S.O.S. Summer of Secrets

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A family's deep, dark secrets nearly tear them apart.
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Author's Note: This is an entry for the 2019 Summer Lovin' contest. It crosses several genres and categories, some familiar, some new. I've had this story building in my mind for several years, and now I'm pleased to present it to you in its fullest.

I could not have done this without the help of my literotica friends who acted as a sounding board, my editors who improved it and my muse who introduced me to some topics I would have never otherwise explored.

I encourage you to read it all the way through before casting your vote. It's an interesting journey with a lot of twists along the way.

As always, I appreciate your votes, your comments, personal emails and your patience for this long-awaited story.


S.O.S. Summer Of SECRETS

A Family's Secret Cry for Help.


Lexie threw her suitcase on the bed and began to pack. Sorting through her closet, wondering how she would manage to cram a whole summer's worth of clothes into one suitcase seemed like a daunting task. Why on earth did we all have to go to this stupid summerhouse just because mom decided to volunteer for some kids' art program? That was her choice. Don't go dragging all of us down as well.

Deep down Lexie knew her mom was doing a good thing helping the kids with her free time and wondered if that made her selfish for thinking this way. She played her own devil's advocate and wondered if it made her mom equally selfish bringing her away from her friends not only for the summer, but the last summer they had together before they all went off to separate colleges in the fall.

What difference did it make arguing both sides of the coin? She had to go and that was that. The more she thought about it, the more depressed it made her, so she tried to focus on anything to get her mind off of it.

Right now, that activity happened to be packing. She tried to lose herself in the mundane chore of choosing her clothes for the summer starting with the essentials first: socks, panties, bras, T-shirts, jeans, shorts, a few different bikinis, summer dresses and considered herself pretty well packed. There's no need for anything fancier, it's just a house on a lake in the middle of the country, she told herself and stared at her packed suitcase wondering how on earth she was going to make it through the whole summer without much to do. Maybe I'll get a job or start up a new hobby. But her angst got the best of her in the moment. This is going to suck.

She planned one last hurrah with all her friends for the evening. They lived in a suburb of a big city and weren't old enough to drink, which greatly limited their entertainment options. Most nights they'd go out to eat, gossip, talk about guys and whatever else was on their mind. This night Lexie was particularly quiet and grew sadder as the night went on. Her friends all knew why and tried not to draw too much attention to it.

A few had some encouraging words, "Oh come on Lex, maybe you'll meet some hot country farmer boy and have some magical night under the stars,"—"Or in a barn!" another girl added, and they all started laughing. Lexie laughed the hardest of all of them. She had to laugh to keep from crying. Even spending a romantic night in a barn sounded better than what she anticipated—a summer sitting around the house with just her younger brother, Adam. Her mom would be away most days and her dad would be busy with work as he often was, even when they took vacations together.

Eventually, the night winded down and she hugged and kissed all her friends goodbye. "Call us whenever you get bored," they said.

"I'll be calling you every day, then," Lex replied with a smirk and headed home. She walked quietly up the stairs and into her room, careful not to wake anyone. Her suitcase was staring at her from her bed, wide open and full of the same anxieties and fears she packed just a few hours ago. She closed and locked it, moving it to the floor and crawled into bed trying not to think about how much she was dreading this trip. She fought it as long as she could, but eventually, her tears won, and she gently cried herself to sleep.


Adam had finished packing earlier that day and spent the evening, like most evenings, watching porn from his favorite sites. He was no less than a porn connoisseur and had logged countless hours searching, downloading and viewing various kinds of videos to masturbate to. He had become so used to it; his tastes had grown quite specific in order to find stuff that still got him aroused. He no longer was entertained by regular porn. Just a guy having sex with a girl didn't even seem interesting to him, it was what people were supposed to do...have sex with each other. After a few hundred, probably thousand, hours of watching, it looked as ordinary as two people shaking hands.

Instead, he started to develop incredibly specific criteria for what he wanted to watch. The main rule was it couldn't be easy to find. If he searched, "Girl masturbates while mowing the lawn," and found it within the first Google search, he wasn't interested. Whatever the fetish, it was entirely more enjoyable if it was difficult to find a video that contained what he was looking for. Another rule, although not strictly followed, was that it couldn't be overly sexual. He liked watching various kinds of nudity and could often get turned on as long as it wasn't supposed to be arousing. For instance, his search history included non-sexual things like finding the right size bra, how to shave your anus and sleeping nude. None of those things were particularly sexual, but he had gotten off several times to videos containing those specific activities.

It became a part of the satisfaction, finding something that was rare and not blasted all over the Internet. And rare usually meant it was more taboo, or else it would have been on every popular porn site. Lately, he'd been most interested in voyeur videos of girls using the bathroom. It was this delicate blend of hard to find, sometimes even gross and not at all traditionally sexy, which made it irresistible to him. There was something about the intimacy of it, watching a girl use the bathroom without her knowing. It was the ultimate invasion of privacy, and it felt like he was viewing something he knew he shouldn't.

Girls were so private about their bathroom habits. They'd share almost any detail about their life with their friends and even boyfriends, but then when they went into the bathroom, they'd lock the door and never speak of what went on inside. He grew up hearing the phrase, "Girls don't fart." He knew it wasn't true, but as he got older and saw how private girls were about it, he started to understand where the phrase came from. Which made it prime material for getting off at night.

Tonight's particular porn search included hidden dressing room cams, voyeur cheerleader videos, and girls peeing standing up. As he clicked from site to site, his left hand found his hard shaft resting under his shorts and began to slide his member over his leg from side to side. He let the friction work up a slow and steady pleasure before he would eventually move on to more direct contact. It never took him too long to finish, but he was always able to get hard all over again within minutes. He liked to think he had a quick trigger and an even quicker reload that he hoped would come in handy someday, but truthfully, he had no idea if that was even a benefit.

As Adam sat there rubbing himself, he began to wonder if this summerhouse they were going to would have internet or not. What on earth am I going to jerk off to all summer long without Internet access? With that thought, he quickly changed focus and began to search for videos to download and store on his hard drive just in case. He found several voyeur videos, changing room videos, nudist camp videos, bathroom videos and more. They were all lined up in his queue, slowly downloading through his torrent browser. He had a few hours' worth of porn to consume, but he knew that wouldn't last too long. He could easily watch a few hours on any given night.

What was worse, the internet was his only real form of interaction with the world. He didn't have many friends in general, so he'd either be sitting around jerking off at home or sitting around jerking off at the summerhouse. But without the internet, he'd have nothing.

Lexie made it perfectly clear she wasn't happy about going on this trip, but at least she knew how to make friends wherever she was. That was a trait they did not share.

Though they were called Irish twins, a term which confused him for the better part of his life, he saw almost no similarities between them. Sure, they were both 18, but different school years, different friends, different everything. At times he envied her, wishing he could be outgoing and connect with others easily. Other times, just the thought of that stressed him out and usually found himself back on online. It was his world.

Without the internet, he truly didn't know what he would do this summer. The thought alone had made his shaft fall soft, no longer in the mood to pleasure himself before going to sleep. He couldn't remember the last time he felt like that. He removed his clothes from his thin, wiry body; his long, hairy cock hung full from his recent tease. Climbing into bed, he left a trail of pre-cum on the sheets as his head found the pillow.

Tossing and turning, his hand inevitably found his cock again despite his lack of arousal. Sometimes it just helped him sleep. He reached below the sheets with both hands; his right wrapped around his long, thick shaft, and his left found its way through his thick, curly hair and cupped his balls. It didn't take long, and soon he was cleaning up the results that landed all over his belly. The soiled tissue soon joined all the other crusty, crumpled tissues on the floor, and he fell asleep, still erect.

3. JEN

Jen stared into the full-length mirror that hung on the back of her closet door. She always looked at herself with a critical and unforgiving eye, noting how her breasts were not quite as full and perky as they once were. She cupped her round breasts, which were just more than a handful apiece, and felt their weight as she squeezed. The soft flesh slightly spilled out from the sides of her hands as she lifted and watched her breasts fall. Her nipples had grown hard in the process, and she thought that made them look a little better.

Her eyes continued to wander down the mirror taking in every aspect of her bare body. She was well aware her stomach wasn't as flat as it once was, but thought it was pretty good considering she was approaching 45 and had raised two kids, worked a full-time job as an elementary school teacher and volunteered in various educational programs in her free time. Yes, I look pretty good, all things considered, she thought to herself.

Her fingers found her tuft of hair above her sex. Slightly pulling on the dark coarse hairs and remembered how much shorter she used to keep it. It had been a while since she spent the time grooming herself like she used to. Then again, it had been a while since she felt a need to look sexy for someone. Things had grown quite comfortable with her husband. A little too comfortable in her opinion. No matter, it's just a part of marriage that happens over time. It's impossible to keep the romance alive forever, she told herself whenever she was feeling bored or unappreciated.

She shook her head and snapped out of it like she usually did when her mind drifted into that dark place. After slipping into her warm cotton robe, she exited the master bathroom and saw her husband fast asleep in their bed. He often was in bed before her, and more often than not he was already asleep. Jon was a natural morning person, loved to workout at the crack of dawn, or before, and that usually meant he was spent by early evening. She watched him as his dark brown hair fell in a mishmash way as he slept with his mouth wide open. She could see his muscular shoulders appearing from under the blanket and the curve of his biceps that disappeared under the sheets. He was in better shape today than the day they married almost twenty years ago.

Jen pulled out her volunteering itinerary for the summer and sat on her bed. "Art Camp for Kids" the flyer read. This would be an excellent distraction for the summer, helping kids, giving back, getting involved in the art community. She did miss art. She was an art minor back in college and it was very much a part of who she was back then. It made her feel alive. She'd often reminisce of late nights collaborating with her classmates, spending hours in the studio painting, studying the human form for figure drawing classes, tinkering with her charcoal drawings constantly establishing and reestablishing her lines until it was perfect. Which it never was. God, it will be good to get back to my passion this summer, she thought. I will get to help kids and experience art and the whole family gets to spend a summer vacation out in the country in a beautiful house on a lake. What could be bad?

She pulled out her laptop quietly so as not to not wake her husband as she leaned back on the bed, her robe had slightly fallen open exposing her left breast. She hardly seemed to notice, but her face let out a relaxing smile as she began to read her latest email from Erik, the summer art program leader. She couldn't help but smile every time she read one of his emails. He was filled with an inspiring passion for art and for helping others. Something about it made her tingle inside. Her thumb rotated her wedding ring on her finger and she wondered how to respond to his email.


I'm so excited to finally meet you next week at camp! My family will arrive this weekend and get settled in at our place off the lake. It's only about a mile from the camp. I look forward to many relaxing walks to and from the studio. My husband and kids are equally excited to relax and get away for the summer. We simply can't wait!

Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday!


Once again, she fiddled with her wedding ring subconsciously as she read and reread her email several times. This is silly, she thought, and finally hit send. She got up to place her laptop on the nightstand and remove her robe. She crawled back into bed and felt the smooth, cool sheets tickle her skin. She was so giddy she could hardly rest. She closed her eyes and imagined a summer of adventure and art. Her hand was resting on her belly and began to creep lower and soon was playing with her tuft of hair, lightly running her fingers over it. And then a little lower...until she was lightly teasing her slit, which had grown quite wet. Careful not to wake Jon, she continued in this manner as she often did if he fell asleep before she even made it to bed. The kind of slow, gentle teasing with no agenda that she loved. Her eyes grew heavy and her thoughts gently faded away as she drifted off.

4. JON

Jon awoke to the sound of his cell phone alarm going off at 4:30 a.m. just like every other morning. He rolled over, hit snooze, but knew he would be up before it went off again.

This was one of his favorite times of the day. Half asleep, half awake and half aroused. He'd lightly pull on his soft, blood-filled shaft under the covers to stay semi-erect without trying to get fully hard. He liked to prolong this tease until he got out of bed. Jon rolled over and shut off his alarm before it had a chance to go off again and was now ready to start his day.

Quietly stepping out of bed not to wake Jen, he slowly made his way to the bathroom. After his eyes adjusted to the light, he looked in the mirror and admired what he saw. He had short, light brown hair, blue eyes, a nice smile, and rock-hard abs. Abs always looked best in the morning after several hours without food or water. Everything was tighter and more muscular. His cock was full of blood but still hung as if it were completely soft. He liked to imagine that's how big it always looked when he was soft, and that if he were to get hard it would nearly double in size.

He teased his cock most mornings and was careful never to finish. He didn't want to lose that energy and saved that built-up frustration and aggression for the gym. After relieving his bladder, he threw on his gym clothes, including his T-shirt with torn sleeves that showed the perfect amount of shoulder, back and chest muscles from all angles.

Then it was time for his pre-workout shake, caffeine, and other supplements. They looked like horse pills, but Jon was convinced they helped keep him looking and feeling the way he did. Soon the caffeine kicked in and the shake had him energized, he was fueled and ready to go.

It was a little after 5:15 a.m. when he arrived at the gym. The regulars were already there, pumping away. He gave his usual head nods to the guys he saw every morning but didn't know any of them by name. Today was shoulder day, one of his favorite days. Military presses, lateral raises, upright rows, rear delt flies, front raises, throw in a few machines at the end and some ab work for good measure. The feeling of his muscles filling with blood was intoxicating. He could actually see the difference from the start of the workout to the end. It was like he hooked up a tire pump and enlarged his muscles by a full inch.

His other hobby in the gym was people watching. He was one of the most observant people around and noticed almost everyone in the gym. More importantly, he noticed when they noticed him. Whether it was a guy or girl, he seemed to get a little rush when someone glanced in his direction. He was flattered if a guy looked at him. It was recognition he was doing something right and they were impressed, trying to copy his technique. And he had wild fantasies about the women who glanced his way. He'd imagine they thought he was the hottest guy in the gym and hoped they all secretly wanted him. He knew that wasn't true, but it was a fun fantasy that made the workout fly by.

It was almost 6:30 now, and he knew he had to be getting back soon to drive the family to their summer getaway. He put his weights back on the rack and headed into the locker room. Jon never felt comfortable fully undressing at the gym. He'd look around at the other men who did undress and note that he was in better shape, more muscular and had a bigger cock than most. So why am I so hesitant to do it? He admired the men who had the guts to do it, even if they didn't have great bodies. He wanted to feel that freedom, he wanted to stand there for all to see how hard he's worked on sculpting his body. But there he stood, putting on his hoodie, gathering his bag and already making his exit. Someday I'll give it a try.

When he got home, his family was racing around the house trying to get ready. Lexie was dragging her suitcase down the stairs and Adam was sitting on the couch typing away on his laptop.

"Hurry up, hon. We've got a big day of driving ahead of us," Jen said.

As if I don't already know that. "Yup, I'm all packed and ready to go. Just gotta grab my laptop from my office." Jon had been packed for days. His biggest challenge with this trip was how he was going to be able to work without reliable internet in the house they were staying. Through a little research, he found there was a library not too far from where they were going to be staying. And even better, it was right next to the only gym in the town, Heather's Health and Wellness Center.

It sounded like a far cry from the gym he was used to, but in a small town in the middle of the country, he was glad to find a gym at all. It was going to be a rough summer, but he had a gym and he could work remotely. Everything will be just fine, he thought as they were all getting in the loaded car and headed out for their longest family vacation ever.