Rules of Their Own Ch. 02

Story Info
A mind controller gets Alex to humiliate his deserving exes.
12.2k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/11/2020
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The chaos below was the first indication that something was wrong. His date standing naked was the second indication. There's only one person Alex knew that could do something like that and that person was him. Or so he thought. He turned his attention to the girl who had interrupted his dinner and was now about to strip at his command. Somehow, she did this. And she had the audacity to think she could control him too.


The girl's hands stopped at her bra.

"Who the hell are you?" Alex asked.

"I'm Nela. I see we share something in common."

"You did all this?"

Nela nodded with a mischievous smile. "Do you like it?"

"Sit." Alex said to Nela. He turned to her friends. "Freeze like statues."

Nela's friends didn't move again. Alex sat down across from his apparent female equivalent. He never thought he'd see the day where he'd meet someone just like him. But the similarities between them started and ended at their powers. From the chaos below and her beaming pride at causing it, their values could not be any more opposite.

"Why is everyone fucking downstairs?"

"Because I told them too for my amusement."

"Take your dress completely off."

Nela complied and did so with a smile. The lack of control must have been a new feeling for her, and her enjoyment showed in her enthusiastic response. Unprovoked, she shot her dress over the edge and into the crowd below.

"Are you going to fuck me now?" Nela asked.

She hopped up on the table and crawled over to Alex. "Is the big powerful man afraid to take advantage of someone?"

"Unlike some people, I have rules."

"Is that so?"

Alex had never been in a position where the girl knew he was a controller and was still practically begging him to fuck her. He didn't have a rule for that kind of scenario. It was better to stick with the basics. Any exemptions led to future exemptions, eventually rendering the rules useless.

"Have you ever cheated on your partner?"

"Every time." Nela said.

"Your mind is blank. Strip naked and lie on the table."

Nela's personality drained from her face. The mind controller stripped out of her bra and panties, threw them on the ground, and lay on the table staring up. Alex knew she would enjoy being fucked if she was aware. Since this was supposed to be a punishment, he couldn't have her actively engaging. He looked up at Trish who remained still like a cute trophy. His date night and shot at a new relationship had been rudely interrupted. After he was done fucking Nela, he and Trish would go somewhere else private to continue their evening.

Alex masturbated until his cock was nice and hard. He slid inside the blank girl and saw no signs of reaction. If he was being honest, he wasn't in the mood for fucking. He wanted to find love and start a normal life. After fucking so many girls it was starting to become routine. Boring. That's not how sex or relationships were supposed to be. There was a simpler time when Alex tried to put it all behind him and start anew. It was a time when he actually felt normal for once.


5 Years Earlier

Alex stepped off the plane and let the warm sun hit his skin. His old life had started to bore him, and he needed a new adventure. That came in the form of moving to an exotic location. The long plane ride over was comfortable and accommodating given his upgrade to business class and the air hostess that he had commandeered for himself. She had let him use her body anyway he pleased, and he happily emptied load after load into her over the long flight. It was one of the many reasons he liked flying commercial over private. The variety of women passengers gave him plenty to choose from if the flight attendants weren't already the hottest toys on the plane.

Alex breezed his way past the line of waiting passengers, ignoring the angry comments from people patiently waiting. A customs officer approached him.

"Excuse me, sir, you need to step back in line."

"Actually, I'm a VIP and you need to escort me to the baggage claim."

"Apologies sir. Follow me."

Alex followed the customs officer but stopped when he saw a gorgeous brunette clearly on her honeymoon.

"Woah, look at this babe." Alex said as he flipped up his sunglasses to take a better look.

"What did you just say?" her partner asked with a clenched fist.

"I said your wife's a babe and you want me to fuck her."

The man grabbed his wife's left hand and held it out for Alex.

"She certainly is. Please take her and fuck her good."

The woman was silent, Alex made sure of that. He grabbed the wife's hand and brought her over the line threshold. The plan wasn't to keep her the whole trip. Soon she would return and find her husband and continue on as normal. But for now, she was a fuck toy for a few nights until he inevitably found another.

Alex liked having fun with his subjects. It's what made things interesting. After a few personal questions, he learned his new toy's name was Shea and that her wedding had only been a few days earlier. A freshly minted bride for his pleasure.

"Shea, give me your best orgasm face."

Shea's face erupted in emotional pleasure. Her mouth opened wide as if to elicit a loud moan and her eyes closed tight.

"Freeze your face like that." Alex said.

Her expression perfectly captured the pleasure derived from sex. Alex was impressed, but it was an expression only meant to be glimpsed briefly and staring at her frozen face only elicited his laughter. He grabbed her hand and guided her along with her face stuck in a permanent orgasm. People pointed and stared, which further amused Alex.

There were a lot of hot girls that Alex ignored, but apart from the really attractive ones, like Shea, it was the women that really flaunted their looks that he couldn't ignore. As they walked, a busty brunette stood out like a sore thumb. All her friends were dressed as one would expect while travelling, sexy but comfortable. Not only was their friend wearing a low-cut tank top to show off her pushed up tits, and a short pair of booty shorts that barely covered her ass, but her makeup was fully done up like she was hitting up a club. It's like the friend group all agreed to dress casually and she decided to break the rules.

Alex didn't like rule breakers. He looked around for a suitable punishment and his eyes lit up when he saw the perfect store. Leaving Shea behind momentarily, he made his way over to the girls. They all took a defensive stance as if to fend off another guy who thought he had a shot.

"Woah ladies, I'm not here to hit on you." Alex said.

"Like you could." the blond girl said.

"Well, I wouldn't need to because I can do whatever the fuck I want." Alex said. "Like for example I want you to rummage through your suitcase and change into the hottest outfit you have. Then I want you to masturbate yourself to orgasm in front of everyone."

The girl's face turned to shock as her body carried out the command and rolled her pink suitcase into the giant walkway. She unzipped the bag and her suitcase exploded from the tightly packed clothes. All her outfits, including her unmentionables, were scattered on display for the rest of the travelers to see. After searching through the mess of clothes, she finally picked up a hot black bikini top and matching bottoms.

As Alex enjoyed the show, her friend grabbed his arm.

"What did you do to her? Make her stop."

"Why don't you shut up and twerk." Alex said.

The girl's mouth shut tight. She placed her hands on her knees, arched her back and started shaking her ass next to her other two friends. Alex looked at the last two.

"You, I have a plan for." Alex said to the girl dressed for show. He looked at the other plainly dressed girl. "You, I do not. Would you like to pick your fate?"

The girl shook with nerves. "Please, I haven't done anything."

She was cute and had an innocent demeanour about herself. He was often cruel with people, but that wasn't always the case. In fact, sometimes he liked to reward people he thought needed it.

"You're the loser of the group, aren't you?" Alex asked.

"What?" the girl said incredulously.

"They keep you around, but you're not the first one to call on any of their lists."

"Well... I guess." the girl looked down embarrassed.

"Don't be upset. Because when your friends are done masturbating and twerking, they're going to start treating you like a queen. They will be your loyal servants. Then you can see how good it feels to be in control and how hard of a temptation it was not to make you strip naked and blow every guy in here." Alex said.

The girl didn't know what to say. But Alex didn't care. He turned to the overdressed tease.

"Since you want to show off so much, I want you to go change into the sexiest lingerie in that store and model as a mannequin out front for the rest of the day."

Like her friends before her, the girl's eyes conveyed the shock of no longer being in control. Now she would have all the attention she could ever want. The other girl didn't dare comment or even thank Alex for sparing her. Now that she was being ignored, she probably didn't want to attract anymore attention.

Alex turned his attention to the grand finale as the rude girl in the black bikini fingered herself to orgasm with the crowd cheering her on. Once she was done, she repacked her clothes and rejoined her friend in line along with the twerker. The smile on the timid girl's face said it all as she realized how attuned her friends now were to her needs. To them, she was a queen now.

Alex collected his newlywed toy and walked by the lingerie store. The new display didn't look out of place. A slender, tall woman with legs for days letting everyone else experience and appreciate her beauty. As much as Alex enjoyed toying with strangers in a busy place like the airport, he had things to do and did his best to ignore the rest of the enticing ladies along the way.

Finally at the front of the line, Alex walked right up behind an elderly couple being interrogated by an attractive but rude customs officer.

"Excuse me." Alex said.

"Sir, you need to wait your turn." the customs officer said.

Her face was aesthetically pleasing with gorgeous brown eyes and naturally plump lips. Why she chose border patrol as a career was beyond Alex.

"Actually, it is my turn. This couple is free to go." Alex said.

The customs officer seemed to ignore him but handed the older couple their passports back.

"You're all set. Have a nice vacation."

The smile was forced, but the couple was happy to be on their way. The old man gave Alex an appreciative nod before departing with his wife.

"Passports please."

"Actually, we don't need those. I think you should just welcome me to your country by giving me a blow job."

The customs officer stood up and exited her booth. Despite the appearance of being bigger in the booth, she was about a foot shorter than Alex.

"Sir, I wanted to welcome you to my country by offering you a blow."

"Well, there's service you can't buy. I would very much appreciate that."

The border officer dropped to her knees and pulled out Alex's cock. He had no interest in having a long, drawn-out blow job. The goal was only to mark his territory on an authority figure. After her initial unenthusiastic attempt at getting him off, he grabbed her head with his hands and worked at his own pace. Finally, when he was ready to release, he pulled out and aimed at her face. After having coated so many faces of beautiful women, his aim was quite remarkable. Like writing in the snow with his piss, he could paint any picture he wanted. With the patience of a saint and the accuracy of an archer, he carefully covered her forehead with the word 'Slut.' Once the word was completed, he fired the rest down her throat and admired his work. There was going to be no rubbing it in or cleaning until she got home that evening.

"Thank you for your service." Alex said with a salute.

The customs officer sat back down at her booth and called the next couple waiting in line. Walking away, Alex looked back and saw the still legible word slowly dripping down her face. It was a shame he couldn't see the aftermath hours later. He and his beau continued on and collected his bags which he had made sure would be waiting for him. From there it was off to the final security check point with his bag and toy in tow. The customs officer stopped him at the desk.

"Anything to declare, sir?"

"I found this fuck toy in line, so I'm declaring her." Alex joked.

The security guard looked up at Shea and saw that her face didn't move.

"Is she okay?"

"Fuck toy's, am I right?" Alex said.

The customs officer stood up. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to come with me."

"And I'm going to have to ask you to thoroughly search this hot blonde behind me." Alex said.

The customs officer walked around the desk and past Alex. He stood in front of the woman behind Alex.

"Ma'am, I'm going to need you to strip naked as I check your bags."

Alex and Shea cleared the way and watched the woman confusingly strip out of her clothes. Once the customs officer was done with her bags, he proceeded to inspect her, using his hands to touch, rub, grope, and insert every place on her body while her hands rested on the back of her head. Now wanting to cause a scene, Alex made sure that everyone in the vicinity thought it was a perfectly normal procedure.

On his way out, Alex turned to the two other customs officers watching the show.

"I think she could use another two inspections. Just to be sure." Alex said.

The two customs officers walked over and joined in on the thorough inspection. The attractive woman complied, letting them feel her up. She had nothing to hide, and they had every right to search her. At least that's what Alex made them believe.

Having already spent too much time at the airport fooling around with various people, Alex led Shea past the arrival doors and into the new country. Hoards of people were waiting for their own arrivals and caught a glimpse of Shea. Alex could hear suppressed laughter and he couldn't blame them. He had already gotten his laughter out of the woman walking around with an orgasm face.

Outside the airport doors in the many lanes of traffic picking up and dropping off passengers, Alex spotted a couple getting out of a limo. The husband obviously had a lot of money, which he used to his advantage with expensive clothes and a flashy watch to make up for his mediocre looks. His wife, who looked half his age, was stunningly beautiful and she further enhanced her look with her tight outfit, and fashion designer clothing while carrying a designer handbag. Of course, the dead giveaway was the massive diamond on her finger. It didn't take a genius to figure out the relationship dynamic at play.

"Excuse me, sir." Alex said.

"Excuse us, we're in a hurry." his wife butted in.

Alex grinned. He couldn't bear to think about a life where people couldn't resolve petty annoyances with a snap of the fingers. Like the object she paraded herself around as, Alex ignored the bitchy wife and waited for her husband to respond.

"What can I do for you, sir?" the older gentleman said.

"Honey, we need to get going."

"It's a private jet, sweetheart, we'll be fine."

The wife crossed her arms and looked at Alex. The woman was a piece of work, but the man was respectable. Alex didn't like taking from decent people and all he really wanted was a ride.

"I'm going to use your limo while you're gone." Alex said.

"Sounds good to me." The man said.

"Honey! Are you serios?" the wife said. She walked over to Alex and poked him in the chest. "You aren't taking anything of ours."

The airport courier walked over and started loading the various bags onto the cart. Alex looked at him.

"You missed a checked bag." Alex said.

The courier looked around and Alex pointed to the wife. Everyone paused momentarily as the implications settled in. The courier looked at the older gentleman who nodded his head. Because of Alex's power, the wife could no longer open her mouth to complain. In fact, all she could do was stand still like the pretty object she projected herself to be. If only the outer beauty matched the inner beauty.

"Careful, she's fragile." The husband said.

The courier pulled out a fragile sticker and stuck it over the trophy wife's mouth. He moved luggage around and had her sit on one piece with her back against another, before piling a few more small bags on her. The older gentleman nodded and bid Alex farewell. His former trophy wife rode along on the bumpy cart, now just another possession of the rich man. The only difference now was that he was going to get some peace and quiet on his flight.

The limo was more of a room than a car which made it comfortable to kick back and enjoy the pleasure of Shea's mouth around his cock. Before Alex knew it, the ride was over, and he waited until his new toy was finished so he could deposit a delicious treat before departing.

The magnificent five-star hotel was breathtaking in person with its gold columns and a structure that stretched up high like a staircase to the gods. A perfect castle for a new king. All the bright colors and lively behavior that filled the streets gave a breath of fresh air to Alex's life. It was a stark contrast to the passive and drone like behavior of the place he used to call home.

In the hotel, the staff were dressed to the nines and there wasn't a piece of gold furniture out of place on the black marble floor. Alex strode confidently despite the pointing and snide remarks from the unimaginably wealth guests. They could all look down at him and call him names because of how he dressed and acted, but soon they would realize who they were really dealing with. The question was whether to take the whole place or just the top floor.

"Hello ma'am." Alex said at the desk.

The woman didn't respond. For the first time in his life, Alex felt the awkward silence.

"I'll take the top room floor please."

"Yo no hablo inglés. Hablas español?"

"I said get me the top floor." Alex reiterated.

"Yo hablo español"

"So, I can't control you unless you understand me?"

The woman shook her head again, oblivious to what he was saying. Alex backed up from the counter. All his life he had looked for ways to limit his power, to not be consumed by it. The problem was that he had been looking for answers in his own backyard. The world was a big place full of answers if someone was brave enough to look. And he had finally gone searching. Without knowing the language, he couldn't assert his dominance. There was still the possibility that he could alter reality given its non-verbal attributes, but Alex let the urge to do so pass. He had a chance at a normal life. Alex graciously nodded his head. How hard could it be to earn his way into the world?


Present Day

Nela felt her mind regain control as the mysterious man emptied his load into her. Her wicked smile returned.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Nela said.

"I told you to keep your mouth shut." he said.

"You did, but then you emptied your power source." Nela said. She sat up and pushed her temporary sexual partner away. "Of course, you wouldn't know that if you had never met a female mind controller."

"My power source?"

"When you mind control for sex, you lose focus." Nela said.

Breaking their frozen spell, Nela commanded one friend to grab the man and cover his mouth. She told the other to find zip ties in the kitchen as she walked over to her new prize.

"Now before your refractory period is up, answer me these two questions truthfully." Nela said. "What is your name and why did you choose that blonde for a date?"

Her friend uncovered his mouth.

"My name is Alex, and I chose that girl because she didn't break my rules of cheating on a partner."