Reunion & Union


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I was afraid to look at her as I was finishing dressing and so I made small talk about breakfast and maybe driving around town today to see what's here. At last I'm dressed and one last check in the mirror and I escort her to the elevator. We ride down alone and I want to hit the emergency button and then rip off her clothes and fuck her in this little elevator. I wonder what it would be like to see her naked and riding me. She is facing front and I'm slightly behind and can see her well now. She looks as good from the back as the front. I'm going to have to get a girlfriend soon.

All the way down in the elevator he stood slightly behind me and didn't say a word. I was conscious of his smell and the toothpaste and deodorant and everything that smells so good about him. I was getting wet again. I wondered if he even saw me. Is he staring at the numbers of each floor as we pass? I need a boyfriend again, but I wonder if I move a little and maybe scratch my ass if he'll respond or if I'll see that bulge after. Maybe just a slight scratch, raise my skirt a little and tease high on the back of my thigh. It can't hurt to try.

Is it just sharing the room that has me so turned on? I don't think so because every time she moves even in public I get excited or should I say that I stay hard instead of getting hard? At last we're at the lobby because that scratch was almost too much and I felt myself wanting to touch her there too and then kiss her. My cock is throbbing still and I need to rearrange it a little but I can't now. Maybe I can at breakfast.

When we got to the restaurant we had the same waitress as last night and she asked us how long we'd been married. I smiled and looked at him and loved to see the range of emotion as he tried to think of an answer. Finally I told her we were just friends and she said something about us looking like we belonged together. Breakfast was good and I was good and wet again. That's the problem with being a girl because guys never have that problem. After breakfast I told him I'd meet him outside as I headed for the ladies room to dry off.

The waitress is cute but my friend is nicer I think. And this time as I'd held her chair I stood back a bit. Her bottom fit that skirt so well and I thought that skirt shouldn't be so tight and then I thought again and decided that it should be even tighter. As I bent forward with my knee against the chair to help move her forward I couldn't help noticing the cleavage apparent from the top of her blouse as I glanced over her shoulder. Too late... my cock has found the strength and a way to rearrange by itself.

We drove all afternoon almost in circles and hadn't yet seen anyone we knew. Our record wasn't spoiled by the time we headed back to the hotel. As I pulled in to park I noticed a car being unpacked a couple of spaces down and the couple looked familiar but I wasn't sure. The woman was staring as we got out and then I heard her shout to ask if we were here for the reunion. My friend answered and she ran over and gave him a hug. It was the gal he'd taken to the prom and never seen again. She introduced her husband and told us that he'd been two years ahead of us in school. I remembered her as very pretty, but kind of phony and her husband looked like milquetoast and just smiled and looked away. Right now she was trying too hard to appear sexy after gaining probably thirty pounds.

It was fun riding shotgun because I could watch her as she drove without her being more than casually aware. Occasionally her skirt would ride up above her knees as she used the gas and brake pedals. Turning a corner to the left would disturbingly open a view of the mound formed by her left breast and turning right would accent her nipple taut against the fabric as her arm raised. I wondered about that bra because it did nothing to hide or control the nipple's rise. I kept the seatbelt low across my continuous hard-on and tried to appear occupied with the view outside. Is that the gal from our prom? Is she the one that never spoke to me again? She's older and heavier and that must be her husband.

Prom girl invited us up for drinks later but I feigned a headache from the sun and hoped my friend would decline also. He did! He told her that the two of us had been out all day and had to get ready for the reunion because we were going early. Prom girl replied that in that case they would be there early, too. Oh joy! I do want to see people from school, but I can do without her.

Finally she let me lose after slowly grinding her hip into my lap. Why hadn't she been this hot at the prom? I mean we didn't kiss and only danced two dances together. She played with every guy from the class that evening. Later I'd heard a member of the team had scored after I took her home. Well my friend is much hotter than she is now and at least we'll be talking some if we don't dance much. I wondered what my friend would be wearing and it was hard waiting to get upstairs and see for myself. I do know that some of the guys I remember will be notching her dance card.

The four of us rode up in the elevator together and we got off first. As the door was closing I heard Prom queen holler out their room number and it was directly above ours. He opened the door for me and then we sat for a few minutes and talked about her and his experience with her at the prom. He confided that he had been horny all evening and was really bummed when she got out of the car without even a goodnight kiss. It didn't sound like he was remembering her fondly at all.

We talked and I mentioned the dismal night I had at the prom. I told her that I was horny but how do you tell a friend... a girl friend (two words)... that you were as horny then as you are right now... but for a different girl. After a few more questions and answers she excused herself to go take a shower again. I'd seen her dress covered in the closet next to my tuxedo but I hadn't actually seen the dress. I watched as she took a little bag and robe with her into the bathroom.

I shaved... I mean I really shaved. My legs and my pussy were smooth as fresh peaches when I'd finished. If only he could see me now I thought as I entered the shower. I was very careful about my hair. I'd had a perm a week ago and most of it was still holding but each shower relaxed it a bit more. It's a good thing that I'm good with my own hair. I planned to change the style of my hair when I finished the shower and he'd never seen me the way I was going to change it. I couldn't help myself as I washed down and my hands caressed my body and with my eyes closed I imagined it was him playing.

I got all my stuff ready and waited for her to come out. She was in there for over an hour and a half when I heard the door unlock and she slowly came into the room. I couldn't talk and just stared. The robe was tight and I could see the flesh moving as she walked, but the thing that caught my attention first was her face. What had changed? She was gorgeous. Slow witted as I am I finally decided that it was her hair. I've always liked long hair, but my friend never wore her hair long and yet here she was... a dream.

I got the greatest reaction when I came out. For a moment I thought he didn't like it but after a minute his face lit up and he actually told me how beautiful I am. I also noticed his cock and he wasn't paying attention to himself at all because it was an extremely noticeable large bulge and it actually moved a little as I bent my head to the floor but kept my eye on it. He wanted to talk but I mentioned how late it was getting and apologized for taking so long. He smiled and unconsciously his hand pushed his pants down as he stared at me.

In the shower I had to relieve myself because the pressure was intense. I shaved in the shower when I finished because I'd always been told that you get a closer shave that way. What a numbskull I am I thought as I came out of the shower and started drying. I forgot my pants again. I wrapped a towel again and opened the door to tiptoe out and get them. I was holding the towel closed but as I got the pants and turned around she was there. My mouth dropped open and I said wow again and just stared. She was like a model in that dress and the color was perfect. Her breasts were mostly visible and I stared. After a minute she said thanks for the approval but hadn't I better pull up my towel?

He was so funny and so pleased. His mouth was open and his eyes wide and he didn't even notice that one end of the towel had slipped loose and he was standing in front of me with an elegant hard-on. He had trouble talking and I was pleased. I was really pleased with the double reaction from his mouth and his cock. I thanked him and as he tried to cover himself he was red all over and ran for the bathroom. His bare ass was cute as he shut the door behind him, and I was wet... really wet.

She had seen me naked now with a hard-on. What does she think? Does she think I'm a pervert? That I just forgot the pants so that I could come out naked? I felt humiliated as I remembered her laugh as I was closing the door. I sat on the edge of the dressing table and put my face in my hands. I don't know how long I was that way when I heard her tapping on the door and asking if I was okay. I replied that I was and got off the table and slowly combed my hair and washed my face again. As I went to dry my face I picked up her wet towel by mistake and suddenly I was aware of her scent on it. I breathed it in taking great gulps of it before I changed towels, dried myself and went out.

When he came out I was ready for the evening but went back into the bathroom without closing the door and checked my hair and did one last look-over before deciding that I wouldn't get any better. I even pulled up my dress and turned around to check that my thong and stockings were straight. When I turned back I noticed that he'd been facing the other way the entire time and missed my brief show.

She'd called me a slowpoke and urged me to hurry. I started to apologize and she just smiled and replied that it was nice to know that a girl could be appreciated that way and patted my butt. I hurried dressing and had to run back into the bathroom to put on my briefs and undershirt. When I came back out I just had to put on my shirt, my tie, my cummerbund and jacket... and... Oh Crap! I forgot the flowers! I told her and I hoped we could get to the shop before it closed.

I drove fast and at first I thought I'd already gone by the shop but luck was with us and we got there just as the shop was closing. An old lady helped us and she was very nice... everything came out fine. The corsage was the first orchid corsage and the first wrist corsage I'd ever had and I cried a little before she helped me fix my makeup. It might not be a romantic date, but it is the best I've had so far in life I thought.

We got to the reunion just before it was supposed to start and they'd already had the tables and the sign-in set up so we said hello to some of the people we'd known before... and we thanked them for setting it up and letting us know about the reunion. I escorted my friend into the large ballroom and I thought how funny it was to call it that because I was feeling that I didn't have enough ball room already. I picked a table just to the side but close to the dance floor and we sat down. I asked her if she'd like something to drink and then went and got two drinks and returned. We saw a few more folks and I saw four of the cheerleader squad from school. Most of them weren't exactly cheerleader material anymore, but a couple still looked good. It seemed like everyone was married or had been and was now with someone else.

He held my chair as I sat down and I took off my wrap and placed it on a chair to my side. He stared at me for a moment and his eyes traveled to my breasts and returned. His face may have been a little red as he asked if I wanted something to drink. I thanked him and said I'd love a cold Pepsi with lots of ice. I looked around while he was gone and only a few people had arrived yet. It seemed like most of the cheerleader squad was there... at least those that had been seniors with us. I was glad at the thought that I might look better than some and almost as good as the others. When he got back he talked to every one of them as they walked by, but then he'd return and talk to me.

It was almost thirty minutes of noisy talking and some hollering across the room before the band started playing. I asked my date if she'd like to dance and I felt a little thrill when she said yes. It was a slow dance as the band seemed to be warming up. It felt so good to at last be holding her and she surprised me by snuggling close and putting her head on my shoulder. Her waist felt so good and yet her hands were cold and a little clammy. I felt her body moving against me as she followed my every lead and I had a continuous hard-on again.

I was surprised when he'd asked me to dance, but I'd really wanted to and said yes. When we got to the floor the music was so nice and the company so special that I couldn't help but snuggle close to him. I could feel his confidence as we danced and feel his warmth penetrating me. I moved closer and could feel his body and his hands warming mine that were already sweating. He moved quickly in time with the music and I was surprised at how good a dancer he was. At one movement I felt something against my tummy and knew it was him. I deliberately rubbed myself against him without seeming to and each time I felt his cock press against me. I was so happy until the dance ended and we pulled apart and returned to the table.

That was the best dance I could remember and my arousal made it hard to try and walk normally back to the table. We had been talking again for a few minutes when the gal from the hotel and her hubby came up and asked to sit with us. I looked at my date and she nodded very slightly. I invited them to please sit down. She sat on one side of me and my date was on the other side. Both chairs seemed closer to me than to her husband. It had been only a few more minutes, while we chatted and they waited for their drinks, when I felt her knee against mine. It was moving.

I sure didn't want Prom queen there, but I didn't feel that I had any right to refuse them. I was hoping that my friend didn't still hold a crush on her, but if he did I could do nothing about it. When her hubby seated her, I noticed her move the chair a little closer to my date and away from her hubby. I decided that she still had the hots even though she was long married. I felt my date jump while we waited for their drinks to arrive and wondered what had happened. I tried to bring her husband into the conversation and he said a few words and retreated back to sitting quietly.

My prom date seemed eager to talk and her hands were in her lap. She was wearing a really low-cut dress in front and in back. I could see her ass everytime she turned away and had an almost unrestricted view of her tits. I could see part of her areoles and every now and then when she bent forward laughing I saw a nipple. It was only fifteen minutes later when I felt her hand on my knee and tried to ignore it. A few more minutes and it seemed that her hand migrated closer to my crotch. Soon she was actually holding me through my pants and I was too embarrassed to do anything and I moved closer to the table to keep my date from seeing it.

Oh! I saw it! Her hand was actually holding his cock and I wanted to slap the hand and her, but I kept quiet and just tried to ignore it. It was completely between them and I was grateful when he finally moved his chair so that the tablecloth covered her hand. He seemed a bit withdrawn from the conversation after that as she started talking to me. What was I supposed to do? I was a lady I thought and just answered her. After another few minutes and as another dance was starting to play she asked my date if he'd like to dance. The two of them went to the dance floor and I asked her husband if he'd care to dance. He said that he wasn't very good but would try and I led him onto the floor.

I like attention from a lady... a lot! But for some reason this was too much for me. It started as a slow dance and she rubbed every part of me with her body and hands. I had to do the continual relocation of her hands to my waist, and when she was up close her hand was always on my cock. As the dance ended, and we started back, a Spanish tune started playing and she dragged me back out to the floor. I have never danced like that before but I tried, and every time I leaned back imitating some of the moves that I saw guys making, she would mount my knee and start dry humping me. This woman seemed insatiable and I almost wanted to get away except that it had been weeks since I'd been with anyone and my friend was heavy on my mind.

The slow dance was okay and even then he kept his distance and I wondered how he could be so quiet and his wife be so... demonstrative? He held me just the way kids do at their first dance in grade school. It was okay because it gave me a chance to watch my date and his wife. I couldn't believe how blatant she was in public and felt sorry for her husband. When the dance ended we all headed back to the table. When her husband and I got back they were gone and I searched the dance floor and finally found them and she was straddling his knee and really working it. Her husband turned around and stared too, before remarking softly that he wished she wouldn't do that.

She definitely had me hard for awhile, but as the dance wore on I wilted and just wanted to get back to the table. I knew that my pants must be wet from her straddling because my knee kept sticking to them. One time she whispered that she'd like to go outside and get some air with me but I whispered back that I might enjoy it but my date was waiting. Moments before she even kissed my neck and almost left a hicky when she pulled away during the last dance. Finally we went back to the table.

After they got back my date had to turn down a few dances with others because Prom queen had ask him every time. After he turned her down saying he wanted to rest, another gal would come up and his manners made him decline her too. It must have been uncomfortable being a gentleman because I'm certain the he'd love to have danced with a couple of the babes that came up to him. He did get out twice more with someone else while she was sulking and hadn't asked him first.

I'd had a crush or two that has never been consummated in school and two of those gals were still around and looking good. When they'd asked me to dance I was lucky that my prom date was mad at me and hadn't asked me too. It was fun with each of these other gals, but strictly platonic as they each went on to another guy from the class.

Finally, on the next to the last dance he asked me again, and talked to me and was sweet. When that dance ended the last one started and he pulled me to him again. I lay my head on his shoulder and almost did a little humping myself. He was smiling as we went back to the table and as he said thanks, he added babe. I was floating now. The reunion slowly broke up and it was almost four in the morning as we said our goodbyes. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and grabbed his hand.

As we finally headed for the truck I put my arm around her and put my jacket over her shoulders. Even in the wrap she looked cold in the crisp night air. I walked around to the drivers side took her keys and opened the door to help her in. She climbed in and held my hand after she was seated. She looked down at me and said that it was my turn to drive and put the keys in the ignition. I climbed up next to her and she didn't move as I scooted in to close the door. She was right there close and I wanted to put my arm around her but instead I started the engine put it in gear, released the brake and put both hands on the steering wheel as I backed out of the space.