Rings of Fire Ch. 08


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Brent still chuckled at the pun, "You tell me. How are preparations coming? And any word on the prodigal brother or Monique's family?"

"Everything is running smoothly in terms of the evacs. The plane from Morocco leaves in a few hours. It is a bit overbooked, with the extra people from Southern Europe. So, unfortunately, the pilot has ordered everyone to leave cargo behind, except for special toys for the little ones, of course. But we can't be sure if we will be able to get another plane out of there as it is," Daniel answered.

Brent nodded, "Hire another one. Pay whatever you have to, but find another plane somewhere."

Daniel nodded his head with a smile, "I'll see what we can do."

"And Jill's sons, are they on that plane?"

Daniel shook his head, "Not yet. They had decided to remain at their posts, but after Laki started to blow, I spoke with them on video conference again. I think they might change their minds. I'm hopeful that her youngest son, Darren, might even be able to fly that second plane out of there. If we can find one."

"Find one then. I might have a few more people coming too. Once I talk to my baby girl. So, buy as much time as we can for those in Northern Europe to get there. Without putting anyone in danger though," Brent gave orders that seemed surreal even to him. "Europe has to be our priority for now. Are our Italian friends safely out, especially those around Naples?"

"All except your colleague Dr. Bianchi. The old coot refuses to go, says he needs to stay there, and do what he can. We tried our best, Doc, I promise," said Samuel. "But he says he's lived long enough and he'd rather go out with a Botta Bing, Botta Bang. Gotta love a man like that."

"But he did evacuate his daughter's family though," Daniel added.

Brent sighed, as much as he wished otherwise, the volcanologist inside of him understood his mentor's feelings. As Samuel said, he had to love the man for his dedication to both science and the city he loved. Brent also knew that the man might be one of his few allies around the globe, which would put his neck on the line to sound the alarm the moment he raised it. Reluctantly, he agreed with his friend's choice and added another entreaty to Fate to watch over Benito.

"And Travis? Monique's family?"

"Dwayne has confirmed with his sources that Maria, her mother, and the children made it as far as Rosarita, Mexico. But it seems they dropped off of the face of the earth there," Samuel shook his head. "But we'll keep trying."

"Getting lost in Rosarita seems to be some kind of fad. We still have not been able to locate your brother either," added Daniel.

"Damn it," Brent cursed as his fingers bunched in his hair once more. "Keep trying with that too. Do all you can to locate Monique's family."

"Let me guess...whatever it costs?" laughed Samuel.

Brent glared at him, "It's only money."

Daniel frowned, "And if you are right, Doc, then soon it ain't gonna be worth a hill of beans."

Brent nodded as he clasped each of their hands, "Yeah, but hiring you two was some of the best of it this old boy ever spent. I know you'll handle it all."

"We'll do our best," Daniel promised as the two men headed back to the bunker with their new orders. Brent decided he would check in at the command center since there was not much else he could do until he caught up with Megan anyway.


Brent lost track of time at the command center. While he found himself peeking over at his office, just to watch Lauren work, he could tell from the look on her face not to mess with her yet. But he was continually being distracted as this person, and that sought his input on the latest data coming in. He had no idea what she was coming up with in there, but from where he stood, things were not looking good.

He sighed as he stretched and snuck one more glance her way. He always had loved how beautiful she was when she totally focused on something. Her passion was not limited to the bedroom. She cared as much about their work as she did their girls and Grandmam.

'So, what you going to do when she leaves again, buddy?'

He hated that voice. It had taunted him with his failures for seven years. He could not imagine a lifetime of sarcasm — any more than he could imagine living the rest of it without her. And the clock was ticking, six days.

Which reminded him, he looked over at the clock on the wall, noticing that it was past the height of the lunch rush. Damn, he hoped he had not missed Megan. He quickly hibernated the laptop that he was working on as he stood and stretched out even more of the kinks.

He thought about asking Lauren to join him, but she looked even more intent than she had earlier. Besides this conversation with Megan might be best had alone. He would bring some food back for her, later.

He had always loved her curves, but it seemed she had lost a bit of them since the last time he had held her. Nothing that Jill's cooking could not correct though, he smiled as he made his way across the compound towards the kitchen, mess hall as Daniel and Samuel called it.

The sun was very bright, especially for a spring day. He stopped for a moment inside the building, allowing his eyes to adjust to the dimmer light. All the buildings here used lower wattage,power-saving bulbs to conserve energy. Not even solar and wind power were not wantonly squandered.

He made his way to the serving line. This late, there were only a couple of people in it. As he waited, he scanned the room, looking for Megan. She was not at the table with Grandmam, Elise, and Katie. He was about to give up and go looking for her elsewhere when he noticed her at a corner table with the other teens.

He sighed as he filled his tray with food. But this day his mind was so pre-occupied that he could not fully appreciate even Jill's cooking. Food was nothing more than a necessity, an energy source to be consumed and burned like all other fuels.

He made his way across the room with only a nod to Grandmam. He would try to talk to them once he had handled his older daughter. Guilt swamped him at how little time he had spent with Elise. Usually, when she visited, he cleared as much from his schedule as he could and was a full-time Dad to the girls. But this time, he shook his head with a sigh, was different.

He approached the table where the 'cool kids' sat with a smile, "Hey, princess, mind if the old man joins you?"

Megan sighed as she looked down and nodded her head just slightly, "Sure, I guess. Whatever."

Sammy looked at him then the other girls sitting with them, "We were just heading out, Brent. Catch up with you later, Megs?"

Megan looked up with a smile at his young cousin and nodded, "Yeah, maybe we can take a walk and talk some more."

Sammy nodded at her words, and with the others said their goodbyes to Brent.

He did not even get the chance to speak before his daughter nervously stammered, "I'm sorry. I know I was a bit of a bitch to you and Mom both earlier. It's just..."

He watched helplessly as tears began to pool in her eyes, "Dad, what if you are right? What if this is it? I have friends back home. What is going to happen to them?" Once more, she voiced her worries, and his.

And as much as he had been cogitating over it all morning, one he still did not fully have the answer to, "I don't know for certain, Megan. There are lots of unknowns in this situation."

"Worst case, Dad," she pinned him with a stare.

He weighed just how much a teen should know, but Megan was not just any teen. And he knew that if he did not answer honestly and the worst did happen, it would stand between them. He had built enough walls with her mother; he would not with her too.

"This is the worst case, Megan, alright?" He waited to begin until she nodded her head slowly.

"Worst case is that Cumbre Vieja blows and the western flank of the island fails. That would generate a tsunami..."

"A megatsunami, Dad. Shot straight with me. I'm no kid anymore," Megan said as she clasped her hands tighter around her cup.

"Yes, a megatsunami. That only affects the Atlantic coasts, but it is why we are so worried about our friends in Virginia Beach. It could cross the ocean in as little as eight to ten hours, leaving little time for a mass evacuation."

"And back home?"

"England is an island, Princess. And like any island, it would be hit harder. But your friends in Oxford should be far enough inland to weather it okay," he tried to alleviate the worst of her fears.

"And London, Dad? Some of them live in London or have family there," she pressed.

He shook his head, "There will be flooding, of course. The Thames Barrier cannot hold against even high tides generated off of an indirect hit. But no one can agree on how bad it might get. And that is as honest as I can be with you, sweetie."

She nodded slowly, "Thanks, Dad. But even if there is no megatsunami, things are going to get bad, aren't they?"

"Yes, they will, but slowly. Perhaps giving people enough time to make plans, to adjust a bit," he shrugged.

"Is it going to be like the last time Laki erupted? The gas clouds, super hot summer, and then bad winter?"

"Yes, Megan. That is almost certain. That is why I have ordered evacuations for all our people across Europe. The plane should be leaving tonight," he explained.

"And what about my friends, Daddy? What do I tell them? What should they do?"

He sighed as he placed his hands over hers on the cup, "I am arranging another plane. Tomorrow, maybe the next day, if we can hold out. It will leave from Morocco and take the Southern route across the Atlantic, assuming La Palma remains quiet. We'll take as many of your friends and their families as can get there, sweetie."

She smiled at him, and he saw the tears fall from the corner of those green pools, "Thank you, Daddy. I love you."

"But you need to realize; not everyone is going to listen. Some may think..."

"That you're crazy?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, I have been called that before." The pain as his chest tightened, reminding him that while he might not care what others thought of him, he did what they thought of her. "Where..."

"Don't worry, Dad. I kneed the guy, who said it," she giggled.

He chuckled as he squeezed her hand, "For those who do stay, encourage them to stock up on canned food and batteries. The Ice Age won't happen overnight. Some will have the time to migrate by sea to warmer locales. But," he sighed again, "Refugees aren't always welcome, especially when people's own resources are scarce."

"Chaos, anarchy and war, right?"

"Yes, princess. That's why I built this place."

"And why you hired Daniel and Samuel? And why half the Navy SEALs will descend on this place when all hell breaks loose?" she quizzed.

This time his only response could be a nod. Though right now, he was not satisfied even that would be enough. Not when he went public with his predictions. He might well have to place the lives of those he cared about the most at risk to save the lives of millions of strangers. It was a decision that weighed upon his mind. Now more than ever.

"Speaking of which, I should check on how things are going," he forced as reassuring a smile as he could muster.

"Thanks, Dad. For treating me as an adult and giving me at least a chance of saving some of my friends."

He shrugged as he stood up, "Message as many as you can. I'll have Samuel keep you posted about when the plane might leave. Of course, they can't fly to Morocco but trains as still running through the Chunnel. Boats too. But warn them not to attempt a trans-Atlantic crossing in one, just in case..."

"I know, Dad. I'll do what I can."

"And one more thing, young lady..."

"Uh-oh, it must be bad. If you call me that," Megan teased.

"Give your Mom a break. She didn't deserve what you did this morning. I expect you to apologize to her properly, do you understand me?"

His daughter blushed as she looked down, "Yes, Sir."

"Good girl, princess," he said as he bent and kissed the top of her head before heading out.

Perhaps he would try to catch up with his younger daughter, spend some time brushing the pony. He had taken to grooming the animal himself when Elise was not around.

It was very soothing. And right now, he could use something to soothe his troubled mind. Since his first choice was otherwise occupied in his office, he would settle for some time with their younger child and her pet.


Lauren's shoulders and neck ached. She had lost all track of time hunched over the computer in Brent's office. She had played with the algorithms, fed the data they had into it a dozen times or more. But the problem was, it was not enough. There was just not enough data to make a legitimate estimation.

It sounded so simple - more data. But the reality was that meant another eruption. In another location. More lives in danger. More people forced from their homes...perhaps never to return. It was the story that they had seen over and over again. Whole villages evacuated. Abandoned. Ghost towns.

And as she played with the figures, the news from Iceland only got worse. Katla had escalated from a relatively minor VEI-3 to a five. And fissures continued to unzip along the Grímsvötn; no longer was it strictly Laki to contend with. Once again it was too early to tell, but it was increasingly looking as if this eruption could be as devastating as the 1783/84 one that had killed six million people worldwide.

Lauren shook her head as she ran the simulation that she had created. One which accounted simply for what they knew at this point. It was alarming enough as it was.

If this one followed that pattern, then this summer would be blistering and stifling as the sulfur dioxide clouds would trap the sun rays within the Stratosphere, causing an initial increase in temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere. In addition, tens or even hundreds of thousands of lives, especially in Europe, would be lost due to respiratory distress from the noxious gases.

That was just the beginning, though. This winter might not reach the Ice Age standard, but it would likely be significantly colder and harsher than average. The weather for years to come, as much as a decade by her estimation, would be extremes: hailstorms, droughts, and floods.

From a historical perspective, it did not bode well for political and economic systems that were already strained by years of recession and deep cuts to programs meant to help the world's poorest. Her mind rang with reminders of the brutal and bloody French Revolution of 1789 which some historians contributed in part to that earlier Laki eruption. In an interconnected world of the internet, such rebellion could spread globally very quickly.

While she was not willing to cede to Brent's predictions of Apocalypse just yet, her own predictions were concerning. "Fuck," she spat in frustration at the utter and irrevocable power of Mother Nature over even the most brilliant of minds. Man, whether he liked it or not, was nothing more than another of her creatures and just as much at her mercy as every other species out there.

She moaned as the strong fingers that knew her body in a way that no one else ever had, or likely ever would, sank deep into the tight muscles at the exact point where her neck met her shoulders. "That bad, sweetheart?" his deep Texas drawl teased her ear as his warm breath caressed her cheek.

She chuckled as she turned her head enough to stare into those striking baby blues, "What makes you say that, Dr. Jacobs?" How had she so quickly fallen back into the gentle teasing they had once shared?

Brent kissed the tip of her nose. His favorite freckle he had always claimed was the one right in the center. "Because, my love, outside of our bed, when you are begging me to do just that, I have only heard you use that word once."

Her throat tightened at the memory. She shared a lifetime of them with this man. But that was one of the worst. Thanks to Jason's skill as a pilot and some luck, they had managed to be the first outsiders to arrive at a coastal village in Sumatra, barely a day after the most devastating tsunami in modern history. She had stepped from the plane and taken one look around her. She had known then they were dealing with something the likes of which they had not imagined...and were not prepared for.

She sighed as she reluctantly admitted that even if the worst of his predictions were not to come, Brent was better prepared for what was to be than anyone else. She frowned at the implications of that thought.

Brent pulled back and moved to lean against the desk next to her, crossing his arms across his impressive chest, "Okay, Lauren, I know that look too. It means you don't want to admit it, but I might be right. So, what have you found?"

She shook her head, "I did not say you were right, Brent." She pulled the original simulation model that he and Monique had worked upon back up onto the computer screen, "The truth is we don't have enough points of data to make an accurate prediction."

"In other words, more eruptions," he sighed. "Damn it! How many more?"

She shook her head, "One, maybe enough to make some sort of guess. But realistically two more."

"By then it might be too late to get some of our people to safety," she watched the play of muscles as he ran his fingers through his hair. The tightness around his mouth spoke volumes about this man's stress.

As always, it brought forth in her some deep-seated primal need to comfort and even protect him. It was only natural to offer what solace she could as she pulled up her simulation, "But, even if you are wrong about more eruptions and a new Ice Age, you should see this." She hit the run button as he bent over her shoulder and together they watched the numbers run. Red eruptions triggering climatic changes that in turn could trigger socio-political ones.

His frown deepened, "So, you are saying that even the present eruptions at Katla and Laki could have..."

"More drastic effects than even those scare monger reporters are aware of," she finished as she minimized the screen. "I used your basic algorithms and just scaled them back for the data we do have. My confidence in this model is close to ninety percent."

"Fuck," it was Brent, who cursed as his fingers once more laced through blond hair. "What do we do, Lauren?"

"I have sent my calculations to colleagues at the Met and USGS." She tried to soften her next words with a gentle hand on his arm, "When they learned that you and Monique had done the original..."

"They discounted it all, right, Lauren?" he shook his head. "I suppose you warned me about this..."

"...but it does not make it right, Brent. As I said, I am almost certain about these calculations. I would and am staking my professional reputation on it."

"But it is not enough, is it, sweetheart?" he smiled tightly as his hand covered hers on his arm.

She shook her head, "No, no, it isn't."

"Now you see, sweetheart. We are scientists. We deal with simple things like theories, calculations, and probabilities. But there is something else, a much larger factor that we cannot account for in any of that - human greed, avarice, and hubris. The 'powers that be' do not want our facts, unless they further their agendas."

He bent and kissed her lips tenderly. It was another of those soft, tentative, and exploratory caress of that first one over twenty years before, and it was just as devastating.

"I always loved your idealism as much as I loved your practicality, darlin'. But I grew up in that world. The only time my father ever gave or gives a damn about my science is when it puts money in his pockets. He don't give a shit about me, Travis, or our girls, not if it was a choice between us and the almighty dollar."