Reunion Revenge Goes Awry


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Four hours later just off the coast of North Carolina, Harlan was emptying his balls in her belly. He'd wanted to join the mile high club, but the airplane's bathroom was too narrow. Pamela was forced to sit on the toilet and suck Harlan off while he stood in front of her. Harlan was sitting many aisles in front of her. He'd told Keisha, he had the runs and would be in the rear bathroom for awhile. He'd grabbed Pam's arm as he passed her.

Fifteen minutes later, Pam was milking his long cock towards her face as she tried to drain every drop from the long black shaft. "This is the last time, Harlan," she said, licking her lips.

Pamela was wrong again.

Thursday, four days after the plane landed, Pamela awoke to her doorbell ringing. Richard was long gone to work and having nothing to do, Pam usually slept in before reading a few hours. She looked out her bedroom window and saw a garbage truck parked at the end of her street. Richard must have forgotten to pay the bill, she thought.

Pam pulled a robe on over her nude body and ran down the stairs. She tied her belt tightly at the door and pulled it open. Harlan's hand came out and pulled her belt off. "But..," she stuttered.

"Doing a route evaluation," said Harlan. He was wearing a suit.

Pamela stepped backwards as Harlan entered her house. He pulled her robe open and pushed it off her shoulders. Her horny pussy started gushing. "We can't."

"Sure we can," said Harlan. "Dr. Barnes is at work until 5:00."

"Oh no," she said, watching two black men in garbage overalls enter her house behind Harlan. They shut the door behind them.

The two garbage men reached out and toyed with her breasts while Harlan pulled his tie off and removed his suit.

For the next 90 minutes, Pamela experienced the joys of three large black cocks. She fucked all three, took two up her ass, and gave two blow jobs. At one time she was cumming like crazy with a cock in each hole. None pulled out of her fertile womb.

So began a pattern for Pamela Porci Barnes. Harlan stopped by twice a week for a long lunch of white pussy. Soon Pamela came to believe that her pussy really did belong to him. She refused him nothing. Every Thursday, her black garbage men took a break at her house to use her, now that they knew what a slut lived there. Pamela loved every second of it.

Six weeks after her reunion, Harlan was shoving his cock into her while she laid still on her marital bed. "Ow!" she grunted when he hit her cervix.

"Can't get in in your womb," growled Harlan. He slammed his cock hard into her again.

"Ow!" said Pam and then, "Ow!" again when he tried a last time.

"Cervix is closed," he finally said.

"Oh god," she groaned, "My period's late too."

"Too bad. I hope it's hubby's. Turn over, I'm gonna fuck your ass."

Her belly swelled quickly over the next seven months. Richard was thrilled thinking his slow swimmers had finally done their job. Harlan kept fucking her. He liked her swollen tits, especially when they began lactating. One of her garbage men liked it to, the other, was turned off by her big belly.

Nine months after her reunion, the doctors induced labor. Three days later, she was at Harlan's house with a dark skinned baby boy in her arms. The baby was so black it was hard to tell that he had a white mother.

"What the fuck you doing here?" yelled Harlan, answering his door and exiting his house.

"Meet Harlan junior." Pam held the baby up for him to see.

"Bitch, If Keisha and the kids were home, I'd be smacking your ass right now."

"Harlan, Richard threw me out. I got nothing. No job. No money. No place to live. You want your son living on the street?"

"Who says that's my son? It might be Gage's or some other nigga's."

"He looks just like you."

Harlan looked at the baby and had to agree. "Get in my car," he told her. "I'll take care of this."

They drove in silence, heading South to Trenton. They entered a rather run down part of the city. Pamela crinkled her nose at the neighborhood and held her baby close to her breasts. Harlan stopped the car in front of a dirty brick apartment complex. "Come on and get your ass out of the car," he said, opening his door.

"Where are we?" asked Pam.

"You'll see." Harlan used a key to open the front door. The elevator was out of order, so they climbed four flights of stairs. He stopped in front of a door and used another key to enter an apartment. "Welcome to your new home."


"Would you rather live on the street? I use this place as my man cave.

Keisha doesn't know about it." He opened his wallet and pulled out

some money. "Here's two hundred to get you on your feet. I'll bring

you some more money tomorrow and some baby stuff from my garage."

"Harlan, what am I going to do?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm gonna set you up good. Wanna fuck?"

"I just had a baby two days ago."

"Then suck my cock. Hurry it up, I gotta get back home." Harlan watched her kneel while he pulled his pants down. "No, no, I want you naked."

"Alright," said Pam. The only clothes she had to her name were her underwear and sweat clothes. She quickly removed them.

"Tits look awesome, baby. I think your nipples have doubled in size.

Got some belly fat and your ass looks a little flabby. How long until

you can lose the flab?"

Pam took his hardening shaft in her hands and kissed the tip. "I don't

know. A few months maybe, if Richard didn't revoke my gym membership."

She started sucking him.

"Lose the fat and I can get you a job. We can work something out with

the baby. I can get him into free daycare at city hall."

Pam was still wiping sperm off her lips when Harlan headed for the

exit. "I'll be back tomorrow. I wouldn't leave the apartment after dark if I were you."

Pamela looked around her new home. The kitchen was dirty and the only thing in the fridge was a six pack of beer. She couldn't drink because she was breastfeeding. The living room had a small old couch and a chair. The baby was sleeping on the couch. Harlan had sat in the chair for his blow job. A small table held a 19" television. She turned it on, pleased to see that it was in color, though her reception was bad

and it only got a few channels. There was no DVD player, but he did have a VCR and about twenty video cassettes of old porn movies. By the covers they were either all black or interracial.

The apartment had one bathroom, so dirty she nearly refused to use it and one bedroom. The bed was large and it was just a mattress with no sheets and the pillows were bare. The mattress was covered in stains. A bag-less trash can sat beside the bed, filled with nearly a dozen used condoms. "I guess that asshole does know how to use a condom," she said. She crinkled her nose and snorted when it hit her that he clearly brought women back to this aprtment to fuck. The weirdest piece of equipment was a camcorder on a tripod pointing at the bed.

Pam returned to the baby, grabbed the keys Harlan had left her, and went down to the corner market for diapers and some food.

Harlan was back the next day with $1000 dollars, a crib, stroller, and a baby bath tub. Keisha had trouble throwing away baby memorabilia even though she'd gotten her tubes tied and they wouldn't be raising any more children. Of course, Harlan wanted another blow job before he went back to work.

Two weeks later, he was fucking her doggy style on her clean new sheets. Pamela had gotten smart and was now on the pill. Things were a little better for her as Richard had released her clothes and car to her.

Three months after having her baby, Pamela was almost back down to her pre-baby weight. Harlan was pleased and he loved her new larger E-cup breasts and nipples. Pam was a little worried he might suck all of his son's milk out of her breasts. He threw a bag down on the bed. "Put this on. We got a job interview to go to."

"I don't think this is appropriate for a job interview." The green skirt barely covered her privates. A tight green halter top left her belly bare. She'd hocked her belly button ring at a pawn shop for some extra cash. He'd also bought her green shoes with three inch heels.

"That depends on the job you're interviewing for and you look great."

Pam was about to ask him about the job when he grabbed her hand and led her out the door. Harlan had already taken the baby to day care. They walked down the four flights of stairs and out the door to Harlan's car. The drive was short, only a few blocks and the neighborhood only improved slightly.

Pam got out of the car and looked up at the "LIVE NUDES" and the "DANCING GIRLS" signs on the building. Her cheeks flushed some when Harlan led her inside the dingy room.

"Yo, my man Harlan," said a big black man sitting at a table.

"Whasup homie," said Harlan. Pam watched as they engaged in some long black handshake she couldn't follow. "Deon, this is Pamela," said Harlan.

"She's hired," said Deon, looking up and down her body.

"Pam never done this before," said Harlan.

"I don't even care if she can dance," said Deon. "Comere girl and turn around for me. She can just stand nude on a stage for all I care. Hot white bitch like her in this neighborhood. Fuck, she ain't even white. She's white-white. Girl, get up on that stage and dance for me."

"I'm not sure I want to work here," said Pam. "Harlan didn't tell me this was a strip bar."

"Quit being selfish, Pam," said Harlan. "I know you like showing off that hot body of yours and it ain't about you no more, it's about the baby. You gonna need to support him."

"You're right Harlan." Pam stood straight up and nodded. She sobbed a little at the thought of how far she had fallen going from being a kept doctor's wife to applying for a job, nude dancing. "Thanks for correcting me. Mr. Deon, how much does this pay?"

"Nothing, honey. You work for free."

"No pay? How am I supposed to support..."

"Shut up, Pamela," said Harlan. "You work for tips. You show up here, come out and dance for fifteen minutes every hour and men throw money at you. If they like you that is."

"They gonna like her," said Deon.

Pam got up on stage and tried dancing to the music. She watched the two black men stare at her and discuss her. The bar was nearly empty, but she made twenty dollars from the only two male customers who were there. Pamela gathered her clothes and walked back nude to Deon and Harlan. Deon gave her another twenty to grind against his lap.

"I bet you can make a couple hundred a night for a few hours work," said Deon.

"A girl like you could make thousands at a classy joint," said Harlan.

"This is a classy joint, mother fucker," growled Deon. "Come back tomorrow night and we'll see how you do. Work all weekend, eight to midnight. One fifteen minute dance per hour. The rest of the time you walk around nude getting the men to buy you drinks. That's how I make money. You can generate more revenue by doing lap dances like you just did for me. Got it."

"I think I can handle that."

"I can arrange a sitter," said Harlan.

On the way back to her apartment, Harlan stopped at a large bookstore chain and bought her a DVD on stripping to lose weight and please your man. He then drove to Wal-Mart and bought a DVD player. "About time I upgraded," he grumbled. Pamela watched the DVD and practiced the dances everyday until she started her new job.

Friday night at midnight, Pamela was bracing herself against Deon's desk as he pumped his large black cock in and out of her pussy. She was smiling and moaning as his cock felt great and she'd made $500. The mostly black clientele loved her.

"You sure got one grade A pussy," growled Deon, as he fucked her. "I'm giving you all the best shifts. I'm gonna put you on posters around the building. Fuck it, I'm gonna buy ad space on a billboard on the turnpike and put you on it. You gonna be a star. Here it cums girl." Deon slammed his cock forwards and pumped her womb full of sperm.

Months later, Pamela had just decided she'd made enough money to make a down payment on her own apartment in a better part of town as she climbed the steps to her current apartment. She opened the door and wasn't surprised to see Harlan sitting on the couch watching a porn and bouncing the baby on his lap. He often picked Harlan Jr. up from daycare for her. "Still got my digital recorder?" he asked.

"Sure, it's in the closet. Want a sandwich and a beer?"

"Sure," said Harlan, putting the baby down on the coach. He got up and entered her bedroom, going to the closet. Harlan returned checking the battery life on the camera.

"What's up?" asked Pam.

"Phase two of getting you back on your feet."

"I'm doing pretty good now, Harlan."

"You think you're doing alright, but there's a lot more potential green out there for you. Now come suck my cock."

Pamela put the sandwiches she had made down. She glanced at the baby who had fallen asleep. Pamela then kneeled between Harlan's legs and started fumbling with his pants.

"Hold up," he said. "I wanna capture this." He held the camera up to his eye and looked down his body at Pamela. "Now start."

Pamela had long ago realized she was Harlan's sexual toy. He'd stop by at any hour, day or night and she'd submit her body to him. Not that she had ever desired to deny him, but his visits could be inconvenient and often he brought friends. So she found herself fishing his cock out and then sucking him off while staring up into the camera. She was swallowing his first load when he pushed her head back and shot cum all over her face.

Pamela licked up what she could and said, "So what's up?"

"Go get my sandwich and I will show you." Harlan opened up a lap top case and started the computer. Pam brought him his sandwich and watched while he ate and fiddled with the laptop. He connected the recorder to his computer and finished off his dinner while it uploaded. "Alright done," he said, moving the computer so that Pam could see the screen.

"What's this?" she asked looking at the picture of her in a green bikini that now graced a billboard on the New Jersey turnpike advertising Deon's strip club.

"This is, your new website. You'll be getting $5 per member each month. You already got 10 members, fans from the club I guess. Just wait until we get some pics and content up."

"I'm not sure I want a website."

"Sure you do. I've made them for the other strippers. You is gonna have a thousand members in a month or two. The only thing is they is gonna want content. That's the secret to a good website, content, content, content. Watch this."

"Oh god," she cried, watching the short video of her sucking Harlan off. She embarrassingly found herself getting horny. Embarrassed or not, she wanted some cock meat. Pam put her hand in Harlan's lap and squeezed his dick. It immediately stiffened.

"Got time for a quick fuck?"

"Yeah, I think I can make time." Harlan stood and led her to the bedroom. "I'm sending my photographer over to take some sets. They start soft core, you in a bikini or lingerie, slowly removing them and maybe getting off with a black dildo. Then we'll graduate into you fucking and sucking some brothers and we'll make some more movies. You'll need to ask some of the clients you dance for, find out who's really hung and willing to appear on the net. Most will do it just for a chance to fuck you."

Pamela had two thousand member after two months. New content appeared every other day, from pictures to hour long movies. She was even selling autographed pictures. Deon's club was full every weekend, mostly people coming to see her. She was now making $1000 a night. Just when she didn't think things could get any better, the call came from L.A. An adult video producer was offering her $5000 to make an actual adult movie.

Pamela flew out West that Monday.

That year, Pamela left the East Coast entirely and moved to L.A. Harlan still managed her website and she emailed him content from time to time. He kept her schedule listed on the site. She headlined dancing at different clubs, signed autographs, made appearances in Vegas, and made 20 movies that year, winning an award for best newcomer. The next year, she had enough money to produce. Her movie, "Reunion Revenge" was the number one movie of the year. She insisted that this movie wasn't just about sex, but also about acting. They even hired extras to play classmates. It was semi-autobiographical and starred herself. It closely mirrored her experiences at her 20th reunion three years ago, except that she replaced Scott and Preston with black actors.

The next movie she wrote and produced was an interracial version of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo's family was mostly men and all black, Juliet's family mostly white women. Unfortunately, Pamela was too old to play Juliet, so she played Juliet's mother. It too was a huge success and Pam immediately started writing an interracial version of "The Taming of The Shrew" where the shrew was bitchy because her white husband didn't satisfy her sexually.

During the filming of "Romeo Black and Juliet Whyte", Pamela was riding Romeo's cock in one scene. He was a new actor hired, because his cock was the biggest Pam had ever scene and he was quite attractive. She was working on her third orgasm, when she happened to glance out the window of the apartment they were filming in. The view out the window was up a hill and she could see large white letters YW between to high buildings. She laughed with delight causing Romeo to frown.

Pamela suddenly realized she had gotten everything she'd ever wanted in life. Her childhood dream was to be a Hollywood actress and the YW she could see from the window was from the middle of the famous Hollywood sign. After that, all she had ever wanted was a baby and Harlan Jr. was the love of her life. Hopefully, Romeo here was about to give Harlan a little sister, she'd gone off birth control months earlier. She had a dozen black lovers and didn't care which one impregnated her. She laughed again, causing the director to look at her funny. Yes, she had the two things she'd wanted most in the world. Maybe porn star and having an interracial baby out of wedlock wasn't what she'd had in mind, but there wasn't anything about her life she'd change at this point.

Pamela Porci was happy.

The End

Author's Note: I had a lot of projects going on at this time and didn't want to start a new story, but sometimes the story muse takes over. I was going through my list of ideas and started writing an outline for an idea about a wife's reunion revenge. Of course, that made me excited about it and I started writing it almost immediately. I was in the zone and made a lot of progress rather quickly.

With time constraints the way they are in my life, any future stories will probably be similar to this one. That is, rather short and stand alone. I still plan on finishing any open ended stories I have going and I hope to write an ending to the E&I series.

Many of my stories take common themes of the cheating wife genre and I write my take on them. I've done stories about sunbathing wives, wives on vacation, the wife and her boss, wives posing for pictures, losing the wife at poker, and others. This story was my take on the reunion theme. I hope you liked it.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

So exciting and the story ended so well but she had a good life with her husband but then he did tell her to have fun at the reunion. Fun she had and it cause her to get her black child. And she got everything she wanted.keep writing these kind of stories

8796Porno8796Porno4 months ago

Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

A real man knows when his wife's pussies been tampered with, the doc in the story was not stupid like the author he would have known right away that her tight pussy was now a gapping hole. He would hire some mercs who'd track down and then slowly skin the animals that defiled his wife, then sell her to a Guatemalan whore house where she'd spend the rest of her days!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I couldn’t go with my wife to her ten year reunion. When I picked her up from the airport she was acting very funny and was very quiet. I asked her about it and she said she was just tired. Then when we were in bed. And drifting off, she began to moan in her sleep. I grabbed my phone and started to record her. She began telling someone to stop it. She said she couldn’t do that as she was married. I started to rub her ass as I knew it turns her on. Then she began really moaning and said “ That’s it , look my pussy” she kept moaning and soon had an orgasm in her sleep. The next morning I asked her about it and she broke down. She said she did something bad. I asked who she had sex with and she started crying. She said she had sex with one of her classmates. I asked who. She stuttered then said Kathy. Her friend Kathy and her were best friends in school. She said Kathy confessed to always wanting her in school and it turned her on they spent the night together licking each other one fingering each other to many orgasms. Kathy is coming to visit next month.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Just another bbc story

Ever heard of a white guy that won't tolerate a cheating wife I am one. My wife Tammy went back home to her reunion after returning home I picked her up at the airport it was a late flight so when we got home we got ready for bed our children were staying at her parents. I really didn't suspect anything till she moaned as I grabbed her behind after I knew she was asleep. Then she said Todd stop it I know you tried to have sex back in school but you knew I was saving it for the one I love and will be married she said stop it she was going to be sore and Tim's not dumb he will know. I grabbed my phone hit record and went on. Tammy? Yes. What will Tim know I asked? He will know I cheated on him and it's my fault I love him and I screwed up please leave me alone. I didn't touch her the rest of the night. I was gone before she got up the next day Monday during a break I called a buddy I went to school with that became a lawyer. I asked if he could type up a form that would look like I was sueing Tammy for divorce on grounds of infidelity and be ready to drop them off at our house like she was being served. I was to call if I wanted them dropped off. When I got home and walked in the house man that woman could cook. I walked in the kitchen asked what is the deal what did I do to get my favorite meal. She said just to show you how much I love you. I said WOW I thought you was upset with me last night and thought you must had ran into an old flame. What would make you think that. I just said what would make me think that. She said it we need to talk Tim but could we eat first? I said I don't know it sounds like it might be my last supper. She said she hoped not. After we ate and cleaned up I asked what's up? She asked do you want to fix us our usual drinks? I said like I better have straight whiskey on rocks. Fix what you want I will take the usual cranberry and vodka. I fixed hers a little stronger than normal. We sat and she started just remember I have loved you before we even started dating and I will always love you and only you as I should you are all I ever needed and expected from a man I just hope you can forgive me and she broke down a little bit. The said just let me finish before you interrupt me. I raised my had like a child in school. She said please? I kept my hand up. She said if you must. I looked her in the eye and asked do you love him and are you leaving the children and I? She asked if she could answer that later because it be determined by how I responded to what she said. Ok proceed I said. She told me every thing she could think of she said she wasn't going to try to blame drinking or anyone because she should be a responsible adult and messed up. I raised my hand again. She said please it is hard enough trying to tell you how stupid I was can it wait. I said answer a few questions and I won't need all the details because if I hear everything I may not want to stay married. Ok she said. Ok I said I know you said you loved me do you love him? Absolutely not I messed up. Do you want a divorce? Absolutely not. This will be a big one name what he did for you that was worth taking a chance on loosing your marriage? Absolutely nothing

Did you do anything with him that you didn't do with me? Absolutely nothing. We will come back to that question. She looked at me with a questionable look. Did you do everything to him that you had done with me? Absolutely not. I guess I have a different belief than you on that. What is that supposed to mean? I said I never had sex with anyone that I didn't love that is what I mean. I'm sorry I know that is why I said I messed up bad. Are you going to a counselor? If that's what you want I will do it to save our marriage. Will you sign a postnuptial agreement ( not knowing the correct term) that if this would happen again either one of us is caught cheating the cheater walks away with nothing but their personal retirement accounts. Agreed she said. One clause I get a free pass if I should do something like this? She said she would hate it but it would only be fair. Ok I said then why don't we go get the children? She said I thought we could spend the night alone. I said ok but I will not have sex till I see a clean bill of health. She said that really hurts. I said yes what you did to me really hurts. She said will you at least hug me? I said yes but if you cause him to not behave I will either put clothes on or sleep some where else. It took a while to get back as close as we could under these circumstances. By the way I never slipped up.

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