive.

"Goddamn," Lindsay said as she eyed a small group of boys measuring their dicks to establish order of dominance, the way guys typically do. "We need more nice days like this."

"Mmm, that'd be nice," Emily agreed.

Jaime was busy watching a pair of scantily clad girls playfully make out with each other. "Nice," he echoed faintly.

"So, we could go play frisbee with those guys over there," said Emily, pointing to a group of boys and girls running around half-naked in a soccer field. "Or we could stay here and sun-bathe."

"Does sun-bathing involve you two losing some clothing?" Jaime asked.

Emily grinned. "The way I do it, everything involves me losing clothing."

"This is kind of a weird conversation for siblings to have," Lindsay said, even while she secretly thought the exact opposite.

"It's just harmless teasing," Emily said. "Jai doesn't really want to see my luscious tits, do you bro?"

"No, of course not," Jaime said dutifully. "Nor do I have any interest in your wonderfully tight ass or your perfect little pussy."

Emily was already removing clothes. "See, Lin? My brother is totally disinterested in staring at my ridiculously hot teen body. Nor, I'm sure, would he ever think about sticking his amazing hard cock in any of my willing holes."

Emily pulled off her final sock, then lay down contentedly on the grass. The warm sun caressed her lithe, fully nude body. Jaime stared at her with total disinterest, and certainly did not think about sticking his hard cock in any of her willing holes.

"Em! You can't just get naked on school grounds in the middle of lunch," Lindsay said. "People will see. And you'll get in trouble."

Emily didn't even open her eyes. "Is anyone looking?"

"Well... not yet. But-"

"Then what's the big deal? Even if someone notices, I'm sure it'll be alright. Worst case scenario is I get spotted by a teacher, and I get expelled, and then I never get a good job because I don't have a proper education, and I die poor and alone at the age of nineteen." Emily shrugged. "So I think it's totally worth the risk if I can get a little full-body tanning done."

Jaime had stripped his clothes off while Lindsay was distracted. He lay down next to his sister, erect cock standing up to catch the faint breeze like a ship's mast. "You'd never be alone, Em. I'll always be there to fill your holes."

"Wait, what?" said Lindsay.

"You know, figuratively," said Jaime. "Like, the holes in her heart. Or something."

"Oh. Of course."

Lindsay looked down enviously, and with a fair amount of arousal, at the naked siblings basking carefree in the sun. They were so comfortable around each other, and didn't have the slightest concern about being so exposed with so many people around. They didn't even seem to mind the risk they were running of starting incestuous rumours about themselves. These things happened, as absurd as they were.

Already, Emily appeared to have fallen asleep. That was what Lindsay assumed, anyway, because her eyes were closed and her hand was stroking Jaime's cock. That could only mean that either she was committing incest, or she was having a sexy dream and thought she was jerking off someone else. It had to be the dream one. That was the only thing that made sense.

Lindsay quickly took her clothes off. She had to do something before things got out of hand. Jaime's hand had moved to his sister's pussy, and was rubbing her clit in slow circles. They were both having sexy dreams, and if anyone else saw the result, they'd get in such massive trouble. They were just lucky that Lindsay was there to save the day.

First, though, Lindsay snapped a few (dozen) pics of the naked, mutually masturbating brother and sister, because fuck, man. That shit was hot. With only the briefest of delays in her heroic rescue, she inserted herself between Jaime and Emily, and removed their hands from each other's genitals, instead placing them on her own pussy. She then grabbed Jaime's cock and fingered Emily's wet slit so that their dreams would remain undisturbed. They would have been so embarrassed to know what they'd been doing.

Jaime and Emily-unsurprisingly for those who know them better-were not asleep at all. They were just hornier than they were sensible. Using Lindsay to vicariously masturbate each other was an acceptable compromise to them. It didn't run the risk of exposing their incestuous tendencies, for one thing.

Emily eventually had a nice little orgasm as a result of Lindsay's fingering. She sighed in contentment, then rolled closer to her friend and cuddled up, stuck her thumb in her mouth to suck on, and went to sleep for real.

Jaime, too, snuggled up with Lindsay. He chose to suck on one of her nipples instead of his own thumb, but otherwise adopted a nearly identical pose to his sister.

There was so much warm sibling flesh pressing against Lindsay. It was turning her on like crazy. She was, however, kind of trapped between Jaime and Emily, and unable to do much of anything without waking them. She managed to worm one of her arms free and hold her phone out to take some sneaky selfies of her and the naked, unconscious pair snuggling with her.

After sufficient sexy documentation had been taken, Lindsay put her phone away and slipped her hand down to her pussy. She fingered herself to a slow, relaxing orgasm, spurred on by the feel of Emily's tits pressed against her, and Jaime's cock lying across her waist. Once satisfied, she too fell asleep.

An indeterminate time passed for the three nappers, since time was hard to track while unconscious. All Lindsay knew was that when she opened her eyes again, they weren't alone. She let out a squeal of surprise and mild distress, which woke the siblings beside her.

"What?" said Emily sleepily. "What's going... oh."

A small crowd of students had formed around them. Three super-hot, naked teenagers lying out in the sun was enough to attract a lot of attention from other horny eighteen year olds.

"Well, guess you were right, Lin," said Jaime as he stifled a yawn. "Guess we got spotted."

They'd been more than spotted, in fact. They were getting downright leered at by a mix of boys and girls, some of whom were blatantly playing with themselves while doing so.

"Shouldn't we do something?" Lindsay said. "We're kinda circled in here."

"You're absolutely right," said Jaime. "We should do something." He sat up and looked around the rough circle of students surrounding them. "For ten dollars, anyone who wants to can cum on Emily."

"That's not what I meant!" said Lindsay. "That's just making things worse in every conceivable way!"

Emily, too, had an issue with Jaime's offer. "Jai!" she said indignantly. "Did you just offer your sister up as a cum-rag for ten dollars a go?"

Jaime shrugged. "Yeah. Was that wrong of me somehow?"

"Absolutely it was," said Emily firmly. "Ten dollars is too expensive. You'll price us out of the market. Make it more like five dollars."

Jaime nodded. "Sorry, sis. You're right. Five dollars it is."

Lindsay was speechless. Siblings were definitely not supposed to be prostituting each other out. It wasn't technically incest, but it certainly violated familial moral codes.

"You can't do that," Lindsay hissed.

Jaime looked blankly at her as the first nervous boy handed him a five dollar bill. "Can't do what?"

"Sell your sister's body like that."

"He's not selling anything," Emily said from her totally reclined and relaxed position. "It's more like offering a service."

"A service where you get splattered with semen!"

"I know." Emily grinned happily. "It sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?"

"I can sell access to you too, if you want," Jaime offered. "Just cumming on. No touching."

"No thanks," said Lindsay. "That's very polite of you to offer, though."

The first boy, thanks to some frantic jerking off, unloaded a few squirts of cum over Emily's unblemished tummy. It wasn't anything even in the same magnitude as what she was used to getting from her brother. There was something really cute about such a small amount of boy-goo plastering her skin. Cum was cum in any case, and Emily luxuriated in the feel of it as more sporadically landed on her.

Lindsay somewhat regretted her decision not to let a bunch of random boys cum all over her as she saw how much Emily was enjoying it. She bit her lips and ran a finger up and down her wet slit as she watched the impromptu bukkake.

Jaime had to stand up and really focus on the financial details as he made change and processed credit card payments. He was taken by surprise when he looked up after a payment and found that the next customers in line were a pair of girls.

"Uh, hi," Jaime said. "This is the jerking-off-onto-my-sister line. I'm reasonably certain you've come to the wrong place."

The pair of girls smiled, and one of them tried in vain to stifle a nervous giggle.

"We're actually here for you," said the more composed of the two. "We heard a rumour that you're really good at messing shirts."

"We even heard you were the one who started doing it to girls," said the second girl.

Jaime nodded. "Both of those things are true."

The girls giggled and whispered between themselves for a moment.

"Do you think you could, like, do us?" asked the first girl while anxiously twirling her hair. "We'd pay, of course. We wouldn't want to get in the way of your business here."

Jaime smiled magnanimously. "Please, no charge for that. If you harvest the cum yourselves, I'd be happy to douse your tits for you."

"Ooh, such a gentleman."

"Told you it was a good idea to ask him."

The still giggling girls sank to their knees and started working on Jaime's cock. They were eager to join in the latest fashion craze as it was just taking off. Their determination really showed as they vigorously licked and sucked their way to a creamy payoff.

"Damn, Jai. You're getting a fan club," said Emily.

"They sure are... enthusiastic," Lindsay said as the ambitious little cock-suckers did their thing.

"I think I'm starting to understand the appeal of the fashion industry," Jaime said. He moaned aloud as one of the girls deep-throated his entire length in one go.

Lindsay couldn't sit idly by any longer. She'd been disconcerted by the monetary exchange at first, but there were so many cumshots from so many boys going on right in front of her, and it was driving her crazy. She crawled closer to Emily, then kissed her deeply as semen continued to rain down around them.

Some cum got on Lindsay's hair, arm, and back as made out hungrily with Emily. Emily, of course, was still far ahead in terms of delicious, gooey coating. Lindsay tasted cum on her friend's lips from an earlier errant ejaculation, and it mixed beautifully with Emily's natural flavour.

The two obnoxiously sexy girls making out industriously on the ground provoked another flurry of payments from horny boys. Overall, though, the crowd was finally thinning out noticeably. Boys were wandering off, spent and satisfied. The girl spectators were more sporadic in their staying and leaving, but they too dwindled in number as time went on.

Once his line of customers had faded away, Jaime was free to concentrate on servicing the girls kneeling in front of him. They looked up at him with big, anticipatory eyes as they took turns sucking his cock. Jaime grabbed his current dick-holster by the back of her head, and thrust hard and fast down her throat. She gagged slightly, and spit drooled down her chin.

"Ready?" Jaime asked.

The girl with her mouth empty nodded. "Yes, please."

Jaime thrust a few final times, then pulled his cock out of the breathless girl's throat. He aimed the ensuing spray of cum with an expert precision. Both girls had their shirts thoroughly plastered to their tits and tummies as their front sides were drenched in sexy boy-goo.

The girls looked up at Jaime with adoring eyes. "This is so awesome! Thank you so much for cumming all over our tits while we're at school."

"It's my pleasure," said Jaime. "I assure you."

Having provided a lovely coating to each shirt, and still having a lot of orgasm left to go, Jaime reinserted his cock into the throat that had finished him off. The girl gagged as her oxygen supply was once again cut off, and a few involuntary tears ran down her cheeks. Otherwise, she held herself still like a good little cum-dump.

"You're not done yet?" asked the other girl.

Jaime shook his head. "Nope. Not nearly. I hope neither of you mind if I finish off inside you."

It was kind of too late to be asking, as the first girl was already showing signs of belly-inflation from the massive load fed to her. Luckily, the girls were, in fact, totally fine with it.

"Oh sure," said the second girl. She eyed her friend's bulging tummy enviously. "In fact, we're pretty sure that cum-pregnant bellies are going to be even hotter than cum soaked shirts. It's just that it's so hard to get enough fresh cum to really swell you up properly."

"I think you'll find I'm something of a prodigy in that area," said Jaime. "Or a total freak, perhaps."

Jaime emptied exactly half his remaining cum into the first girl, then transitioned smoothly to the second without spilling a drop. They ended up with identical round tummies that peeked out from their now-too-small shirts.

The girls excitedly discussed their new looks, and felt each other's sloshing belly. After a moment of adapting to their new, sexy looks, the girls gave Jaime's penis a thankful kiss, then stood and each kissed his cheek as well.

"Thanks, Jaime," they chorused. "You're the bestest."

They skipped away happily, hand in hand.

"Well, that was interesting," Jaime said.

He sat down next to Emily and Lindsay, who were idly fondling each other's tits. The circle of masturbating pervs had dispersed, leaving the two of them streaked with cum and quite horny.

"Do you mind giving me a quick pounding, Jai?" Lindsay asked. "I really need to get off or I'm not going to be able to concentrate the rest of the day."

Jaime glanced at the sun's position in the sky. "I'd love to, Lin, but it looks like it's almost time for next period."

"Aw, fuck. Sometimes it sucks being so rule-abiding all the time."

Emily nodded sympathetically. "It's the price we pay for being such good students."

The bell rang a moment later, and the three sexual deviants scrambled to get dressed again. Lindsay's tits had mostly dried out in the sun, so it was an extra nice feeling to slip her gooey shirt back on over them. Jaime, too, was quick to redress himself. Emily had less luck.

"Where'd my clothes go?" Emily asked, spinning around wildly in search of them. Other than her shoes and socks, they seemed to have vanished. "Don't tell me someone stole them."

Jaime shrugged. "Pervy boys like souvenirs."

"Could have been the wind, too," Lindsay said. "Might have just blown your skirt away or something."

"You mean I have to back to class naked and streaked with cum?" Emily demanded. She crossed her arms and pouted. Her irritation only lasted a brief moment. Her features relaxed as the logical consequences of her predicament dawned on her. Her eyes lit up. "I get to go to class naked and streaked in cum!"

"That's the spirit," said Jaime. "I was wondering why you were so upset."

"I just wasn't thinking it through," said Emily. "I was all annoyed at whoever took my clothes, is all."

"I can't help feeling like you're still not thinking it through," said Lindsay. "There's no way you can go back inside the school like that and not get in trouble."

"Why not?" asked Emily. "Everyone would think it's totally hot."

"True," said Lindsay. "But the teachers would still have to report you. They have to follow the rules, not matter how sexy the rule-breaker is."

Emily shrugged. "I'll just have to take my chances. There are literally no other options."

"You could go home. Or borrow some clothes."

"Other than those perfectly reasonable options, there are literally no other options."

"I could give you my panties so at least you have something. And Jai could probably let you have his shirt. He's a boy, so he'd get in less trouble for being topless." Lindsay pondered. "Ooh, or we could make a quick run to one of the clothing vending machines and-"

"No. Other. Options," Emily said stubbornly. She took one of Jaime's and Lindsay's hands in hers, then dragged them both along behind her. "Come on, we're going to be late."

The school hallways were already emptying out. The remaining students, however, almost universally stopped to stare at the beautiful, naked, cum-striped girl charging through their midst with her brother and friend in tow. Lindsay's cum-soaked shirt, while still a new and novel sight in the halls, took a distinctly secondary place as far as grabbing attention.

"Ok, Em. I gotta get to class," Lindsay said as she freed her hand from Emily's death-grip.

"Aw," said Emily. "I guess you have to."

"You look totally hot, you know," Lindsay said. "I kinda wish I could push you up against the wall and eat you out for a while. You know, in a heterosexual, non-lesbian kind of way."

Emily giggled. "Thanks, Lin."

The girls exchanged a quick, friendly kiss, then Lindsay smacked Emily's butt and took off for her class. Emily carried on leading Jaime to her locker. The number of passing students had dwindled to a trickle by then. The siblings were in danger of being late, which naturally was a huge concern to such academic-minded individuals.

"I gotta get going too," Jaime said. He glanced around, then leaned in to whisper in Emily's ear. "Lin was right, too. You are totally hot. If I thought we could get away with it, I'd pull your butt plug out and pound your ass to death right here against the lockers."

Emily went weak in the knees and almost fell. "You shouldn't say such romantic things when we're not alone. You know what it does to me."

Jaime grinned and gave his sister a kiss on the cheek. "Sure do."

Then Jaime was off too, leaving Emily dizzily trying to remember her locker combination. Stupid sexy brother doing sexy, romantic things when she was trying to be a good student. She had just managed to get her locker open when the speaker system blared to life.

"Miss Nallister, would you be so good as to report to the principal's office."

Emily sighed and slammed her locker closed. "Fuck."

"There's no need for that kind of language, Miss Nallister."

Emily looked around, but the hallway was deserted except for her. "Ok, that's fucking creepy," she muttered.

Carol waved Emily right in to Ms. January's office once she arrived. The impassive secretary seemed to have to real reaction to a naked, cum-speckled girl passing by.