Rising Star in Law

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Jocelyn's bumpy start as a young lawyer.
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Chapter 1

The battered red Porsche, inherited (compete with scrape marks and dents) from the driver's late mother, swept into the one-way loop at the farmhouse.

Three expertly applied chops of the manual gear shifts meant only a gentle touch of the brake was required to stop the vehicle under the portico of the 8-bedroom two-level high-country homestead of Majestic Heights Station (ranch).

The house-keeper alerted Mrs McDonald from the kitchen by cell phone, "Miss Geraldine, Jock has arrived."

"Dora, please call Jocelyn by her correct name."

"But she's called Jock by almost everyone, ma'am."

Geraldine said icily, "Dora, who hired you and hands you your weekly wage?"

"Miss Jocelyn has arrived ma'am."

"Thank you. Please get Thompson to fetch her luggage and garage her car."

"Ma'am, there's a male with her, an older man," Dora said, sounding alarmed.

"Oh, the young bitch," Ma'am gritted.

Jocelyn strode into the reading room and greeted Geraldine brightly, finishing with a brush of lips to the cheek.

"Where's daddy?"

"Never mind your father, who's this person?"

Jack, my principal final-year lecturer. We'll be sleeping together."

"Not in my house, you won't," Geraldine hissed.

"Well, in that case we're off. Tell my father you kicked me out of my ancestral home."

"Wait darling," Geraldine said, backpedalling rapidly. "You two take the green room at the far end of the ground floor."

"Why there?"

"So that your father and I don't hear your disgusting noises."

"Oh great, that location puts us clear of you screaming into multiple climaxes."

Geraldine glared and her rebellious stepdaughter who countered with a sweet smile and made the introduction.

"Jack Bridges, this is my stepmother Geraldine, who tends to run hot and cold without much provocation."

"Bridges? You're not..."

"Probably. I've taken a person interest in Jock because she returned to us at Law School after the terrible accident that ended her mother's life. Jock was still in deep grieving."

"Omigod, I never knew that."

"Understanding of that nature requires a delicacy of sympathy of which perhaps you are bereft Geraldine," her stepdaughter said softly.

"But I distinctly recall telling you when we first met that I was sorry about your loss."

"Indeed, and then immediately began changing furniture and furnishing to suite your tastes."

"Yes, which was natural."

"Most female marital replacements would have waited at least until after the wedding. You converted my bedroom into your sewing room and thereby shifting me further away from my father."

"Oh, is that how you saw it? I'm sorry."

Jack, obviously embarrassed said, he was going outside to say hi to the horses.

As he walked from the room, his cell phone signalled an incoming call.

He returned a few minutes later and said apologetically, "That was my mother. She wants me to travel with her for company, leaving at midnight. My father in leading a New Zealand delegation of politicians and senior officials and wives to Brussels for urgent negotiations on proposals on EU negotiations on further restrictions on the importation of certain animal products. We leave by aircraft tonight at 10 pm from Wellington to Sydney to join the Australian delegation flying to Brussels in an Australian Air Force aircraft."

"Right, we're off, kiss Geraldine and I'll drive you straight to Christchurch airport. You can book your seat to Wellington as we drive."

Three hours later, Jocelyn arrived back at the homestead and leaped into the welcoming arms of her doting father. Bryce had wanted a son but his first wife produced only one child, and that painful experience was enough for her. Jocelyn obliged her father by happily being raised as a tomboy.

Geraldine looked at them, an almost beautiful Goldilocks being practically crushed in the arms of a charismatic giant Mountain Man. Her husband with a modest butt and enormous shoulders towered over his slim 5ft. 11in. daughter.

Geraldine knew she was watching a loving couple who seemed to draw energy from one another and had a soaring bond of kinsmanship that she and probably most women would not experience with their father into adulthood.

It was even more painful for her knowing that Jocelyn and her late mother Gwen had shared a similar relationship.

Three years ago, during a snowstorm of rising ferocity, Gwen had phoned to say she was on her way home from the Malcolm's deer farm 11 miles away on lower ground in the valley.

Bryce had urged her to stay the night with the Malcolm's because up in the highlands the storm was already beginning to rage.

Gwen had said no, that Jock had arrived home that afternoon on a short break from university and she was desperate to see her.

When her time to arrive home passed, Bryce began to worry. Joycelyn suggested they go and check along the road until they found her but her father said Gwen would be okay as she was in his four-wheel-drive rugged farm truck as she'd earlier shopped for their fortnightly household supplies.

A few minutes later, Bryce heard a farm motorbike pass the house quietly. Half a minute later he discovered Jocelyn was not in the house.

Frantic with worry, Bryce alerted local search-and-rescue authority. He was urged to stay put and a fully equipped team of searchers would be on the road rising beyond the Malcolm's home within half an hour.

The searchers found the abandoned light truck blocked by an uprooted pine tree but no sign of Gwen. Two hours later, they arrived at the McDonald's home having cut through and winched aside eight further fallen pines without sighting the two females. They stayed the night with Bryce.

Bryce fell into an exhausted sleep and at daylight, he joined the four searchers back-tracking the search area. They found the abandoned motorcycle and a few metres beyond that they spotted a red hat half-buried and tied to road marker on the edge of a recent washout. They searched down of what remained that section of the embankment and found the two women locked in each other arms.

Gwen was dead and initially it was thought Jocelyn had expired as well. But one of the searchers, Ruth Marsh, a mountain park ranger, used the glass front of her phone and called, "Jock breaths."

The storm had abated and an alpine rescue helicopter was called in.

Jocelyn, who'd left her red skiing wool hat at the road edge as a market and had reporter that her mother was already dead when she'd reached here, was released from hospital three days after being admitted when the threat of pneumonia was considered no longer likely. She returned to Law School after her mother's funeral, suffering from depression.

Geraldine, warily watched father and daughter approach her and was surprised when Jocelyn said, "I told daddy that Sir Archer's son had barely arrived here when he was called home to Wellington and that you greeted him warmly."

"Thanks for doing that love," Bryce said kissing Geraldine. "I value his father's friendship greatly in my role as this region's head of Federated Farmers."

"It was easy to do, Bryce. Jack appeared to be a nice lad," Geraldine said and flushed when catching her stepdaughter's wink above a sly smile.

Bryce said sternly, addressing his wife by his pet name, "Gerry, don 't you think it's time you stepped off your high horse and called our daughter Jock, as all of us do. She's almost twenty-two and legally, thanks to her mother's bequest, becomes half-owner of Majestic Heights Station when she turns 30. Who knows, she may save your or my life one day."

"Daddy, don't be so morbid."

Spurred by that appreciated comment, Geraldine said, "Well here's the deal for your both to consider: Bryce if you stop calling me by that repulsive name of Gerry and Jocelyn calls you dad instead of daddy, I'll agree to call her Jock informally but in formal situations I'll revert to calling her Joycelyn. Take your time to decide."

"I'd like you to call me Jock, mum."

Geraldine did a double-blink at hearing her stepdaughter for the first time call her mum.

"Thanks, Jock," Geraldine said, almost gasping.

"Wow, I've long thought this day would eventually come when we'd hear Jock call you mum. This calls for a round or two of whisky cocktails and Geraldine, whenever you hear me call you Gerry, kick me in the nuts. I'll promise not to half decapitate you as I'll know you'll be training me."

Chapter 2

Bryce was on to his second Whiskey Sour when he looked out the picture window that framed the Southern Alps in the far distance and said, "Here comes Harvey West. I haven't seen him since the funeral. He must have heard via bush telegraph that you were home."

Geraldine said softly. "Jock you're showing a substantial amount of clevage."

"No problem, it will remind Harvey to take me out hunting."

"But he's uncouth and practically distains females."

"That makes me safe, mum. Harvey thinks of me as one of the lads apart from the occasional lapses."

That made Bryce nod in agreement but he provoked his wife into a deep frown when he added, "But he'd be a fool if this time he can't see a nubile female in front of him."

"What the fuck are you talking about, dad?"

"Your tits have developed more and you've become more rounded."

"That's bullshit."

Geraldine murmured, "Your father speaks the truth."

"Christ, when did that happen?"

"When your clothing began to feel tighter."

Jocelyn looked at her stepmother and then nodded slowly.

"And darling, it's time for you to forego using profanity when within earshot of other females, and that includes me, Dora and your closest girlfriends."


"Yeah, Geraldine makes sense. It appears you have outgrown your tomboy days. I suggest you might like to go and put on a less revealing top. Great tits though, Bub."

Jocelyn walked out mumbling, "Christ, what's the fucking world coming to?"

"Thanks for spontaneously backing me up, Bryce."

"No problem my love. I reckon in just those few minutes we gained a big leap forward in uniting ourselves as a family. From now on, she'll openly call you mum because Jock has never entered into any commitment without honouring it to her utmost."

Harvey knocked on the unlocked front door and let himself in as was the custom locally when visiting friendly neighbours.

He called hi, looked at the freshly poured glass of whiskey that was pushed towards him on the table as his greeting was answered. He looked around and asked, "Where's Jock?"

Bryce quipped with a cheeky grin, "Covering her tits."

Jocelyn entered the room and snapped, "Don't embarrass mum."

Harvey, picking up his glass asked, "Since when did you begin calling Geraldine mum?"

"Get your head out of my business, Arsehole, I mean Mr West, um Harvey."

"Gosh, what shit are you guys on besides whiskey so early in the day?"

Geraldine said, "Harvey, watch your mouth when speaking in front of ladies."

"What you a lady, what crap is that?"

Geraldine spoke sternly,

"Harvey you have out-stayed your welcome. Finish your drink and leave."

Harvey looked aghast.

"Folk, I don't know what's going on here but I apologise for offending with uncalled for language and, um, I beg for your forgiveness."

Three of them looked at Bryce to respond.

"Mate, we and meaning Geraldine in particular, want Jocelyn to reposition herself to become a lady and we've not had Jock object to this proposal. The agreed starting point is for her not to use bad language within the hearing of other females, including Geraldine and Dora."

"I see and even I accept that Jock can't remain in tomboy mode for much longer now that she's into her early twenties. Um, does this new regime prevent me and Jock ripping one off now and again? The truth is it must be almost two years since we last fucked, err last had sex."

At that disclosure, Jocelyn looked at her cocktail glass studiously while the faces of Geraldine and especially Bryce turned brick-red as appeared ready to explode,

The room remained quiet and Jocelyn and the 38-year-old bachelor sipped their drinks.

Finally, Geraldine asked in a fairly steady voice, "Why did you come here today of all days Harvey?"

"Brenda Malcolm waved when she saw the unmistakeable sports car pass her when she was in the front garden weeding this morning. Jock tooted with her customary two short toots followed by one long blast on the car horn. Brenda raced inside and phoned the chairman of our search and rescue committee Hank Wallace that Jock was home. Hank called me to call on you folk, knowing that Jock and I had been very close as over the years I'd taken her hunting..."

"Among other things," interjected Geraldine scathingly.

"Yes, and among other things," Harvey said almost reverently. "Plus, I live even closer to you great guys than Brenda."

"Mate," said Bryce, almost choking over the use of that endearment. "Exactly where is this leading to?"

"The S&R committee invites you three to the community hall on Saturday at 6.30 for a barbecue followed by a dance in honour of Jocelyn Aleshia McDonald for her extremely generous donation of $36,873 to the committee's trust fund in recognition of its team's extremely long and dangerous night attempting to find her and her late mother in that horrendous autumn snow storm three years ago."

"Omigod, you marvellously generous heroic survivor," Geraldine cried, bursting into tears.

Jocelyn jumped up and raced around the table to hug her stepmother.

The men watch in helpless silence and heard Geraldine weep, "Y-your mother must h-have been an extremely giving and loving person to (sniff) have earned that deep love from you to h-have bravely risk your life to try to s-save hers."

Bryce and Harvey then heard Jocelyn sob that Geraldine, in acknowledging to her so emotionally and so expressively, indicated her understanding of the bond between Jock and her birth mother.

Pleased by that unexpected outburst, Bryce said, "Stay for a while mate?"

"Thanks mate, love to."

"Great, Jock get a couple of bottles of French champers in the cellar and let's party. I'll defrost steaks and sausages for late lunch."

While the barbecue meat was being cooked and the veggies were boiling, Jocelyn took her father aside and told him the money was exactly half the amount of money in her trust account that her mother had set up for her a couple of years before her death.

"I applied for release of some of the funds for the purpose of making that donation and I got early release of 50% of the total funds in that account authorized by Judge Watson. The trustee of the fund, our family's accountant, Garry Rice, made the donation to the local S&R organisation."

"I felt almost like weeping when you announced what you had done."

"Thanks for telling me that dad. You know I know Mountain Men don't cry."

"Hmmm, perhaps that should modify that to Mountain Men rarely cry."

"It may interest you to know Jock, that early on in the new relationship, I told Geraldine not to judge a book by its cover. I said that over the years, with your mother's consent, I had allowed Harvey to slowly convert you from a girl too timid to ride a horse into becoming a pony club and then gymkhana and later an open horse riding champion, a better than average skier and a true Mountain Woman who led small groups licensed to shoot limited numbers of Thar, deer and mountain goats of trophy quality. Through Harvey's persistence, you became one of few females in this country capable of climbing vertical and even over-hanging rock faces."

"The latter which is something I don't do anymore, thank goodness. Thanks for telling Geraldine that dad. Harvey continues to deserve to be welcomed in this home."

Later, Jocelyn took her stepmother aside and said she wanted to tell her something about Harvey.

Geraldine began looking like ready to spit tacks.

"Your father told my what a wonderful character-building figure he was for you. And then you know what?"

"I have no idea."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Jocelyn, not yet an hour ago, that little Asshole came up to me and asked would it be all right if he took you home with him later so you could go to sleep in his arms as you'd be thinking of your mother."

Geraldine paused, and seeing the shock etched on Jocelyn's face said, "Omigod, you knew nothing about this."

"Not a word but truthfully I'm not surprised as it's often the way he thinks. Harvey, an only child, was orphaned aged 10 when his parents drowned when their small fishing boat was founded on a submerged reef. They were wearing lifejackets but they were flung clear. The boat self-righted but was swept away from them by a strong off-shore wind, taking their safety radio and flares beyond reach."

"Strong currents whipped up by the storm, swept them out to sea and they eventually perished before they could be recovered alive."

"Harvey lived in several orphanages until he was adopted by a childless couple who engaged him as a gardener and to assist the husband in his small cabinet-making business. Initially, Harvey swept the workshop floors and stacked incoming supplies of timber. He picked up cabinet-making and general carpentry skills and at the age of 19, when the couple moved into a retirement village he was on his own. He earned money working on basic house repairs and eventually was hired to repair or replace gunstocks and now his services for that work are highly sought after by gunowners from all over the country."

"At the age of 24, Harvey became a park ranger and began extending his skills to become a so-called Mountain Man, meaning he could go anywhere without getting lost, could pack in supplies to mountain huts even in adverse conditions and lead out to safety people trapped in snowed-in huts. Eventually he caught the eye of a female ranger and they lived together for almost five years until she died of cancer."

"Harvey did odd jobs for dad and they became friends. When Harvey was teaching me the finer points of horse riding to competition level, I asked him to teach me how to ski and that began an enduring friendship."

"What a heart-wrenching story," Geraldine said.

Jocelyn sighed heavily and said, "And now you regret telling him to fuck off and never come near me again."

Geraldine half-smiled and said, "Actually, I thought your father respects and trusts him and apparently so did your mother and obviously you have done so. Since he has that formidable level of acceptance, my logic forced me to think shouldn't I respect and trust him too? I said to him, if you wished to go with him today, I would consent with trust and ask that he treat you with loving care."

"That response shocked him and he attempted to shake my hand. But I pushed that hand away and pulled him into him and kissed him, first on one cheek and then the other."

Openly displaying her obvious delight, Jocelyn hugged Geraldine strongly. Then pulling away slightly, she said, "Mum, I adore this sudden and substantial change in your attitude toward me."

"Now I say something that may astonish you. In all those years, when often I was alone and in close contact with Harvey for long periods, never once did he touch me inappropriately. It was only when I'd turned eighteen and was preparing to go to university and then law school in Christchurch, did I ask him to take my virginity to prepare me for the sexual rigors that I expected to flow my way during my academic years. I practically had to get on to my knees to beg him to introduce me to the world of sexual delights."

"Omigod, I am astounded to learn that you were the catalyst to begin that new level in your relationship with Harvey. Go to him tonight with my blessing you sweet darling."

"I love you mum. I now feel far more comfortable in being with you than I was prior to today's events. I'm so happy about this."