Revel in the Abandon Ch. 01

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Curvy Italian wife's shocking discovery.
4.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 08/18/2011
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Much the same way the Sun will leave a pulsing and vivid imprint behind closed eyes, even if you stare at it for just a second, 42 year old Antonella Capuano had been dealing with something eerily similar for the past four years.

Things had been great back then, idyllic in fact. Her Husband had just been hired as head football coach at one of winningest high schools in that corner of Rhode Island. The added income, along with some wise stock decisions, had kept the couple financially solvent when so many of their friends were about to be swept up by the impending economic chaos. Nell, as most everyone called her, had even earned her first pink car as a reward for the sales figures she'd earned as an independent beauty consultant and supplier.

If there was one thing Nell wasn't happy with, and never quite would be, was her physical appearance. Her full blooded Italian heritage had created a physique that was far more exotic and vivacious than the 'waspy' fair skinned blondes and redheads that seemed to dominate her suburban bliss. Along those lines, Nell had inherited the thick hips and general sturdiness that all the women in her family tree passed down.

Far from being fat, Nell was classically well proportioned, and if most of the Husbands in the neighborhood had had their druthers, they would have probably chosen her for a romp in the hay over most of their own stick shaped spouses.

Still, Nell dreaded the thought of going to any of the local pools during the Summer, deciding instead to take advantage of the lovely backyard oasis she'd cultivated at home. She'd planted and heartily maintained a vegetable and flower garden, added a couple of fountains and had a small in ground pool built, buffered by several lush shade trees.

While her husband and two sons were off being the social animals they'd been born to be, Nell was more than content sitting at home by that pool, reading a good novel and sipping at a mixed drink, oblivious to the rest of the world.

That was until one day when she happened to look up from her book to grab her sunglasses and saw the unmistakable orb of a human eye staring at her from the crack in the fence that separated the Capuano's yard from their neighbor's to the right.

A tremor of shock and violation instantly coursed through Nell's body as she reclined 50 feet from the fence in her fold out deck chair. Gathering herself quickly as she slipped on her sunglasses, she showed no outward signs that she'd noticed being peeped.

Stealing another subtle peek to the right after taking a sip of her drink, the gawker was gone. Needless to say however, any chance of lazily lounging away the rest of the afternoon was fruitless if she was going to feel the overriding urge to keep glancing over to see if that eye ball was back.

The Henleys had lived in the house next door long before Anthony and Antonella moved in four years earlier. While they did have two teenage sons, it was also the middle of Summer and even though Nell couldn't hear any commotion coming from the yard, God knows how many of their friends they could have had over. Nell also remembered a landscaping truck being parked out front earlier that morning, further causing her skin to crawl imagining any of those grimy men stealing a voyeuristic peek at her as she relaxed in her own inner sanctum.

Letting the memory of that day go proved difficult. Each time one of the Henley boys came over to shoot baskets with her sons, Nell felt an overwhelming urge to duck inside, fearing it was one of them that had stolen the view of her by the pool, and if it had been them, how many times had they done it that Nell never knew. Nell also found herself checking out front each morning to see if the Henley's had the landscapers over, making sure not to hang out in her backyard if they happened to be the peeping toms in question.

Gradually over the rest of that Summer into early Fall, 'Eye-Gate" started to fade from Nell's radar. That was until the foundation of Nell's enchanted life crumbled in one fell swoop.

Her husband's first year as football coach at the local high school was going great. Unfortunately, the only person scoring more touchdowns than the team was Coach Capuano himself.

Nell literally felt like the last to know. She'd never been much of a sports fan, but she did do her best to attend most of her son's extracurricular activities, and certainly made all her husband's games, if for nothing else but to keep up appearances. Needless to say, in a successful football program, the wife of the coach is viewed as the spouse of a conquering hero. Nell was a sucker for all the adoration, and selfishly, it put a significant boost into her Mary Kay sales from all the mothers of players who wanted to get on the good side of the coach for their sons' sake.

Then the whispers started, along with the diverted gazes or quick looks of pity or amusement, depending on the compassion level of the person involved. It actually took being confronted by the mother of one of the girls involved for Nell Capuano to learn her life would never be the same.

While Nell was slow to rile, she did have that full blooded Italian plasma coursing through her veins, and to have a complete stranger approach her in front of the JC Penny and accuse, no, make that outright insist that her husband had taken advantage of their daughter caused the claws to come out. The serene and orderly scene in the mall transformed immediately into a vignette straight from "The Real Housewives of New Jersey."

Through the throng of quite startled onlookers, thankfully two mall security guards worked their way towards the two women and, albeit it clumsily, separated Nell from the other woman before she could do any real physical harm.

Unfortunately, the woman, along with three others just like her proved to be telling the God's honest truth. Tony Capuano had been carrying on relations to varying degrees with four separate girls since the school year started.

Once the tempers had been calmed and the two women were able to talk like somewhat civilized individuals out of earshot of the assembled onlookers, the woman that had been drafted by the other three mothers to have this "Come to Jesus" meeting with Nell laid out quite a proposition.

All four families involved were respected in the community, and if they went to the authorities they would find a sympathetic ear, even if the charges involved the town's new hotshot high school football coach. This was Rhode Island after all, not Texas. The offer was for Coach Capuano to resign and the family move as far away as possible. It would save the embarrassment of such a public scandal on everyone, not to mention a ton of legal bills.

The anger that had been percolating through Nell was suddenly replaced by ice cold paralysis. As much as she hated to admit it, one look into the woman's eyes told Nell everything she was saying was true. Racking her brain as she stood there absorbing the implication of it all, Nell gradually pieced together all the missing time her Husband had accumulated over the past few months.

"He's just busy with the team," she'd told herself many times.

Two months later, a moving truck was packed up with a family's belongings headed from snowy and rustic Rhode Island all the way west to the highlands of Arizona.


Breaking the news to Tony with much the same bluntness as the mother of the girl had done with her, Nell quickly brushed aside her husband's initial denials, knowing after all those years together when he wasn't telling the truth.

Explaining why they decided to move literally across country to anyone with a lick of sense proved to be far more difficult. Why would a man who went 10-2 in his first year as head coach of a highly successful football program suddenly quit and accept a job in way out in Flagstaff as an assistant coach and substitute PE teacher?

Why would a woman uproot her kids from the only circle of friends they'd ever known, not to mention give up all her business contacts and move to a part of the country literally a thousand miles from her closest relative?

"Why didn't you divorce him while you had the chance and take half while there's still something to split," Nell asked herself more than a hundred times during that dreadfully long and bleak trip in the deluxe-sized moving van.

"Because your kids don't deserve to be dragged through the mud their asshole of a father created," was the only logical response Nell could give herself.

Even though she dreaded the thought, knowing the way gossip spread, Nell knew at some point her two sons would get a good idea of why they'd had to move. Considering the way kids today use social media, even being 2500 miles away from Rhode Island might not keep the truth from coming out. Of all the things that could still happen, that was the one thing Nell lived in mortal fear of. Her boys had looked up so much to their father for moral guidance and she got chills imagining the look in their eyes if they discovered it was all a sham.

As for herself, Nell channeled all that bottled up angst into rebuilding her business, even taking two part time jobs, both for networking purposes and just to keep her mind occupied. A lesser woman would have likely followed her husband's every move after such a violation of trust, but Nell decided to leave him to his own devices. He'd used his 'get out of jail free' card, the next fuck-up and she was gone. A situation for Tony Capuano that was made far more difficult considering Nell had rebuffed most every sexual advance he'd made since the move.

The sheer thought of him inside her made Nell wretch. For him to be plowing the same cock he'd used on those high school girls through her womb was nauseating, and even if she could stomach the physical aspects, knowing he was likely thinking of someone else while doing it just killed any chance of making it work.

As stated earlier, Nell had never been comfortable with her appearance and self esteem. Having her husband of nearly 20 years sleep with a gaggle of girls half her age did nothing to help. That's when the dusty memory of that lone eye peering through the cracks of the fence back in Rhode Island came back to Nell like the image of a burning bush.

During one of the rare intimate interludes with her husband, the image of that eye exploded in a fiery and furious burst inside Nell's head. Like a shipwreck survivor clinging to a jagged piece of driftwood, Nell used that memory, which in all honesty encompassed less than two seconds of her life, to carry her through some very difficult times.

No matter how undesirable as she'd been made to feel, Nell always knew at least one person had gone through the trouble to steal a peek at her through a fence. The genesis of that single spark would have far reaching ramifications once Nell was able to harness its deviant potential.


The first glaring by-product of Nell's newfound mental trick was an intimate rekindling, of sorts, with her husband. Knowing he was likely imagining women other than her as she spread her legs and allowed him inside her, Nell had to stifle her chuckles seeing the eagerness and enjoyment Tony took resuming his husbandly duties. A guttural tone of primal vindication rising from his chest as he stuck it to her with the same eagerness as their wedding night, Nell gave it back to him with everything she had, her mind just as far away as his.

She never knew the depths of her imagination, but once she'd tapped into it, Nell soon discovered the temptation to put some of those depraved things in her mind into practice.

The first dip of her toe into the pool of perversion came by chance. Nell had been sitting in the stands at one of her son's JV baseball games early that Spring. The junior varsity games started at 3 and weren't all that well attended since many of the parents were still at work. With her flexible schedule, Nell promised her oldest boy she'd try to make the games his father couldn't for various reasons.

Winter had finally broken, and after a couple of wipes of a tan towel, Nell felt comfortable enough going out in public in a tank top and pair of shorts. There were always a group of older men at the games, some locals who loved baseball (and gossip) and didn't have anything else better to do, along with a handful of guys who had grandsons playing on the team.

With her big hair and voluptuous figure, Nell easily stood out and it wasn't long before the pack of men gradually made their way closer to where she was sitting. Enjoying the attention, Nell gladly shared in some playful, flirtatious banter with the geezers as the game wore on. She especially loved the way the barometric pressure surrounding the men seemed to change each time she leaned forward to say something and gave them a good look at her cleavage.

The next game Nell added a manicure and a pedicure to her arsenal, along with a wearing a sundress. As expected, the assembled men ate it up each and every time she crossed and uncrossed her legs.

It wasn't one of her more proud moments as a parent after the game hearing her son ask "Hey Mom..did you see this or did you see that?"

She politely lied telling him, "Of course," even though she frankly didn't have a clue who even won. Safe to say however, some of the guys who'd flocked around her were a little fuzzy on the details of the game as well.

Just as the memory of that single staring eye had opened a carnal door inside Nell's mind, to have an entire group of eyes on her at those baseball games took it to the next level. Like any newborn monster, it's appetite needed to be fed.

Nell could have easily allowed the old men and their blood pressures be, but what she did next could be considering over the top by most any standard. Wearing a new skirt she'd just bought on her next trip to the ballpark, Nell took her seat and waited patiently for her harem of men to gather around.

Through the early innings she engaged in her usual vivacious chitchat. Sometime during the Fifth, Nell got up and sneaked away to the bathroom. When she came back and took her seat, naturally the men welcomed her back with hungry and eager gazes. The one positioned two rows down and to her right happened to have the only clear look at what presented itself next.

Subtly measuring his response, Nell could see him shake his head slightly and blink several times as the rest of his body froze. Watching with detached appreciation as a wave of awe washed across the man's face, Nell knew he'd noticed she didn't have any panties on.

"Not exactly Sharon Stone-esque, but it'll do," she told herself as she whimsically refused to make eye contact the guy.

It was obvious the man wanted to tap one of his buddies on the shoulder to say 'look what I just saw', but there was also a clear element of wanting to keep the secret to himself.

A few outs later, Nell shifted in her seat and crossed the other leg, causing the same guy to turn and look with comic precision. When Nell noticed the bulge puffing out the front of his slacks, she knew she'd done her job.

"No Viagra for him tonight," she joked to herself as he finally turned and crossed his own legs for completely different reasons.

It wasn't like Nell had any desire to sleep with any of the men flocking around her at the ballgames. Most of them were old enough to be her father, and besides, the last thing she wanted to be known as was the team mom who all the old farts in the stands were passing around.

Still, the feeling of being desired had become a powerful aphrodisiac for Nell. To see a man have that glow looking in her direction, knowing the next time he got his rocks off it might be her he was thinking about, stirred a very complicated but decadent stew inside the 42 year old married mother of two.

Even though she never went sans underwear to a ball game again that season, Nell did relish the way the one man who'd gotten the 'golden peek' twisted in her direction each time she so much as twitched, hoping for another look.

Her teasing escapades did take another turn, however, a few weeks later on Highway 89, headed south in her pink Mary Kay car to speak to a chapter of a local woman's club in Prescott.

Dressed in one of her nicer business suits, Nell pushed down the crowded stretch of highway with the air conditioning on full blast. Her blazer hung in the back seat, she kicked herself for deciding to wear hose on a day this hot.

This was her first real trip outside Flagstaff since the move, but the opportunity to speak in front of a hundred or more women was a perfect way to solidify some real networking connections in the area.

Nell, by no means, felt at home quite yet, but she continually reminded herself what staying in Rhode Island would have been like over the past six months if she hadn't heeded the threat and word of what her husband had done with those high school girls came to light.

"Keep looking forward, not back," she often reminded herself. Great advice in life, as well as driving down a cluttered road. About a half hour from her destination, Nell had to slam on the brakes to keep from ramming into the bumper of the car in front of her which had slowed for the backup from a wreck a mile or so up.

"That was close..but now you're gonna be late," Nell spat once she realized she'd stopped in time, her chest heaving up and down as she pounded her palm against the steering wheel several times in frustration.

Slowing to a crawl in the left lane, it wasn't long before the shadow of a big rig enveloped her to the right. Even with the windows closed and the AC on, the beast's diesel whine grated on Nell's very last nerve.

For the next couple of minutes, her car and the truck eased along side by side at 5mph without any real clue which lane up ahead was closed. Fumbling with her phone, trying to figure out if she could get any sort of traffic update, Nell suddenly felt the presense of something more invasive than a tractor trailer towering over the passenger side of her vehicle.

Low enough in her seat that she could barely make eye contact with the driver's side door of the truck, when Nell looked over she saw the driver's leathery, sunglass covered face staring back.

"Why didn't they spring to put tinted windows on this thing," Nell cringed aloud, suddenly feeling extremely claustrophobic being pinned in on all sides.

Training her gaze forward, trying to ignore the man's stoic but seemingly determined glare, Nell felt a burst of radiant heat simmer through her body. Reaching over to flip the air conditioning higher, she realized it was already turned as high as it would go. Then the traffic in both lanes came to a dead stop.

Even though it was hot enough to fry a frittata on the asphalt outside, Nell sat in her cocoon of comfort as the large truck beside her caused the pavement beneath her wheels to vibrate. Stealing a quick peek to her right, just as she had four years earlier to get a second look at the eye staring at her through the fence, the two sundrenched shades on the trucker's face, unlike that eye at the fence, continued their relentless stare.

Shifting anxiously in her seat, Nell realized it might be more than the rumble of the rig causing the ground below to tremble. Reaching for another sip of her soda, it was clear to anyone watching how the can was shaking in her grip.

Like a chameleon morphing right behind the wheel, Nell seemed to shift from staunch and focused business woman to the thing she became in the stands during those afternoon JV baseball games back in the Spring. Sitting there withering beneath the trucker's intense glare, Nell could feel her blood trying to boil straight through her goose-pimpled flesh. Without anywhere to turn, Nell felt herself submitting to the stranger's silent will.