Rubens & Telemann: Missing Pages

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What happened at the office.
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All Characters In the Story Are 18+ Years Old


Author's Note: This section of Rubens and Telemann fell out of the folio on the way to transcription. Apologies to the readers for the confusion on the timeline. MP2


**TUESDAY 8 a.m. to Noon**

Carter, still holding the confessed Peri on his lap, said, "First off, we need to get you moved in here with whatever gear you brought with you last week." He patted her thigh, "Where were you staying and did you come to LA alone?" he asked.

"Oh yes, I came alone. Uncle Arthur brought me for the campus tour and pre-registration, last May, but, I drove down last week, in my BMW, alone. I am checked in at a Motel 6 near the University. Thursday was my first full day on campus. I was going to wait until the long weekend was over before I claimed my dormitory room." Peri paused for a breath. "Why don't I go get my things and bring them right over here, this morning?" she suggested.

"Yes," Carter agreed, "That's a good plan. However, I have to be in my office soon and I probably will be there most of the day. I wanted to help you." He thought for a moment, then said, "How about this? Go to the motel, check out, leave your car packed, go to the dorms, decline your room, leave your car parked in student parking and walk to my office." Kissing her, he pushed her off and stood, "We'll get it all sorted out, but I have to get going and you don't want to miss the check out time." He reached into his wallet and pulled out three fifties, two twenties and a ten dollar bill. "Here, this ought to cover the bill," he said, offering Peri the money.

"Oh no, Uncle Bill," Peri said, "it's all good, I charged it to my trust fund credit card. Really, it's no problem, Thank You!" She gave him a huge hug and kiss.

"Alright, Sweetheart," Carter said, and walked down the hall to change for the office.


Carter dropped Peri off at her Motel 6 on his way to the University. At the Counseling Center he stopped in the main office and greeted Ruth Cohen, the Counseling Secretary. "Hi, Ruth," he said with a smile, "Did you have a nice long weekend? Go anywhere special?"

"Hmmph!" she answered with a snort, "Me and Ray Milland...You know "Lost Weekend"? I just sat around and watched my movies. Went nowhere, did nothing special." she complained.

"Oh, well, for what it's worth, my weekend wasn't very exciting, either." Carter commiserated, picking up his Friday mail from his box. "What's my schedule look like for today?" he asked.

"You are stacked non-stop from 9:30 to 1:00, have a 2 and a 3 o'clock and then you are done." Ruth replied efficiently.

Carter glanced at the wall clock and saw it was 8:50. "OK, that's fine. Listen, that 4 o'clock you set up for me on Thursday was a no-show. If she comes back, squeeze her in and let me know, please. Also, I need 10 minutes with you in my office before my first appointment. Can do?" He looked inquiringly at Ruth.

"Sure, Dr. Carter." Ruth agreed, "No problem. I'll be right along." She turned back to the keyboard and resumed typing as Carter walked out. Three minutes later she knocked on Carter's office door and walked in. "You wanted to see me, Dr. Carter?" she asked, with her typical perfunctory tone.

"Yes, Ruth," Carter said, evenly, "That's exactly what I want. PRALINE." he declared in a clear voice. "Lock the door, come over here, close the blinds and stand between my knees, please." he commanded.

Ruth bolted the office door, walked around his desk, turned the plastic rod to close the venetian blinds and stepped between Carter's spread legs.

"Perfect, Ruth," Carter praised her, "Now strip nicely for me. It's OK, take your time, I don't mind if a student waits. I want to enjoy a little alone time with you." He continued with his customary grin.

Ruth began by unbuckling the wide, black, patent leather belt which hid the gathered waist of her gray, sharkskin, button front, shirtwaist dress. As she stood in front of Carter, her full-skirted hem draped over his knees. She placed the belt on the desk and did a quick pirouette.

When she was facing him again, her top dress button was undone and her fingers were twisting the second one through its loop. When it was freed, she opened the dress' neck and leaned over. Carter was treated to her deep cleavage when she planted a small kiss on his forehead before straightening up and unbuttoning the third disc. The fourth button followed, and her chest was exposed, when she spread the plackets and slipped the sleeves down her arms. She left the top half of the dress loose around her waist. Bending over again, she kissed Carter more substantially on the tip of his nose. Once more, his view of her bosom was prime, but now, unobstructed, except by her midnight-blue, underwired bra with its doubled lace cups.

"Magnificent, as always, Baby!" Carter complimented, as Ruth shimmied her tits before his face. "I'm always amazed, and a little bit sad, those beauties don't fall out when you shake them like that!" he confessed with a wry grin.

"Girls' secret, Bill," Ruth answered cryptically, then, reaching behind her back, she unhooked her brassiere. Now, leaning forward and shaking her boobs, they did, indeed 'fall out' in Carter's face. Ruth let the dark lace fall to the floor while Carter cupped her breasts with both hands and kissed her prominent nipples. "Mmmm, that must be better for you. Are you still 'sad', Billy?" she asked, transitioning into her Naughty Mom voice.

"Oh, no, not sad at all, Baby!" he rasped huskily, taking a last, quick, suck as Ruth straightened up again.

Ruth lowered her hands to Carter's thighs and ran them flat to his knees, gathering her skirt hem as she went. Lifting her skirt, incrementally by inches, she slowly twirled between his legs. Pausing at 180 degrees, she bent forward and shook her sharkskin skirt, rippling its shifting gray tones with her whisking rustle. Carter could almost see her stocking tops. Completing her turn, Ruth raised the skirt above her waist, reaching her arms even with her shoulders. The flared skirt hid her naked breasts, but revealed her matching dark blue, high-cut, bikini panties beneath her black lace suspenders and garter belt. Carter saw her stockings were sheer black and the tops, clipped to the snaps, banded her thighs about a hand's width below her darkly outlined pussy.

Ruth stepped a half-step forward and let go of the skirt. It fell, like a tent, over Carter's head, forcing the pungent, erotic aroma of Ruth's cunt into his nostrils. He breathed deeply in and out and cruised his hands up the backs of Ruth's legs, along the stocking seams, to the shelf of her bottom. Leaning forward he placed his nose on the crease of her twat and slowly raise his chin, dragging his nose to the upper edge of her slit where he gently touched her hidden clit, through the lace, with his lips. She was hot. She was wet. She was fragrant.

Ruth pulled back and raised her skirt and shirtwaist together over her head. Standing semi-nude in front of Carter, she put her hands on his shoulders, stepped out of her mules and straddled him, outside his legs, as he sat, with his hands on her hips just above her black, lace garter belt. Ruth got up on Carter's desk chair, grateful it was padded, and knelt before his chest, her shins astride his hips, her ankles over the chair edge. Slowly, she began weaving her torso, twisting her shoulders, gently bobbing her unbound breasts around Carter's head. Lifting her hands, she pulled his face into the depths of her cleavage and squashed her tits onto his cheeks and ears. When he was near suffocation, she gave a massive shimmy and arched her back as she released his head to spring back from her firm pillows.

Ruth stood on the chair, placing her cunt above Carter and out of sight. She silently picked up his hands and brought his fingers to her garter snaps. She held him as he unclipped her nylons. Now, standing with her left foot on Carter's rights shoulder, she rolled her left stocking to her toes, pulled it off and fluttered it to his desk. Reversing her stance, she repeated the maneuver on her right leg. Stepping down from the chair, she again positioned herself between Carter's knees and turned half-around. Bending over, Ruth wiggled her bikini-clad bottom as she pushed her lace belt back, and off, leaving it loose on the floor with her bra.

Turning around, once more facing Carter and standing between his thighs, she attended to the obvious proof of his enjoyment of her routine. Kneeling, now on the floor, she undid his trousers' belt and fly, pulling the pants and shorts down with a single, strong, yank to his knees and releasing his rampant, rigid, cock. Ruth arched her neck, dropped her chin and pulled the waving dick into her mouth. As she teased and sucked his mushroom, she pushed his pants the rest of the way to the floor. Carter hunched over her shoulders and ran his hands down Ruth's back to the waist band of her panties. pushing his hands inside, he stretched the elastic and slid the briefs over Ruth's ass as far as he could reach.

Returning, Carter cradled Ruth's armpits and lifted her, turning her to face away from him. As she arose, her underwear succumbed to gravity and slithered down her legs to join the other unnecessaries. Carter sat Ruth on his lap, skewering her cunt with his joint. He sighed as his dick slid easily up into her well-oiled pussy. Ruth thrilled at the filling feeling of Carter's thick staff invading her channel and pushing her walls aside to make room. She squeezed her cunt tight, hugging the visitor, making it welcome. Carter lifted and lowered Ruth's torso and thrust his hips, forcing himself deeper and deeper.

The initially languid pace increased to fever pitch. Carter groaned and Ruth gasped. They grunted together as his thighs collided with hers. Carter knowing he was close, hoped to hold until he was sure Ruth was ready to come. Ruth helped herself by rubbing her clit with her right hand and twisting her left nipple and areola with her left hand as Carter pushed and pulled her up and down on his pole.

"AAAHHH!" she cried, as at last she felt the first orgasmic wave crash through her body. She squeezed her pussy internally and closed her thighs tight, trapping her hand and Carter's cock in a vice as she rocked her hips and yipped, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Ruth's added pressure and ecstatic yelps pushed Carter beyond any self-control. He slid his hands to her hips, holding her in his own iron grasp against his groin, as he clenched his butt and fired his steaming seed into her storm.

As the waves of released tension ebbed, Ruth climbed from Carter's lap, turned to him and asked, "So, Billy, the cake's in the oven. Do you want to lick the bowl?"

He grinned and replied, "Oh mother, may I?" Grabbing her ass, he hauled her forward and buried his face in her cunt, sucking and lapping her juices, and his semen, flowing back from her bushy, dripping, brunette snatch. When he heard a knock at the door and a young man's voice calling his name, he forced himself to be satisfied. Tearing away from Ruth's still oozing pussy, he answered, "Sorry! It will be another few minutes. Go to the office and wait for the secretary. She'll let you know when I am available."

"Oh, OK,!" said the anonymous young man and he shuffled down the hall.

Ruth pulled her dress on, stepped barefoot into her pumps and pushed her remaining garments into a paper sack Carter retrieved from a desk drawer. "Praline" Carter said, holding Ruth as she slid into her trance.

"Ruth, do you hear me?" he asked, confident she was not the same trickster Peri hand turned out to be.

"Yes." Ruth replied autonomically.

"Good," Carter continued, "Go to the ladies room, fix yourself up just like you were before you came in my office. Then go to your desk. Ignore any students you see. Call me on the intercom." He instructed her. "Do you understand?"


"OK, Ruth," Carter said, "PRALINE" and he let her go. Ruth left his office with the sack and ten minutes later his phone rang.

He pushed the intercom button and said, "Ruth?" into the phone.

"Yes" she replied.

"Send in the young man, PRESTO!"

Ruth looked at the phone in her hand, then at the boy in blue jeans across from her desk. Shrugging, she said, "Dr. Carter will see you now. First door on your right."


Peri watched Carter disappear into the morning rush hour traffic, then walked across the parking lot to her motel room. Her new, red, BMW 325i coupe was parked just as she had left it, last Thursday, when she had decided, on a whim to walk to the University. "That was sure a lucky and good decision!" she said to herself, as she reflected on all that happened in the ensuing five days.

She dug her room key out from the bottom of her handbag and let herself in to Room 18. It was a nice enough room, with two double beds and a TV, but it turned out none of it mattered, since she had not spent even a single night there. "Wowie Howie!" she thought "If someone last month had told me I was going to go to L.A., check into a motel, and then spend the next five days, morning, noon and night, fucking a guy old enough to be my grandfather, I would have laughed in their face! But that's what happened, and Oh My Gosh! I could not be happier!" Peri looked at herself in the dresser mirror, wearing a tan, jersey cloth, body-hugging, pullover sheath, taupe pantyhose, and flat strappy sandals. She hugged herself, smiled at her good fortune, then picked up her two never-unpacked suitcases, put them in the Beemer's trunk and walked to the manager's office.

The same Pakistani man who checked her in last week was behind the desk. He gave her a broken-toothed smile and said, "Good Morning, Miss Halstead! It is nice to see you!"

Peri, perplexed, asked "You remember my name?"

"Oh, yes!" he nodded, "My wife and I were worried because your bed was not slept in and your car was just where you parked and we never saw you after you checked in." He smiled more broadly and called over his shoulder, "Gharra, come see, Miss Halstead is here!"

"Yes, Jasir, thank you," a woman's voice called from the office, "I will be there soon."

"You were worried? I don't understand, I pre-authorized a week on my card as agreed." Peri replied.

"Oh, no, no, not for the money, missy," Jasir quickly assured her, "but, you are young and pretty and this is a big city. We worried you got lost or something bad happened." he explained.

Just then a short, heavy-set middle-aged Pakistani woman in a rosy-pink sari stepped out of the office. She also smiled at Peri and picked up where her husband left off "Yes, miss, as a matter of fact, I told my husband we should notify the police if we did not see you today. We are so thankful you are well!"

"You are both very kind," Peri said, earnestly, "I am sorry I caused any trouble. I met some friends and they persuaded me to go away with them for the holiday weekend." She looked down and then back at the couple, "I didn't think about telling anyone. I am so, so sorry!"

"Please do not think a moment on it," Jasir said. "Praise God all is well!"

"Well, OK," Peri said, still a little concerned for the obvious anxiety she had created. "I am checking out, so can we settle the bill for 5 nights, please?" she asked, hoping a business transaction would take away the tense discomfort she felt.

"Oh, most certainly, Miss Halstead," Jasir replied. "Do you want to put it on the same card?"

"Yes, please," Peri answered.

"Very good," said Jasir, handing her a form he had completed. "Just sign here for the charges and that will be that!" He showed his teeth again. "Thank you for staying with us, We leave our lights on for you!" he said, not quite getting the motto correct.

The red 325i, dusty after not being moved for 5 days, chirped happily, blinking its lights, when Peri unlocked it with the remote as she crossed the parking lot. Obediently, the engine turned over and purred as soon as she twisted the key in the ignition. Peri exhaled a deep breath, expelling the last of the tension which had snuck in and built up in her chest. Leaning back, she melted into the beige leather seat, loosely strapped the shoulder harness, between her breasts, and inhaled the wonderful, new-car, clean leather smell of the Beemer's cabin.

Uncle Arthur was right. Even though it had been delivered to the dealer in August, and she had paid for it herself from her trust, this little baby was the perfect 18th birthday present. "Plus, 'practicing my stick-shift driving' was a great excuse to get off the ranch and away from creepy Uncle Kent!" she thought to herself, remembering how she always got a weird feeling whenever he was around and they were alone. "Like he was a vulture, waiting for a carcass to get ripe." Shivering, she shook the image from her head, "That's all behind you, now, Girl!" she said aloud to herself, as she put Michael Jackson's 'Dangerous' CD into the stereo slot, advanced to Track 5, 'Remember The Time' and backed the BMW out of its spot.

Pointing the coupe toward the street and entering traffic, at 9:15 a.m., she had no idea, at that very moment, Carter was pointing his cock toward Ruth Cohen's descending ass and entering her horny, hairy cunt. Peri opened the moon-roof, turned up the volume and happily sang along, "Do you remember when we fell in love..." as she headed for the University to join her paramour.


Peri stopped at the traffic/information kiosk for a parking pass. The tall, handsome, uniformed, black security guard, standing on the curbing, found it easier, and much more visually pleasant, to speak to her through the open moon-roof. Peri's shoulder belt, bisecting her breasts, had tightened during the drive and now cinched her thin, jersey dress against her torso. Having opted for a chemise, with no bra, Peri's liberated areolas and nipples were resplendent topographical outlines on her separated mounds.

"Hellll-OH, Fly Houchie!" the guard said to himself, as he surveyed Peri's sloping rack and eyeballed how the hem of her dress had ridden up, exposing her thighs almost enough for a sneak peak at her snatch. Out loud, he said, "Good Morning, Miss, may I help you?"

Peri smiled through the roof. It was a bit awkward. She had to stretch a little to her right which, in turn, pulled her harness hard onto her left breast. In fact, the left edge seam was like a knife against her already erect nipple. Replying "Yes," she quickly leaned the other way, poking her face through the window, and found herself at eye-level with the young guard's utility belt and groin. Tipping her head up, Peri added, "I need a parking pass, please."

"Right away, miss," the guard answered, turning back into the kiosk. Peri read his name, 'Dexter,' on a shiny plate above his shirt pocket. Coming back to the car, Dexter stooped low, flashed a broad grin, handed her a day-glo yellow paper square with the word "VISITOR" in maroon block letters. "Just put that on your dash, take the second left into that structure," he said, pointing along the roadway, "and park anywhere it don't say "RESERVED".

Peri smiled her famous dimpled smile. "Thank you...Dexter," she said, a little flirtatiously, and then asked "Is that the registrar's building over there?"

"Naw," said Dexter, ignoring the line of cars stacking up behind the BMW, "That's... oh, ...that's the math department." He ducked back into the building and came back with a campus map. "Here," he pointed with his slender, long, index finger, "Right here, is the registrar. Just follow along here," he trailed his finger, showing the path, while he enjoyed smelling her, inside the new car, "you cain't miss it."

"OK", Peri said, waving as she drove off, "Thanks again!"

"Unn-hunh, Thank YOU sweet cheeks!" Dexter muttered as an old Datsun pickup, with a surfboard, pulled up.