Room w View


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The next day at work I was tempted to tell Ferry about the call. I decided not to do so because I didn't want to tell her I was nude in my apartment and exercised naked. Also, I was afraid that she might be grossed out thinking I was turned on by the experience.

For two days, I worked my usual grueling schedule. I kept my drapes closed and I didn't work out.

On the third night after the call, I got home and felt like I was in the grips of a sexual desire stronger than I had experienced before. I drank two quick Scotches and went to my room and stripped. I grabbed my jump rope, walked to the living room and slowly pulled open the drapes.

With the overhead lights and table lamps turned on, I stepped up on the mat and began to jump. More than ever before, I was aware of my dick bouncing up and down. It slapped my stomach and then flopped between my legs. After a solid thirty minutes, I slowed my pace and eventually stopped. I grabbed a towel I had left on the couch and dried myself. I spent extra time rubbing my cock and balls. I pulled the towel away and faced the dark of the window with a semi-erection.

I then did a long session of stretching, making sure I faced the window.

As I did bends and stretches I turned my back to show my ass.

I wondered the whole time if Artemis were watching. I finished and went to the fridge to get some chilled water. The phone rang.

"That was beautiful, Kyle. Thank you."

"This is strange, Artemis."

"Yes, but I find it delicious. God, I nearly came looking at your ass as you bent over. It is a work of art."

I chuckled. "You only loved my ass."

"No, dear boy, I loved it all. I think you have a magnificent cock. When it's bouncing up and down, it just rocks my world. It's the kind I like—long and slender. You are beautiful."

"Thanks, Artemis."

"You're welcome. Does this mean you'll keep the drapes open from now on?"

"I don't know. What if somebody else sees me?"

"Kyle, most of the people on this side of the building are snowbirds. They have already left for Florida or Arizona. There is one apartment where an elderly couple lived, but they both recently had to move to assisted care. There is another one whose owner has macular degeneration and couldn't see past her fingers. No, Kyle, we are in luck for now. It's just you and me."

"Still, I worry."

"Why don't you move the mats back farther into your room? That will cut down on the number who can see in."

"Like just those on the same floor as me?"

"Don't go getting too cute, Kyle. Anyway, I think that there are two floors that could see nearly to the back of the room. Don't try to find me, Kyle. If you do, I'll end it."

I felt a tug in my gut. I did not want to end it.

"I won't, Artemis, I promise."

Hanging up, I rearranged the furniture and dragged the mats farther into the room. I turned to the window and smiled. Her conversation got to me and I was hard. I looked at the window and turned out the lights.

The phone rang again.

""That's a sweet erection. Did I do that?"

"You have a sexy voice, Artemis."

I swore I heard her purr. "Thanks, Kyle. Stroke your cock for me."

I hesitated for a second. I turned a light back on and then my hand found my erection. I slowly moved it up and down.

"God, that's hot. I'm touching myself right now."

I stroked faster and could hear her breathing hard.

"I'm going to cum, Kyle. Will you cum for me?"

I pumped hard and felt my orgasm rising. I grabbed my towel and in a few seconds was pumping a heavy load into it.

I heard deep moans from the phone.

"Oh, god, I needed that," she said. "Thanks. Next time, Kyle, I want to see you come. Don't hide it in the towel. Let it go so I can watch."

My mind was racing. She wanted to see me masturbate again. I was falling in love with a voice and willing to do whatever she asked.

My work days now seemed to drag on forever. I longed to get home to perform for Artemis. She would call at the end of my routines and we would talk. At first it was just about how I looked. Soon, though, we just talked. We'd bring up things from the news, places we traveled to or wanted to visit. I picked up that Artemis had been to many places, or at least knew a lot about cities like Paris, Rome, Milan and other European locales.

After working late by myself for hours, I got home on Friday and rushed to undress. I was walking into the living room when my cell rang.

It was Ferry. She left early today to surprise her boyfriend on his birthday. Now, she sounded drunk.

"What's going on, Ferry? You're not making any sense."

"I just found out my fucking dickhead of a boyfriend is fucking around on me?"

As much time as Ferry and I spent together, we didn't talk a lot about our personal lives. I knew she lived with a guy, but that was the extent of my insight into her private life.

"Are you sure?"

"Well, I walked into our apartment and caught him with his cock in some bitch's cunt. What do you think?"

I had never heard her swear like this.

"I'm sorry, Ferry. Is there anything I can do?"

She started crying. I listened for a while.

"Ferry? Is there something I can do?"

"Can I crash at your place tonight? I don't want to go back to my place and I have nowhere else."

I inwardly groaned. This meant my nightly session with Artemis would not happen.

"Sure. Come on over. You can sleep on the couch."

"You're awesome, Kyle."

I gave her the address and alerted the desk that she would be coming. I looked across the dark space and shrugged my shoulders.

The land line rang.

"What's up, Kyle?"

"A friend from work just broke up with her boyfriend. She's going to crash here tonight. I have to get dressed. Sorry, Artemis."

"It's ok. That's sweet of you. Or, maybe you want to have sex with her."

"She's just a co-worker, Artemis. I like her, but we are not involved."

"Ok. I mean even if you were involved, I hope we could still have our special relationship."

I stopped when I heard the word "relationship." Was that what we are having?

"Artemis, we can talk later."

I pulled on jeans and a tee shirt and picked up other clothes lying around the apartment and tidied up a bit. The phone rang and the desk announced that Ferry was there. I asked them to send her up.

"I think I should accompany her," said Harry.

"That bad?" I asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Thanks, Harry."

In a few minutes there was a knock and I opened to find Ferry barely standing as Harry held her up.

"Help me get her on the couch," I asked.

We maneuvered Ferry to couch and eased her down. She closed her eyes and looked like she passed out.

"Thanks, Harry, I'll catch you later." I had no money on me.

"No problem, Kyle. It's ok. She's going to have a whopper of a hangover tomorrow."

I nodded and saw him out.

Ferry had her winter coat on and was dressed in her work clothes consisting of black slacks, white blouse and black silk vest. Pulling her coat from her, I eased her sneakers off. I knew she kept a sensible pair of black pumps in her drawer at work, but traveled in her sneakers.

I debated on what to do next. I didn't want to undress her; that would be creepy. At the same time, she had no other clothes and if she made it to work tomorrow, I didn't want her looking like she slept in them.

My thoughts were interrupted by the land line.

"She looks wasted," said Artemis.

"Completely. I'm wondering what I should do about her clothes."

"Oh, like whether to let her sleep in them and be a mess or get her out of them and risk her screaming rape."

"God, I never thought about rape. I don't think Ferry would do that."


"No, F-E-R-R-Y. It's a bit of a story and I'll explain at another time. What should I do, Artemis?"

"That's so cute," she said in her deep sexy voice. "You're asking me for advice."

"Well, you're the only woman here, or at least that I can talk to."

"Well, in the end, I think she would prefer not to look like a gal who slept in her clothes while passed out drunk. I say take off her pants and blouse, but definitely do not mess with her undies. And, give her something to wear, like a big shirt of yours."

"Thanks. Call me later."

I got a blue oxford shirt from my room. Standing over Ferry, I called her name. No response. I grabbed her toes and shook her foot. Just loud snores came from her mouth.

I bent over and spoke into her ear. "Ferry, I want to get your good clothes off so they won't get wrinkled. Is that ok?"

Nothing. I lightly tapped her face, "Ferry, I'm going to undress you. Is that ok?" I said more loudly.

She opened her eyes for a second, smiled and said, "I'm all yours." She then closed her eyes and passed out again.

Deciding to move ahead, I undid her belt and opened her waistband. Easing down the zipper I could see she was not wearing pantyhose. The top of a pair of black panties came into view. I lifted her and eased the pants past her hips, down her legs and off her. I folded them and put them on the coffee table. She wore black, sheer knee-highs and I pulled them off. Her toenails were a bright pink.

Her bikini underwear was satiny and clung to her. I couldn't tell if she was "furry."

Working her vest off, I undid the buttons on her blouse and slipped it free. She wore a matching black satin bra. Her nipples pushed against the soft fabric. Her breasts were small, but I had figured that out just by seeing her in clothes. She had a flat and firm tummy. The top of a tattoo showed at the band of her panties. I could just see a curved section of something red. I couldn't make out the design and I was not about to lift the band to look inside. I felt guilty enough seeing her like this. God, I hoped she wouldn't hate me.

I pulled my shirt on her, struggling with her arms. I finally was able to button it up. I slipped a pillow under her head and covered her with a down comforter. I opened the half-bath door and turned on the light. I figured if she got up in the night, she might be able to find the toilet.

I left another table lamp on and headed to my bedroom. I stripped and crawled into bed. The bedside phone rang.

"Nicely done, Kyle. You were gentle and gentlemanly."

"I still feel like a perv."

"Well, you weren't. But, if you'd like to feel like one, go back into the living room and give me a show."

"Are you crazy? What if she wakes up?"

Artemis laughed. I got hard listening to that laugh. "Seriously, Kyle, you think she's going to wake up. Come on, I really want to see you. Are you hard?"

My throat was dry, but I managed to croak, "Yes."

"Good, because I'm wet. I want to get off looking at you all hard standing a few feet away from your co-worker. God, that's hot." Artemis moaned into the phone.

I got out of bed and slowly walked to the living room. I quietly moved over to the couch. Ferry was still snoring, but softer, and breathing more steadily this time. She was in a deep sleep.

I moved to the window. I still held the phone in my hand.

"How's this?"

"Mmm, too dark. Turn on another light."

I looked back at Ferry, but she hadn't moved. I turned on another table lamp and it illuminated my body.

"I love your hard cock, Kyle. Stroke it for me."

I looked over my shoulder once more and confirmed Ferry was sleeping. I moved my hand to my erection and began moving it slowly up and down.

"Ooh, I like that. That's a big cock, Kyle."

I kept stroking, picking up the pace.

"Do you masturbate after our sessions?"

I whispered "yes" into the phone.

"Good. Me, too. I also masturbate during them. I'm doing that right now. Kyle, I am so wet. I have two fingers inside. I'm going to put the phone down because I need to use my other hand on my clit."

I heard her moans and then detected a squishy sound. Artemis must have placed the phone next to her pussy. I could hear her fingers sliding in and out and the wet sound as she worked them harder.

I picked up my pace. I could not last much longer. I gestured for Artemis to pick up her phone.

"What, Kyle? I've already cum twice and heading for a third."

"I can't hold out much longer," I whispered.

"Let it go, baby, let it go. I want to see you cum."

I felt my balls tighten and the hot liquid race up my dick. I exploded and sent streams of cum out toward the window. I could hear Artemis encouraging me, but I was beyond needed any urging. I kept pumping and shot three more streams before I started to regain my senses.

"That was beautiful, babe. I loved watching you cum."

"Kyle? Kyle is that you?"

My heart stopped as I heard Ferry's voice.

"Kyle is that you? Where am I?'

I dropped the phone on a chair and quickly moved back to the couch. I was naked, but there was nothing I could do about it.

I knelt down beside her, hiding my naked lower half. She was trying to sit up.

"Where am I?"

"You're in my apartment. Remember you called and asked if you could crash here?"

"I did?"

"Yeah, you didn't want to go home because of, well, what you saw before."

Ferry rubbed her temples and then popped her eyes open.

"Shit. That asshole was screwing someone in our bed. God, what a fool I am."

I took her hand and eased her back down.

"Don't worry about that tonight. Just try to get some sleep."

"I'm sorry I've put you through all this, Kyle. I remember going to a bar and ordering shots of tequila. I don't know how many I had, but I sorta recall calling someone."

"I guess that was me. I think you took a cab here. You're ok now. Just rest."

"Thanks, again, Kyle. You're sweet."

She ran her hand down my arm. She closed her eyes. I watched her and then she opened them

"Kyle, I think I saw you at the window. You were naked."

"Uh, Ferry, I had to get up to, uh, go the bathroom and decided to check on you. You were still asleep. I was going to close the drapes so the sun wouldn't wake you in the morning. That's when you called out."

"Oh, ok. You know I kinda remember something else. But my mind is so foggy."

"Yeah, that happens after tequila. Just go back to sleep. I'll see you in the morning."

Ferry closed her eyes. I stayed by her side until her breathing evened out. I didn't dare risk cleaning the window now. I walked over and pulled the drapes closed. I picked up the phone and was about to go back to my bedroom.

"I don't know if this is a dream or not," I heard Ferry say. "But you have a fantastic ass."

She rolled over and I made my exit.

The next morning I was up early and showered and dressed. Ferry was still sleeping as I made coffee. Being a Saturday, we didn't have to show up for work until 9.

I cleaned off the streaks on the window and then started breakfast. I was making toast when I heard her stirring.

She opened one eye and looked my way. Her hair was a mess, her mascara was streaking her cheeks and her entire face was puffy. Thank god she didn't have a mirror handy.

Slowly she sat up and I brought her a large mug of coffee, fixed as she liked it with three sugars and five creams.

She wrapped her hands around the mug and inhaled the aromas before taking a sip.

"Ah, that feels good. Kyle, you wouldn't have any Advil to go with this?"

I smiled and got a bottle from the kitchen. I poured two into her palm. She looked at me and I poured two more. She swallowed them with a drink of coffee.

I sat on the edge of the large coffee table. She had the comforter wrapped around her legs. After a couple more sips, she looked at her pile of clothes next to me.

"Uh, I don't suppose I was able to take those off and pile them so neatly on the table."

I smiled and said, "Not really."

"God, I am so embarrassed. Kyle I never get like this. God, I am so, so embarrassed. You had to undress me. Shit!"

She took another sip and then looked over the rim at me.

"At least I had good underwear on."

We both laughed.

"Ferry, I'm sorry. I debated about letting you sleep in your clothes. But I thought if you want to go into work today and not have to go home, you probably didn't want to look like, well, like you slept in your clothes. I tried to be as discrete as possible."

"I believe you. I know you would never do anything to take advantage of me. Thanks, Kyle."

I nodded and thought how close I had come to lifting the band of her underwear to look inside.

"God, tequila wrecks me," she said. "Makes do crazy shit. Also, gives me weird dreams. I could swear we were talking last night and then I saw you naked. That was a dream, right?"

I felt my balls tighten. "Ferry, I came in to close the drapes so the sun wouldn't disturb you. You woke up and we talked for a couple minutes."

"Were you naked?"

"I had on boxers. I guess the naked part is a dream."

"Wow, it seems so real. As I said, tequila messes with me bad."

"Do you feel up to going to the office?"

Ferry grinned. "No, but I will. We have a lot of crap to get done."

"Yeah. How about you grab a shower and I'll make us some breakfast. We'll spurge and take a cab in. We should be able to make it close to nine."


I took her mug and she stood, letting the comforter drop on the couch. Without being too obvious, I admired her slim legs. She picked up her pile of clothes and took the mug back from me. I pointed her toward my room and told her there were clean towels in the bathroom.

I further admired the sway of her firm butt going down the hall. In a few seconds I heard a scream. I was hurrying down the hall when Ferry appeared in my doorway.

"I look like shit, Kyle. I can't believe I let you see me like this."

"I think it's kinda cute."

"Cute! You've got a strange sense of cute. I scared myself looking in the mirror. Could you find my purse? I might have enough make-up to do emergency repairs."

I found her purse and brought it to the bathroom. I could hear the shower running.

"Got it," I shouted.

"Could you put it on the counter?"

I pushed the door open. My shower door was opaque and I could make out her naked form behind it.

"Hey, no fair staring," she said with a giggle.

"Just putting the purse down," I called out.

"Not all that much to see, anyway," she called out and laughed again, "especially after last night."

"Ferry, I didn't see anything. Really."

"I believe you."

All the while I was staring at her nude back. I could clearly make out her form and her tight rear.

I left the bathroom and adjusted the erection that immediately appeared as I glimpsed her body. I certainly seemed to think there was more than enough to see.

Work sucked and I felt bad for Ferry. She never complained and held up her share of the case we were working on, with the help of caffeine and Advil. We wrapped around six after the partner reviewed our material and said it didn't suck out loud.

Standing outside our building, I offered to buy her supper.

"Think I better go home and face the inevitable."

Ferry told me she spoke with her boyfriend this afternoon when I was in the library. He tried to apologize, but she cut him no slack.

"Really, Kyle, can you think of any reason that would justify screwing someone else? And, doing it our own bed."

I had no answer to that.

"I told him it was over and to pack his shit. He was crying and begging for a second chance. No way. I sorta thought he was a dick before. Now I know for sure."

"Do you want me to come along?"


"I don't know. In case, like he gets weird or something."

Ferry considered what I said.

"You mean if he gets violent?"

"It happens, Ferry."

"Don't think so in this case. He's a prick, but he has no balls to go with it."

We both laughed.

"Call me, though," I said. "Let me know everything's ok."

"I promise. And, thanks again. You were a good friend."

She hugged me and kissed my cheek. We waved and headed in our own directions.