S.I.D Ch. 07-12


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"What is this place?" I asked.

"It's called the Orb. It's a giant sphere where people go to watch entertainment shows."

"So, we're here for entertainment?"

"Yes, opening night. My company designed and manufactured everything that makes it work."

As I walked in with him, the plug moved with me, making me wet, and I was worried I might have made a bad decision. I noticed people looking at me. Women seemed jealous, and men seemed to stare and undress me with their eyes. I wasn't connected to their bodies like I was to Sam's, so I didn't know for sure. I smiled politely and Sam took my hand, so I stayed close to him.

Inside was a huge foyer where everyone was standing around, talking and drinking a golden liquid that people were passing out from trays. One of them approached us and offered us a glass. Sam took two, handed me one and started sipping his.

"Can I drink this?" I leaned into his ear to ask.

"Absolutely. You can do anything they can do," he said.

"Do they know what I am?"

"No, only Dylan does, and we need to keep it that way."

"Am I not supposed to exist?"

He laughed, turning to me with a smile on his face. "See the waiters, passing out the drinks. They are like you, sort of... not as advanced and surely not S.I.D. So, you see it's okay that you exist, but you are one of a kind and very special."

Just then an older man and a woman, walked up to us.

"Samuel? So glad you could make it... and who might this be?" the older gentleman asked.

"Phelix, this is Sid, she's my plus-one tonight," Sam said.

Phelix held out his hand and took mine as I offered it. "It's a pleasure to meet you Syd... is that short for Sydnee?" he asked.

"Yes, Sydnee Rose," I said, improvising.

This made Sam almost choke on his drink, but he recovered well before introducing me to the woman with Phelix, who turned out to be his wife, Janice. Phelix was the company owner that Sam worked for. We chatted pleasantly for a time in which Phelix looked at my breasts a total of fifteen times, until his wife ended up pulling him away from us.

"Sydnee Rose?" Sam asked.

"Well, I had to have a last name, right... it was what came to mind," I said.

He chuckled, "You are something, that's for sure."

"Yes, you made me something special."

We chatted with a few more people, mostly co-workers of Sam. All the men tried to stare at my breasts without me seeing, but it wasn't possible to miss. Sam seemed very happy and proud to introduce me each time and used Sydnee Rose from then on.

Dylan and his wife Susan also were there, and when Dylan saw me with Sam, he almost choked on his drink as well. I didn't think he was expecting Sam to bring me. He and Susan walked up to us and Sam introduced me to them, as if I had never met Dylan before. I played the part and never let up that I knew him and especially didn't let on that I had sucked his large dark cock.

The plug in my ass was always present and I enjoyed the sensations as we walked and talked, shook hands and got ogled by the men that seemed very envious of Sam and quite surprised to see me with him. He loved every minute, holding my hand or pulling me in close around my waist or shoulder, portraying ownership and I was happy to giggle and return his display of affection.

When we were alone, he told me how well I was doing and that he was impressed. Soon after, large doors opened, and we were all ushered into the main theater, where we took our seats for the entertainment.

I had no idea what to expect. The only 'entertainment' I had ever seen was the porn in my memory, supplied by Sam. Those were all from the 21st century and two dimensional. What transpired in this theater was way beyond anything I could have imagined. Not only were the visuals all in three dimensions, but the environment also changed as well, stimulating every sense, from sight to touch, even taste.

The seats formed to our bodies and moved with the show, and the visuals were everywhere, not just on a tiny screen or even a large flat screen. It was like we were really there. The movement of the seat around me jostled the plug in my ass, stimulating me the entire time during the performance. By the time it was over I was a wet mess, surely having soaked my new panties. I was so turned on, my nipples were showing through the bra's material when the lights came on. My skin was flushed and my clitoris was pulsing, as my ass clenched and released on the plug deep inside. I didn't know if I could get out of the chair or even walk.

Thankfully Sam realized my predicament, helping me unhook and get out of the chair. I leaned on him heavily for support. My power level had dropped to fifty percent.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" he asked.

"It affected me more than expected," I said.

"You look like you did after your orgasm."

"I'm at fifty percent," I said.

"Why... what happened?"

"I'll explain in the car."

He assisted me out to the front of the building, and we said goodbye to a few people, while we waited for his car to come around. Once in the car, he set it for home and then he turned to me, looking worried.

"Is there something wrong? Did you do a diagnostic?" he asked.

"I don't need to. I know what happened."

"Please tell me."

"Before I got dressed... I... I inserted a buttplug and have been walking around with it since. The performance tonight stimulated it the entire time," I explained.

I have never heard him laugh that hard. He continued for several minutes as I sat in the seat next to him still weak and flushed.

"Okay... well that serves you right, then," he finally said after he stopped laughing.

"I think this is your fault," I announced.

"My fault? How is this my fault?" he asked.

"You've done something to me... to my anus... it's the key to my orgasm... this proves it," I said.

He hesitated but then finally relented. "I can't deny it... yes, I enhanced your anal orifice to be many times more sensitive than your vagina, even your clitoris. That's why you had your first orgasm with the plug inserted and you figured out why now because of your little adventure at the theater," he said grinning.

"Why did you do it?" I asked.

"Sasha Rose," he answered. "You yourself noticed how well versed she was at anal sex and how much she seemed to like it. Well, I took that thinking and made you with that in mind."

"I see... so why haven't you had anal sex with me then?" I asked.

"Seriously? I think you know the answer to that."

"You wouldn't last five seconds," I said.

"Exactly, not right now. Not until you continue to fulfill your purpose and I learn more control."

"Okay, Sam... now that everything is out in the open... there is just one more thing to say."

"And what's that?" he asked.

"When we get back to the residence, you better fuck me so hard, because I'm about to explode already."

"I can absolutely make that happen," he said, making the car speed up in the process.


As soon as we arrived in the garage, he threw open his door, came around and opened mine. He helped me out and carried me into the residence. We didn't get to the bedroom. He was kissing me and groping me as soon as he set me on my feet inside the door. My tight shirt and bra were soon discarded, and I helped him out of his shirt. His penis was rock hard and ready to go as I kept tabs on it. My skirt was next, and he found the buttplug end cap quickly, wiggling it as he fingered my sodden sex.

I was so wet from the entertainment show and the buttplug. When he wiggled it, my legs started to shake. I could feel his fingers inside my pussy, bumping against the stainless-steel plug. That combined with him manipulating it, bringing me to the verge of another climax.

"You must stop that... or I'll climax, and I do... not have sufficient... power," I struggled to say among the incredible sensations.

He removed his fingers from the plug and my sex, before picking me up again and taking me to the sofa in the entertainment room. Laying me on the sofa, he discarded his pants and underwear, before lifting my legs and pulling me to the end of the sofa. My ass was hanging over the arm, when he bent his hard dick vertical and entered my drenched pussy, with the plug still in place. My head fell back in a loud moan as his cock filled me full and rubbed the plug.

It was so much better with the plug as he entered me, 85.5 percent more stimulating than before. His cock throbbed inside of me as he held himself deep. We were both close to climax already and I wanted to feel that way again, but was worried I'd shut down due to the power drain. He didn't seem too worried about it as he began thrusting in and pulling out rather fast, too fast, way too fast!

We both climaxed at the same time. His cock exploded within me, spraying forth his semen as my body began to clench and spasm from the orgasm. I was scarcely able to record his output before my system shut down and everything went black.


I came online again in the lab, lying on the same table, with the same bright light shining down on me. It had been 8 hours since I had shut down.

"Sid, can you hear me?" Sam asked.

"Yes, Sam... I can hear you."

"Run a diagnostic," he said.

"Everything running perfectly, and updates have been successful," I returned.

"Good, then sit up and turn toward me."

I did as he commanded. He was standing a few feet away from me. He was dressed and had his lab coat on. I was naked and was working on assimilating the updates.

"What do you think of your updates?" he asked.

"One word comes to mind," I began. "Impressive!"

"Good, you've noticed I've increased your power capacity by double, but what you haven't experienced yet, is that your climax will only drain a quarter of the power it used to."

"Will it still feel the same?" I asked.

"Yes, and I love that you asked that."

"It's become important to me," I said.

"I couldn't be more pleased. You are adapting and learning, have become more self-aware, and desire your own experiences. It is incredible."

"Was I harmed during my last climax/ Is that why I'm here in the lab again?"

"Yes, but don't worry I replaced everything that was damaged. Hence the updated power supply and new subroutines in your code. You're even closer to perfect," he said, smiling.

"I'm pleased, Sam, thank you."

"You're welcome. Do you remember shutting down... what was it like?"

"I do, the pleasure overcame the fear, I guess is the best way to describe it. I feared what would happen to me, but I was focused on the climax and measuring your output," I said.

"Were you successful?" he asked.

"I thought I was... but the data doesn't make sense," I said.

"Why not?"

"I measured 4.235ml which would be a new record, but I don't see how that is possible. It had only been 14 hours since your last ejaculation. I must have malfunctioned."

"I don't think you did. It was a new record and do you know why?" he asked.

"Your excitement level because of my orgasm and the buttplug, combined with the pills," I said.

"Exactly. Were you able to process the makeup of the sample?"

"Not fully before I shut down. But what I was able to process seemed to be a lot more water, the sample was not as thick, actually much thinner, and more of it."

"But still a new record. That's so great," he said, getting excited.

"Have you been taking your pills?" I asked.

"Yes, just as we decided."

"It's been 8 hours and 16 minutes since your last ejaculation and my shutdown. Have you been fixing me the entire time?"

"Yes, and now I need to sleep. You can join me, or, if you want to do something else, that is fine, too."

"I'll walk with you to the bedroom and decide."

He helped me off the table. I felt strong and fully charged. The additional power was quite the thrill, but in a different way than sexual. I accompanied him to the bedroom and while he undressed and got into bed, I thought about my new updates. I decided not to join him because he was asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Once I was sure he was asleep, I located the sex toys he had moved, finding them in the nightstand next to my side of the bed, where my charger was. I grabbed a buttplug and the long-handled dildo and quietly left the room. My body was already flushing, taking the toys, and planning to play and experiment had me already aroused.

I went into the entertainment room and sat down on the sofa with the toys in each hand. Pulling up a video of Sasha Rose from my memory, I mimicked everything she did, using the toys I had. I started sucking on both rubber toys, taking turns between the long dildo and the smaller buttplug, making sure they were both well lubricated.

Getting on my hands and knees, I reached back with the buttplug and after smearing some of my vaginal fluid around my anus, inserted the plug, until it eased onto the end cap. Just that made my system reel with pleasure. Sam had not been lying about how sensitive he had made my anal orifice. My legs began to tremble, and my nipples hardened just by squeezing my anal muscles on the toy, as if to push it out or to suck it in. Bliss filled my form, and I basked in the anal sensations.

I watched my power level, to see how fast it would drain the more and more I became aroused. I needed to know what I was capable of, to fulfill my purpose. With the plug inserted, I rolled over and sat again on the couch with my legs spread and back against the arm of the sofa. Taking the long dildo, I ran it up and down my drenched sex, stimulating my clit and labia, before changing the angle and inserting the cold rubber toy.

It heated up quickly as the ribs passed into my pussy, bumping along the plug in my ass, and sending jolts of pleasure and bliss into my sensitive anus. It was so good! I was lost in the pleasure, fucking my pussy with the ribbed toy, and basking in the rapture I produced by myself.

My arousal grew with each second and thrust. I watched my power level and was pleased to see it was hardly moving. Sam had done a great job with the update, and I was taking full advantage. If I pressed down on the long toy, making it rub the plug, the sensation was incredible. The more I did, the closer I got to my climax. I found that if I altered my thrusts, I maintained a high level of pleasure without going too far and bringing myself to orgasm.

With this in mind, I 'edged' myself for a full hour, bringing myself to the brink of climax without tipping over the cliff. It was phenomenal! I'd never felt anything like it before, because normally sex with Sam never lasted this long, but with only me in control, I discovered just what I was capable of.

It seemed my body was in a constant state of euphoria. I felt as if I was floating at times and waves of pleasure washing over me, perfectly timed to the thrust of the toy over the plug in my ass. My power level remained high, and it seemed as if I could continue for hours, maybe days.

My secretions covered the toy in a thick, slippery effluent, making the thrusts and withdrawals easy and aiding in the pleasure. Knowing I could go longer, I pushed myself past the hour and changed things up. Removing the small plug, I got back on my hands and knees and slid the longer and much wider dildo into my ass, ribs and all. Two inches in, I knew I wasn't going to be able to go slow enough not to climax. The added width stimulated me to a different level. It was just too sensitive and felt too good to stop myself. I was already on the verge and as the toy sunk in and the ribs popped past my tight sphincter, I exploded with a massive climax, larger and stronger than the two before.

My body started convulsing, my arm and legs gave out and I fell, shaking violently onto the sofa with my other hand holding the toy. The spasms from my ass, pushed the long toy outward, but my hand held it in, making the orgasm even more powerful, as my body squeezed and milked the long rubber shaft. Finally, it was just too much, and my strength gave out, forcing my body to fall limp and quivering on the sofa. The long-ribbed toy fell from my anus with a thud.

I lay there for several minutes as my system tried to recover. The final orgasm and the hour of edging took my power from 100 percent down to 75, just like Sam had said, instead of draining me almost completely. It was something I would never forget and got me thinking about just how good anal sex with Sam could possibly be. I knew I wouldn't find out until I fulfilled my purpose and increased his output, as well as his stamina. I cleaned the toys and returned them to the nightstand, before getting into bed next to Sam and putting myself into sleep mode.

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pk2curiouspk2curious6 months ago

OMG ! This is sooo good . You are such a good writer(s) . And with S.I.D. narrating . It's on another level . Well done .

contestwinnercontestwinner6 months ago

Amazing as always!!

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