Rules are Made to be Broken Ch. 22

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Sam proves he's equal parts perfect gentleman & Dominant...
5.6k words

Part 22 of the 29 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 08/31/2022
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[Hello lovers!...ready for chapter 22?...this one is about equal parts sweet & spicy... hope you love it! EG x]

In Sam's 'wardrobe', which it turns out, is actually a spacious walk-in wardrobe/dressing room that I immediately envy, I take a look at my reflection in the mirror.

I've piled my hair up into an elegant French roll and applied smouldering grey eye makeup with nude glossy lips. The grey silk underwear I treated myself to was definitely worth the investment. It shimmers slightly as I move, the smooth cups of the bra moulded perfectly to my ample breasts, giving just enough lift to push them together in a deep cleavage. The low-cut bikini style knickers are very simple, skimming the cheeks of my bottom beautifully, and just barely covering my neatly waxed pussy at the front. I step into the matte silver heels I picked out and smile as the extra height pushes my breasts forward and lifts my pert bottom.

'Stand there like that much longer and we're going to be very late to tonight's event Miss Blake.' Sam's voice from behind startles me, and I look up to catch his approving gaze in the mirror. I turn to face him, making no attempt to cover up.

'Mr Byron, you really should knock.' I scold, putting my hand on my hip.

He looks incredible. Franco has done an amazing job on the suit; it hangs like it was made for him. He's freshly shaven and has teased his hair into a suave side parting, though it's still ruffled and unkempt. His white shirt is open at the collar with the bowtie hanging loose and I can see the subtle sparkle of the diamond cufflinks peeking out beneath his jacket sleeves.

'My apologies, Miss Blake,' He replies, moving towards me, 'I just wanted to check you had everything you need', he adds, grazing his fingertips down my midriff. I breathe deeply at his touch.

'Yes, thank you, though I could use some help with my dress.'

'I'm all yours.' He replies with a salacious smile.

I take the grey silk gown from its hanger and step into it gracefully -- it's a simple floor length, strappy sheath with a plunging cowl neckline, which happens to perfectly match the colour of the bowtie that Franco picked out for Sam. Pulling the straps up over my breasts I turn and motion to the zip. He rests a hand on my bottom then gently tugs the zip upwards before turning me back round to face him.

He steps back to look at me and frowns.

'Don't you like it?' I ask, pouting a little.

'It looks great,' he replies, it's just missing something.' He puts his hand in his pocket and produces a small black velvet box. I try to scowl at him, but he cuts me off -- 'It's a gift -- to say thank you for helping with the suit.'

'So that's where you went when I was picking out shoes?' I try to sound annoyed, but it's pointless, so I relent, smiling as I open the box to find an exquisitely delicate white gold chain strung with seven sparkling diamonds. Before I can say a word, he takes it from me and puts it around my neck, kissing me lightly as he fastens it.

'I figured this could be the black-tie version of your Jessica necklace -- one diamond for each letter. Do you like it?' he asks my reflection.

'I love it.' I whisper. And I really do. I turn to kiss him before breaking away to present the finished result with an over-the-top twirl for his benefit.

'Wow.' He smiles.

My thoughts exactly, I think to myself, gazing back at him in all his finery.

'May I return the favour?' I ask, looking at the bow tie still hanging loose around his neck.

'Please.' He nods. I reach forward and smooth the fabric between my fingers, pausing to deliberately graze my fingertips against his throat before deftly tying it into a bow.

'Perfect' I say, kissing him lightly.

'Not too shabby' he adds, checking his new accessory in the mirror,

'You're not the only one who's good at knots Mr Byron' I add with a smile.

* * * * *

As we pull up outside a vast country house, I struggle to contain myself.

'Your aunt lives here?' I ask Sam, excitedly. He nods. 'Wow. It's like something out of a Jane Austen novel!' I gush.

'That a good thing?' He asks. I roll my eyes at him.

'It's beautiful.' I reply.

As Harvey pulls away to park the car, Sam's arm snakes around my waist and he ushers me inside. I feel like I'm in another world.

The house is stunning - like the stately homes I used to visit on school trips. The entrance hall is spacious and elegant; ivory walls are lined with ornate gilded picture frames housing fine art and portraits. I catch sight of Sam and me in a full-length mirror with an intricate gold filigree frame. We make quite the elegant couple I muse inwardly. I wonder if events like this will be a regular occurrence if this new version Sam and Jessica works out?

Baby steps, Jess -- don't get ahead of yourself! I school myself inwardly, trying to manage my own expectations.

'The Grand Hall's this way' Sam says, nodding in the direction of a room off the entrance hall where the sound of music and chatter is coming from. 'You ready?' he asks, tightening his grip around my waist. I think the question is for him as well as me.

'As ready as I'll ever be.' I reply, and then I stop in my tracks. 'Wait, no I'm not - who am I?' He looks at me, confused. Lowering my voice, I continue: 'Well clearly, you're going to be introducing me all night and I'm guessing you're not going to be divulging to your family and business associates that I'm a high-class escort, so who am I?' He gives me an almost bewildered look as though I've just asked the stupidest question ever.

'You,' he starts, pushing a lock of hair off my face, 'are the very beautiful Jessica Blake, who I was lucky enough to meet on my return to the city, you and I hit it off and you have kindly been keeping me company while I find my feet and settle back into city life.'

'Oh.' I reply, processing his words. It strikes me that he just described a perfectly ordinary scenario which is actually more or less true, if a little light on the deviant details.

'Okay then. Let's go.' I reply with a bright smile, clinging on to his arm a little tighter. I take a deep breath as he leads me into the bustling room.

Before I can fully appreciate the grandeur of the Great Hall, we're approached by an immaculately groomed woman with white hair scooped into an elegant chignon, wearing a stunning jade green evening gown. I recognise her immediately as the woman I saw Sam with the day after we met.

'Samuel! There you are. So glad to see you, and who is your lovely friend?' she greets us both warmly.

'Hello Aunt Louisa' Sam replies, kissing each of her cheeks in turn, 'this is my good friend Jessica Blake - Jessica, this is Louisa Byron-King, my aunt.'

'It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs Byron-King, your home is beautiful.' I smile.

'Thank you, and you my dear, I wasn't aware that my delinquent nephew had any friends left in the city, least of all one so refined!' she smiles at me kindly and I like her right away.

'Well, we haven't known each other long. I work in an antique book shop in town, and was able to help Samuel find what he needed. We hit it off, and he very kindly invited me along tonight.' I explain politely, surprising myself with my improvisational skills.

'An antique bookshop? How delightful! Well, Jessica, I hope you will continue to be such a good influence. Hang on to this one Samuel, I heartily approve! If you'll excuse me - I must keep welcoming the masses.' As she leaves us, I turn to Sam and raise a brow,

'Samuel?' I tease.

'Yeah, let's not -- Sam will be fine. Quite the little actress, aren't you?' he grins back at me.

'Plenty of practice.' I reply with a wink. 'So, she's Christian's mum, right?' he nods. 'I'm confused, he's a Byron, yet that's her maiden name?' he nods again.

'Christian's biological father was a marine, died in combat. Aunt Lou found out after he died that she was pregnant, but they had never married so Christian took her name. She met my Uncle Richard about 20 years ago -- he gave her the King part of the double barrel.'

'She brought up a child on her own, while also helping to amass a multi-million-pound empire?' he nods again.

'She's a hell of a lady.' There's a huge amount of pride and respect in his voice and I can absolutely see why.

'Drink?' he asks, I nod, and he catches the eye of one of many waiters milling around with silver trays full of champagne glasses. He takes two and hands one to me before taking a long sip of his own. He looks uncharacteristically nervous, so I decide it's down to me to make small talk.

'So, I'm intrigued,' I start, 'how is this party actually raising money for charity?

'You see how many people are here?' he replies, I nod, 'Well they've all paid five thousand pounds for the pleasure.'

'Each?' I nearly choke on my Champagne; I thought I was expensive. He nods.

'Aunt Lou's parties are legendary. The buffet is catered by a Michelin star chef, the band are some sort of a big deal in classical music, there will be entertainment of some sort and being here is just massively good PR in itself.'

'I see; lifestyles of the rich and famous, huh?' I reply. He smiles, and then suddenly I notice his expression darken. 'What's up?' I follow his eyeline and see a slim blonde in a burgundy gown fawning over Sam's Aunt. 'Who's she?' I ask.

'Lucy.' He replies flatly. 'My ex.'

'Seriously? What on earth is she doing here?' I ask in amazement

'Her mother is my aunt's best friend.' His voice is cool and expressionless.

'Oh. Does your aunt know she's a massive tramp?' a slight twinge of a smile twitches at the corner of his mouth.

'No, nobody knows what actually happened with us. Everyone just put our break up down to me going off the rails when my parents died and assume she got together with Jack in the aftermath.' He shrugs. A thought flashes in my head making me worry.

'Oh god, he's not here too, is he?' -- That's all I need I think to myself, Sam punching out the 'friend' who betrayed him while I'm trying to make a good impression on his family.

'No. He's in Canada apparently, so she told me last week.' I look at him, confused. 'She heard I was back in town, asked to meet up, gave me a whole lot of bull about how things hadn't worked out with him; it was me she always wanted, blah, blah, blah.' He trails off vaguely. It all falls into place -- she must have been the reason for his shitty day the night I met him in the club and went back to his hotel. I eye her with contempt. Partly because I'm feeling a little protective of Sam, but mostly because I can't stand women like her -- gold digging, status whoring tramps.

'Do you still have feelings for her?' I ask tentatively. He shakes his head firmly.

'Not any good ones.' He replies.

'Then let's make sure she knows you're off the market.' He looks at me quizzically as I finish my drink, and then does the same. I take him by the hand and step out onto the dance floor.

He looks unsure of himself -- not a look I see very often. I drape my arm against his shoulder and whisper in his ear,

'Just imagine we're in the Salsa club and you've got complete control of me.' I breathe. His smile makes me light up. It's exactly the confidence boost he needs to grip me firmly by the waist and flaunt me across the dance floor -- though rather more demurely than the last time we danced.

As the song playing comes to an end, we've made our way across the floor and caught the attention of most people around the perimeter. Including his aunt; and Lucy.

'Bravo Samuel,' his aunt praises kindly, 'nice to see you didn't forget all of your breeding while you were on the other side of the world.' She adds with a smile.

'It's all about finding the right partner Aunt Lou.' He replies, smiling and holding me a little closer.

'Very true,' she replies warmly 'now if you youngsters will excuse me, I must go say hello to Mr & Mrs Huntingdon before they start to think I'm avoiding them.' She leaves Sam and me with a slightly bemused looking Lucy.

'Sam darling, could you please get me some mineral water?' I bat my lashes at him sweetly as he eyes me cautiously. 'The bubbles are going straight to my head.' I add, pointedly.

'Sure.' He replies, leaving me with his ex. I smile at her politely and after a slightly prolonged awkward silence, she speaks first.

'I'm not sure if Sam mentioned who I am,' she starts cautiously.

'Oh, he did, yes. It's Lacey, right?' I reply, holding my hand out amiably.

'Lucy.' She corrects, shaking my hand lightly.

'Of course, Lucy. I'm Jessica.' I flash her a bright smile.

'Yes, Louisa said.' She responds curtly.

'She's wonderful, isn't she? Sam jokes about her being over protective, but she really does only have his best interests at heart. Apparently, she thinks I'm a good influence.' I add nonchalantly.

'Right. So, you and Sam are...', she trails off, fishing for information. I notice Sam is in fact standing right behind her, having returned with my drink.

'Sleeping together?' I interrupt, watching Sam's eyes widen over her shoulder, 'Yes. Yes, we are.' I continue 'I should thank you really, if you hadn't been such a crappy girlfriend, I might never have ended up having the best sex of my life!' I smile overly sweetly at her again, awaiting a response. Her face falls. Sam cuts in to hand me my drink and replaces his arm around my waist.

'Lucy,' he acknowledges her with a nod. She looks back at him like a lovelorn teenager.

'Hi Sam, it's good to see you.' She mutters. 'If you'll excuse me, I think my mother's trying to get my attention.' She can't get away from us quickly enough and I smile smugly.

'The best you've ever had?' Sam repeats to me, eyes twinkling.

'Well, I had to make it convincing Mr Byron. I don't think she'll be bothering you again.' I smile up at him. He grins and kisses me lightly

'You really are incredible Jessica Blake.'

'You're not so bad yourself Samuel Byron.' I reply with a grin. He scowls at me and squeezes me tighter. If we were alone, he would definitely have spanked my behind.

'Samuel my boy!' A deep bellowing voice calls from behind me and Sam's face breaks into a bright smile as we're joined by the owner.

'Uncle Richard!' Sam beams, embracing him briefly. 'Uncle Richard, please allow me to introduce Miss Jessica Blake, Jessica, this formidable force of nature is my uncle, Richard King.'

Uncle Richard is indeed a force of nature, he's taller than Sam, with broad shoulders and a head of elegantly coiffed white hair and twinkling grey eyes, creased at the corners in a way that shows a life well lived. He's instantly likeable and I smile as he takes my hand and kisses it chivalrously.

'It's a pleasure to meet you Mr King' I say politely

'Oh Richard, please! And the pleasure is all mine. I saw this one tossing you around the dance floor just now.' He continues, resting a hand on Sam's shoulder, 'Care to let an old timer show you how it's really done?' he gives Sam wink. 'Assuming you're not worried she'll prefer a vintage model, Samuel?' he adds with a smile.

'By all means Uncle Richard!' Sam replies, looking at me apologetically.

'It would be my pleasure.' I smile back at Richard, noting Sam's look of gratitude as his uncle leads me out onto the floor.

As we dance, Richard says:

'It's a treat to have a pretty face at one of these things; they really are frightfully dull you know -- though don't tell Louisa I said so!'

'My lips are sealed!' I reply with a smile.

'Hear no evil, speak no evil!' he grins back with a wink,

'Ah, but then surely I wouldn't be invited to the party?' I reply, matching his grin as I finish the Oscar Wilde quote,

'An excellent point!' he laughs, 'And that really would be a pity since it's such a pleasure to see my wayward nephew looking so happy. I believe I have you to thank for that too.' He smiles warmly and I can feel myself blush as I glance over his shoulder at Sam who is watching us intently with admittedly, a very content looking smile on his face. 'Whatever you're doing my dear, please do keep it up!' his words make me blush harder.

'I'll do my best!' is the only reply I can manage. He beams at me brightly and with a firm hand on my waist, twirls me across the dance floor; it turns out Uncle Richard is remarkably light on his feet!

As the song comes to an end, he dips me dramatically and I get a fit of giggles. I spot Sam approaching while I'm still upside down. He's smiling as Richard effortlessly pulls me back up to standing.

'May I cut in?' he smiles broadly and I'm not sure if he's addressing me or his uncle.

'Of course.' Richard replies. 'Thank you, Miss Blake for brightening up my evening, but I fear I must now face my doom and start announcing the silent auction results.' He bows dramatically and I curtsey in return.

'It was lovely to meet you, Richard.' I smile genuinely.

'Hang on to this one Samuel, I think she's rather special.' He winks at me as he pats Sam on the shoulder and disappears into the crowd.

'So that's my aunt and my uncle you've charmed Miss Blake.' Sam states matter of factly as he pulls me close and takes the lead as the band strike up a new song.

'What can I say Mr Byron, apparently, I'm just what their wayward nephew needs!' I reply, resting one hand lightly in his and the other delicately around his neck.

'That you are Miss Blake. That you are.' He smiles a slow, sexy smile that makes ripples of anticipation flutter through me and I find myself thinking that a house this big must have plenty of empty bedrooms.

By the time we're sitting together in the back of the Mercedes, waiting for Harvey to start the engine, I have lost track of all the people I've been introduced to, am full of utterly delicious canapés and all danced out. Sam takes my hand in his and kisses each of my knuckles in turn.

'Thank you' he breathes.

'For what?' I ask quietly, curling up in the crook of his arm.

'Everything. Being entirely perfect company, impressing my aunt, charming my uncle, seeing off Lucy,' he replies, 'just... everything. Thank you for coming tonight, it would have been very dull without you.' I rest my head on his chest and curl into him contentedly.

'Well, you're very welcome, Mr Byron; I actually had a lot of fun.' He wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer and I feel my eyes closing as we leave the grounds and head onto the main road.

* * * * *

When I wake up, I realise I'm in Sam Byron's arms and he's carrying me across the lounge area into his bedroom. As I blink myself awake, he looks down at me with an expression that makes my heart swell as he kisses me on the nose. The tenderness of the moment makes me wonder if I'm dreaming until I hear him speak.

'Hey sleepy head, I figured you were out for the night so I was putting you to bed. I was going to get Harvey to take us back to your place, but I couldn't find your keys.' He says softly.

'Left them here,' I reply, still half asleep as he tightens his grip on me, pulling me closer, 'didn't fit in my clutch.'

'Ah, I hoped it might have been part of a plan to spend the night here again and have your wicked way with me. You know, since I'm the best you've ever had and all.' He grins, stroking my bottom deliberately as he stalks into the bedroom.

'No, no plan,' I reply, rolling my eyes at him and enjoying the caress. 'But it seems a bit mean to make Harvey go out again now.' I add, starting to feel a bit more awake and enjoying the heat of his neck against my cheek.

'So, you'll stay?' he asks cautiously. I nod and he beams at me before depositing me carefully onto his bed like a prize.

'Can I get you anything?' he asks, removing the bow tie that was untied ages ago and unbuttoning his shirt, draping the crisp white fabric over a chair. I can't help gazing at him shirtless. Franco was right. God-like.