Return to Sessia Ch. 14

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Diane is cruelly punished at the Punishment Park.
11.3k words

Part 14 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/13/2014
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I was naked and bound during the cab ride to the O.S.I. And to make matters worse, there was only enough room in the back seat for three adult females, so my naked body was laid across the laps of the three women who had stripped me naked and captured me.

Hands on my thighs, breasts and pelvis kept me from jostling around too much on the ride over. Sadly the women's hands did more than just hold my naked body in place.

As the cab-driver drove us to our eventual destination, one of the women ran her fingers up and down my wet pubic slit. All three women laughed in amusement as I squirmed and moaned in sexual need. My thighs were pulled apart while my wet pussy was fingered and my swollen, throbbing clit was mercilessly rubbed and stroked.

Of course, when I was panting, writhing and obviously on the brink of a frenzied orgasm, the woman's fingers were withdrawn from my aching sex and there was much laughter as I moaned in sexual frustration and raised my hips up in a vain but needy attempt for physical contact.

"Slut," the dark-eyed woman yelled admonishingly and she smacked my painfully on my inner thigh.

When I was returned to the Office of Slave Identification, the zip-ties were removed from my wrists and thumbs and then I felt two clicks on my wrists as an O.S.I. employee handcuffed my hands behind my back instead.

"Would you like to have her clothes back?" asked one of the women who captured me. She held up the clothes that had been stripped off of me in Bridgeworth. The t-shirt and the bra had been shredded and destroyed.

One of the O.S.I. employees examined the returned clothing and found a key in the pockets on my blue jeans. She held it up and looked me in the eye and asked, "What is this?"

"I got that when one of the contestants ambushed me on Dover Road," I replied. "She attempted to lock handcuffs on me, but I managed to wrest her handcuffs away from her and lock her onto an ornamental wrought iron fence. Then I took her handcuffs key, so she couldn't free herself."

There was some laughter at that and one of the O.S.I. employees, asked, "So, she's still handcuffed to the fence then?"

I answered in the affirmative and there was more laughter. However when it all died down, a very serious female employee asked me for the exact location of the girl I had handcuffed. I wasn't really familiar with Sessian neighborhoods, but I gave the best directions that I could and then she gave the key to another O.S.I. employee with instructions that he was to go and find the girl I'd handcuffed and set her free.

"I hope they caught all that on video," Darya said. "I'd really like to see how you outfoxed the girl that tried to cuff you."

The women who had captured me, were given their money and after a brief discussion with an O.S.I. employee, they were also given my panties and my tattered bra.

"Consider it a trophy," the O.S.I. employee said, "The three of you can fight over who gets to keep it."

"I had really hoped you'd win," Gretchen confided in me," however it looks like you put up a valiant effort."

And while my wrists were helplessly bound behind my back, Gretchen threw her arms around me and kissed me on the lips.

"Before we take you to be punished, you'll have to tell me all the details of your adventure out on the streets of Sessia, as an escaped slave. Did you enjoy it?"

"I actually did enjoy parts of it," I confessed, "Although I was scared and nervous most of the time. And those three girls who captured me were cruel."

"Beautifully cruel?" she asked.

I knew exactly what she meant, and it did give me a pulse-racing jolt of sexual excitement to be pinned helplessly to the ground and forcibly stripped in front of scores of witnesses. I told Gretchen everything that happened to me and she listened with rapt interest.

* * * * * * * * * *

In the end, I was taken to the Punishment Park in Villagio for my punishment. Apparently my punishment was to be very ceremonial and well-attended. No other slaves were allowed into the park during my punishment. A new stage had been constructed especially for me and it was strategically located so that hundreds of spectators would be able to witness my punishment all at the same time.

I was nervous and felt like I had to pee even though my bladder was empty. A park employee named Nicola kept admonishing me to breath normally as I looked like I was about to have a panic attack.

"Sorry," I said reflexively every time I was told that I looked really, really nervous.

Honestly, I had a right to be nervous. The audience witnessing my punishment would be even larger than the audience at that lesbian club and the punishment I was to receive was rumored to be even more painful.

"Just breathe," said Nicola as she held onto my upper arm to steady me, "This isn't all that different from the sorts of punishments you've had before."

I tried to even out my breathing and calm my fear, but the whole thing just seemed so intimidating. When I'd been taken to the Punishment Park in the past, I'd been one slave out of scores of slaves here. I was just a face in the crowd. Now I was going to be the only slave here and something like five-hundred people would be there to witness my punishment and revel in my pain and humiliation.

A familiar face entered the room. Her name was Alexandra and she'd punished me before dozens of times. She was tall, strong and self-confident and unflappable. We weren't exactly friends and she'd hurt me if her job called for it, but she was never cruel.

"Welcome back, Miss Schlank," she said to me. "And how are we feeling today?"

"Oh God," I exclaimed, "I'm not sure I can go through with this."

Alexander sauntered over and took my chin in her hands. She raised my chin and forced me to look directly into her eyes.

"Okay, Miss Schlank," she said calmly, "Now if you mean that you're nervous about today's punishment I can certainly understand, however if you mean that you think there's some chance that you can back out of this, that's not going to happen."

I closed my eyes as slaves are forbidden to look a free woman directly in the face, but Alexandra ordered me to open them.

"I want you to look directly into my eyes, Miss Schlank," Alexandra said. "Now you're going out there on that stage and you're going to be punished in front of the crowds. That is very definitely going to happen. Now if you're too nervous to walk out onto that stage on your own two legs, we've got employees here that can take you out there by force. Would you prefer us to do that, or can you walk out there on your own?"

I felt panicky and I began to pant again. Alexandra was reminding me of my helplessness. Of course they could force me to go out there. They would give me no choice. Alexandra was full of authority with her smart uniform and her steely gaze. I was just a naked girl with my hands cuffed helplessly behind my back. Alexandra could make me do anything she wanted. And as the overwhelming feelings of helplessness swept over me I seemed to lose my ability to speak. My vocal cords felt tight and heavy and my whole upper body felt hot and feverish.

I trembled and tears rolled down my face. I stared into Alexandra's beautiful eyes and I wanted her to be proud of me, however my panic had overtaken me and I couldn't seem to make my tongue work. I felt helpless and stupid in addition to being naked and exposed.

"Terri, Chris," Alexandra called out and two very tall female park employees appeared. They looked strong, healthy and athletic. They looked expectantly at Alexandra.

"Miss Schlank is having problems making her way to the stage all by herself. Make sure that she gets there, would you?"

Terri placed a firm grip on my naked left arm. Chris grabbed my right arm. Each of the women were quite strong and I was naked and handcuffed. My legs seemed to be rubbery and useless, so even as Terri and Chris held onto me tightly with their strong hands, I still couldn't seem to walk forward.

As a result, I was dragged out by Terri and Chris.

The two strong women pulled my naked body out onto the stage and placed me between two vertical poles. The two poles were near the edge of the stage, but also centered.

"You can probably tell what the poles are for," Alexandra said from behind me. "You'll be secured to them so that you don't thrash around too much during your punishment."

A crowd of hundreds was already in attendance and staring up at me and the Park Employees on the stage. Some of them waited patiently for the show to start. Others shouted out words of enthusiastic encouragement to the woman who would soon be punishing my naked flesh.

Alexandra unlocked my handcuffs and told me not to fight or attempt to cover myself. I panted nervously, but obeyed her orders. A crowd of hundreds ogled my naked heaving breasts and pubic lips. I couldn't believe how nervous I felt. Somehow being humiliated in front of a crowd this size felt so much more frightening than being humiliated in front of a small group. I was filled with fear and trepidation.

A woman in one of the front rows called out and demanded to see my ass. Alexandra seemed to think that the woman's request was a reasonable one, and she told Terri and Chris to turn me around so that my ass was displayed.

There were a great number of cheers and shouts of approval, however exposing my naked ass was not the main goal of my time at the Punishment Park and the two strong women turned me around so that I faced the audience again. The crowd's view of my ass was then replaced with a view of my naked breasts and swollen pubic lips.

Leather restraints were placed on my ankles and wrists and the two women spread my legs wide open, making my moist, swollen pubic lips even more exposed, then the ankle restraints were secured to the vertical poles, near the base.

My wrists were lifted high above my head and spread apart, so that they too could be secured to the vertical poles. I was quickly and efficiently bound spread-eagle, much to the approval of the large watching crowd, who were privileged to see me overpowered, conquered, helpless, naked and exposed.

"Did that make it any easier for you, Miss Schlank?" Alexandra asked, and I realized that it actually did. Taking the decision out of my hands and forcing this fate upon me somehow made me feel less panicky.

I nodded my head in agreement and replied, "The way those two women handled me made me feel as if I have no control over anything. Somehow that helps. Being utterly helpless helps. I think I needed for control to be taken away from me."

Alexandra nodded sagely and said, "You're probably going through an adjustment period. You were given freedom and clothing for a short period of time. It may take you a short while to adjust to being a naked slave again."

I nodded silently in solemn agreement. Alexandra was probably right about that.

"If it were up to me, I'd let you ease back into it gradually, but that's just not an option at this point. The public is expecting you to be severely punished for your escape attempt, and it's up to the employees of the park to provide a severe punishment for you. I personally think it's unfair, but I'm going to have to whip you long and hard this time. I'm also going to have to mark your breasts and up in between your legs. You're going to be a very sore girl by the time I'm finished."

"I'm sure I will, Alex," I said. "Perhaps I'd best say thank you now."

"Um, what did you call me?"

It took me a second to realize my faux pas. "I'm sorry, Mistress. I'm sure I'll be a very sore girl by the time you're finished."

"Normally, it doesn't matter much to me, but I'm going to have to punish you now for not calling me 'Mistress' as well. Any other day you could call me Alex, but today is special. This is a very ceremonial media event and everything has to be perfectly scripted and choreographed. Today, every woman you speak to, you call 'Mistress'".

"You do know I didn't really try to escape, don't you, Mistress?"

Alexandra smiled slightly at that and replied, "Of course I know that, Silly. You were just competing in a game of Escape and Capture. If it makes you feel any better, just consider today's punishment your penalty for losing the game."

Alexandra kissed me on the forehead and patted me playfully on the ass and then left me there on the stage for hundreds of men and women to ogle. Their hungry eyes gazed at my naked body with an intensity that made me feel hot and feverish. Even though none of them were close enough to touch me, it seemed as if I could feel their hands on my exposed, defenseless flesh. And with Alexandra no longer there on the stage with me, I felt the panic rising as keenly as ever before.

I was told that my punishment wouldn't begin right away, but rather I was to stand there bound and naked for about half an hour (possibly more), so that the spectators would have plenty of time to take photos of my helpless nudity and to allow the anticipation to build.

And then my panic rose a few more notches when I heard footsteps approaching and I realized it wasn't Alexandra.

It was Terri in her stylish Park uniform and she was escorting the woman who had ambushed me on Dover Road and tried to abduct me. She looked angry as she marched over to where I was bound. The last time I had seen her, I was fully clothed and free to run away. Now I was naked, exposed and bound spread-eagle and helpless.

"There she is, Miss Ridley," Terri said to the angry woman, "Say what you have to say."

Miss Ridley looked me up and down and glared at me. "You troublesome bitch." She spat, "I was handcuffed to that fence for bloody hours!"

Miss Ridley reached forward and cupped my exposed breasts with her hands. She had no intentions of being gentle with me and her strong fingers groped, squeezed and fondled my defenseless breasts, causing me to squirm and whimper in my bondage.

"What if I had to pee, you bloody pillock? Did you even think of that?" Miss Ridley asked and then suddenly there was a sharp pain in my left nipple. My nipples were already swollen and erect and super-sensitive. So, when Miss Ridley took one between her thumb and forefinger and cruelly pinched it, the pain caused me to yelp and struggle reflexively in my bondage.

"I'm sorry, Mistress," I said as she continued to pinch and twist my nipples. I honestly couldn't think of a single reason to apologize to her. I was only following Gretchen's orders and attempting to win the game, however I was a naked slave and my exposed, naked breasts were at Miss Ridley's mercy. It was best not to provoke her.

She eventually stopped pinching my nipples, but only so that she could use her hands to squeeze each of my vulnerable, bare breasts like she was squeezing fresh produce to check for firmness and pliability. I gasped, grunted and whimpered as she roughly groped my breasts and eventually Terri tapped her on the shoulder and told Miss Ridley that her time was up.

"What? That was never ten minutes," protested Miss Ridley.

"I say it was," countered Terri. "Do you want to argue with me about it?"

Honestly I don't know how long Miss Ridley had been manhandling my poor breasts. It seemed like about an hour, but I was naked, bound and had no wristwatch with which to keep time. However people like Terri have enough authority in the Punishment Parks that it never pays to argue with them.

Terri walked the angry Miss Ridley off the stage, however it wasn't very long before Terri returned, and this time she had two women with her.

I recognized the first one immediately. Her name was Danni and she was the naked slave that I had encountered in Greenfield Forest. The other one was taller than either Terri or Danni. She had dark hair, was dressed all in black and walked with a very purposeful step. She was lithe and attractive, but in a very severe way. She seemed to be glaring at everyone and everything.

"You touched something that belongs to me," the lady in black accused as soon as she was standing in front of me. She sounded really angry and I suddenly felt very afraid. I squirmed in my bonds and studiously avoided eye-contact while meekly replying, "Sorry, Mistress."

"I really hate it when people touch my things," the woman in black replied admonishingly, "Luckily for me, the management here at the Punishment Park has given me permission to inflict some punishment to pay you back for what you did."

Danni stood silently behind the lady in black and looked about as intimidated, apprehensive and contrite as I felt.

"Now, watch what I do, Danni," the woman in black said to her naked slave, and the scary, intimidating woman teased my nipples, rolling them between her fingers, stroking them, pulling on them, getting them aroused and erect. Then she stroked the seam between my exposed pubic lips, making them thicker and more swollen with her expert stimulation. She used her fingertips as well as the sides of her fingers to gently stroke my labia up and down. She took her time and caressed my defenseless vulva slowly, seemingly locating every nerve ending contained in my vagina and making it sing to her tune. My arousal had become somewhat subdued today while in the custody of the Punishment Park, but this woman's masterful fingers were bringing my arousal back to a feverish level.

When my thighs began to twitch and I started to pant, the woman in black spoke to her slave and said, "Here we have some of the early signs of sexual arousal. Her breathing has sped up noticeably. Her nipples have become hardened and erect. The skin around her chest has become flushed and almost red. Also her pubic lips and clitoris have begun to swell, and then there's this."

She then inserted a strong finger into my poor defenseless slit, probed and explored my pussy and then pulled her finger out and held it up for her slave-girl to see how wet it was.

"She's wet now," the woman in black proclaimed, making my face burn with shame. The woman with the strong fingers seemed indifferent and clinical now. In some ways this was more like a doctor's examination (or a medical lecture with me as an unwilling prop) and in some ways that made it seem worse than being sexually violated. I was less of a naked girl now and more like an object to be used and displayed for educational purposes. I wasn't even human anymore.

Then the formidable woman used both of her strong hands to gently spread my pubic lips apart and leave me feeling even more open and exposed then before. Danni was passive and attentive. She obediently watched the taller woman as her skillful fingertips stroked my swollen clitoris and slowly, delicately pulled back the hood from my clit. Then, with my clit exposed, the sadistic woman stroked me, making my clit ever harder and more swollen, making my clit throb and ache with vicious need.

My defenseless nipples were pinched, driving my sexual throbbing to even more intense levels. I struggled in my bondage and my breathing became even more labored. My whole body felt feverish and hot and my clit felt hard and unbearably sensitive. I whimpered the next time the fiendish woman touched it.

"Pay attention, Danni," the woman said and Danni was very accommodating. She took two steps closer and attentively examined my naked body. She waited meekly and dutifully for the next words to come out the dark-clad woman's mouth.

"Her inner and outer pubic lips have become even more swollen and her swollen clitoris has become so sensitive that she whimpers and whines when I touch it," the woman said to Danni, "She's straining reflexively against her bonds and the speed and intensity of her breathing has increased, note the rising and falling of her breasts with each deep breath indicating an increase in excitement and blood flow."